Snk Eren - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



hatred, disgust, maybe even abhorrence are most of the reactions to floch forster’s character. and that is understandable. people hate floch because he wanted erwin to live, described erwin as a devil, and dissed armin. people hate floch because he didn’t understand what the scouts went through prior to him joining them. people hate floch because he is a yeagerist. people hate floch because he was the cause of hange’s death. and there is much more.

something i believe people don’t realize is that floch is a representation of the audience/reader.

rationally speaking, saving erwin is the obvious choice (at first), but throughout the series, armin’s character had been developed in front of our eyes. erwin is an established character, hence why people are more attached to armin.

after witnessing all of the deaths derived from erwin’s lead, floch grew to despise him, but he understands that erwin is the only person capable to lead.

bias. that is what a lot of attack on titan fans are. and what angers me is that they don’t notice that they are biased.

many proudly claimed that they are yeagerists and are for eren. they say that after three seasons of supporting eren, how are they supposed to hate him now? dude they’re literally floch kinnies.

from that reaction alone, floch embodies the general audience. at first they agree that erwin should be the one to live, then they are in support of eren despite him continuing the cycle of hate. honestly, people are so stupid.

floch provides an opposing view. and i admire him because he strongly believes that it serves a good purpose. he truly believes that working with eren and following his ideals will benefit the world. maybe he is right. but either way, i don’t agree.

even so, i think floch’s position in the story is highly important. without him, we wouldn’t be able to understand the opposing side, whether we agree with them or not.

floch’s character offers a different perspective. people are in support of the main characters because the story is following them. like gabi. people quickly hated on her but disregard the propaganda that has been shoved in her face since she is a child. we’re told that brushing our teeth twice a day is healthy, but then all of a sudden it is not. wouldn’t that confuse you because you’ve been told that brushing your teeth twice a day is healthy?

being open-minded will always be better than being stubborn. trying to understand floch’s point of view is understanding why the majority of the attack on titan fandom his terrible comprehension skills.

so why do people who agree with floch, hate him? they see a reflection of themselves and disapprove of it, but they don’t want to admit it to themselves that they are just as blind as floch forster.

sorry for dissing the fandom. AHAHA ! i just get really annoyed with like 75% of the fandom because they don’t understand the significance of a character, scene, or other aspects of the series. there is always a purpose for each character and moment.

i don’t love floch but i don't hate him. although i do think his character is vital to the story.

v <3

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3 years ago



gab is a controversial character. and many don’t like her for her way of thinking and her actions, like people’s reactions/feelings towards floch (i linked that post below). they disregard the fact that they are bias towards the island of paradis people.

through the time span from 2013 to 2019, we’ve only seen the perspective of those who are on the island. as the audience, we understand the hurt, trauma, and many terrible adversities those on the island have gone through, therefore, empathizing with them. we later learn that the marleyans are in charge of that oppression and oppress the eldian on the motherland as well.

gabi, a child in marley, grew up in a place that constantly pushes propaganda onto their people. they made people like karina braun, reiner’s mother, believe those lies implemented into their lives.

we are told that it is healthy to sleep 8-10 hours our entire life, but what if all of a sudden it is proven otherwise? wouldn’t it impact our views? wouldn't some people question what they've been told and be in denial as well?

gabi and falco grew up their entire lives believing that eldians deserve this “repercussion”. how do you blame a child who believed the lies she’s been fed since the very beginning of her life?

falco understands that the marleyans have done much wrong because he was present during the conversation between reiner and eren. he gained a new understanding when “reiner, i am the same as you” was uttered from eren’s mouth. whether it's a blessing or a curse, falco understands the mindset of eren and the reasons of why what happened during tyber's speech, happened.

besides gabi’s way of thinking, people dislike her due to the fact that she killed sasha. i understand the hurt as i was distraught when i read that chapter as well, but understand that sasha also killed gabi’s friends and contributed to eren's attack. i understand that it doesn’t justify murdering someone, but why do people hold gabi accountable and not sasha? reason being point-blank, people are biased towards sasha. she is a lovable character, some would even categorize her as the comedic relief, the twin flame to connie. that’s why it hurt so much.

another point is the fact that gabi's character is parallel to eren. the series began with eren cursing at the titans, wondering why is it that people within the walls live in a constant fear due to the titans existence. they did no wrong. why were they being attacked?

why were the innocent eldians in marley attacked? were they responsible for their government’s actions? weren’t they just as oppressed as the eldians on the island? gabi saw the friends that she grew up with die just as eren saw his mother die. so why do people hate her more than eren? why don't they hold eren accountable? once again, it's due to them being biased.

gabi escaped with falco and went to live with sasha's parents, which prompted her character arc. she began to understand the eldian’s on the island. they were not devils as she was told her entire life. they were mere humans who wish to live in freedom.

later, when she met with niccolo, she then truly understood the weight of her actions. only then did she realize that she contributed to the cycle of hate.

