Edward Nygma X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin (plot)

(First interview before the premiere)
This story takes place 2 years after the end of Gotham’ 5th season.
Riddler has one and only personality since Ed had disappered.
Old vilains might return back to life.
Warnigs: None
That’s all from me so far. Read and enjoy!
Reporter: “Alright guys, just a week before the premiere of the new Gotham show that'll be finally on stage for all of you to whatch and enjoy. Robin is here with us, how are you doing so far?”
Robin Lord Taylor: “I am doing pretty fine, thank you. And really happy to play as Penguin once again” His smile showed the excitement behind his words.
Reporter: “And Cory’s here too but not alone this time, right?”
Cory Michael Smith only grinned happily while his arm was wrapped around his partner’s shoulder.
Reporter chuckled to herself before she glanced over Y\N, still smiling. “I see your boyfriend is really excited about the show, I can’t even take a word out from him. So...how about you tell us some things for the show and how an actror\actress like you feel while playing beside Robin and....your boyfriend once again? I mean, we saw you only for some really short of times in Gotham's season 2....But now you’re back and I have a feeling you’re gonna stay~” She joked, making all three of the actors to laugh a bit as well.
Y\N: “Well...I do feel a bit awkward because it’s my very first time to have the role as one of the protagonists, but I’m also comfortable too cause Michael will be with me on this, in every step of the way” They giggled playfully while feeling Cory’s hand caressed their shoulder softly. “Um...the funny fact is, I feel extremely excited as about the place I am gonna take in the series but also terrifying” They chuckled while rubbing the back of their neck nervously.
Reporter: “Terrified? Why is that? Will the relationship between (Name) and Oswald or Edward be toxic in any way?”
Y\N: “No, no. If....if the relationships would be toxic, I wouldn’t take part in the show. (Name) is gonna discover slowly what happened in Oswald’s and Edward’s lives really slowly as the episodes follow one another. I love the fact the character I am playing is actually....multifaceted. We’re gonna see how this works through the series a lot, you can’t say if (Name)’s with the good or bad side. In my option, They will be something in between these two and it will clearly depend on what situation they will find themselves and how will they be able to handle things properly or be confuse and struggle as about the decisions they have to take. And also there is the fact we know (Name) will be the main love interest of Ed and Oz”
Reporter: “So tell us your thoughts about how your character is gonna be after the Gotham show, Oz?”
Robin Lord Taylor couldn’t help but let out a small laugh to the nickname Y\N actually thought for his role. It’s been a really long time since he heard of it and knew he will better get used to it cause it’s gonna be something his role will adopt while the episodes will be coming out. “Oswald had the chance to meet with (Name) only for once and he felt this kind of sudden interest towards them. Sadly, he didn't have the chance to explore those feelings any further. Well, fortunately, in my option at least”
Reporter: “I think the fans know what you mean. The audience will meet you and the Riddler after the end of Gotham's 5th season. You both had to build your empires and are ready to make Gotham know who you really are, but once (Name) will be back...."
Y\N: “People say when the human make plans for the future, the god laughs"
Reporter: "That's right! However, we all are curious why (Name) left their job as a former officer in the CGPD. I mean...they weren't highly recognized like Jim or Harvey but they were well respected and were kinda close friends with Ed too"
Y\N: "Yeah, the thing is...it wasn't what they actually wanted from their lives. So once the only person who has been left from their family passed away, which was their grandma, they had nothing to hold them back to follow their dream. With Ed (Name) was the one who was being nice to him and even gave him some advice as about how to approach Ms. Kringle. But that was it, at least about their part, you know. But we know that will change eventually... "
Reporter: "Indeed, now... Cory, I believe it is time to ask you a question. We know all relationships Edward had so far died one way or another. So how do you think he is gonna handle the 4th chance that will comes to him?"
