faioula16 - Dark purple rose
Dark purple rose


88 posts

Gotham Masterlist

Gotham Masterlist


My story

Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin (plot)

Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin episode 1 (part 1)

Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin episode 1 (Part 2)

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More Posts from Faioula16

4 years ago

Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin (plot)


(First interview before the premiere)

This story takes place 2 years after the end of Gotham’ 5th season. 

Riddler has one and only personality since Ed had disappered. 

Old vilains might return back to life. 

Warnigs: None

That’s all from me so far. Read and enjoy!

Reporter: “Alright guys, just a week before the premiere of the new Gotham show that'll be finally on stage for all of you to whatch and enjoy. Robin is here with us, how are you doing so far?”

Robin Lord Taylor: “I am doing pretty fine, thank you. And really happy to play as Penguin once again” His smile showed the excitement behind his words.

Reporter: “And Cory’s here too but not alone this time, right?”

Cory Michael Smith only grinned happily while his arm was wrapped around his partner’s shoulder.

Reporter chuckled to herself before she glanced over Y\N, still smiling. “I see your boyfriend is really excited about the show, I can’t even take a word out from him. So...how about you tell us some things for the show and how an actror\actress like you feel while playing beside Robin and....your boyfriend once again? I mean, we saw you only for some really short of times in Gotham's season 2....But now you’re back and I have a feeling you’re gonna stay~” She joked, making all three of the actors to laugh a bit as well.

Y\N: “Well...I do feel a bit awkward because it’s my very first time to have the role as one of the protagonists, but I’m also comfortable too cause Michael will be with me on this, in every step of the way” They giggled playfully while feeling Cory’s hand caressed their shoulder softly. “Um...the funny fact is, I feel extremely excited as about the place I am gonna take in the series but also terrifying” They chuckled while rubbing the back of their neck nervously.

Reporter: “Terrified? Why is that? Will the relationship between (Name) and Oswald or Edward be toxic in any way?”

Y\N: “No, no. If....if the relationships would be toxic, I wouldn’t take part in the show. (Name) is gonna discover slowly what happened in Oswald’s and Edward’s lives really slowly as the episodes follow one another. I love the fact the character I am playing is actually....multifaceted. We’re gonna see how this works through the series a lot, you can’t say if (Name)’s with the good or bad side. In my option, They will be something in between these two and it will clearly depend on what situation they will find themselves and how will they be able to handle things properly or be confuse and struggle as about the decisions they have to take. And also there is the fact we know (Name) will be the main love interest of Ed and Oz”

Reporter: “So tell us your thoughts about how your character is gonna be after the Gotham show, Oz?”

Robin Lord Taylor couldn’t help but let out a small laugh to the nickname Y\N actually thought for his role. It’s been a really long time since he heard of it and knew he will better get used to it cause it’s gonna be something his role will adopt while the episodes will be coming out. “Oswald had the chance to meet with (Name) only for once and he felt this kind of sudden interest towards them. Sadly, he didn't have the chance to explore those feelings any further. Well, fortunately, in my option at least”

Reporter: “I think the fans know what you mean. The audience will meet you and the Riddler after the end of Gotham's 5th season. You both had to build your empires and are ready to make Gotham know who you really are, but once (Name) will be back...."

Y\N: “People say when the human make plans for the future, the god laughs"

Reporter: "That's right! However, we all are curious why (Name) left their job as a former officer in the CGPD. I mean...they weren't highly recognized like Jim or Harvey but they were well respected and were kinda close friends with Ed too"

Y\N: "Yeah, the thing is...it wasn't what they actually wanted from their lives. So once the only person who has been left from their family passed away, which was their grandma, they had nothing to hold them back to follow their dream. With Ed (Name) was the one who was being nice to him and even gave him some advice as about how to approach Ms. Kringle. But that was it, at least about their part, you know. But we know that will change eventually... "

Reporter: "Indeed, now... Cory, I believe it is time to ask you a question. We know all relationships Edward had so far died one way or another. So how do you think he is gonna handle the 4th chance that will comes to him?"

