farfromsugafanfic - FarFromSuga

Alyce | Est. 1997 | Bi 💖💜💙 | Professional Writer By Day, Fanfic Writer By Night | MINORS DNI

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Winter Bear

Winter Bear

Winter Bear

Genre: Roommates AU, Fluff

Pairing: Taehyung/Reader

Warnings: cursing

Synopsis: Your new roommate Taehyung can’t seem to let you work in peace. Yet, when you inevitably fall asleep working every night, you never question why you wake up in your bed.


"Y/N! Hold still!" your roommate, Taehyung said. He brought the camera that hung around his neck up to his eyes and the flash caught you off guard. The camera was at least thirty years old and he often spent late nights on campus developing the photos himself.

"Hey!" you said. "What was that about?"

"Your hair is messed up," he said. "It framed your face well."

You weren't expecting such a serious answer. You simply blinked and took another sip of your drink. It was your second of the night and you were already beginning to feel a little tipsy.  Taehyung walked away after, continuing to take photographs of the party. You noticed Jimin posing for him--giggling and his face flushed--he'd surely regret a few of those poses in the morning.

It was only because of Jimin that you lived with Taehyung. You'd both been looking for a roommate around the same time and both mentioned it to Jimin. The two of you signed the lease before even meeting. It had been a week before classes started and you needed a place before you drained your bank account living in a hotel.

You really had no issues with Taehyung so far. Sure, you would be content simply sharing the space--you didn't expect to become friends--but Taehyung inserted himself seamlessly in your life. Just enough to not be overbearing, but enough that you occasionally wanted to wring his neck.

"So, have you and Tae fucked yet?" Jimin asked, taking a sip of his beer. He was far past tipsy and you hoped he didn't puke on your carpet. Not even a week into your new place and you were already at risk of not getting the deposit back.

"What the fuck?" you asked, hardly able to keep yourself from laughing. "We've lived together for five days. Do you think I'm that desperate?"

"Nah, I just know the effect Tae has on women."

"Do we know the same Taehyung?" You looked over at the blond who was currently snapping pictures of Yoongi, who slept on the couch farthest from the main party. "He's too pure and cute."

Jimin smirked. "Exactly."

You rolled your eyes as you poured another drink into your plastic cup. You'd started off with beer, then whiskey, and now you were onto rum and Coke. You were buzzed and you knew Jimin could tell as his eyes raked over you in concern.

"Don't drink too much," he said, cutely pouting out his lips.

"Why not? I'm already in my apartment and I won't get to party like this til winter break." You sipped your drink and bobbed your head to the music. Your demeanor shifting quickly, you grabbed hold of Jimin's wrists and drug him out into the living room where most of the partygoers were. Music thumped softly. It was just loud enough to dance to, but not so loud that the cops would get called. "Come on, show me how those dance classes have paid off."

Before long, Jimin was smiling and giggling as the two of you danced and drank and danced and drank and danced and...

You opened your eyes. There was no longer any music and you only caught a glimpse of a black T-shirt. Your head hurt and your vision blurred. A hand came out and grabbed your shoulder, it was gentle, fingertips only barely connecting with the fabric of your blouse.

"Jimin?" You reached out and took a handful of his shirt. "Is that you? It feels like you."


"Mm, can you take me to my room? I feel so heavy and you're soo strong." A lazy smile came across your face. You'd always marveled that Jimin could carry you so easily despite not being that much bigger than you.

You felt yourself being lifted and arms resting under your knees and around your shoulders. Instinctively, you curled your nose into his chest. Something seemed off. After a party, Jimin normally smelled of sweat and whiskey. This time you caught a faint whiff of cologne and what you thought was Coke.

Before you could mutter anything else, your back connected with your bed, and the covers were pulled up to your chest. Your eyes closed and you heard nothing else.


It was 11 pm and Taehyung had an early class the next day. Coming out of the bathroom, he was accustomed to seeing light seeping underneath the crack of your door. You typically got off work at 9 and he imagined that you stayed up doing homework. Although, unlike Taehyung, you didn't work weekends, making him wonder why you didn't get the majority of work done then.

Curious, he inched closer to your door. The two of you had lived together a month now. He wouldn't say you were friends, but you certainly didn't hate each other. Occasionally, the two of you would hunker down on the couch with popcorn and watch a movie. Even if you barely talked through it, the way neither of you flinched away when your hands brushed in the popcorn bowl let him know that you didn't despise him.

He knocked on your door before he could stop himself. Taehyung froze until he heard your barely audible, "Come in."

Opening the door, he found you at your desk. Notebooks and books spread across your desk, the floor, and even your lap. You and your laptop were in the middle of it all, your hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, and your makeup from work beginning to leave streaks of black under your eyes.

"What's up?" you asked, only glancing up at him before you returned to furiously typing.

"I, uh, I just noticed your light was on--is always on."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't keep you up."

"That's not--" he started, pausing when he noticed the cute way you chewed your cheek in thought. "What are you working on anyway?"