in the recent chapter, chapter 138, gabi turned into a titan, which ultimately led her to death's arms. that in it of itself is really telling of her overall character. at first, i didn’t realize this but she cursed people of the islands for having devil blood and for being devils themselves. she thought that if she sided with marley she would be “honorary marleyan”. after eren’s attack, she realized her perspective was wrong. her efforts to suppress her blood was all for naught.

gabi dying from turning into a titan makes us, the readers, understand that at the end of the day, she is an eldian. through it all, she cannot escape what is in her blood.

in hindsight, i thought it was a mundane ending to her character, but i later realized that it was very good ending to her character. i wonder if at that point, she truly accepted who she is. is it a bittersweet ending, or simply a somber one? it's all up to your interpretation of it.

in the end, all characters within this series have done wrong. evidently, some more than others, but the world isn’t simply black or white. it is a vast of grey and the only choices can make are not right or wrong, but better or worse.

i don’t love gabi but i don’t hate her either. although, i think she is an important character within the story, much like floch. compared to eren, she is a different side of the same coin. driven by revenge.

what i love about her character is that she was able to break free from the cycle of hate to create her own opinions, to break free from what the government has told her to believe. not many have that opportunity or luxury to say they have done the same, whether it be within the story, or real life.

wow i wrote a lot

floch character analysis

freedom analysis

v <3

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3 years ago
Eren Really Did It Until The End

eren really did it until the end

call your name - hiroyuki sawano

truly encompasses eren and mikasa

not me crying again 🥲

v <3

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3 years ago


there are many controversies and “unfinished” feelings that people have about the ending, and i understand the “underwhelming” aspect of the ending of a story with aggressive fights, intense emotion and etc.

some of the concerns i’ve been hearing are eren expressing his feeling towards mikasa, the purpose of historia’s child, people agreeing with eren, and a lot more.


eren’s actions from chapter 116 up until most of the final moments are of him suppressing his feelings to become the sacrifice in order to gain freedom. that moment reminds the readers that he is still human.

through it all, he is still a nineteen-year-old boy that is in love, yet neglects it because he had a “destiny” to fulfill. he made mikasa and armin kill him, the villain, of the world, in order to implant them with the role of helos. willy tyber’s performance was to explain how it is all a lie. the truth is all fabricated. that moment foreshadows eren’s actions. he pinned himself as the “unbeatable” guy only to be ultimately defeated by the heroes of the island.

he manipulated dina fritz to kill his mother, eradicating the future he wanted to become the future he needed it to be.

the moment eren kissed historia's hand, he saw it all: his death, his friends turning on him, creating a mass genocide, killing eighty percent of the population. through it all, bearing it on his own.

he knew what would become of him, therefore, urges mikasa to find someone new, someone, who can provide for her, something he cannot do.

again, eren exclaiming to armin his love for mikasa is a realistic feeling that provides a humane aspect of eren that had been suppressed for so long. don’t you think that he deserves to be able to a human?

empathy. many are siding with eren after understanding where he was coming from, which is seriously laughable.

yes, eren did that to protect the people he cares about and did it until the end. but are the eighty percent of the human population undeserving of protection then?

did they not have families, friends, and loved ones? did they not deserve this freedom?

who is eren to decide their fates?

i understand that there are a vast amount of people, good and bad, but that doesn’t justify anything. in real life, people say to not think of the people as their governments. is the government’s action towards the island a result of their people? they were consumed with the fabricated lie of the island. the unknown. you can’t really blame them. it's in human nature to fear the unknown. that doesn’t justify their oppressing actions, but understand even you are not perfect, so how do you expect characters in a “realistic” story filled with human nature, to be perfect?

mass genocide, in no way, is justifiable.

historia’s child:

the final arc of historia is quite underwhelming compared to her prior. at first, i agreed. i thought that it is an unnecessary arc that has no purpose. but the more i dwelled on it, i came to a realization. the baby is the symbol of eren’s sacrifice.

the child’s fate was decided before it was even born before it even existed. it was to inherit the beast titan and would, once again, contribute to repeating history, the history of historia’s family. the child would be stripped of the future it could have, being content, being free.

due to the outcome of the story, eren provides the baby with a future of freedom. a future of none of that obligation implemented before. without having to sacrifice their idea of bliss for the greater good.

as underwhelming as that for some, it highlights the fact that eren was able to give the future its freedom, something he wanted to obtain during his lifetime.

the end:

eren is in no way portrayed as good, but we are to understand, understand that there is no definitive good or bad. it is to understand the middle ground. to grasp the idea of multiple and different perspectives, interpretations, and etc.

maybe it is predictable, but it truly encompasses the message the story is trying to convey.

in a cruel world, conflict is inevitable, so we have to fight. in that world, there is still beauty and hope. peace may never be truly achieved, but we try to reach as close as we can.

i get that there are more controversies, but i’m literally typing this in class. so maybe later. ahahah

v <3

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5 years ago
Eremika Fanfic : Remember Me!?

Eremika Fanfic : Remember Me!?

Previous Chapter link- Chapter 3

Chapter: 4

Stirring a spoon in the bowl of stew....Mikasa glances at Eli from the corner of her eyes....from the kitchen.