Cory Michael Smith: "The first relationship Edward had with Ms. Kreingle was only love from his good side and only. So once she was about to betray him and tell the police what he did with her previous boyfriend....the bad side took in charge. Isabella was the same thing only that I believe Penguin was faster to do the job for Ed's dark side. Oswald did it out of jealousy but...it doesn't change the fact Riddler would kill her soon or later, in my opinion. And finally, the only difference with Lee was that both Ed and Riddler loved her. However, Riddler knew she was just using him but Ed didn't want to believe so. In the fifth season, Ed and Riddler again merge. Unknown to him, thanks to Hugo Strange planting a control chip in his brain, it silenced his original Ed Nygma personality, effectively freeing him of the eternal struggle. Without the struggle, Riddler actually managed to mellow out a bit, gaining some of the calmer traits Ed had. And when he will meet again with the only person who was nice to him back from his former job....feelings will grow inside him. Feelings Riddler thought he couldn't feel anymore. And there will be an actual chance for him to find the 'happiness' he was searching for such a long time. IF the conjunctures are gonna work out for him and if he will play his cards right, to win their heart"

Reporter: "Robin, some thoughts of Penguin perhaps?" She glanced over the raven-haired guy with now curiosity filled in her eyes.

Robin Lord Taylor: "Everyone Oswald loved so far died and even worst he was in front of both of his parents' deaths. He had also confused the feelings he had for Edward to be true love. So I believe if Oswald will grow to explore that interest for (Name) and once he will discover his actually strong feelings for them...I don't think he is gonna let them go" 

Reporter: "What do you think Y\N?"

Y\N: "They’re gonna struggle....a lot"

That made the reporter turn her attention completely to the front camera's sight and smiled slyly. "Well, what do you say fans....are you excited about this new series?'

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2 years ago

Ok uhm.... Since this is the first time I'm asking a request from someone, I just hope this is not weird ... 😃✨

Alright... Can you make headcannons on being Sebastian's child (adopted) ... But coincidentally they have bright red eyes... So the former parents just abandoned them for the eyes, thinking of being their child demonic red eyes... 👀 So, when when the child's father was leaving her in an alleyway, a few days after after she was born, Sebastian took notice and thought "humans can be really cruel ... Sometimes" and just like that when he sees her red eyes... Something snaps and adopts her... 😃😳✨

Ok... Uhm this was it... I hope you take your time to read my request... Btw, I really love your posts. 💖💞 Bye, take care 😊

Ok Uhm.... Since This Is The First Time I'm Asking A Request From Someone, I Just Hope This Is Not Weird

I am so happy more readers started asking for requests. I am not one of the most confident writers out there so the fact you like my posts means a lot to me. Hope those headcanons will be to your liking @arunima098. thank you once again for your request and please don't hesitate to ask for more in the future.

Warnings: Angst and fluff.

✿ "She's a monster!" Both your parents shouted and glared down at you in absolute disgust. Your father as if he was capable of being called as such had an idea to get rid of 'the problem' which was you in the first place.

✿ Not all people in the 19th century were much of open minds, so your parents knew if people would discover your unique appearance, especially your special reddish eyes that most posibly would lead to their destruction.

✿ They had to wait a few days for people to stop asking questions like how their newborn is doing and what sex is it and then the man would take action to the only solution that could come to his mind.

✿ And that was to abandon you.

✿ It was a heavily rainy night and the man got out of the house with you in his arms.

✿ He walked through the city and stopped over a random alleyway and threw you against the rocked ground, causing you to start crying immediately for the painful feeling the back of your little head got from such a strong hit.

✿ "You stupid..." The man hissed and ran away, little did he know a sinister creature watched the whole scene from the shadows.

✿ A strong hand grabbed the man's head and lifted him up in the air to the point his legs were kicking wildly in agony.