Cory Michael Smith: "The first relationship Edward had with Ms. Kreingle was only love from his good side and only. So once she was about to betray him and tell the police what he did with her previous boyfriend....the bad side took in charge. Isabella was the same thing only that I believe Penguin was faster to do the job for Ed's dark side. Oswald did it out of jealousy but...it doesn't change the fact Riddler would kill her soon or later, in my opinion. And finally, the only difference with Lee was that both Ed and Riddler loved her. However, Riddler knew she was just using him but Ed didn't want to believe so. In the fifth season, Ed and Riddler again merge. Unknown to him, thanks to Hugo Strange planting a control chip in his brain, it silenced his original Ed Nygma personality, effectively freeing him of the eternal struggle. Without the struggle, Riddler actually managed to mellow out a bit, gaining some of the calmer traits Ed had. And when he will meet again with the only person who was nice to him back from his former job....feelings will grow inside him. Feelings Riddler thought he couldn't feel anymore. And there will be an actual chance for him to find the 'happiness' he was searching for such a long time. IF the conjunctures are gonna work out for him and if he will play his cards right, to win their heart"
Reporter: "Robin, some thoughts of Penguin perhaps?" She glanced over the raven-haired guy with now curiosity filled in her eyes.
Robin Lord Taylor: "Everyone Oswald loved so far died and even worst he was in front of both of his parents' deaths. He had also confused the feelings he had for Edward to be true love. So I believe if Oswald will grow to explore that interest for (Name) and once he will discover his actually strong feelings for them...I don't think he is gonna let them go"
Reporter: "What do you think Y\N?"
Y\N: "They’re gonna struggle....a lot"
That made the reporter turn her attention completely to the front camera's sight and smiled slyly. "Well, what do you say fans....are you excited about this new series?'
Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin episode 1
Long time no see (Part 1)

A deep sight escaped from you as a nostalgic feeling began to slowly fit in your heart. You were walking through the Gotham city once again, after a very long time. Your attention was distracted between the many buildings, the people who were passing by or even, the many stores that seemed gran new to your eyes.
Have been born in Gotham you had learned your way through the streets. Since the biggest part of the city has been explored by you from your early childhood years. And even now, you had reached the (your age), you could remember your way almost around every area just fine.
Never knew parents and been left with your dear grandmother to live with, once the only person who has been left from your family passed away, you decided it was finally the right time to make a long trip away from your born place. You had succeeded, you were satisfied with yourself since you managed to make this dream come true.
And now alone yet pretty excited, you made your return in order to make a new start. You didn't felt all alone though, one more reason for your return was the hope to see a truly dear person you had met once there to the most random timing. And had the luck to meet his son too who caught your interest since then.
Maybe you could see him again as well, however, the loud music that hit into your ears finally made you snap from your thoughts and glance up to the big lighting sigh that looked like the sketch of an ice mountain and a cute umbrella to the right side. You cloud also see the club's name 'The Iceberg Lounge'.
"Hmm..." You hummed to yourself in curiosity and a sly smile barely appeared to the corners of your lips as you noticed the guard who was standing before the big double door wasn't paying the necessary attention and skillfully you sneaked in with no problem.
With playful yet smooth movements of your feet, you moved between the people who were drinking, dancing, or simply talking with each other as the colorful lights from the big disco ball were falling upon them. Just then, a quite familiar voice made your ears perked up a bit, and without a second thought, you passed between the people who were standing in your way, before you had asked them politely to move aside.
Tapping sounds of a cane could be heard against the sine floor of the dance stage. The man know as Oswald Cobblepot walked between the public while glancing around. His hand reached up to correct the monocle over his right-damaged blue eye.
After a 'business' talk he had with some of his fellows, a tired sight escaped from his pointy nose. All he wanted was to get back to his mansion. Some rest and a nice hot meal are exactly what he desperately needs after a long day.
However, those thoughts faded away once the person who crossed against him made the slight fat man almost lose his balance and make some clumsy back steps to avoid falling down. "Whaat the hell?!"
You couldn't see pretty clear and gasped when you suddenly bumped against someone's chest. Your expression turned into one full of shock and confusion once you glanced up to him. "Oz....is that you?"
