everywriterneedsfanart - Art imitates art
Art imitates art

This blog will combine three things I love dearly: writing, talking about writing, and aesthetics. So if you have an amazing OC for which you crave an aesthetic moodboard or Instagram page - tell me all about them, and I will make you one! After all, every writer needs fanart.

187 posts

I Was Tagged By The Amazing @pen-for-sword. Thanks A Lot! 1. Who Has The Darker Backstory, Your Protagonist

I was tagged by the amazing @pen-for-sword. Thanks a lot! 1. Who has the darker backstory, your protagonist or your antagonist? My protagonists (all of them). My antagonists are usually motivated by a false sense of what is right, rather than a dark backstory.

2. What creeps out your main character? Tungsten is creeped out by old, empty buildings full of cobwebbs and memories. Tin dislikes superstition and the idea of bad omens or spirits. She freaks out about stuff she can't fend off with her hands. Silver doesn't deal too well with closed spaces; he needs to know he can get on the road when he wants to. Phosphore can get anxious in big groups of people.  

3. How long have you been working on your latest WIP? Since december 2016.

4. Which character is most like you and why? I suppose I gave all of the Elements some of my characteristics and made them wholly unlike me in others. But if I had to choose one, I'd say I am a combination of Tungstens unease and will to travel and Bismuths instinct to nurture.

5. What genre is your latest WIP? Historical fantasy.

6. What’s your main character’s idea of a perfect date? Tungsten would like something simple, quiet and sweet. Maybe a walk in a pretty forest or watching a sunset while holding hands.  

Silver has a hard time being vulnareble enough to actually date anyone, so if he did, he would love something that proves to him his partner has put thought and effort into it. Something with style and grace, like a surprise-diner in a fancy restaurant.

Phosphore would like to visit a museum, stroll around silently, and have a cup of coffee afterwards to discuss the art and maybe life.  

Tin is the hardest to satisfy with a date. She would want to do something unconventional and no-nonsens, like join a protest mars. It's more about getting to know someone right away than being romantic.  

7. If your main character was an animal, what would it be and why? Tungsten would be a bunny: small, soft, nervous and impossible to dislike. Silver would be a cat. He wants all of your attention and love, but the moment you get close to actually pat him, he puts out his claws and hisses. Phosphore is a swan: solemn, beautiful and serene. Tin would be a guard dog. She is loyal to those who need her to be loyal, but any threath can be sure to be bitten. And she does not bother to hide that dangerous side.  

8. What books/films/songs have influenced your WIP, if any? Though the story has nothing to do with it anymore, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them did spark my first idea of the atmosphere. The soundtrack also helped a great deal.  

9. What annoying writing habit do you have? (ie, too many commas, too many looong sentences etc). I can't properly connect one scene to the other, so I always end up with a list of two-page scenes instead of a seamless story.

10. Describe your WIP in one sentence. Eleven run-away magicians and artists attempt to live at the edge of society, but get caught up in a Romantic rebellion instead

I am tagging @dreamsofbooksandmonsters, @anightravensecho, @ladyliliana, @temporarysentences​, @authorisada and @andtheotherwriter. Don’t bother if you don’t feel like it!

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More Posts from Everywriterneedsfanart

Hey everyone! 

I’m aware I have been invisible for a while, ignoring tags and messages and neglecting any requests. That’s because my life is a mess and so is my mind, and there has been very little room for anything but direct, pressing matters. 

However, I am soon leaving for a two-week holliday and will still be free from university after. I hope this will help me clear up some things and get my thoughts back in order. I will be back online when I return to the country in a fortnight! All the love, and have a great summer!   

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Kalliope hands covered in paint, dungarees, sitting cross-legged, pencil tucked behind an ear, teasing smile, delicate shoulders, collarbones, lakes, romantic paintings, fingers in soil, bobbed hair, stretching your arm from the window of a driving car, picnic baskets, footsteps left in sand  

Josepe scraps of paper, oil-paintings  leather notebooks, rolled up sleeves, lost pages, leaning against tables/walls, crossed arms, family pictures, yellowed meadows, mountains seen from above, learning something new, inside jokes, bearhugs, broken marble statues  

Paco skateboards, sunburnt shoulders, dirt under fingernails, running against the wind, smiley faces, fireworks, screaming from a mountaintop, toothy grins, heat, trembling hands, throwing your arm over a shoulder, trespassing, scratches, drawing on tables 

Mikel soft voices, birds, cast down eyes, freckles on tanned skin, skipping stones, lists, a dog licking your nose, drawn up knees, ropes, overgrown walls, looking through a keyhole, early mornings, holding hands, old toys, licking quick to catch the melting ice-cream, swings  

Alba sunflowers, standing akimbo, loud voices, balancing on a cliffside, brooks, brand new clothing, thistles, writing in books, being first in line, sunglasses, believing in the supernatural, braids, stubborn silence, pressing your hand against the window, medaillons

Dores polaroid pictures, feminist texts, dog-ears, combat boots and pink skirts, wispy hair, do-it-yourself, standing wide-legged, myths, holding the hem of a shirt, lightning, buzzing ventilators, biting your nails, forgetting pot plants, daydreaming, Shakespeare quotes, sarcasm