Eli was being quite than his usual he has that sadness and guilty expression on his face since he woke up from that bad dream of his...

It was night by now....Mikasa is making their dinner while Eli was just sitting in the dining space....staring at the book infront of him...

But Mikasa could clearly see through him....Eli was just lost in somewhere else but had no concentration in the book...

He was just 5 but he was a school going boy too....though he was in nurseries they did have some sort of studies and exams! Eli had a brilliant mind most probably it was because he was half Ackraman too....he is sharp and intelligent even the school authorities knew that....but due to the rumours of him being the child of the last holder of founding titan who almost crushed the whole world ....Eli is treated very differently! Mikasa knew that well but she doesnt care about the people around her....for her , Eli getting adequate knowledge from school matters the most.

Eli came out of his trance as soon as he heard Mikasa calling out his name....

Mikasa placing a bowl of soup infront him- Eli....You seem lost!

Eli stares at his mother shocked but then composes himself- Huh...What?

Mikasa raises her eye brows as she sat opposite him – seem to be thinking about something else! Cause I dont see you studying for real!

Eli was confused about what to was true he wasnt actually studying....he was thinking about his dream and that stranger....but he cant let his mom know that!

Eli confidently as he argues back – Mommm....Can you stop overthinking ? Alright? I was....just feeling sleepy okay!

Eli tries to give a fake yawn and acts sleepy in his childish voice - aahhh....I am hungry! M..moomm...Lets get...done with the dinner!

Eli was about to take the empty small bowl and pour the soup into it when Mikasa holds his hand stopping him and says “ You....are Red! It means you are hiding something form me! What is it?”

Eli feels heat travelling through his round cheeks....he started to feel nervous & embarrass at same time.

He shrugs off her hand as he angrily says- Heyyyy Whats The Problem! Seriously? Why do you always suspect me of hiding something!

Mikasa rolls her eyes as she takes her seat- Always? rarely hide something from me! Isnt it? Cause you are really bad at hiding whatever it is you can tell me...I am your Mom after all!

Eli frowns at Mikasa and was just about to say something but she interrupts “ You can take your time....I am not forcing you Okay! “

Eli stares at his mom a bit stunned while Mikasa continues softly- You think I am just an annoying over protective stupid mother right? I am sorry about that....I just cant stop caring about you (pauses a bit as she stares directly into those green eyes) You are the only one I have now!

Eli could feel the sadness in his mother voice....he feels he realises he has somewhat made his mom upset! And he feels bad about it now...his mom is not annoying...yeah she kinda gets into his head at times but he loves her!

Eli with guilt ridden eyes and broken voice- Mom I didnt mean to hurt you by any way...

Mikasa looks at Eli a bit stunned as Eli says “ You know I Love You! Please dont say that you are annoying....”

Mikasa sighs seeing those eyes & the puppy face...

He resembles him so much....thinks Mikasa!

Mikasa smiles lightly- So you want to say something?

Eli lowers his eyes....he wasnt really sure about how his mother will react knowing he didnt go to school today rather ran off a bit far away without her ...he never really get the chance to roam around the city like other kids do. He is always stuck in his home, occasionally Mikasa just take him with her to market place...

Fearing his mother's reaction....Eli thinks maybe this isnt the right time....moreover if he actually tells about meeting with a stranger who kind of matches with the person he sees in his dream....his Mom gonna freak out a big time.

Seeing Eli being silent, Mikasa realised he was hesitating....but rather asking him again Mikasa calmly says “ Its Okay...You can tell me some other time! Let's have our dinner!”

Back of the mind, Mikasa was pretty much sure something was wrong....and she needs to find it out! If Eli doesnt tell her, she will find it out by herself!


Walking across the corridor of school, Eli heads for his class...his head was lowered as his gaze was fixed to the ground.

He was completely in guilt mood for still hiding about bunking the school day before.

So today he swore to himself....he will never do that again...

Today he will concentrate only at his studies and wont care about what people tell him...or joke about him...

Eli enters the classroom as he gazes upwards and finds other kids staring at him awkwardly .... same weird looks at him....

His green eyes rolled in a dull way as he heads towards a seat...

He could hear whispers around but this time Eli decided to be unaffected!

Eli was about to take a seat in the 3rd bench when a boy ran to him and pushed him aside while occupying the seat at the same time...

Eli looked at him with a scowling face while that kid simply showed him tounge sticking out...

Eli decided to ignore him as he walked to the last bench and sat there alone with annoyance on his face....while that boy just smirked at him evilly...

Eli sighed, he just doesn't understand why these people are so problematic towards him...

He just shoves off the whole feeling of being hated at that moment before it could take over his mind....just when the teacher entered the class and everyone stood up to show respect including Eli....


The Class got over as the bell was break time now...

Eli takes his back pack on his back as he starts walking out silently with a tiffin box in his hand. Just when he suddenly tripped off at door making him fall on the ground with thud as the tiffin box slipped of his hand and fell a bit far as it got opened with the sandwich falling out of it...