“...(N-Name)?” His voice came out almost in a whisper, lips slightly parted and eyes wide open from the shock and pure surprise Oswald felt when he scanned the person with his gaze and recognized who they actually were. Suddenly the loud music seemed to silent down and the people on the dance floor slowly disappearing as if none was there but only you and himself. No matter how many years had passed since then, he could still bring the moment of your first and only meeting so clear to his mind.
Requests are open!

Greetings everyone. I'd like to inform you that I open my ask box for Black Butler, Hellsing Great mouse detective and Gotham requests.
You can choose between headcanons and one shots.
Smut has been added as a request choice. Warning won't accept smut that involves violence of any kind along with sadistic or masochistic stuff.
Thank you for reading this post and can't wait for your requests.
Ask Sebastian and Y\N a question! (here)
Ask Basil, Y\N and Ratigan a question! (here)
Ask Y/N and Alucard a question! (here)
I write for:
Black butler Masterlist
The great mouse detective Masterlist
Gotham Masterlist
Hellsing ultimate Masterlist
Gotham Masterlist

My story
Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin (plot)
Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin episode 1 (part 1)
Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin episode 1 (Part 2)
Hey y'all I'm bored :3
I want you to gimme a description of urself (physically and personality) and I'll pair you with a gotham character
Cobblepot's Cabana

Summary: Working for Oswald Cobblepot has its perks. Mr. Cobblepot always gives out Christmas and summer bonuses, you get excellent health insurance... However, working at a pool owned by one of Batman rogues can put you at odds with the Caped Crusader himself. One day, the Riddler and Killer Croc team up to defeat Batman. This team endeavor doesn't work out the way they expected.
Lifeguard POV:
There wasn’t any mention of how to handle situations like this during the certification. Teenage boys doing back flips into the shallow end? Yes. Nose bleeds? Of course. Clocking into work to find the Gotham knight fighting not one, but two of his rogues on the pool deck? Absolutely not. Nothing could have prepared me to witness the all out brawl that was occurring during my shift. Or the fact that Killer Croc’s tail defensively slapped the Riddler, Batman, and Robin into the pool. Tyler hands me the lifeguard tube with a sly smile.
“Good luck with that. I’m going to go pee.”
If I wasn’t so concerned for the teenage vigilante getting his face pushed underwater by a crocodile, that would have been incredibly annoying.
Staring at the drowning quartet, I am faced with a dilemma.
Do I get paid enough for this? (No)
Would interrupting the feud end with my imminent death? (Probably)
Poor Eddie Nygma flails desperately against the waves made by Killer Croc and Batman wrestling. For such an intelligent guy, one would have assumed he would at least know how to doggy paddle... One would be wrong. Every time the man, known to the rest of the world as the Riddler, touches the water... He sinks. It's honestly impressive how quickly he can reach the bottom of the pool. His panicked green eyes cause my heart to swell.
Dammit... Fine.
Within moments, I plunge into the icy water. Of course today of all days Cobblepot would turn the temperature down for dramatic effect. Fighting against Killer Croc's waves, I lunge for Eddie first. Avoiding his panicked limbs, I shove the buoy flush against his chest. Eddie clings onto the life preserver with a grateful gaze as I meet a face full of salt water.
My eyes burn from the impact. Resurfacing a few feet away, the vigilante/ crocodilian brawl somehow managed to turn on the manual waves. I watch in disbelief as Eddie gets pulled in their direction. His feverishly pale skin and blue lips chill me to my core.
"Oh.. No you don't!" I gasp struggling against the current. Another wave pushes me under. Stay calm. You've done this before. Opening my eyes, my heart stops when I register what I am face to face with.
Void like black eyes stare emotionless in my direction. With skin so grey and smooth, I'm almost tempted to run my hand across. However, the hundreds of sharp teeth keep me at bay. There's a shark in the pool, King Shark, to be exact... and he's not happy about the wrestling match going on above. Typical Gotham. Funny enough, I checked the attendance log this morning. Nanaue canceled his membership months ago, but that's none of my business.
From the corner of my eye, I vaguely make out the faint outline of the drowning boy wonder. The kid’s head is above water for now, but the heavy plated Robin suit cannot be easy to swim in.