"My script," you said.

"For a class?"

"No, for me."

Taehyung perked up. "You write scripts? I'm an acting minor. You know, if you ever need someone to film with."

You stopped typing and truly met his eyes for the first time during the conversation. "Thanks," you said, your eyes narrowing and shoulders dropping. "I'll keep that in mind."

Taehyung fidgeted as he noticed your obvious annoyance. "Do--do you need anything?"

You shook your head and went back to typing. Taehyung watched you for a moment, daring you to change your mind. But, after a few moments of silence, he slowly slinked out of the room.


It became a routine. Taehyung knocking on your door in his pajama pants a T-shirt. Usually, his hair was a little damp as he took showers before bed.

"How's the script coming?" he asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe in possibly the most cliche posture you'd ever seen.

"Fine," you said, just like every night.

"I brought you a snack," he said, walking into your room, looking between you and the door as he were trespassing and setting a bag of hot Cheetos on your desk.

"Oh, I don't like hot Cheetos," you said. "Sorry."

Taehyung's face fell. "I thought you liked spicy things?"

"Yeah, they taste too fake though. Thank you, it was really nice of you." You'd become less annoyed with Tae's late night visits, even found yourself checking the clock and listening as he got out of the shower.

You looked up and watched as Taehyung turned around and readied himself to leave. A small pang rang through your chest like a morning bell when you saw the way his shoulders were slouched and his mouth sat in a defeated line.

"Tortilla chips," you said. "I tend to crave tortilla chips when I work."

Taehyung smiled at you. It wasn't the full boxy smile you'd seen him use around Jimin or his friends, but there was something behind it that made your stomach feel warm.


The next night Taehyung knocked lightly on your door. He held a bag of tortilla chips and tried not to crinkle it before you gave him the okay to come in.

But it never came.

"Y/N?" Taehyung asked softly. When you again didn't answer, Taehyung's brow furrowed and he slowly turned the knob, hoping he wouldn't regret going in. He opened the door and peered over to your desk. The set up was the same. Books, notebooks, your laptop, everything in their rightful places. Except for this time, your head was on the keyboard, your face turned towards the door and your mouth slightly open.

Taehyung chuckled as he realized you were asleep. Between work, homework, and the script you were working on, he honestly wondered how you stayed sane, not to mention awake. Your laptop had gone to sleep as well, but the screensaver reflected off your face and he couldn't help but chuckle as he set the chips down on your nightstand.

"You need to stop working so hard," he said. "I'm gonna  have to keep carrying you to bed."

He reached down and cleared the book off your lap, cringing as it landed with a thud on the floor. Taehyung glanced over to make sure it hadn't woken you up, but you were still sound asleep. He carefully wrapped his arms under our legs and around your shoulders, lifting you as gently as he could.

It was only a few steps to your bed, but you had managed to curl into his chest. He held back his laughter and carefully adjusted you so that he could reach down and pull back the covers. Setting you down, he pulled the covers up and piled the books and notebooks onto your desk. Taehyung quietly shuffled towards the door and shut off the light on his way out.


You woke the next morning. You sighed, immediately feeling the rough fabric of your jeans keeping you from stretching out across the bed. Glancing over at your desk, your things were stacked neatly, something you rarely ever did. But, there were so many things you didn't remember from the night before.

You remembered coming home from work, working on your screenplay, and then only the smell of Jimin's cologne from that party a few months ago. Did Jimin come over? Did you drink? You smelled your clothes, not catching a whiff of alcohol. You shrugged, it'd been a while since you'd actually slept in your bed, normally falling asleep at your desk. Although, you typically managed to change when you got home from work. You weren't overly concerned, Jimin was one of your best friends and you knew that he probably just put you in bed and left.

Reaching for your phone, you stopped as you noticed a large bag of tortilla chips on your nightstand. You smiled as you realized that Taehyung must've come in like normal, but found you asleep.

Walking into the kitchen, you noticed Taehyung standing in front of the stove and frying a few eggs, a mug of hot chocolate half-drank on the counter beside him. Taehyung wasn't much of a cook, but he usually managed to cook himself eggs in the morning.

"Thanks for the chips," you said, opening the fridge and grabbing your protein shake. You weren't much of a morning person, so you prepared them all on the weekends so you didn't have to cook.

"Oh, you're welcome. It was really nothing." The eggs were overdone by the time he finally slid them onto the plate and you couldn't help but smile.

It was Friday which meant today was your last day of class and work.

"I, uh, just wanted to say thanks. I'll let you get ready for class."

He glanced up. His chopsticks halfway between his plate and mouth. "Do you want some eggs? I can make you some. You seemed tired last night. You probably need the protein."

"Oh, I have a protein shake," you said. "I'm okay. You really don't have to worry about me so much Tae."

You left the room, missing how Taehyung smiled at the new nickname. He pushed the eggs around his plate as he remembered how you looked with the covers pulled around you.