Eli was completely shocked by the incident as he just kept on laying flat on his chest staring at the falling sandwich on ground which his mother made for him....while the corridor echoed with laughter all around him...

Eli found someone with huge chubby legs standing infront of him as his green eyes travelled upwards to check who it was....

As soon as his eyes met with the huge chubby faced kid , Eli narrowed his eyes at him as the kid opened its big mouth “ Hellooooo....Titan Baby! Whats up ha? Didnt say Hi yet to me??”

Eli sighed heavily as he finally got off from the ground and stood on his feet....ignoring the huge kid infront of him Eli dusts of the dirt from his shirt as he passes by him with his head high....moves ahead to pick up the sandwich and tiffin box.

Watching Eli ignoring him like this surprises the kid, as he immediately kicks away the tiffin box bit far while picking up the sandwich himself.

Eli stares at him shocked as annoyance took over him immediately.

As he turns his hands into fists, Eli hears the kid telling him- Oi, What so hurry? We need to talk....

The huge kid shows the sandwich infront of Eli's face as he speaks sarcastically- Ooowwo Titan Baaby....Are You Hungry ? Want Some?

Eli glares at the kid furiously as he looks upwards at him, while his hands rolled into fists “ Put that sandwich back into my lunch box! “

The kid smirks evilly as he says “ Ah....Ordering me? You stupid little brat! You know what...this sandwich looks yummy and guess what! I want it for myself, you have any problem?”

Eli was completely fuming within himself as he tightens his fists trying to control his rage...while he says in his mind “ Calm down! I should just ignore him....and not react at all! Mom told me these jokers are not worth at all of any kind of reaction! Just calm down”

Eli softens his expression as he says with low but prominent voice “ Listen....kid! Stop these nonsense of only makes you look like a looser! Give my lunch box with that sandwich into it....I need to hurry okay! I dont have any free time to waste on you “

The kid evilly smiles as he immediately takes bite from sandwich and says while munching “ Yummm....This tastes good! So Titan Boy Your Mom Makes Really Good Stuffs...Ask Her To Make Some More For Me”

Eli was angry now but he needs to control it , without saying a word Eli walks toward his tiffin box and was about to pick it up when that kid stomped his foot over it leading a crack on the box....while Eli gasps in shock hearing the sound of he glared furiously at that huge kid.

The Kid in disgust “ You....Son Of Monster! ( eating rest of the sandwich) I dont think you need this box anymore as your food is finished and is in my stomach...all you need right now is run off your ass”

Eli green eyes shone brightly as he glared at the kid with rage....Eli's small hands were back to fist but he was trying hard to control his anger...

As the kid went on “ Honestly Why do you even come here? What fun do you get by being insulted everyday ha? Oh wait you actually deserve to get insulted! Thats your birth right “

Hearing this the other kids who were watching this drama for quite some time bursts out laughing....

Eli was damn done with this kid as he clenched his teeth and spoke with sharp dangerous voice “ Shut The Filthy Mouth Of Yours “

The huge kid stopped laughing as he stared at Eli shocked “ O wow! You have guts to talk you even know....”

Eli screams loudly as he interrupts the boy “ SHUT UP DAMN IT “

The kid was shocked now to hear the intensity of Eli's voice....he kept on staring at Eli's rage filled eyes while rest looked at them completely horrified.

Eli while gritting his teeth “ Move your foot away from the box and hand over it to me.... & get lost from my sight! “

The kid was shocked for few moments and then suddenly he started laughing as he says “ Hahaha...What a fire! I mean wonder my mom and dad keep on saying that you will be same just like your father when you grow up! A Titan....! “

Before the kid could say anything further....he felt a crushing punch on his chin which felt so hard on him that just made him fall on the ground.

Everyone around them was terrified as they watched Eli swiftly giving a punch on the chin of that chubby kid....

Eli couldn't hold himself back as he barked on the kid who was laying flat on the ground looked at him in shock as blood came out from his teeth “ KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! DONT WANNA HEAR ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU! AND DONT YOU DARE CALL ME A TITAN...I DONT KNOW WHAT IS IT! BUT ALL I KNOW I DONT LIKE THIS WORD AT ALL....UNDERSTOOD”

Saying this Eli kicked hard at one leg of the kid who winced in pain immediately!

Eli picked up his broken Tiffin box and put it in his bag while he could feel all the kids eyes on him in fear....he could simply care less about it...he was about to leave when he felt a punch on his face which made him fall the return everyone hooted all around in excitement.

Eli looked upward in anger as he found the chubby kid with blood in his mouth staring at him angrily “ Son of a bitch! Dont you have manners while talking to your seniors! How dare you raise your hand on me....I am gonna make you suspend from this school and throw you and your mom out of this town “

Before he could do anything....Eli all of sudden made a move and punched hard straight on the face of the kid....who immediately pushed with such a force and fell hard against a pillar leading him to immediate unconsciousness!

Everyone gasped in horror at the sight....while Eli who still didn't realise the consequences of his act until someone freaked out frighten “ Guys....Why! Why is he not getting up?”