Sometimes, King Shark confuses the lifeguards for poolside snacks. Easy mistake really. Cobblepot had warned us previously of the last guard who got eaten. Unzipping my fanny pack, I fumble for my saving grace: a small tuna packet from my morning lunch. Offering it to the shark, I await his response. That must have been the right move because a smile emerges with hundreds of teeth barring all at once.
Pressure and panic spreads throughout my body from the lack of oxygen. Crawling to the surface, my lungs gasp for air while I assess the current situation. Eddie's conscious, yet even with the raft his lips are still tinged with blue from his underwater adventure. Robin's fighting with less vigor than before. He doesn't have much time. Killer Croc is in his element. And Batman? Well, like any Florida man wrestling with their local wildlife: he's doing his best. His sluggish movements are showing how much the cape and his weaponry are weighing him down.
Considering my options, I make the dumbest split second decision of my life: I ask for help. Diving under the oncoming waves, I gesture towards King Shark with as much pleading as I can muster. I don't speak Shark, but I motion to my fanny back to insinuate their would be more fish ahead. Nananue slowly nods his head before circling the water around me.
For a second, I think my life is over. Maybe my parents were right to throw a fit when I announced my acceptance into Gotham U. I'm sure Metropolis Lifeguards’ don't have to make bargains with their local trespassing aquatic life.
To my relief, King Shark doesn't bite my head off. With an impatient shimmy, he waits for me to hold on. I shrug before crawling on his back. We cut through the waves with such ease that I find myself in awe of the cartilaginous fish. If I swam like that, I would bum off Oswald Cobblepot too. The Riddler and his life raft tug loosely behind due to the harness around my waist.
Checking my watch, I frown.
Tyler was supposed to take me off stand ten minutes ago. That bastard. From the empty pool deck, I bet he left work early again... for the 3rd time this week.
Speeding past the giant iceberg in the center of the pool, King Shark reluctantly slows down once we near the frail looking teenager. Before I can hoist the kid up, Nananue eyes the young boy with interest.
"Don't even think about it. If you eat Robin, I have to explain to Cobblepot how you've been staying here for months without paying for a membership."
With an exaggerated sigh, the Shark man allows me to hull the kid half way out of the water. Somehow, Robins mask managed to stay on during the kerfuffle. His wet black hair sticks to his forehead. He's got a pulse. He's breathing. Reaching the pool deck, Robin’s limp form is proving ridiculously lofty to move.
Across the pool deck, Batman somehow managed to tranquilize Killer Croc. His damp armor makes a hilarious ~squish~ noise with every step. Eddie sprawls on his back muttering something I assume to be riddle associated. Robin's starting to regain color.
Thank goodness, I didn't have to do CPR; I do not want to be the one responsible for breaking the Boy Wonders ribs.
One eye flutters open, then the other. The intensity of his blue eyes catches me off guard.
"Instead of saving my life," He rasps with a mischievous grin, "Can you save my phone number?"
Very original.
I briefly consider shoving him back into the pool. If I hadn't spent the last 20 minutes trying to save his life, I would have. Instead of responding, I make eye contact with his Guardian.
"I'm going to need to ask you two to leave." I elaborate gesturing to my watch, "The pool closes at 9."
Edward Nygma x Reader x Harvey Dent - Part One
(Just for fun.)

"Checkmate!" Your roommate exclaimed with an exciting smile, even though he had just won three times in a row. Edward always beat you and now, you hardly bothered to put effort into winning. Honestly, the only reason you played at all was because it was his favorite game, other than riddles.
You both sat in the living room of your guys' apartment, next to a small stack of board games that Edward had laid out. This was something that had been incorporated in your night routines, unless one of you were too tired to play.
"You're smart, but your intellect is no match for mine," he teased.
"Pfft. I don't really care. There's plenty of things I could beat you at."
"Oh? Like what?" he smirked.
You thought for a moment. "Wrestling. I could easily take you down."
Edward chuckled as he continued the stare down match you both were having.
Suddenly, your phone rang.
