eternalstarlitwonderland - Project Brilliance
Project Brilliance

I'm a fan of Yaoi pairings

475 posts

Serenity Is The Cosmos That Beautifully Sings

Serenity is the cosmos that beautifully sings

A pleasant music to the ear of those who want to hear from the songstress

Serene is the notes of her song, the mesmerizing voice of hers

The effluvium of its palpitation

Lovely, the night is lovely…

Bounding me to you...

Lastly, tonight it is mine… no one else's...

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More Posts from Eternalstarlitwonderland


She captures and writes where starlight sparkles

Utilizing the stars as a primary source of her writing

That faint light descends into its blank canvas,

Gliding toward an unfamiliar locale

She yearns to touch a glimmer of the starlight and complete an incomplete ode

Thus, the girl takes a big stroke of a pen

And the world of imagination unfolds before her eyes

In the dazzly silvery-white strokes, enlightenment ignites anew

She envisions the vastness of the bridge between the starlight and the real world

In the past, her poetry burst with vibrance and exuberance but eventually settled back to a pure white canvas

Now, The stars flickered overhead, bestowing her with brilliant lights and instilling in her abundance of boldness, To be true to herself

The stars represent humanity's hope to bridge the gap between the astral domain and the reality

This is my journey, the route I've chosen, and the solution I've arrived at

The poet gracefully wields the pen, creating a portrait akin to a song

She crossed over to the starry bridge, embarking on a journey once more

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I make a simple wish to the shimmery starry skies

They attentively listen to the tiniest details

Even if it was insignificant

Still.....It's my wish

After telling my wish

They begin to brightly resonate

Suddenly the glimmers can turn into bright lights

Confirming that it is coming to fruition

When I see a single brightly lit star fall

Then I knew that it was coming true

When my wish is granted

Concluded with a shimmery finale

The sparkly stars went back to their original state

Sequestering away until the next wish


.....STARRY WISH.....

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Can she see the luminescence of the starlight?

Can she see the magnificence of it?

Can she see that the starlight is not the source of her suffering?

Who knows, But maybe she needs to reconcile with the Starlight

Before it's too late

Her heart begins to ache

Suddenly, she shed some tears

When she sees the brightly lit stars

Negatively affecting her

Streaming down her face

The flickering lights constantly reminded her of her past faults and mistakes

Her memories are wiped clean

When it comes to the starlit nights, her memories start anew

It's a miracle that she didn't take her own life

Instead, she repeats the same series of events that causes her so much agony

She couldn't break the cycle no matter how she tries, she just couldn't break it

Now, she is enmeshed in an endless abyss

Every time it's a starlit night

She feels dread and even cursed it

Her pain slowly but surely gets worse

When it's a luminous starlit night

Her tears begin to stream down

Her body beginning to ache all over again

Again and again, over and over again

It's like a repeating cycle

STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star

Her suffering is now our suffering...

STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star

Her sorrow is now our sorrow...

STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star

Her heartache is now our heartache...

STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star

Her tears are now our tears...

STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star

Her anguish is now our anguish...

STARLIGHT SONATA, Curse of the star

Her woes are now our woes...

Now her fate is sealed

As she basked in the starlight

Being illuminated by its soft glow

Her tears are glistening like diamonds

Creating a reservoir of tears

Her silhouette is reflecting and floating in the starlight

Softly whispering

Now, she has the decision to make

To reconcile with her past faults and mistakes, Or let herself be tormented by it

Recognizing her role in the events that led her to a place where she has no one to blame except herself

Struggling to come to terms with her poor life choices

She's delicate

Trying to keep herself together

But she has to come to terms with her prior faults

No matter how much it hurts her

She has to for the betterment of her well-being

She reluctantly approaches her reflection

Silently stood there staring at herself in the starlit glint

She was stunned by its glimmer

Again, can she see the luminescence of the starlight?

If she can forgive herself and them as well?

One way to find out

Now, the curse has been lifted off of her shoulders

She felt relieved afterward

She's content with the starlight

Every time, she gazed at the brilliant stars above

The starlit glow gives her genuine solace

And reassuring her that she wouldn't be hurt again

Directly and indirectly through or by her past omissions

She has been finally redeemed by the stars above

Eventually, she has her happy ending

Underneath the twinkle of the starlight

STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars

Her reconciliation is our reconciliation…

STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars

Her redemption is our redemption…

STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars

Her realization is our realization…

STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars

Her happiness is our happiness…

STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars

Her strength is our strength…

STARLIGHT SONATA, Solace of the stars

Her smile becomes our smile…

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