Eli gasped in shock as he came out of his anger and stared at the fallen chubby cheek at far....who was completely motionless at the moment....

Eli was terrified suddenly....while everyone started gawking at him as few kids ran to call the teacher..

Eli walked towards the kid as he said nervously to the people “ He just got hurt badly I guess...nothing much “

He wasnt having any good vibes from this environment around as he spoke infront of the chubby kid who was still not in his senses “ Hey...Wa...Wake Up! Look...this...isnt time to joke! Get....up dude! Others are misunderstanding me! Hey...”

Suddenly Eli heard a kid coming back with someone while saying “ I dont know Sir....I think he is just unconscious or maybe....the way that titan boy punched him....I dont know maybe....he is in more serious condition “

Eli looked around in horror as he heard some saying what if he is dead....

Eli was completely terrified! He needs to go to his mother. As everyone got indulged in whispering Eli took the chance and immediately ran away from that place in opposite direction through the corridor...


It was raining heavily all around....thunders strike in the sky....

A boy with a back pack over his head sitting on the ground behind a huge garbage bin while trying to hide as much as possible from the people around....

A huge thunder strikes as flash of light fell on his face while making him shiver in fear....his green eyes shone in the light of thunder....

Eli was shivering due to cold as well as fear of darkness & people finding him...

Eli in his broken voice “ Mom Save Me”

Suddenly he felt nervous and guilty as he remembered what just happened back in the school....

He didnt intend to hurt anyone so much that will lead to death....period he didnt even want to kill him or something! Was it his fault completely? Did he do wrong by loosing his self control again!

Infact he was pretty sure that bully boy wasnt dead but unconscious but then why wasnt he moving?

Eli started to weep now as he trembled while it started to rain more....

Suddenly Eli found a huge amount of people with torchlight coming in this way....

He gasped loudly and got up from there...

He could hear the voices more close now “ That BASTARD Child! He must be hiding here somewhere! This time we are gonna kill him , cut into pieces and throw him in fire! He is nothing but just like his father....A Murderer! Who knows...what if he also posses titan power!? And then we will kill his mother that bloody Ackraman!"

Eli blinked his eyes in horror “ Mom? No....I wont let them do anything to my mom...I need to get out from here before they catch me”

Eli quickly got up and started to move upwards slowly as the place where he was hiding was bit sloppy....the place was pretty old and much far from his house....most probably no one really lives in this place...Now...

He was hurriedly walking upwards while glancing backwards time to time wondering if they already spot him or not, suddenly he tripped over a pebble and slipped as he winced in pain while falling...

Eli was terrified as he puts hand on his mouth so that no sound comes out...

But he was already he turns around and find those gang of people were now speeding up their pace towards him as one of them falls the light on his face & shouted “ HEY....THATS HIM....”

Eli was scared as he began to shake again in fear, he quickly got up and started running upwards but he couldn't increase his pace as he was slipping up now and then due to heavy raining and his feet fingers were kind of hurting now....

They were quite close to him...Eli was in panic as he was gasping trying to catch breath while running...

Suddenly he got a pull on his arm....before he could react someone pulled him aside swiftly behind the wall of a house...

It was dark inside...

Eli was highly shocked at the sudden action as he couldnt understand what just happened...those people were close, he could hear them...

But he was still in shock that who just pulled him in...he turned his head around and just when the lightening stroke again revealing the face infront of him....

Eli eyes widen as he was about to say something but before that his mouth was forced to shut by a strong hand as Eli started to fidget under the hold in fear while the graspy deep voice wishpers ”SSSSH....CALM DOWN”

Just then both of them could see bunch of silhouettes near the voice says “ Dont say a word....they are hear...”

Eli was completely in shock stage at the moment and was frozen at the spot while his wide green eyes were on the man infront of him...

They could hear those men saying “ Where did he go? “ “ I Saw him I swear...I guess he escaped from here” “ Lets hurry”

They were there for few more minutes...and then left from there hurriedly....

As both of them could hear their foot steps and voice fading away....Eli finally finds the hand away from his mouth as he says in deep manly voice “ Gone! You can breath now....”

Realising he was actually holding his breath for a while now, Eli finally breaths as he starts coughing slightly to get air...

Just then as the reality strikes....Eli widens his eyes and stares at the person infront of him, while he says “ Ah....So We met again? What a coincidence!”

Just then the thunder strikes again and lightening falls on that long hair person....Eli could see the face more clearly....he was none other than that stranger and the person possibly who was in his dreams...

The difference was there were no bandage on his head nor even that cane in his hand like the last time, though his half of the hair was falling on one of his eyes completely...

Eli finally finds his voice as he says in child like voice while trembling a bit “ You....Again?”

Just then the reply comes “ Oh...You can speak....back then I thought you were mute or something “

P.S So How Was This Chapter? Hope you guys enjoyed. Do comment , like & share.

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5 years ago

•• Eremika Two Shot: An Improper Proposal ••

Chapter 1 : Hesitation


“ So What are you planning?” Armin spoke as he took a sip of coffee.

