21, active and accepting requests !! Love 1D, 5sos, Andrew Garfield, Evan Peters, Pedro Pascal

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Hi! Please Could You Write Some Angst For Evan Peters' Character Kit Walker From The Second Season Of

Hi! Please could you write some angst for Evan Peters' character Kit Walker from the second season of american horror story (asylum), where like Kit and female reader are both inmates in there? Thank you!

ofc !!!

this is so sweet <33

  • tateak47
    tateak47 liked this · 2 years ago

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Night changes || Draco Malfoy x fem! Reader

Just a third person’s point of view

Warning : Implied smut, kissing, sexual thoughts. IDK hand holding ?

Pairings : Draco malfoy x female slytherin reader.  

1st September, 1991.

Them meeting each other in the train was just as normal as meeting every other day. Their families had close bonds and so the children were also tolerable towards each other. 

1st September, 1992.

This time they were seen off by only their mothers. The children went and sat down in a compartment avoiding all the sneaky, git- like gryffindors. Of course they’d been taught the meaning of ‘blood purity’ and they took it seriously. Second year came by and went.

1st September, 1993.

The year when puberty takes you on a ride. His hair were falling from the sides. He had parted his hair, no gel, he was a bit taller and had started to wear his tailored black suits to complete the image of being a Malfoy. She had grown tall too. She had started wearing earrings more often and wearing long, light greenish dresses to keep up with her name and reputation in the wizarding world. This year they had started to talk a lot more. Being in the same houses was an added bonus to them. Their family was just as happy and them being in a euphoric stage of experiencing boys and girls and doing activities which were frowned upon by some. 

One day, after coming back from the library, Draco saw her going to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. She has tear stains on her face. She was obviously crying and had decided to wash her face since she didn’t want Draco to see her like that. Too bad he did. 

He followed her acting like some crazy stalker without calling her name. Just walking briskly silently.  

When she entered the bathroom, she walked over to the sink and washed her face. She grabbed a face towel from the side of the basin and looked up only to see Draco with a concerned look. He had tried to ask her what was wrong but she didn’t budge at all. He thought he had heard her mutter, “some stupid git told ‘em I was sleeping around”.

Turned out someone had. He beat them to a pulp the next day for hurting his “angel” as he started to call her. 

1st September, 1994.

The yule ball. They had gone together. They were fair dancers to be honest. Their friends had been out with their dates from different houses to which upon hearing they only scoffed and said, “isn’t she a muggle-born” or ,“isn’t he a squib like creature”. 

She had worn a soft green champagne dress down to her heels. With a simple pearl necklace Draco had gifted her and an ancestral watch along with black heels that complemented her oh so wonderfully. Her hair was all shiny and let down just like normal school days.

Draco looked dapper in his dress robes. He was wearing a white-button up shirt with a light pink bow, an all black coat with shiny black shoes. His hair was parted to one side with no gel. 

They had danced and drank so much that day. They were just a little bit tipsy but still sober enough to walk themselves to their dormitories. Draco tried holding her hand to which she didn’t realize what was happening. He thought his hands were clammy and excused himself from the dance floor. Just as he walking out of the great hall, she walked hurriedly after him and held his hand and asked him to stay back. He did. He was just imagining his hands were clammy. 

That night several witches and wizards were in other beds. Not specifically their own. Girls in boys’ beds and Boys and girls’ beds. 

The effects of the drinks were wearing off. And now they were fully sober. They were holding hands and walking down to the dungeons to sleep in their own beds but Salazar had other plans for them. 

They were walking silently, holding hands when she stopped in her tracks and said, “Draco, stop”.

“Why angel? What is it?”.

She was fumbling and fidgeting with her hands when he pulled her closer to him.

“Angel is this fine ?“

“Uh yes, this is what i wanted- i mean yeah this is wonderful no this is fine no that’s not what i meant i thought -. Let me just start over. Can i kiss you?“

“Angel, yes.“

He put his one hand on her lower back the other one cupping her jaw well. She held onto him as if her life depended on him. She had placed her hands on his face and kissed him tenderly. 

Once he broke the kiss they smiled at each other. They kissed again. Pulled from the kiss and kissed again. This happened so many times and as they got lost into each other, they didn’t even realize she was in his dormitory. His friends were somewhere else to which he was so thankful for. 

They were both lying on his bed. She was wearing a black shirt which he borrowed her. She wasn’t wearing any lowers. She just felt comfortable like that and this was Draco. Her friend?. He was wearing his usual emerald green joggers. He didn’t wear a shirt to sleep that day for some reason as she kept on blushing while looking at him and hearing his response with his signature smirk plastered on his face, “Like what you see angel? I mean I know I’m beautiful. But nothing and no one compares to you of course.” 

“Well thank you Draco.“

“I want you. Your love, your pain, your sadness. I want all of you and of course a few treats here and there.“ She laughed so loudly at the latter part he felt satisfied for the night and the days to come. 

“Only if you’re willing to share yours. Treats included Draco Malfoy.“ 

Crush ~~ draco malfoy.

This is simply a point of view of a third party.

Time : Golden Era 

Warnings : None. Mentions of dirty comments and kissing and close proximity.

