269 posts

Mega Regionals

Mega Regionals

Okay so hear me out, we all got to acknowledge that after Za and possibly gen 10 their putting mega evos as we know them will be put back into the poke vault. So an idea I have is create a bridge between regional/convergent forms and mega evos. So here are some ideas on how that could work

This is the laziest idea, but the appearance of the megas are how these pokemon looked in Kalos' past

Lore wise Zygarde did something that caused the pokemon to look like their mega, their complete forms as you will

Similar idea to 2, but the professor or the antagonist did something combing a zygarde cell with a mega stone that allows your pokemon to look like it

Now I don't know if these are bridges per say, but I feel like these ideas would be better then just shelving Megas and bringing them back every so often

  • kamenkuma05
    kamenkuma05 liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Fantasticalbiology

10 months ago

The Amazing Digital Battle Circus: Jax vs Gangle

Caine: Welcome back to the Amazing Digital Battle Circus, Digital blood sports enthusiasts. Unfortunately due to a certain jester and rabbit who will remain nameless we are experiencing technical difficulties

Bubble: Jax and Pomni killed everyone including the abstracted and the boys at C&A are currently working to make sure everyone respawn safely

Caine pops Bubble: You should of not said that. Anyway the best we can right now is reminisce about simpler times. Like the third time Gangle killed Jax


Caine: So allow me to set the stage. I sent the combatants to a basic fantasy setting and Somehow Jax overthrew the ruling npc. Because Jax was still new at the time the other combatants decided to play his heelish games. All except Gangle, for you see Jax insulted her face then broke her tragedy mask. Skipping most of the story in which she fought and took down Ragatha, Kinger and Zooble because those aren't funny we are in this scenarios present at that time

Gangle stood their surrounded by several npc soilders.

"By order of king Jax stop right there string lady" said one the npc

"What is a king to a god" Gangle said valiantly

"We serve king Jax and our god is the mother eve" said the npc

"Nah" Gangle said confidently. "Your god is right here and she's fresh out of mercy"

Caine: The color drained from these npc faces, they were not ready for that declaration. Some of them ran away, some of them dropped to their knees and some of them tried to fight and were promptly executed by Gangle.

"The rest of you can and will live if you give me Jax" Gangle stated

Caine: They turned tail and betrayed Jax. Now Jax tried to fight against this army of mutineers but even the greatest combatant in the ADBC can't handle an army. So there was Jax at Gangle ribbon...feet. What she says next is the reason she is one of the greatest combatants to grace the digital arena.

"On any other day Jax I'd let you have this, but you insulted a young maidens face, destroyed her prize possession then made me slaugher these defenseless npc and my friends" Gangle stated

Caine: Jax tried to say something, but she slapped the smile off him literally

"So to restore the honor of said maiden you will be executed by my hand" Gangle stated

Caine: So Gangle marched Jax to the kingdom, having him humiliated by all the npc, before executing the usual way only she can, strangulation. (Caine laughs) C&A are still getting therapy bills from those who watched that


Bubble: Some would say that's not a fight that's just Gangle being Gangle

Caine: I never said it was fight. Gangle fought Kinger and Ragatha and Zooble gave up, but I didn't touch on those

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10 months ago

Mega Mewtwo Z

So for context Part of this idea came from @xxtc-96xx Mewtwo series.

So imagine if you will, Mewtwo gets a new Mega in legend Za even though it doesn't make sense for it to be in that game. I don't know what mega Mewtwo Z would look like, but it has a new ability called mutate (or a named that's nicer) which is just Libero/Protean. Because in my head it makes sense that Mew or Mewtwo would have a Protean like ability

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11 months ago

Princess Peach showtime Costar and understudy dlc

In the Nintendo Direct announcer voice

"Even though Peach made Grape take her final bow it appears that remnants of her forces have come back for an encore along with Grapes older and more sour sister Raisin. This time you won’t be taking a bow alone as you’ll be accompanied by other leading ladies in Costar mode.

Help clean up the mean streets with Officer Pauline

Find the hidden treasures with Adventurer Daisy.

Preform act of magics never before seen with Witch Peachette (played by Toadette)

Hm it appears we have another understudy in... Luna Luma, Mario's companion in super mario galaxy 3 reprising her role as Rosa, Rosalina odd doppleganger.

Princess Peach Showtime the Costar update rolls out the red carpet summer 2024

Officer, Witch and Adventuer came from @starryqueen-18

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9 months ago

If Kingdom Hearts had been under the banner of Warner bros instead of Disney our main traveling party members would be Foghorn Leghorn and Porky pig and Daffy would be in Petes roles because there is no way in hell Daffy would be subservient to Bugs

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1 year ago

Duotale Cyan and Orange: Cowardice and Impatience

First context, UT Cyan and Orange and for names that will be in this post UT Cyan and Orange Cast. Now personal context I saw a post on twitter on why and how the green soul of kindness would commit genocide for a stand alone Undertale green, and this made question why the cyan and orange soul would for my hypothetical Undertale Cyan and Orange. Then it hit me Cyan becoming impatient with the situations and Orange being cowardly. 