As 5 of them were siting around a round table, playing cards, chilling out a bit as they took break from the work for few hours.

As Armin asked the question everyone shoot their gaze at him confused except the particular one who was busy gazing at his cards while taking a sip of his coffee...

Armin sighs watching his best friend paying no attention to his words....

Armin in a sharp tone- Eren I am talking to you....

Coming back to reality, Eren stares at Armin startled “ Huh? say something? “

Just when Connie says being a bit curious “ Oh yes....He asked what are you planning? have a plan for something Eren?”

Eren absolutely confused “ Errmmm....What? NO? Armin What's the matter?”

Armin who rolls his eyes and says “ Eren Come On! It has been a year or still haven't thought about it?”

“ Thought about what?” questions Jean as he finally thinks to interpret about their weird code words “ Guys whats going on really? What are you talking about Armin?”

Eren scowling a bit “ I have no idea what he is talking about! I am clueless just like You!”

Armin mutters under his breath “ Dumb ass! I knew he would just forget as if nothing happened!”

Eren confused watching him talking something in low voice “ What did you say?”

Armin takes a deep breath and decides to put some sense into Eren “ Eren you know...I just dont understand! What has seriously got into you? I mean I understand before we had a different situation and your mind were always occupied with titans so you had no time for your personal business....but you know I honestly thought you finally realised & admitted to your feelings for Mikasa after you both kissed during that whole rumbling scene! But I am surprised in a matter of both still haven't talk about it since a if nothing just happened! So I was just asking you....have you still not think about it?”

Armin just finished it in one go as he finally breathed waiting for Eren to answer something...

But well Eren just looked so shocked, startled, embarrassment, confusion & a feeling of being cornered....his cheeks were almost being heat up as he felt completely blank and speechless as Armin's timing of asking such direct question to him infront of his other comrades, who were staring at him all shocked.

Just when Jean broke the silence as he asked in astonished way “ Hey wait a second? What did you just say? Eren kissed Mikasa....I mean they both what?”

Keep Reading

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5 years ago

Eremika Two Shot: An Improper Proposal (Last Part)

Chapter 2: Will You Live With Me?

Yawning with mouth wide open, Armin stares at Eren who has been pacing to & fro from past half an hour in his room and not even saying a single word yet....Armin could feel  he was hell pissed at something most probably at him....

Finally having enough of the silence , Armin says with sleepy voice “ Hey Eren....Whats your problem? You havent been saying a word since the past half an you really have to say something to me? Go to have an important work tomorrow , remember?”

That's it....Eren gave a stern look at Armin who could now finally realise, what ever is is related to the discussion they had in the morning...

Armin gulps as he feels kinda nervous watching Eren's stare at him “ Okay, Okay....Fine! You do wanna a say something...I got it! So speak up....”

Eren with his cold voice “ Oh still acting so clueless, Armin Arlert ! You know what the hell is my problem....My problem is you and your stupid solutions ! “

Armin kept on looking at Eren with his eyes all wide....trying to process his words as Eren continued “ And I am the most dumb person on the Earth! I have no idea why on first place I agreed to your stupid plan....”

Armin frowns a bit as he interrupts Eren's blabbering “ Wait a second...What did you say? Stupid plan? Wow man...what are you really talking about? You told me in the evening that everything was just fine....didnt you?”


Armin as he caught off guard “ Oh Hello! Calm down....this is not the time to get hyper Eren! Tell me what did you really do? I dont think if you actually did whatever I told you to do....nothing was supposed to go Haywire!”

Eren just took a deep breath as he fell helplessly on the sofa in the room...

As he face palmed himself and whispers in broken voice  “ I am doomed....”

Armin blinks his eyes confused “ You what?”

Eren glares at him as he says clearly “ I Am DOOMED ARMIN!”

Armin hesitantly “ What does that mean?”

Eren scowls “ You dont get it? Really? Mikasa must be thinking of me as piece of shit....a coward ass hole!”

Armin curiously “ And why would she think like that?”

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4 years ago

Eremika Drabble: |••You Are Free..••|

The moon slowly showers its light through the window as the clouds moves away showing its presence....most likely...its past the midnight.

A breezy wind flows into the room, making the curtain dance its shadow...

The cold breeze flew into the room as it touches the hair making it move aside revealing the face of its owner...making his eyes stir a bit in his sleep...

Pulling the blanket close to his chest....mutters slowly in his sleep “ Mikasa.....Didnt You Close The Window Before Sleeping?”

As the breeze continues to flow inside....sending a chilling environment around the room....the curtain accidentally hits a flower vase making it fall on the ground.

Shooting his green eyes open wide....from the sound.....Eren jumps out of bed as he sits completely awake now.

Eren was bit confused and traumatized as he looks around to find the source of sound.

Just then he spots the flower vase on the floor..

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4 years ago
-Eremika FF: Remember Me!?-

-Eremika FF: Remember Me!?-

Chapter 5

Eli finally finds his voice as he says in child like while trembling a bit “ You….Again?”

