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I was tagged by the amazing @pen-for-sword. Thanks a lot! 1. Who has the darker backstory, your protagonist or your antagonist? My protagonists (all of them). My antagonists are usually motivated by a false sense of what is right, rather than a dark backstory.
2. What creeps out your main character? Tungsten is creeped out by old, empty buildings full of cobwebbs and memories. Tin dislikes superstition and the idea of bad omens or spirits. She freaks out about stuff she can't fend off with her hands. Silver doesn't deal too well with closed spaces; he needs to know he can get on the road when he wants to. Phosphore can get anxious in big groups of people.
3. How long have you been working on your latest WIP? Since december 2016.
4. Which character is most like you and why? I suppose I gave all of the Elements some of my characteristics and made them wholly unlike me in others. But if I had to choose one, I'd say I am a combination of Tungstens unease and will to travel and Bismuths instinct to nurture.
5. What genre is your latest WIP? Historical fantasy.
6. What’s your main character’s idea of a perfect date? Tungsten would like something simple, quiet and sweet. Maybe a walk in a pretty forest or watching a sunset while holding hands.
Silver has a hard time being vulnareble enough to actually date anyone, so if he did, he would love something that proves to him his partner has put thought and effort into it. Something with style and grace, like a surprise-diner in a fancy restaurant.
Phosphore would like to visit a museum, stroll around silently, and have a cup of coffee afterwards to discuss the art and maybe life.
Tin is the hardest to satisfy with a date. She would want to do something unconventional and no-nonsens, like join a protest mars. It's more about getting to know someone right away than being romantic.
7. If your main character was an animal, what would it be and why? Tungsten would be a bunny: small, soft, nervous and impossible to dislike. Silver would be a cat. He wants all of your attention and love, but the moment you get close to actually pat him, he puts out his claws and hisses. Phosphore is a swan: solemn, beautiful and serene. Tin would be a guard dog. She is loyal to those who need her to be loyal, but any threath can be sure to be bitten. And she does not bother to hide that dangerous side.
8. What books/films/songs have influenced your WIP, if any? Though the story has nothing to do with it anymore, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them did spark my first idea of the atmosphere. The soundtrack also helped a great deal.
9. What annoying writing habit do you have? (ie, too many commas, too many looong sentences etc). I can't properly connect one scene to the other, so I always end up with a list of two-page scenes instead of a seamless story.
10. Describe your WIP in one sentence. Eleven run-away magicians and artists attempt to live at the edge of society, but get caught up in a Romantic rebellion instead
I am tagging @dreamsofbooksandmonsters, @anightravensecho, @ladyliliana, @temporarysentences, @authorisada and @andtheotherwriter. Don’t bother if you don’t feel like it!
If you are still interested in ass-kicking warrior ladies, I two in the historical fantasy I'm writing! The first one is Tin. She feels strongly about justice, equality and respect and is always picking fights to protect these values (she has quite a temper). She can throw a punch, but she prefers dueling; her gun Charley is part of her arm at this point. She likes wearing male clothing, though because she is small and curvy, it seldom fits. Luckily she has a friend that helps her adjust it. 1/2
My other warrior lady is called Phosphore. Phosphore’s fighting is more subtle than Tin’s, but definitely as dangerous. She is very smart and prefers using logic and reason to win a fight. Yet, there is always a dagger in her pocket. She is a dancer and with her quickness and agility, she can have her blade to your throat in a matter of heartbeats. The elaborate dresses she wears don’t hinder her. Though she won’t harm without good reason, you are in trouble if you touch her friends. (2/2)
I am always interested in ass-kicking warrior ladies! And yours sound awesome! Fighting for justice? Being badass? Using wit but also weapons? And being fashionable about it?

