My Words - Tumblr Posts
I like evenings more than I like mornings. Mornings feel like a struggle.Everybody waking up, getting ready to face the day and it’s problems. the whole world bustling with sound of people getting back into their routines.
Evenings are different. People going back home after school or their 9 - 5 jobs, leaving all of the worry behind. Even the sun takes it down a notch.
The world settles down, and breathes. The people stop rushing and slow down. My heart is at peace while we dwell in the enigmas of twilight.
So out of place..

I was meant for the black and white movies.
This age is too much for me..
I was made for a time when horses and corsets were commonplace..
I was meant for chatting in coffee houses and book dates to books stores
Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for innovations
Electricity? I love it
Mobiles? So efficient
But I really can’t help but yearn
for a time that can’t possibly return
A time of blossoms and greenness, lovely dresses and exquisite balls, of letters and of love that were true.

I went to the beach yesterday, it was fun.
It took me three different busses, a boat and a 6km walk to get there, but i guess it was worth it ❤️
I like that picture. It’s blurry but kinda pretty. That blurry picture is what most of us are I think..
We make it look like we’re happy, we’re all perfect.. but really on the inside we’re trying to make it past each day without breaking apart.. and that’s okay.. being a blurry picture of a happy life is okay.. it’s okay not to feel okay.. we don’t need to be perfect, we don’t need to have it all together... it takes time, but sooner or later we will become a 4K picture of being content.

This is my aesthetic .
Kinda old, pretty and colourful houses next to railway tracks are my new aesthetic🌸
I’m on my way to my uni, and all I can see outside are these very pretty, very Colorfy Houses.. no complaints 🌸🌼

Homeward ❤
Been away for far too long, about damn time.
The walls kept tumbling down in the city that we loved..
Ya know I really want to type out happy things. I want to write that I'm happy, my grades are up, my attendance is top notch, my professors are amazing, haven't been sick in a while, that I'm FANTASTIC!!
But that's the thing, I'm not. And I know that there's quite a lot of people out there right now, probably not reading this, feeling this way.
I'm scared. Simply put, I'm scared.
I'm so scared for what's to come that I'm not able to live my now and I dont even know what even IS coming..
My 2nd sem starts tomorrow, and I tried to open my book and I just blank. I dont know what I'm going to do in class. I'm scared to even drop my course, because if I do, what next? What new course can i do? I cant not have a college degree, right? Will I be okay if I dont have a college degree?
I've been tried so hard to catch up to something that I dont even know, I've forgotten whom I used to be..
But if you closed your eyes, does it almost feel nothing's changed at all ...
There are these small pockets, small moments when for a small while I forget about my impending doom and I feel calm. Just for a little bit.
Then the walls come tumbling down again...
Tell me how am I gonna be an optimistic about this ..

Have you read Murakami's Norwegian wood ?
I've only just started and I already feel at home.
When Naoko talked about our inability to accept our deformities, for a moment I almost forgot that I was reading someone else's words.
It felt too personal. If I'd known how to express myself, that's how I would've done it.
Naoko's fears regarding whether or not the outside world will accept their deformities- I couldn't help wonder whether we were all hiding from ourselves..
Each of us, hide parts of ourselves from others- even from our closest friends, because deep down WE are afraid of how they'll see us.
Parts of ourselves WE feel are wrong, deformed, things that do not conform to the
normal archetype.
I think Deep down, we just want to be accepted by ourselves.

But imagine you were born for royalty,
Would you be clever and clumsy or cocky and careless.
~Pricilla ♡
What do you want me to do?
Probably nothing, but be happy.
Random conversation with a stranger on the internet
My Linktree, follow me around the web easily.