✿ That didn't last for long though as the large hand let go of the man's head, letting his empty corpse collapse to the ground.

✿ The demon shallowed and let out a deep sigh escape his lips.

✿ "Better than nothing I guess" His dark voice commented in a low tone. Just then his eyes caught your little crying form nearby, moving your little arms and kicking your legs here and there.

✿ The demonic creature approached and took down to his one knee in order to get a closer look at you.

✿ "Humans can be very cruel as centuries pass" The devil commented, the sadistic smirk never dripped from his pitch-black aurora.

✿ He was quick to change to his human form though because if people would see him like this that would mean trouble.

✿ He thought of this as a peaceful night however this wasn't the case at all.

✿ He picked your body to his hands and brought you in front of his face.

✿ The sudden warm contact made your cries finally stop and your big round eyes cracked open.

✿ "Magnificent" Was the only thing that came from Sebastian's mind as his eyes locked on your reddish ones.

✿ They looked pretty much like his actually.

✿ As a newborn, you were basically blind for the time being but you felt pretty much comfortable in his hands. Your small arm reached out and accidentally touched Sebastian's nose. You cooed and laughed like the clueless little human you were.

✿ Not aware of this world's filth just yet, then maybe that was for the best because our demon has taken a liking on you already.

✿ "You're coming with me stray kitten" Sebastian stood up with you now fully secured into his arms. "Honestly, how will I ever explain this to the young master?" He bit a piece of his tailcoat and used it as a bandage for the wound behind your head.

✿ He could surely convince lord Phantohive to take you in.

✿ Your parents may didn't want you as part of their lives but now you got a demon as your guide and protector for the rest of the human years that would take place for you compare to eternity he was forced to live as a demon.

✿ Sebastian will stay by your side though and watch over you until the day your life will end. He will always carry the moments of you and him deep inside him as one of the few humans that made him feel the closest to human emotions he could ever feel.

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2 years ago

Hi , would like to ask how sebastian will treat his s/o after a long day .. 🙈♥️ fluffy sebastian, thank you in advance

**Made this request for my dear friend cause you deserve to be loved appreciated and well taken care of. Hope this one-shot is to your liking. **

                                   HIS OWN LITTLE DEVIL


"Off" You protested before you let out a deep sight. Your hand supported the back of your waist.

Soon you felt a comforting hand resting upon your shoulder. You looked to your left side to see your friend Finny smiling warmly at you. "Are you okay Y\N-chan? Today we worked really hard but thanks to you, I got praised by Sebastian...for the first time! You sure are my hero!" The gardener congratulated you in a joyful tone.

You smiled back and placed your hand upon his. "Yeah, I am okay Finny thanks. But to tell you the truth I can't wait to go back home and get some rest. My back and legs are killing me"

"Oh, right! Sorry didn't mean to hold you any longer....just-just make sure you eat something before you go to bed, okay? I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Y\N-chan!" You watched as your friend walked away. Didn't notice the pink color on his cheeks thought, not Sebastian either who watched the whole scene inside from one of the mansion's many windows.

Just the way the gardener touched your shoulder made Sebastian feel a bit annoyed. Demons can be very possessive when it comes to their mates, especially the marked ones.

But Sebastian knew better than to not show any sights of jealousy in front of you or to others. That would hurt his pride and he certainly didn't want that. All he has to do is to focus on his main goal and priority, and this is to make you feel happy and completely satisfied at all times, to let you know that no one in this world can do this in absolute perfection but him.

With your bag on your arm, you turned on your heel and glanced over the big front gate some meters away from where you stood. You had to wait for Sebastian to join you and walk you back home like every night you'd be off your duties as the newest employee Ciel hired for the gardens' care. But that's another story to tell in the future.

Your foot tapped against the rocked ground, it was kind of unusual for your demon to make you wait for that much. After some more minutes passed you decided you could take the chance and get off by yourself after all it was a lovely and hopefully peaceful night.