Imanol bare feet, dusk, ramshackle piles of books, cats, waltzing, talking to yourself, faltering record players, antique shops, corduroy, answering questions, fingerprints, collecting gifts, straying from your point in the middle of a sentence, pinecones, memories, rising early 

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You know what? Maybe the iceberg on top is how much words there are on the paper. But you wrote that entire chunk of rock. Because a word is not just a word. With every sentence you weave, you are conveying a multitude of meanings, you are juggling different characters with different agenda’s, you have pages of background info rolling around in your head.  After writing, the iceberg may just be two characters having dinner together and talking about their spaghetti for a full paragraph. Yet beneath the surface you have written two characters carefully scanning each other’s reactions for any sign their dinner-date is in love, too.  The iceberg might be a stiffening of character A’s stance, a look, the balling of fists. But you know the trauma that happened when A was sixteen and you have been digging and groping for the most subtle and yet most right way to convey that.  For every action you write, you have written thoughts, discussions, motivations in your head. For every scenery you have plannend a country. Even if you only write a hundred words per hour, you are writing half a life. And your readers might not see the entirety of your work. But as they admire the iceberg, part of their awe will come from sensing something vast and enourmous underneath the water.  

Working On My Sheith Fantasy Au And Its Going. Slowly

working on my Sheith fantasy au and it’s… going. slowly

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I write historical fantasy, with a cast containing gay, bi and nonbinary characters.

Smash heteronormativity and cisnormativity in fiction blog masterlist!


@albatris Sci-fi short fiction with a variety of lgbtqai+ characters, equal part humor and serious themes.

@kioskwrites Science Fiction and Fantasy without straight characters at all.

@perringcentral both Science Fiction and Fantasy with LGBT characters.

@knightedwriter Sci-fi (Contact), Fantasy (The Moon’s song) and WIP (Death’s name) featuring queer characters as leads (including a non binary and a trans characters) and lgbt+ relationship.

@morrigans-ink-0124 Sci-fi book (Aerium) that features two pansexual, polyamorous characters, a genderfluid, aroace and a bisexual characters.

Fantasy and Paranormal

@justaprettylittlesoulwriter Vampires, werewolves and paranormal WIP in general with racially diverse lgbtqai+ characters.

@ziggy-writes-stuff Alchemy steamfantasy WIP with an almost all lgbtqai+ cast, with racially anc culturally diverse characters.

@elliot-orion Fantasy and Urban fantasy with lgbt and polyamorous characters.

@authorisada stories with ace (Council of Thieves) as well as other lgbt (Curse of the Crimson Throne: Courtesan) main characters.

@cog-writes High fantasy steampunk (MotU) with bi and ace protagonists, as a cast of lgbt+, POC and disabled characters.

@jmlascar Fantasy (Letters from the Underside) with an ace woman and a bi man as main characters, as well as with a lgbt+ diverse cast and romance.

@elle-ecrit-lamour LGBT Urban Fantasy and High Fantasy involving Angels and Demons.

@dancingdarklingwrites Fantasy that features primarily LGBTQ+ characters, polyamorous relationships and non-vanilla romances. Also own voices works as a non binary, genderfluid person.

@ejsmagazine Fantasy and Sci-fi full of LGBT+ characters, also on Wattpad and Fictionpress.

@nanaschreibt German writer of a book about a genderfluid magician.


@merlebaes-writing-resources Fantasy(The Demon apprentice), sci-fi, and horror writer (short stories), both of short stories and novel wips. A diverse LGBT+ and non-white cast is present in their work.

Action and Thriller

@lynnafred Superhero action story with a predominantly LGBT cast.

@panticwritten Supernatural thriller, but also variations of Fantasy and Fluffy, with a recurring agender, bisexual, greysexual and poly protagonist and a demisexual love interest.

General (or non specified by the author)

@writing-under-stars Fiction with Ace and lgbt character.

@pheita Stories and WIPs with mainly queer and heteronormativity defying character.

@scribble-dee-vee Fantasy and YA projects with sexuality, gender and race diverse character, plus resources on her blog.

@theguildedtypewriter a writembrl that focus both on LGBTQ+ and straight characters, trying to “use every color of our awesome fu****g Rainbow” 

@theocaddictscorner Not a single one of their characters is both Cisgender and heterosexual.

@gettingitwrite Various works that all feature LGBTQIA+ characters and a WIP (Rabid) with an ace persone and a lesbian woman as main characters, as well as queer background characters.

@ruejuge Most of their characters are on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, feature a bisexual main character and a mlm romance.

@jade-island-lives Most of their work involves LGBTQIA+ characters and relationships.

@brynprocrastinates Writes almost exclusively LGBT+ characters, including ownvoice nonbinary protagonists and love interests. Part of a collab of nonbinary Writers to create a guide to help binary people in including non binary characters in their stories.

@mossywritings Writer with a lesbian main character.

Correlated (promotion, resources etcetc)

@jessicameats Promotion of LGBT+ Sci-Fi and Fantasy, giveaways and recommendation lists.

This list is gonna be updated!

Im Sorry This Took So Long! Heres To The Bard Hedorim Tolmish, By @hawkeyesout-punks. I Hope It Was Worth

I’m sorry this took so long! Here’s to the bard Hedorim Tolmish, by @hawkeyesout-punks. I hope it was worth the wait!

Requests for OC aesthetics are open.

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