Without breaking eye contact, you grabbed your phone off of the coffee table and answered. "Hello?"
Edward felt his heartbeat quicken. Right now everything was perfect. The sound of raindrops tapping on the windows created a cozy atmosphere, especially when combined with the dimmed lights and warm tones of the apartment. This was his favorite pastime, especially now that he was playing with you,
"Oh, hey, Harvey."
When Edward first met you, you were patiently sitting in the corner of the GCPD. The sad look on your face prompted him to talk to you, and of course he began the conversation with a riddle. Although shy and reserved, you managed to answer correctly, and after a few more, you had Edward's interest.
"Tomorrow? At six o'clock?" You broke eye contact and began staring at the hardwood floor in thought.
Edward found out that you had been arrested after getting caught shoplifting. You justified yourself, saying that you had only stolen food. You were hungry, but had no money. Edward further pried into your life and living situation and eventually decided to take you under his wing after finding out that you were sleeping in an abandoned building. He pleaded with the Chief of Police to let you go and argued that they were wasting time arresting you when there were psychopaths and murderers running all over Gotham. The Chief agreed and let you off with a warning, and ever since then, you had been living at Edward's apartment in Gotham with a job that you loved.
"Yeah, that works for me." You smiled, dreamily.
Edward frowned. You seemed to be smitten with the District Attorney.
"Okay, see you then." You hung up and put your phone back on the table.
"What's happening at six o'clock?" Edward immediately asked, feeling apprehensive.
"I'm going on a date."
Edward felt his heart sink. He was in love with you, but you didn't know it. He wanted to tell you but he never had the right time or the courage. "With Harvey Dent? Where are you going?"
"Yes, and to see a movie," you answered, beginning to put away the chess board and pieces.
"What movie?"
"I don't know, he said it would be a surprise."
Edward stayed silent, feeling anxious.
"Are you okay?" It was rare for him to be this quiet.
"Yes, I feel perfectly fine. I'm think I’m going to sleep now. I have to work late tomorrow." He looked so sullen.
"Oh. Well, goodnight." You watched in confusion as he abruptly stood up.
He stopped and turned around, faking a smile at you before heading into his room. “Goodnight.”
Moving as fast as you could, you added all the finishing touches to your hair and makeup. Going to the movies wasn't a dressy occasion, but you liked Harvey and wanted to look your best.
You walked up to the full length mirror for the last time, inspecting yourself from head to toe. It was almost six o'clock and Harvey would soon be coming to pick you up. Feeling way too anxious, you walked out into your living room and began straightening up the pillows on the couch, trying to make the apartment look more presentable.
Someone knocked at the door and your heart raced. Harvey was here. You walked over the door and opened it to reveal... "Ed? I thought you had to work late?" You let him in.
"Yes, but the GCPD wasn't as busy as usual today. What a convenience that you're still here! I forgot my key and thought I might have to stay outside until you came back."
"Yeah..." You stepped outside for a moment, looking around until you spotted Harvey's car in the distance. You hurried back inside, shutting the door and waiting beside it, nervously.
Edward noticed your outfit and frowned. It was his favorite outfit on you and he couldn't stand that you were wearing it for someone else. "Are you wearing that?"
You looked up at him in concern. "What's wrong with it?
He shook his head. "Oh... uh... nothing. I'm sorry I mentioned it."
You looked down at your clothes, inspecting them, then quickly ran back into your room to change. It was just as Edward had planned.
He took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack, then peeked out the window to see Harvey just outside. Edward ran over to the door, opening it just in time to see Harvey's arm awkwardly hanging in the air with his hand in a fist, about to knock. Harvey let his arm drop back down to his side, slightly frowning as he looked Edward up and down, obviously wondering who the man in your apartment was. " Is (Y/N) here?"
"Yes, she is." Edward forced a polite smile, blocking the doorway.
"Well, could I come in?"
"Of course," Edward replied. But he still just stood there, making Harvey uncomfortable.
Edward moved aside and motioned for Harvey to come in, closing the door once they were both inside. Harvey was overdressed, still in one of the suits that he wore to work everyday.