I love them! 100/10! Don’t mess with them! But I do want to be their friend! Also Phosphore is an awesome name!
a tip for writing female characters: don’t be afraid to make her feral. just absolutely batshit. her actual intelligence? that can vary. but bring out the chaotic stupid tendencies. embrace her as a one brain cell enemy of the state
You wrote what I had in my mind very perfectly and especially the part of winning a Grammy is something never seen before equivalent to gold medal in Olympics and people really got exempted from it. And I am telling this is BTS calling out the partial award show and bringing Armys from all parts of the world to the same place to show what and whom they have got behind their back to protect them .We are delulu together in here lol. Bighit's Business strategy should be taught at Harvard like damn they knows what to pull of at the right moment. With these being said I will be happy if they personally wants this. I will be happy too if they wants to serve in military.
My Latest Crazy BTS Military Service Theory: WANNA HEAR IT?LET'S GOOOO --
Here's what I think. I've been thinking it for a second but it took a minute to work its way through my brain SO

This whole Vegas concert date flex has been in the works for awhile. It was planned as soon as they were invited to perform and got hosed in the nominations. BECAUSE.

If the Grammys sees the press and feels the heat and actually AWARDS THEM the Grammy they deserve (and let's be honest, they have deserved it MORE THAN ONCE) - they will be the ONLY Korean group with a Grammy. That qualifies as an international award. That's a gold medal at the Olympics, kids. THAT GIVES PARLIAMENT A LEGAL REASON TO EXEMPT THEIR SERVICE ENTIRELY and keep the cash and influence flowing into Korea.

We can hate the Grammys all day but there is a method to the madness and is is based on Korean law and precedent for exemption of military service.

And Korea wants BTS not to have to serve. It's better for the GDP of the country for them to be out here spinning gold out of thin air while they're in their prime.

But it's tough to get that through Parliament without changing law, and they've already gotten the law changed once with the BTS Deferment amendment. SO in order to protect themselves, the politicos are all like "IF YOU GET A GRAMMY" which let's be honest has been a thing for YEARS. Literally had they gotten one last time we wouldn't even be wondering about military service now. But this is about the LAST YEAR THEY CAN PULL IT and not have Seokjin and Yoongi having to go in anyway. COVID has done a number on the timing, too.

SO. WHAT IF THEY DON'T GET THE GRAMMY? It's a fair question, a really fair question, because we know how the US awards system likes to fuck over our guys. Racist asshats, the lot of them, and jealous into the bargain, but what can BTS do about a system over which they have no control?

THEY CAN FLIP THE GOT-DAMN SCRIPT. Paint the town purple. Call ARMY out of reserve status and into active duty. Combat, if you like. If they can show up on the red carpet and go "yeah that's cute how your capacity venue is now our movie theater for overflow because our fans will pay admission to watch us BE IN THE SAME CITY" and smirk while the American jackwagons get really uncomfortable really fast because WE AIN'T GOT A SINGLE ARTIST THAT CAN DO THAT.

Then, when they go home, they make some calls. They go "look here's the thing, y'all want us to bring in $30-50 MILLION US DOLLARS per tour stop OR you want us to come home and play trumpet in the Korean Army Band like Lee Taemin, because those are your options" and Korea likes money as well as the next country. Also Taemin hasn't enjoyed military service up to this point, government publicity be damned. And SHINEE isn't out there pulling in huge crowds or cash into Korea without him, either. It's a longer shot, conservative politicians are assholes about honor and glory as we all know, but it's better than just enlisting and calling it a day.

And given that BTS is at least, in my brain canon, 4/7ths not heterosexual, it would be really nice if they could just NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE GAY-IN-THE-MILITARY BULLSHIT. That's what I think. So if you are going to Vegas, wear your Borahaegear proudly. Show off your merch. Ask everyone if they know BTS. Talk loudly about the amazing shows, the talent, the flex, the beauty, the How You Learned To Love Yourself. WE ARE ARMY AND if I'm right and I think I am (because I always think I am), our guys need us more than they're letting on right now.

They don't get to do this in the military kids Y'ALL WANT GAY ELVIS-THEMED GAY VEGAS GAY WEDDINGS YOU BETTER GET 'EM OUT OF THE KOREAN MILITARY FIRST IS WHAT I'M SAYING. Am I crazy? Maybe. But what if I'm not?
While i struggle to work on stuff i actually need to work on, have some OC voice claims!
Edit, nevermind, i can only have one video per post... well, heres ONE voice claim!
His name is Tin and he is a very good boy! :]
if I could make a wish right now it would be season 2 of 2moons and love by chance with the same cast 💜
I really like this moment. Hahaha