But as you were about to make one step ahead, a slender yet strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist. "Why...where you think you're going my kitten?" He whispered smoothly to your ear, Before you even had the chance to give an answer Sebastian simply scooped you off the ground, holding you in bridal style and your bag somewhat was now hanging on his back.

"Uhh...can you please put me down Sebastian, you know well I can walk by myself"

"My love, you must be exhaustive. And as your lover and therefore I must make sure you get the necessary amount of rest and relaxation after such a long day" The devil spoke softly while making his way back into the mansion.

Your head rested against his chest, you wanted to protest and tell him you weren't that tired...but that would be a lie.

"First of all, I'll give you a bath. We must clean you up and put you in fresh night clothes" He gave your forehead a sweet kiss before he entered a bathroom.

Before you knew it, your clothes had been removed, and let out a sigh full of relief once the warmth of steaming water with soap bubbles embraced your naked body.  You felt his hands guiding your head back in a gentle manner until it was resting comfortably against a small shink to wash your hair more easily. 

"Relax now, I will take care of you...like always" Sebastian whispered softly, his long slender fingers rubbing every inch of your head in small cycles was more than enough to make you feel kind of sleepy. 

Halft-lidden eyes were staring down at you in a loving manner. His body lowed to leave a sweet kiss upon your cheek.

"Please don't do this now, you know it makes me feel sleepy" You murmured under your breath causing the demon to let out an amused chuckle. 

"You're right my dearest, we should leave these activities for your bedtime. Ahh, but sometimes I simply can't resist. You look too much adorable after all. So cute and defenseless to my touch, just like the little kitten you are~" He spoke with a hint of mocking in the tone of his voice.

 You tensed a bit when his hands made contact with your shoulders, arms and some more private areas but relaxed afterward since you got used to it for so long.

"My my, you're awfully tense today" Sebastian let out a sigh. "I am not surprised though, you worked very hard. Honestly, I couldn't be any more proud of you, with those idiots causing me so much trouble every single day....you're a miracle, a blessing that came in my very long existence and I will never ever let you go" Another kiss was placed to your forehead before you were scooped up once again in Sebastian's arms. 

With your body and hair already wrapped in fresh white fluffy towels.

 He dried and treated your hair, then he helped you dress up for the night in a pair of pretty cute night clothes with cat sketches, and then, In a matter of seconds, Sebastian made his way into his chamber and kicked the door closed with his foot, You watched in awe while looking around the room.

Hi , Would Like To Ask How Sebastian Will Treat His S/o After A Long Day .. Fluffy Sebastian, Thank You

 He redecorated his new room just in case you'd have to spend the night with him. “So that's why it took you so long to join me in the garden lately"

"Yes, I had to do some changes in order to make you feel more comfortable. It's the first night you stay to my place, it was the least I could do otherwise...."

"What kind of lover would I be?" Your voices said together only that you were teasing him and let out a giggle. Sebastian's smirk grew to your playful mimicking and walked over to his bed where he tucked you under the warm soft matters. 

"Now stay here, my little devil, I'll be back in a moment" He gave your lips a peck and made his way towards the door.

"Little devil?" You questioned in slight confusion. He never has called you like this before.

He glanced over his shoulder to your laying figure. "I believe this new nickname will suit you quite well compare to your personality" Sebastian explained and chuckled softly before he left the room and closed the door. Sudden silence filled the room and just then you realized that it was raining outside.

 So that's why Sebastian wanted you to stay with him today....or you thought so.

Just then the door cracked open and your Sebastian came in while pushing a wheeled table with a bunch of covered plates on it. "Tonight's menu we have Italian soup accompanied with stuff vegetables and greek salad. And for desert a mix of vanilla and chocolate sponge cake" Your gaze stared at the food as Sebastian took the bowl of soup into his hand and brought a spoon close to your lips. "Come on kitten, say ahh..." 