"So, Mr. Dent," Edward began as he clapped his hands together. "It's awfully close to dinnertime to be calling on (Y/N), don't you think?"
Harvey deeply inhaled. "I don't smell anything cooking."
Edward did his best to hold in a glare. "It's frozen."
"Well, don't worry about it," Harvey crossed his arms, smiling in amusement. "I'll get her something."
"So just how long will you be gone?" Edward copied him, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "(Y/N) and I have some important things to do."
Harvey quietly scoffed and frowned. "Who are you? Her brother?"
Edward was about to reply when suddenly you appeared, wearing a new outfit. The color brought out your kind and innocent eyes. But it didn't matter what you wore, you were beautiful and Edward wished he was the one you were dressing up for.
"Hey, Harvey." You smiled shyly as you walked into the room.
"Hello, (Y/N). You look great." Harvey greeted you with a quick kiss on the cheek, causing Edward to lose his composed expression and contort his face in disgust. Harvey didn't mind. In fact, he seemed to be ignoring Edward at this point.
"Well, shall we go?" Harvey opened the door and smiled warmly at you.
"Uh.. yeah!" You turned around momentarily to wave goodbye to Edward. He waved back, smiling longingly as he watched the man drag you away. He felt so alone already, but he knew he wouldn't be for much longer. He had planned your entire date.
You and Harvey returned, disappointment written on both of your faces.
"Wow, back so soon?" Edward faked concern. Once you were inside, he tried to close the door before Harvey could follow, but Harvey pushed it open, giving Edward a threatening look.
"Yeah, the theater was closed," you replied. "When we pulled in, the police were everywhere. They said there was a dead body found inside and apparently the dead body belonged to a man involved in one of Harvey's cases. So... they need him to report to the police station as soon as possible." Harvey helped you take off your jacket and then hung it up.
"Oh, how disappointing." Edward turned around for a moment, struggling to contain his mischievous smile.
"Well, regardless, I still enjoyed tonight." Harvey took your hand and smiled. "I'm going to head out now, I hope we can reschedule."
"Definitely." You opened the door for him. "Feel free to stop by anytime."
"Yes, feel free to stop by anytime." Edward repeated, walking up next to you in the doorway so that Harvey could see him. "We're always here."
Part Two
Edward Nygma x Reader x Harvey Dent - Part Two

(Just for fun.)
After you both came home from a long day at work, you hopped into the shower while Edward went into the kitchen to make dinner. Less than half an hour later, he heard a ringtone coming from the living room and looked over his shoulder to see your phone lying on the coffee table, unguarded.
A spark of curiosity appeared in Edward, although he didn't want to disrespect your privacy. He turned his head and stared at the hallway that you had disappeared into earlier, holding his breath to hear whether or not the shower was still running. It was, and hesitantly, Edward walked over to the coffee table. He looked at the caller ID and was extremely displeased to see that it was Harvey Dent. He wasn't surprised though. You both had been going out a lot recently. Sometimes Harvey would come over and Edward would do everything he could to make sure you and Harvey were never together alone.
"Mr. Dent!" Edward had answered your call on impulse, faking a friendly tone. "How are you?"
Edward heard a scoff on the other end of the line. "Nygma.." The barely concealed annoyance in Harvey's voice suggested that he was expecting this. "You know, I don't think (Y/n) would be very pleased if she knew that you were answering her calls now too."
"Well, thank you for your concern, but we're enjoying a nice and quiet evening at home and she didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment." Edward lied. "Oh! (Y/n), do you mind putting another log in the fire?" He talked to you as if you were there.
"Yeah, Nygma, very funny. I know what you're trying to do. I see the way you look at her and I know that you like her, but guess what? I like her too, and she likes me. When will you accept that?" The way Harvey's voice softened made Edward clench his fist and glare at nothing in particular. It was as if Harvey was explaining something to an incompetent child.
"It's rather bold of you to assume that (Y/n)-" Edward was interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open. Quickly, he hung up, leaving your phone where he found it and going back into the kitchen as if he was only cooking the entire time.