Just then the reply comes “ Oh…You can speak….back then I thought you were mute or something “

It took Eli a few seconds to react as he shoved off his arms in the air and pushed the man infront of him slightly as he swiftly ran out of the corner....completely scared...

It was still raining heavily....Eli could hear the man saying in concern voice “ Heyy...Where are you going? I say stop!”

But Eli didnt look back as for some reason he was bit scared of this man....the only goal he want was to reach out to his mom and save her from those bad men...

Eli was running fast when suddenly he tripped over and slipped due to the wet mud and slippery stones....

He fell with thud as he cried in agony “ Aaahh....Moomy”

Just then he found the guy besides him immediately who sounded concerned “ Whats wrong with you dude? Look what you have done to yoirself!”

The man tried to touch Eli's leg which was bruised while his ankle was twisted...

But Eli pushed his hand away rudely as he said “ Dont touch me! You stalker! You bad guy...I dont trust you”

Eli could feel a blank look on the man's face as the surrounding was completely dark except lightening occurring now and then throwing some light on their faces....

Eli tries to get up on his own but fails as he winces in pain while he hears “ You are badly hurt....let me help you”

Eli retorts “ No....I dont take help from Strangers! “

Now the voice was bit scary “ Shut your freaking little mouth! You are bleeding already, you need to come with me”

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4 years ago

|| Eremika FF : Every Last Breath ||

Chapter 2: Crest Of Sweetness 


Looking at the mirror....deeply, inspecting her left cheek thoroughly as she rubs her finger against that mini scar over her cheek bone  , Mikasa sighs...

She stares back at that sketch on the napkin and then  again look herself at the mirror...

In her mind “This is ridiculous, this scar....I always put concealer or foundation on hide it from everyone! Its impossible to notice unless someone observes me way too closely....! Very few people know I have this scar on my face infact I myself dont remember either when did I actually got this mark!”

Mikasa touches the scar again as she says to herself in thoughtful manner “ So Wierd....How does that guy know about this scar? Its impossible to notice it from that far moreover I was on full make....Who was he? “

Mikasa snaps out of her thoughts as she hears a knock on the door...

Mikasa quickly putting the napkin in drawer says “ Come In!”

The door opens, as a old age lady enters the room....her age about 60 or more...

Mikasa grins widely “ Granny Mary! You came...”

The old woman smiles at Mikasa as she enters the room with tray of fruits, nuts & glass of milk.

Granny Marry says as she puts the tray on the table in the room “ Mikasa darling, you must be full with all the food you have consumed in your friend's birthday party....but you do know you have to take all these nuts, fruits....”

Mikasa completes the sentence “ fruits and the glass of water till its last drop before I go to sleep....I know I know granny, or else I would become weak....” as she ends up rolling her eyes while the old granny giggles seeing her expression.

Mikasa sighs as she hugs Granny Mary affectionately from the side while smiling “ Aww granny you are so cute! Inspite of your are still doing so much for me & dad...we love you so much” kisses slightly on her head.

Granny marry smiles softly “ Oh Mikasa darling, I am not that old yet....And Your Grand Marry is highly in forever debt to Master Ackraman! Whatever I do for you all is very less compared to the help he provided me when I needed most....”

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4 years ago

Eremika FF: Every Last Breath

Chapter 3: Caged Mystery


Mikasa stood still not understanding what to she was completely lost in her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder....

Gasping to the sudden touch, she hears Sasha saying “ Hey sleepy head! Where are you lost?”

Mikasa stammers as she suddenly feels her throat dry “ was there....I saw him...”

Sasha was concerned as she watches Mikasa’s forehead was sweating, something was not right....

Sasha trying to relax her “ Hey Calm down...what are you talking about? You know that we have a class now right?”

Mikasa staring at Sasha as her eyes showed fear “ Sasha I have no idea....what he was doing here! But I saw him I swear”

Sasha quickly “ Whom are you talking about?”

Mikasa gulping “ The guy who made my your birthday party! I think he was also keeping an eye on me....”

Sasha furiously “ What the hell? Come lets confront him...”

Sasha was about to pull Mikasa along with her when Mikasa stops her “ No....Thats...Thats not possible”

Sasha outraged “ What? Are you mad? We need to...”

Mikasa interrupts as she says in low voice “ Calm down! Listen that guy...he was with our principal! We cant go and barge into principal office like this without any reason...more over I myself is not sure! What he is upto....or is it all in my head!”

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4 years ago

Eremika FF: Remember Me!?

Chapter 6

The man looks sharply at Eli who was suddenly shaken by the intense gaze as the person spoke deeply “ I am....Eren Yeager! You dont know me nor do I know you actually but I do feel we share a very deep connection”

They kept on staring each other for a while....just when  Eli narrows his eyes as he asks from no where  “ So What I am supposed to do with that introduction? It still doesn't clear how do you know my mom or uncle Arlert! So if you elaborate please!”

Soon the eye brows were closer to eachother as Eren frowned at Eli looking pissed and thoughtful...which went unnoticed by Eli as he still kept on looking at him as if expecting an answer.