You hesitated but once you stared to his eyes you just couldn't say no to him. "Is it good?" He saw you just nodding, too busy to actually talk to him when your mouth was so busy eating the one delisious spoon after the other. A genuine smile crossed the demon's lips continued feeding you from each plate and leaving the desert for the last part. 

Once your stomach was finally full Sebastian pulled you in an embrace and patted your back gently, causing you to let out a cute little burp and him an amused laugh. He left the wheeled table with leftovers aside. With one knee, on the bed, he pulled off his tail coat, vest, tie, gloves, and shoes. "Time for some affection and then it's bedtime, alright darling?" Your demon climbed on the bed with his body hovering upon yours. 

His arms snaked under the back of your head like an extra pillow....your favorite pillow to be exact that he was so willing and happy to provide you with. The light of the candles around the room made your and his eyes shine brighter or maybe it was the strong bond and love you share together. You closed your eyes and smiled in bliss while his hand was caressing your face. 

You smiled, even more, when he started leaving his popular smooches all over your face and neck. You both chuckled and embraced each other impossibly close, even closer than before (if that was possible).

The side of his face resting against yours with his breath sending soft warm waves to your ear. Then he began to sing his lullaby:  https: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghk1RFr51xo

By the morning your eyes cracked open and saw Sebastian smiling down at you as his fingers traced over your cheek. "Good morning, my little devil"

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2 years ago

Eternal companion chap 1

Eternal Companion Chap 1

His kitten: Marked

Bright fuchsia eyes stared down at your panting figure in a loving manner. The devilish smirk never left Sebastian's lips, he couldn't be any more proud of himself because you finally permitted him to mark you as his and that's only the actual start of your relationship with him. Placing the seal on his mate was a very important task that had to be done so it could give Sebastian lots of abilities you'd be about to experience soon. It will also make other supernatural creatures know that you're his and his only.

The silver seal, he planted on your neck currently seemed more like a deep wound-scratch that created the symbol you would both share from now on. Of course, your demon didn't wound you, he would never dream of hurting you in any way. But unfortunately for you're just human, and the seal of eternal loyalty and devotion won't appear magically on you as Sebastian's did across his chest just a few minutes ago. It will need hours and your lover's care to make the toxic pain you are feeling right now go away.

But Sebastian swore to you, that this would be the first and last time you'd feel pain caused by him. Until the next morning, your wound will disappear completely and a facsimile seal, like his own, will be replaced on your soft delicate skin, successfully bounding you both forever.

Thin lines of hot tears were making their way down across your blushing cheeks. Soon you felt slender fingers gently caressing your skin. Sebastian laid his body on top of yours and used his one arm to be placed like a pillow under your head. "Oh, you poor little thing, Shhh, hush now my darling kitten. It's over" He whispered to your ear before his tongue licked gracefully your remaining tears away.

His free hand removed a few stray hairs off your forehead, but soon the cold feeling stopped when you felt his warm and soft lips placing tender kisses all over your face. "My love....my one and only companion~" He whispers once again still leaving kissies one after the other.

"Now... you will need my assistance, but you have to trust me and let me take care of you without any resistance or complaining, alright darling?' He questioned with a soft smile. He didn't wait for you to give him an actual answer as he lowered his head to your neck area and began to lick the bloody spot ever so carefully.

"Ah, it hurts...!" You protested and tried to push him away by placing your hands over his bare shoulders. That made him only chuckle at your pathetically adorable actions and pin your arms back to your sides. He wrapped his arms around you to make sure you'd stay in place and wouldn't try to move again.

"My dearest, please be a bit more patient and don't make any more noise. We were extremely lucky young master didn't hear your screams lately" The devil smirked mostly to himself and continued licking your wounded area. Fortunately, Sebastian was quite smart to plug everyone's ears before he was about to mark you as his own.

His saliva would help to heal your skin so your symbol will appear later on. "Don't keep yourself awake my love~ Just relax and let yourself submit to the pleasures of slumber" The sweet tone of his soft voice was like a lullaby to you.

