Ronald Weasley - Tumblr Posts
Hermione : Harry isn’t answering his phone
Draco : I’ll call
Hermione : Ron and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Harry: Hello?
draco: what?!
hermione: yes
harry: so, you mean, muggles know about us and write stories? like fairytales?
hermione: umm... yes, but no. they do write stories, but they aren't fairytales. it's like... ugh
ron: do y'all remember when i showed you porn? so it's like porn, but in written form
harry: oh... my god
draco: at least they know mine is bigger
harry: drACO NO-
Harry: I'm not obsessed with him!
Ron: You talk about Malfoy all the time! I'm going crazy! I'm starting to become obsessed with him!
Harry: Fine! I'll stop!
Ron: Good
Harry: This reminds me of that time Malfoy-
Harry: I'm not obsessed! Promise!

Harry's friends... love him so much...

After N.E.W.Ts I survived my first college finals!! To those still taking tests, stay strong my friends!
Ron: Name something you might hurt yourself riding on
Pansy: A horse
Blaise: A rollercoaster, I guess
Harry: Dr-
Ron: Shut up. Just shut up.
harry: i’m gonna write my own prophecy about me
ron: that’s not-that’s not how it works
harry: ‘and harry will have a great day at pizza hut with his friends and nothing bad will happen to him ever again’
Harry: Do I look straight?
Ron: Not in the slightest.
Harry: I meant my parking job.
Ron: Oh. Yeah, you're good.
Ron and Hermione: *glance at each other*
Harry: *squeals* friends to lovers, 500k, smut included
Ron and Hermione: 👁️👄👁️
Ron: Ohh! So you are that one store where you can get like pet food and small animals and stuff?
Harry: No, that's Petco!
Harry: I said I'm a slut for Dra-
Harry: Ron move I'm pregnant.
Ron: What? How?
Hermione: He saw Draco doing push ups without his shirt on.
Draco from the other side of great hall: Potter, they say, pregnant sex is very pleasuring. Wanna try?
Harry: *Hugs Ron, Crying*
Ron: What's wrong, mate?
Harry: Draco said he doesn't love me anymore.
Ron: Wha-
Draco: I never said that!
Harry: *Sobs* Then what did you say!?
Draco: I said you're not allowed to eat another treacle tart.
Harry: *Sobs harder* It's the same thing!

La mia parte preferita, del mio libro! My favorite part, of my book!

They will start a book club now.
continuing inktober *sigh* day 16 ‘compass’
have a great week 💚✨

Harry Potter Memes this time!

Incorrect HP Quotes #1
Hermione: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me.
Ron: Okay, but in my defense, Harry bet me 5 galleons I couldn't drink all that shampoo.
Hermione: That's not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!?!