"Hey, Ed," you greeted him.
"Hello, (Y/n)!" He smiled.
You picked up your phone. "Did I get any calls? Harvey's supposed to be calling tonight."
Edward would have said no, but your call history would say otherwise. "Yes, he did. I told him that you were unavailable at the moment and he said he would call again later." Another lie.
"Oh.. well, thank you."
"You're absolutely welcome." Edward smirked to himself.
After dinner, Edward put on your favorite show and set out your favorite snacks to go with it. He knew almost everything about you - the things you loved and the things that made your blood boil. He knew you much better than Harvey Dent did.
Edward sat back on the couch, smiling whenever he saw you looking at your phone, waiting for a call that would never come. This way, maybe you would realize how much disappointment awaited you in your possible future. Being the District Attorney, Harvey would never be able to give you the attention you deserved. Maybe you would realize that you needed someone who valued you and put you first. Someone who loved you not just for your pretty face, but your mind.
It was a weekend, two in the afternoon when the doorbell rang. Edward stood up to answer it, rolling his hands into fists when he opened the door to see Harvey Dent. "Mr. Dent, please come in," he sighed. But Harvey didn't even wait for Edward to finish, he was already walking into the apartment.
"Mr. Nygma. We need to talk."
"Do we?" Edward walked away into the living room as if he had something better to do. But he was followed by Harvey who was wearing a serious and focused expression that he probably also wore in court. Edward paused, standing still as he crossing his arms, looking quite uncomfortable.
"I'm getting tired of this game and I want it to stop." Harvey began.
Is he going to stop seeing (Y/N)? Edward thought. His forced, polite smile became real for a moment.
"Today, I'm going to make it official and ask her if we could start a serious relationship. If you truly care about her, you'll respect that."
"Of course." Edward seethed. How dare he! But soon the anger was replaced by disappointment and hurt. Was he really losing you so quickly?
"Good." Harvey lightly smiled and slapped Edward on the back.
Just at the right moment, you walked into the apartment, just returning from the grocery store. You set down the bags and looked surprised when you noticed them. "Harvey? What are you doing here?"
"We have a date today." He walked towards you with a dreamy smile. "You didn't get my text?"
Edward casually took a sip from his coffee. He had deleted that text from your phone.
"No, I didn't." You looked confused and embarrassed. "Sorry."
"It's okay. Do you still want to go? I was just thinking we could stop by that one ice cream place and walk around the city."
"Yeah, that sounds fun." You smiled.
Edward walked up to you two. "(Y/N), I want you to know that Harvey and I have worked things out and we're on good terms now."
"Oh, that's great!" You were very aware that he didn't like Harvey. It was obvious. And although you tried to be courteous, Edward's consistent interruptions of your and Harvey's time together and the "discreet" rivalry between the two men became vexing after a while.
"Right, Harvey?" Edward called him by his first name, getting a strange look in return.
"Yes. He respects that we're dating and understands that you are an independent woman who can make her own decisions," Harvey told you, but it was directed more to Edward as a warning. "Anyway... shall we go?" Harvey let out one of his warm smiles and grabbed your hand.
"Yeah, let's go." Edward put his arms around your and Harvey's shoulders, making sure that he was in between you both.
If you and Harvey were going to go out, Edward had to at least tag along. He would make sure that Harvey would never ask you to be his girlfriend and he would make sure that this date was the least romantic one you've ever had.
The three of you headed out the door, confusion written on your face and annoyance written on Harvey's.
Part One
(Y/n): *making dinner*
Edward: *walks into kitchen*
(Y/n): Oh hey! Would you mind handing me the uh...
(Y/n): I forget what it's called....
(Y/n): .. Albino broccoli..?
Edward: ......
Edward: You mean the cauliflower?
My Masterlist
✧.* Star Wars ✧.*

Hunter x Jedi Reader

Edward Nygma x Reader x Harvey Dent Part One
Edward Nygma x Reader x Harvey Dent Part Two

Modern Girl in Middle Earth
Thorin Oakenshield x Reader Pt. I