Undertale Orange - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Undertale Cyan and Orange weapons

First context is important UT Cyan & Orange or to put this simply the first and second human were cyan and orange soul who fell at the same time. Here are their hypothetical weapons


Tough gloves: Worn pink leather gloves. For five fingered gloves

Fingerless gloves: You don’t feel tougher but you feel cooler

Bear mittens: Best for keeping warm and being unbearably cute

Fist wrap: Even if their just bandages its important to keep safe

Gauntlets: Heavy are the hands that wears these, also the amount of sweats

Knuckle duster: Your not a kind soul that’s why their not green. Your the one to be feared though


Toy knife: Made of plastic a rarity these days

Kitchen knife: The smell of a freshly baked pie wafts from it.

Rusty chisel: a little worn but still good for making sculptures 

Sharp stick: It feel like your going to be stepping on someone else's toes, but whatever

Syringe: You can help someone with this, but your other half might be afraid of it

Dagger: Not for child's play. You waited long enough for this

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1 year ago

Undertale Cyan and Orange Cast

So context: Undertale Cyan & Orange. This was supposed to be me listing off OC and their personalities, but this became a more detail version of the above linked post.

Julien and Kai Annie, the first and second humans- bearing the cyan and orange souls respectively - to fall into the underground. Julien (orange) jumped into mount ebott on purpose because they were challenge and Kai (cyan) followed them because they have no confidence in Julien to make it out the underground alive. Julien similar to chapter one Susie is attack crazy so its up to Kai to warn the monsters or calm Julien down, also Julien has a unique meter that I’m calling the brave meter and it determines how often Julien attacks.

Oren and Staug, Are the first monsters we would encounter in the underground being where Flowey would be. Staug is an ogre similar build to Ed and Oren is a small- about the size of the two human- non descript mammalian monster, basically Rocky and Mugsy from Looney Tunes. So, they attack Julien and Kai and are about to finish them off when Toriel comes in to see what’s going on. Oren lies to Toriel that they found some humans hurt and they were trying to heal them. She believes them, but takes Julien and Kai into her care. Now over the course of our time in the ruins Oren and Staug when Toriel isn’t around will mess with us, but end up comically stooging it up. For example our penultimate encounter with them is when Toriel leaves us alone they appear and “attack” us with the element of “surprise” which ends with Oren stuck in a wall. Toriel comes back and we have the option to lie for them or tell on them. The latter option gets them really mad at us. In our final confrontation with them they refuse to heed Kai’s warning so the calm Julien act replaces another action. After doing said action we gain control of Julien and together Spare Oren and Staug. They apologize for being jerks and open the ruins doors and tell us to be safe and to survive or Toriel will be sad (Foreshadowing). Upon entering snodwin we are stopped by...

Tik and Tek identical twin monsters and the youngest members royal guard. Throughout Julien and Kai's time in snowdin they attempt to scare the duo which honestly works on Julien and every battle we would have to calm them or warn the monsters. Near the end their adventures in Snowdin they face them both wearing scary masks which permanently frightens Julien so we have to warn them and its up to Kai alone to spare them. After doing so they decid to help us. They know the other royal guards wants Julien and Kai so they lead them away from waterfall and into a new area similar to the wild east, but Julien and Kai coded. Their they meet…

Coach and Mic. Coach is an Olm monster and an old soul similar to Gerson while Mic is a four armed monster, and is the stereotypical tough guy with a heart of gold. Throughout our adventures with these two they teach us how to turn orange and cyan attacks the other color. There is a third thing they’re trying to teach us but they keep getting interrupted. Things inevitably blow up between Coach and Mic- Coach wants to bring Julien or Kai to Asgore and Mic is opposed to that -and they try to fight each other. There we learn the third thing they were trying to teach them turning white attacks Cyan or Orange. For obvious reasons they make up and they agree to help Julien and Kai plead to Asgore together. This nice moment is interrupted by the captain of the royal who throws Julien/Kai down the ravine that connects this area and Hotland they then leave but not before challenging Kai/Julien. We take control of the falling human who landed in a spider web. We are greeted not by Muffet but by…

Anasi, who let’s them out of her web and apologizes. Now compared to Muffet, Anasi is a kind soul and they agree to help the human, but its becomes obvious that they're leading us in the wrong direction even sicking a horde of spiders on us which probably couldn't be done in Undertale’s style. It all comes to a head with the inevitable fight against her and she reveals that the captain of the royal guard told her and many other monsters to delay one of the humans once they're apart. She apologizes and lets us go eventually and if you go back you get a cute scene of her and the human hugging. Meanwhile the other human along with Mic or Coach- Mic if Julien, Coach if Kai-arrive at Hotland. They see the captain enter the lab. The human enters the lab after him, only to find a fish skeleton- A fish monster that is also a skeleton- being yelled at by a walkie talkie. This is the Royal scientist assistant and technically my first Undertale oc…