Ahmed (@ahmadresh) was planning to study photographic design at university, but the occupation has deprived him of his education. He and his family were living a comfortable house, but it was bombed and destroyed, and now they live in a tent.
Ahmed and I are both 19, but while I pack for university, he struggles to stay afloat, unable to continue his education and trying to stay alive amid genocide. He and his family need our help, so let’s help them!
Their current goal is quite achievable - just $10,000 USD! I’m confident we can reach it quickly. I made this donation several days ago, and I’d like you to match it if you can! Even $5 will help, so if that’s all you can donate, donate it! If we work together we can get this family to their goal quickly.
[Verified by 90-ghost]

Tags for reach (thank you; dm to be removed):
@determinate-negation @serialunaliver @feluka @opencommunion @ask-muslim-anon
@womenintheirwebs @anneemay @werewolf-transgenderism @fiqrr @pansyfemme
@tesseract-s @kindaorangey @murderballadeer @tortiefrancis @deepspaceboytoy
@laz-laz-ace-pilot @irhabiya @paper-mario-wiki @27-moons @i-am-aprl
@papayajuan2019 @punkitt-is-here @jame7t @ana-bananya @rhubarbspring
@fromjannah @slicedblackolives @txttletale @thatdiabolicalfeminist @oliviawebsite
@leolaroot @incognitopolls @klingerhabibi @bookskittychad @kahin
@pangur-and-grim @romanceyourdemons @perfectlyperiwinkle @dykesbat @deathlonging
@cenobutch @appsa @turian @transmutationisms @burntoutandproud
@three-croissants @brutaliakhoa @briarhips @bazwillendinflames

May you attract someone who understands your language.. so you don't have to spend a lifetime to translate your soul..
Never lose sight of why you started
Ok, so I've watched Link Click a few times now. And one thing I don't think it really explains is how Lu guang sees the photo. Cxs basically possesses the person who took it so does Lu guang see it only as the photographer sees it. This bit confuses me but I think I get it. My main question, if the person he is watching the past through goes to sleep or is unconscious in those twelve hours, would be not able to see similar to when the little boy was knocked out? This could get them in trouble, right? Lu guang couldnt see what was going on and cxs dives and wakes up to investigate and all hell could break loose and Lu Guang couldn't fix or guide cxs through any of it because he doesn't know. But theres also how protective he is, he may just not let cxs dive because they have no idea what could happen.
Just an idea of what I mean: A client comes in asking if they could find his daughter. He gives a picture of her off her social media from the day she went missing.
Lu guang looks through it and 4 hours in, everything goes black and nothing can be seen throughout the rest of the photo. However near the last 2 hours, he can hear talking. Cheng decides he wants to dive and manages to convince Lu guang.
After he get knocked out as the missing girl, Lu guang continues to talk to him, eventually waking him up earlier than original. Hes blindfolded and the room is silent and cold. Hes tied up. He can't clap, he can't see, and he has no idea where he is. And Lu guang doesn't know what is going to happen.
Hours pass and Cheng is unable to break free. And eventually the talking starts. A low mumbling from multiple people approaching the room he's held captive in. The twelve hours is almost up. Cheng is starting to panic but wants to get some kind of information.
"What are you, cowards? Too afraid to show your face to your victim?" His voice is shaky but hes determined to see at least the smallest amount. He ignores Lu guang calls to not escalate the situation. His blindflod gets ripped off. And he can see their faces. The small garage they are in. Time is almost out, only a moment left. He looks up and sees the barrel of a gun and feels the bullet hit him at the same moment time runs out. He falls back next to Lu guang in a pure panic. The feeling of a bullet running through his brain causes him to break down into a full panic attack, lashing out as Lu guang tries to comfort him.
"Breath, your safe. Your home. I got you." Cheng calms down enough for lu guang to pull him into a hug "I didn't know, Im so sorry"
I love writing because sometimes its like this

And then other times... 😅

Like Phases of the Moon
To my parents I am waxing and To my sister I am waning To many I am new, unseen and mysterious. Never do I fully show myself to those around me…only to those I deem worthy, If I present to you in my full glory you must know you are special, you have been chosen to seem me as I am. I am a complex web of something quite simple, built to forever stand out in space amongst the many planets who demand majority’s attention Overlook but not underestimated, I am like the moon. -For the Outcasts
Maybe we are all crazy, that’s why we search for love in places it can never be found.
4 a.m. thoughts
And then, just like that, we became strangers to each other.
4 a.m. thoughts, words better left unsaid