Your eyelids felt heavier as time passed. "Now, sleep...sleep for me darling~" And so you did.

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2 years ago

Hi , would like to ask Imagine being Sébastian's baby girl~ headcanon .. thank you in advance ♥️

Hi , Would Like To Ask Imagine Being Sbastian's Baby Girl~ Headcanon .. Thank You In Advance

Hope you will like these headcanons I put so much effort. To give you, and all the rest of the readers happiness and lots of smiles.

✿ Since the day you were born, something changed inside this cold-black heart demon.

✿ Demons generally like their infants/children, but you...you are his pride and joy.

✿ You may be half-human however this doesn't change a thing, you are perfect in Sebastian's eyes.

✿ As a single dad, he takes on his new duties very seriously, to the point he's kinda possessive if other people try to hold or touch you at all.

✿ You took most of your looks from your father and that already makes you an extremely adorable cutie.

✿ Sebastian gives special effort when it comes to your hair and skin care. His little one deserves the best,

✿ Speaking of witch or...devil to be more exact Daddy has many sweet nicknames for you. My, precious, My little one, My joy, Rosy cheeks (he simply adores to kiss your round and slightly chubby cheeks), Darling, My sweet and so more.

✿ He had a very long talk with his master about you and was more than delighted when Ciel agreed you could stay in the mansion for as long as Ciel's and Sebastian's contract would remain.

✿ Because you're also half-demon Sebastian plans to share his master's precious soul with you when the time comes.

✿ We all know Sebastian doesn't sleep at night but he remains at your side beside your crib and watches over your precious sleeping form as your tiny hand holds to his thumb. He truly treasures these moments with you and the rest of all the other ones of course.

✿ Even your cry is like music to his ears (in a good way). He always finds a way to calm you down and bring your smile back to your pretty face.

✿ "Aww, what's the matter my precious~?" The devil cooed as he walked into his room and took you into his arms.

✿ Sebastian is quite the doting and loving dad most to everyone's surprise and Ciel's despair because since you're just a baby and have so many needs, it's kinda difficult to manage everything. In the end, everything runs out smoothly because...it's Sebastian we are talking about.

✿ There are a lot of times when Sebastian has to be separated from you when he's out on missions with his master.

✿ Fear not though, because you have three....well four nannies to watch over you. Sebastian doesn't trust Bard, finny, or May-rin with you at all. Fortunately, Tanaka is responsible enough and has earned the butler's trust about your well-being when he's not there.

✿ The first time Prince Soma and Agni saw you in your father's embrace was more than shocked to realize Sebastian was a dad. Soma asked lots of questions, especially about your mom but Agni stopped him at the right moment and reminded him that he should respect people's privacy.

✿ Sebastian knows what a mother figure Agni is to the young prince and since he's one of the butler's very few friends, he has no problem asking Agni to watch over you from time to time when he's out with Ciel. And was more than happy when you started liking the Indian butler a lot.

✿ His feline friends like you a lot and can sense you're small and defenseless, they are quite the company when you must stay in your and your father's shared room.

✿ Your dad also gifted you a black cat plushie he created especially for you.

Hi , Would Like To Ask Imagine Being Sbastian's Baby Girl~ Headcanon .. Thank You In Advance

And since then, it has become one of your favorite things you like to hold on to it most of the time.

✿ Honestly, you want it near you at all times, when your dad feeds you when he bathes you, and of course, it's quite the company at your bedtime. (besides your father of course)

✿ You were a bit hard to handle when you started to walk and run all around the house. Quite the amusing view for the young lord to watch over Sebastian running after you so you wouldn't get hurt.

✿ "Now come here you, it's time for your lunch" Sebastian tucked you in his arms with your head close to his chest. "And if you're a good girl, we'll go outside and play" He spoke in a soft tone and gave your forehead a long sweet kiss.

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