Saying as of nothing, Eren stared at the bruise on Eli's leg as he pulled out a bandage and started wrapping it around silently....

Getting no response from Eren, Eli hesitantly asked “ Hey....Why silent? Aren't you going to explain...yourself?”

Eren shots a glare at him which kinds of shakes litlle Eli but he remains adamant and mantains his stubborn look on the face but softens a bit as he asked meekly “ Are you...Are you a friend of Mom & Uncle Armin?”

The way he asks, Eren cant help but his gaze returned to normal but he remained silent as he focus went back at the bandage.

Eli with a thoughtful expression asks further “ Do You Have A Family Here?”

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Eremika FF: Remember Me!?

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4 years ago

Eremika FF: Every Last Breath

Chapter: 4-> The Second Meeting

Kenny Ackraman walks into the hall of his house in fast pace, followed by Levi just when he almost bumped into Granny Mary.

Kenny in impatient worried tone “ Madam Mary, What happened? Where is Mikasa? How is she doing now? “

Mary in calm but worried tone says “ Nothing to worry as of now....she has finally fallen to sleep after crying so much! It was quite hard for me to calm her down! Though I think she has bit mild fever now...”

Kenny immediately interrupts as he says agitated “ She has fever!? And you tell me that nothing to worry? For godsake Madam Mary, She has fever....”

Without listening what Mary tries to say, Kenny hurriedly leaves from there and runs upstairs while Mary follows him calling his name “ Master! Listen to me....the child is sleeping! Master....Calm down” 

As Kenny keeps his pace fast and barges into Mikasa's room while Mary was just about to follow him to the room just when Levi puts his hand ahead preventing her to go inside.

Levi in his an expressionless manner “ Please! Let the father & daughter have their private space...”


While inside Mikasa's room....Kenny walks towards the bed as his grey eyes twinkled with tears feeling helpless as he stares at sleeping Mikasa on the bed, looking peaceful like ever.

Kenny trying not to make any noise as he sits on Mikasa bed, just beside her.

Her face had trails of dry tears....looked like she cried for hours,Kenny smiles sadly as he gently places his hand over her forehead, as he could feel her forehead burning slightly indicating the mild fever she has.

Kenny closes his eyes still keeping his rough palm on her skin over her forhead, letting tears falling from his eyes as he mutters silently his raspy voice “ I am sorry my sweetheart! I shouldnt have left you alone like this....all my fault ! I am sorry I wasnt beside you when you cried for me....Daddy feels really bad! Just forgive me alright!”

As he hears her voice in feeble tone “ Dad....You came home!”

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4 years ago
Banner/Cover Of My Eremika FF: Every Last Breath

Banner/Cover Of My Eremika FF: Every Last Breath 😍

Art Drawn By JeagerForest From Twitter❤

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4 years ago

Eremika FF: Every Last Breath

Chapter 5: Shady Fortune


The Big Clock In The Hall Room....With its huge pendulum swinging to and fro as the clock short hand hits 12 o clock at night..the clock starts calling out its usual music while ringing ding dong 12 the sound echoed in the hall room set in silence.

Some voices echoed in her she found laying on the bed in a very relax manner with her eyes closed completely in deep sleep. Mikasa eyelids started moving a bit as she started seeing some numerous unclear visions in head all over again....

Her forehead started to sweat as her lips started to tremble in her sleep....she gets hold of the bedsheet strongly as she tries to grip on something for support....

A blurry vision of a man with a gun flashed across her she kept on watching another blurry negative vision of a woman running around with a child in her hand probably. She watches the woman talking to that small child in that dark night with dogs and wolves howling in background. 

Mikasa started to fidget in her sleep as she watches further....

A gang of men was chasing that woman, she could hear sound of water flowing nearby....probably a river or something....

A Train ran across very fast just when she sees that man again who without thinking twice shoots the woman....

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Eremika FF: Every Last Breath

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4 years ago

Eremika FF: Remember Me!?

Chapter 7

 “ Fine! As you wish Armin! You still don't seem to trust me well enough...” says Annie sounding bit she climbed on the bed on other side of Alina.


“ Tomorrow you & I , will be going to Commander Hanjee for some experiment purpose!” states Armin from no where

“ What? Are you serious? Experiment?” Annie almost freaks out but lowers her voice as she watches Alina fidgeting in her sleep.


“ Calm down! It isn't big deal...its not that only you will be tested! Reiner will also be there and I will be there too....they want to know for real, if the titan powers have returned to us or something else is going on? Cause this ain't possible for Reiner to have his regeneration capability after loosing his powers 6 years back...” says Armin a bit worried “ something is not right...unless...”

“ Can you spout out your exact thoughts Armin?” frowns Annie


Hesitating for a while, trying to form words Armin spoke “ sure! But...all of the sudden events currently, made me think...What if Mikasa is actually right! What if...Eren is actually  Alive! He had the Founding Titan in him after all! Is he back after all these time?”


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Eremika FF: Remember Me!?

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