Neverdead who is being instructed by the royal scientist that they should never be disturbed in his hour of brilliance. When Neverdead notices the human they simply tell them to go. Now this sets up another round of being given the rigmarole this time by Neverdead until the confrontation with them which is interrupted by the royal scientist who activated Hotland’s defenses. Now we have to fight alongside Neverdead using her green counterattack- We attack Neverdead when her weapon turns green -to destroy the defenses. After the fight and convincing Neverdead to quit her job by dropping their walkie talkie into the lava, we make it to the judgement hall we are greeted by a shadowy tall figure and things turn to black. We switch back to whichever human that fell down the ravine making it to the judement hall. The camera pans to the captain of the royal guard…

Lex end, holding a glass container that contains either the cyan/orange soul. There are no bit here, no japes, no bombastic speeches, just the human and a monster that dwarfs the height of Asgore. He walks up to Julien/Kai takes their hand-they let him -and walk to the middle of the judgement hall. He apologizes, but this is how it must end with both their soul and the battle starts. If were Julien then we don’t control this fight they fight until their hp reaches zero and Kai has it better, but Lex’s attack is a sans level bullet hell. This is a no win fight, as we have limited loads because Julien and Kai could only save and load together.

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1 year ago

Duotale Cyan and Orange: Cowardice and Impatience

First context, UT Cyan and Orange and for names that will be in this post UT Cyan and Orange Cast. Now personal context I saw a post on twitter on why and how the green soul of kindness would commit genocide for a stand alone Undertale green, and this made question why the cyan and orange soul would for my hypothetical Undertale Cyan and Orange. Then it hit me Cyan becoming impatient with the situations and Orange being cowardly. 

So let me set the stage…

We leave the flower room and encounter Oren and Staug where we would Flowey. They try to teach us about the importance of teamwork before turning on us and are stopped by Toriel. The usual genocide shenanigans happens with Julien (Orange) and Kai (Cyan) blasting through the ruins. Now in UT Cyan and Orange pacifist we go to the Toriel’s home where Julien “kidnaps” Kai and takes them to the alternate exit of the ruins. In Genocide we go directly to the alternate route where Oren and Staug are waiting for us. 

They begin to apologize about being jerks and it had a negative influence on Kai and Julien so they took it out on the other monsters. We go into the battle menu and the textbox reads: Oren and Staug are asking for forgiveness. If you kill Oren then he turns to dust leaving a yarn ball while if you kill Staug then he turns to dust leaving his axe. For this post let’s say we kill Oren: We leave the battle menu and Staug picks up the yarn ball and looks at us and says “I’ll be happy when I see your body float down the river” before escaping out the door to Snowdin. Julien tries to go back probably to kill toriel, but is stopped by Kai, either out of sense of mercy or an impatient desire to move forward either the two leave out the ruin door.

We enter Snowdin forest and are immediately jump scared by a standee which is punched down by Julien and Kai laugh at them . This genocide has a somewhat branching path structure and  since we killed Oren then Tek leaves the bushes and says “At least someone appreciated our hard work that big guy who came out the ruins didn’t really care it and Tik had to go after him.” Awkward silence and then Tek leaves. Genocide shenanigans in the Snowdin forest ensue until we reach the branching maze paths Tik and Tek set up. In pacifist you chooses which way to and then you meet Tik/Tek and they congratulate you on making it to the end. In genocide you make it to the end and kill one of them. When we make it to the end of Snowdin the other twin greets Julien and Kai and asks where their other half went is as they just got order to evacuate Snowdin. We enter the battle menu and we attack them, but much like Sans they dodge, but don’t attack until the forth time we attack where we do land a hit on them and they go on the offensive. Now something of note is Tik and Tek have masks not anything special like Ceroba’s mask just stupid little halloween masks which they are attached to, so if we picked up the dusted twins mask then act to drop the mask in front of the other twin they will understand things faster and go on the offensive after that. Now back to the fight ending they get knocked down and we have the option to spare or kill. Obvi here we choose kill and as we press attack, bone spikes jut up in front of the twin not being able to totally protect breaking their mask in the process. The surviving twin let’s say Tik escapes and we exit the battle menu. Before we can proceed to waterfall a wall of bone spikes jut up from the ground. Lex End shows up and says you are not permitted any more carnage then leaves. Julien by order of Kai starts punching the wall of bone spikes repeatedly. Cut to Staug, Tik and Lex all hearing that commotion and wondering what to do. Lex suggest sending down a different path at least to divert from waterfall and hotland and that’s what they do. Cut back to Julien whose punched down all the bone spikes and we proceed to find Staug and taunts us like how Oren would before running down a different route. With no control or choice Julien and Kai chase after Staug ending up in Hudsee (an area similar to the Wild east, but Julien and Kai coded) 