Pairings : Draco Malfoy x Reader 

Please don’t steal my work. This is my first blog ever.

also feel free to fill my inbox with requests

I wanna line my walls with photographs you sent

Of you lying in your swimsuit on the bed

Can't live without your love inside me now

I'll find a way to slip into your skin, somehow

Draco had a way of pestering people. Including her. Someone he was madly infatuated with. Passing flirty, mean comments her way, whispering filthy things into her ear when no one was looking. Sneaking glances at her even when she was looking. He wasn’t embarrassed when he realized he was finding himself excited to see her when she came out of the common room in the mornings after with her uniform perfect. Starting to flirt with her was easy. Asking her about her skirt’s length and the boys she’d been with the previous nights, even though he felt a tug in his chest and held his breath unknowingly to hear her mutter some stupid git’s name or ‘shove off Draco’.

He liked the astronomy tower and she, the black lake. Turn by turn they’d visit these places. Before breakfast, meetings at the astronomy tower were ‘scheduled’ as said by Draco and then the black lake in the afternoon. The Common room owned their nights where they would talk for hours. Or rather she, while Draco looking at her, her eyes, her lashes or her lips which looked so sweet which he so wanted to kiss. 

As a rich brat, he’d gotten himself several things but one became his absolute favorite- a Polaroid. He would carry it everywhere hoping he’d run into her in the hallways walking with her friends. He’s click a photograph of her without even telling her. When the ‘gifting season’ would come, he’d give her some of the Polaroids he had clicked before. And if he was feeling generous enough, he’d show her which ones he decided to keep of hers. With her permission of course. He was a gentleman after all. 

I wanna fuck your love slow

Catch my heart, go swim

Feel your lips crush

Hold you here, my loveliest friend

The common room was silent. The fire was the only thing cackling in the dungeons. And of course Draco’s nervous breathes. She was sitting on the green colored carpeted floor, with her head resting on the couch head as Draco sat beside her admiring her beauty. She wasn’t daft. She knew they both felt a certain something for each other but was still unsure. Nervously, he asked her lightly whispering, “Can I kiss you ?” “I was hoping you’d ask me that Draco. Its high time anyway”. Laughing lightly, he pulled her in for a sweet kiss lasting about 5 seconds when she asked him the question he was waiting for since a long time ago, “Can we share your bed tonight, Draco? I’ve felt happy after a long time.” “Of course. I mean you can still see the black lake so we can skip the noon time to steal some kisses or cuddle?. I mean it’s whatever you’d like pretty girl.”. She blushed oh so lightly at his sweet silly compliment.

When he woke up in the morning, he kept re-playing the incident from last night not too long ago while staring at her in pure adoration when she said, “Its rude to stare you know.” 

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draco malfoy.


This is simply a point of view of a third party.

Time : Golden Era 

Warnings : None. Mentions of dirty comments and kissing and close proximity.

Pairings : Draco Malfoy x Reader 

Please don’t steal my work. This is my first blog ever.

also feel free to fill my inbox with requests

I wanna line my walls with photographs you sent

Of you lying in your swimsuit on the bed

Can’t live without your love inside me now

I’ll find a way to slip into your skin, somehow

Draco had a way of pestering people. Including her. Someone he was madly infatuated with. Passing flirty, mean comments her way, whispering filthy things into her ear when no one was looking. Sneaking glances at her even when she was looking. He wasn’t embarrassed when he realized he was finding himself excited to see her when she came out of the common room in the mornings after with her uniform perfect. Starting to flirt with her was easy. Asking her about her skirt’s length and the boys she’d been with the previous nights, even though he felt a tug in his chest and held his breath unknowingly to hear her mutter some stupid git’s name or ‘shove off Draco’.

He liked the astronomy tower and she, the black lake. Turn by turn they’d visit these places. Before breakfast, meetings at the astronomy tower were ‘scheduled’ as said by Draco and then the black lake in the afternoon. The Common room owned their nights where they would talk for hours. Or rather she, while Draco looking at her, her eyes, her lashes or her lips which looked so sweet which he so wanted to kiss. 

As a rich brat, he’d gotten himself several things but one became his absolute favorite- a Polaroid. He would carry it everywhere hoping he’d run into her in the hallways walking with her friends. He’s click a photograph of her without even telling her. When the ‘gifting season’ would come, he’d give her some of the Polaroids he had clicked before. And if he was feeling generous enough, he’d show her which ones he decided to keep of hers. With her permission of course. He was a gentleman after all. 

I wanna fuck your love slow

Catch my heart, go swim

Feel your lips crush

Hold you here, my loveliest friend

The common room was silent. The fire was the only thing cackling in the dungeons. And of course Draco’s nervous breathes. She was sitting on the green colored carpeted floor, with her head resting on the couch head as Draco sat beside her admiring her beauty. She wasn’t daft. She knew they both felt a certain something for each other but was still unsure. Nervously, he asked her lightly whispering, “Can I kiss you ?” “I was hoping you’d ask me that Draco. Its high time anyway”. Laughing lightly, he pulled her in for a sweet kiss lasting about 5 seconds when she asked him the question he was waiting for since a long time ago, “Can we share your bed tonight, Draco? I’ve felt happy after a long time.” “Of course. I mean you can still see the black lake so we can skip the noon time to steal some kisses or cuddle?. I mean it’s whatever you’d like pretty girl.”. She blushed oh so lightly at his sweet silly compliment.

When he woke up in the morning, he kept re-playing the incident from last night not too long ago while staring at her in pure adoration when she said, “Its rude to stare you know.”