So let me set the stage…

We leave the flower room and encounter Oren and Staug where we would Flowey. They try to teach us about the importance of teamwork before turning on us and are stopped by Toriel. The usual genocide shenanigans happens with Julien (Orange) and Kai (Cyan) blasting through the ruins. Now in UT Cyan and Orange pacifist we go to the Toriel’s home where Julien “kidnaps” Kai and takes them to the alternate exit of the ruins. In Genocide we go directly to the alternate route where Oren and Staug are waiting for us. 

They begin to apologize about being jerks and it had a negative influence on Kai and Julien so they took it out on the other monsters. We go into the battle menu and the textbox reads: Oren and Staug are asking for forgiveness. If you kill Oren then he turns to dust leaving a yarn ball while if you kill Staug then he turns to dust leaving his axe. For this post let’s say we kill Oren: We leave the battle menu and Staug picks up the yarn ball and looks at us and says “I’ll be happy when I see your body float down the river” before escaping out the door to Snowdin. Julien tries to go back probably to kill toriel, but is stopped by Kai, either out of sense of mercy or an impatient desire to move forward either the two leave out the ruin door.

We enter Snowdin forest and are immediately jump scared by a standee which is punched down by Julien and Kai laugh at them . This genocide has a somewhat branching path structure and  since we killed Oren then Tek leaves the bushes and says “At least someone appreciated our hard work that big guy who came out the ruins didn’t really care it and Tik had to go after him.” Awkward silence and then Tek leaves. Genocide shenanigans in the Snowdin forest ensue until we reach the branching maze paths Tik and Tek set up. In pacifist you chooses which way to and then you meet Tik/Tek and they congratulate you on making it to the end. In genocide you make it to the end and kill one of them. When we make it to the end of Snowdin the other twin greets Julien and Kai and asks where their other half went is as they just got order to evacuate Snowdin. We enter the battle menu and we attack them, but much like Sans they dodge, but don’t attack until the forth time we attack where we do land a hit on them and they go on the offensive. Now something of note is Tik and Tek have masks not anything special like Ceroba’s mask just stupid little halloween masks which they are attached to, so if we picked up the dusted twins mask then act to drop the mask in front of the other twin they will understand things faster and go on the offensive after that. Now back to the fight ending they get knocked down and we have the option to spare or kill. Obvi here we choose kill and as we press attack, bone spikes jut up in front of the twin not being able to totally protect breaking their mask in the process. The surviving twin let’s say Tik escapes and we exit the battle menu. Before we can proceed to waterfall a wall of bone spikes jut up from the ground. Lex End shows up and says you are not permitted any more carnage then leaves. Julien by order of Kai starts punching the wall of bone spikes repeatedly. Cut to Staug, Tik and Lex all hearing that commotion and wondering what to do. Lex suggest sending down a different path at least to divert from waterfall and hotland and that’s what they do. Cut back to Julien whose punched down all the bone spikes and we proceed to find Staug and taunts us like how Oren would before running down a different route. With no control or choice Julien and Kai chase after Staug ending up in Hudsee (an area similar to the Wild east, but Julien and Kai coded) 

So Genocide shenanigans ensue until we meet, this areas bosses. Now if Julien LV is higher than Kai then we encounter Mic and if Kai’s is higher then Coach and obvi this the actual fight as we take them down in one hit. The other one shows up and sees what we did and the actual fight which is Undyne the Undying level difficulty as they fight like dirty boxer even interrupting our turns sometimes. Before we can kill them, like usual they are able to escape, this time by Anansi. In pacifist we would be thrown down a hole where we would meet Anansi, but we skip it and go to hotland where we are greeted not by Neverdead, but Anansi and Lex End who are being screamed by a walkie talkie. They see us and toss the walkie talkie at us then make their escape.

So Genocide in Hotland ensues, until we meet Lex End with a bag at the end of it. He is for intensive purposes are penultimate boss. His goal isn’t to kill both of the humans, but weaken them so throughout the fight they whenever us or him gets low on hp he heals using items from shops we missed or taken from the dimensional box. The fight is over if either we damage him more than he can heal or he runs out of healing item. Either way they beg for mercy and we have a choice to either spare or kill. If we spare him then he kills Kai, causing Julien LV to rise and kill him and if we kill him then he counters with green attack killing Julien causing Kai’s Lv rise as he turns to dust. The soul of the dead one is taken by Anansi and we proceed to the Last Corridor where all the boss we didn’t kill are waiting for us. If we spared Lex then Anansi sits this fight out assuming the remaining human has some goodness in them. Either way this fight is technically a no win and even we manage to kill them all (the 3 bosses that escaped plus Anansi and Neverdead), Asgore kills the remaining human because their determination can only get them so far.

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