So Genocide shenanigans ensue until we meet, this areas bosses. Now if Julien LV is higher than Kai then we encounter Mic and if Kai’s is higher then Coach and obvi this the actual fight as we take them down in one hit. The other one shows up and sees what we did and the actual fight which is Undyne the Undying level difficulty as they fight like dirty boxer even interrupting our turns sometimes. Before we can kill them, like usual they are able to escape, this time by Anansi. In pacifist we would be thrown down a hole where we would meet Anansi, but we skip it and go to hotland where we are greeted not by Neverdead, but Anansi and Lex End who are being screamed by a walkie talkie. They see us and toss the walkie talkie at us then make their escape.

So Genocide in Hotland ensues, until we meet Lex End with a bag at the end of it. He is for intensive purposes are penultimate boss. His goal isn’t to kill both of the humans, but weaken them so throughout the fight they whenever us or him gets low on hp he heals using items from shops we missed or taken from the dimensional box. The fight is over if either we damage him more than he can heal or he runs out of healing item. Either way they beg for mercy and we have a choice to either spare or kill. If we spare him then he kills Kai, causing Julien LV to rise and kill him and if we kill him then he counters with green attack killing Julien causing Kai’s Lv rise as he turns to dust. The soul of the dead one is taken by Anansi and we proceed to the Last Corridor where all the boss we didn’t kill are waiting for us. If we spared Lex then Anansi sits this fight out assuming the remaining human has some goodness in them. Either way this fight is technically a no win and even we manage to kill them all (the 3 bosses that escaped plus Anansi and Neverdead), Asgore kills the remaining human because their determination can only get them so far.

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1 year ago

Duotale Cyan and Orange: Cast stats

As the title suggest this is the stats for the combine Undertale Cyan and Undertale Orange known as Duotale Cyan and Orange for their Pacifist genocide which I call Cowardice and Impatience and neutral.


Pacifist: 200/12/9

Geno: 200/27/10

Neutral: 200/11/9

Julien Check: A small bully

Kai Check: The “brains?” of this duo


Pacifist: 400/15/10

Geno: 400/16/10

Neutral: 400/16/11

Julien Check: A big bully

Kai Check: The brawns of this duo

Julien and Kai’s Check: Two “tough” guys ready to make some trouble


Pacifist: 200/10/2

Geno First fight: 200/10/2

Judgement hall: 100/10/10

Neutral: 200/11/2

Julien Check: Making a roaring noise somehow

Kai Check: A scarily cute monster


Pacifist: 200/2/10

Geno: 200/2/10

Judgement hall: 100/10/10


Julien Check: Making a booo noise

Kai Check: A cutely scary monster

Julien and Kai Check: Two scary guards of the snow


Pacifist:  1400/20/5

Geno: 1400/20/5

Judgment hall: 700/40/0

Neutral: 1400/40/5

Julien Check: A true punch buddy

Kai Check: A bruiser that reminds you of someone


Pacifist: 800/40/20

Genocide: 800/40/20

Judgement hall: 400/50/0

Neutral: 800/40/20

Julien Check: The blind master

Kai Check: The master of calm and patience

Julien and Kai Check: A master and student of stop and start


Pacifist: 1300/8/18

Genocide: 1300/9/19

Neutral: 1300/8/18

Julien Check: A long winded rambler


Kai Check: Want to continue the story


Pacifist: 2180/15/2


Neutral: 1090/15/2

Julien Check: A fishy helper


Kai Check: A reluctant helper

Lex end:

Pacifist: 36/70/10

Genocide: 34/10/10

Neutral: If this au had a game attached to it and if were possible something interesting that could happen is that Lex matches the stats of the partner of the first boss fight you decide to kill . So for example You kill only Staug then Oren joins the final fight in the judgement hall and Lex matches his stats

Julien/Kai Check: The end of the line

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1 year ago
Playful Final Tango

Playful Final Tango

A hypothetical battle in an Undertale game that doesn’t exist called Undertale Orange

The soul being of course Bravery named Hue

Aaaaand the monster that’s in the battle…. Well idk her name yet

Might post more about this or might not who knows

Also here’s the thing without the battle stuff

Playful Final Tango

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