The sun came through your window and the warmth hit your face pulling you out of your slumber. You were in your bed again and you couldn't help but smile at the feel of the sheet against the bare skin of your legs.

It was 9:30. A little earlier than you usually woke up on a Saturday, but the last thing you remembered the night before was working on the climax of your script. You were so close to finishing, although then you would spend all your time editing. The submission period was only a few weeks away and you couldn't miss it, even if it meant sacrificing the little sleep you got.

You walked into the living room on your way to the kitchen and jumped as you noticed a figure on the couch. Taehyung sat on the couch, in his work clothes, asleep. You'd fully expected him to be gone already. He worked the early weekend shift at the coffee shop down the street and you were used to having the apartment nearly to yourself on the weekends.

"Taehyung?" you said. Your voice soft and hesitant as you approached him. He wore a white sweatshirt and the hood was pulled over his head. Only the very ends of his hair were visible and his mouth lay slightly open. You almost didn't want to wake him up.

"Taehyung," you said again, a little louder. You touched his shoulder lightly. "Tae, shouldn't you be at work?" As neared you him, you thought you smelled something familiar, something that reminded you of cuddling into your pillow late at night.

His eyes shot open and he darted around you as he rushed to locate his keys. "Shit." He finally found his keys on the coffee table in front of him and started towards the door. "Thanks, Y/N" He shot you a kind smile before rushing out the door.


You let out a breath and relaxed your shoulders as you hit 'Submit'. The script was finished and entered into the contest. You didn't expect to win, but it came with the opportunity for feedback and you couldn't pass that up.

A knock sounded at your door and it opened a few minutes later. Taehyung didn't need your confirmation anymore, only waiting if he heard your voice.

"Hey," he said. "I'm gonna be headed home tomorrow and I wanted to give you this before I left." From behind his back, he pulled out a massive package wrapped mostly neatly, only the edges showing some crinkling. Based on the size, you were surprised he'd even managed to keep it hidden as he walked into the room.

"Oh," you said, jumping up from your desk and opening your closet. You pulled out a significantly smaller package. "I actually got you something too."

Taehyung gapped at you in surprise. "You got me a Christmas present?"

You fidgeted. "You've always been so nice to me," you said, thinking of all the times Taehyung checked up on you and bought you snacks for your late night work. "I thought now that its break and my script is done that I should do something to pay you back."

Taehyung failed at holding back his smile. He took the package from you and motioned towards his present for you. "Open yours first."

You tore open the paper and found a body pillow. You nearly squealed in delight and hugged it to your chest. "How did you know I wanted one of these?"

Taehyung beamed. "I noticed how you always clung to me when I carried you to bed so I figured that you like to cuddle things in your sleep." When he finished the sentence, his eyes grew wide and he opened his mouth to say more, but nothing came out.

"Wait," you said. "It was you who carried me to bed after the party?"

"Uh yeah," he said. "And, kinda whenever you fell asleep at your desk." He slouched and stood awkwardly, like a scolded puppy.

You laughed. "I'm so stupid. I always thought I was sleepwalking to my bed or something. But it was you."

"Wait, so you're not mad?"

"Well, I probably should because it is a little weird, I guess. But, I think the pounds of tortilla chips and this pillow make up for it." Something made you want to run forward and fall against his chest. Smell his cologne that made your eyes immediate lull and want to close. But instead, you said, "Open yours."

He tore open the paper and opened the small box to find a stack of printed pictures. They were all from the party before classes started. When you'd first had them developed, you were surprised by how Tae seemed to capture people in their most real moments. Not their most beautiful moments or their darkest moments, but the ones where they were crying at a friend's joke or dancing as the beat dropped.

When you'd come across the one of you, with messy hair, flushed cheeks, for some reason, you thought it was the best picture of you.

"Jimin told me that you were scared to have them developed," you said. "I'm sorry if you didn't want to see them, but they're beautiful, Taehyung."

Taehyung pulled in for a hug and your head hit his chest before you could realize it. You fell into the hug naturally though, your eyes closing and your arms slinking around his waist. He didn't pull away and neither did you. Your breathing began to even out, you weren't asleep, but even though you were standing, you could easily fall asleep. Taehyung's arms around you made you feel like you were floating.

"You know," Taehyung said, his chin coming to rest on the top of your head. "You're kinda like a bear."

"What?" you asked, pulling away from his chest and looking up at him.

He looked down at you for a few moments before he reached up and pushed some hair out of your face. He smiled, more of a smirk, one corner of his mouth higher than the other.

"You come off so grumpy and like you don't want to be bothered." He lifted you off your feet, laughing as you yelped with surprise. He sat laid you on your bed, but unlike the times before, he climbed in beside you. Taehyung's arms wrapped around you and pulled you flush against his body. You turned around so you could bury your nose in his T-shirt. Right at the divet between his collarbones.

You hardly could question your actions or his for that matter. You'd be lying if you said that you hadn't thought about resting your head on his chest or feeling his warm breath on your ears. Or, that you hadn't noticed Taehyung's odd glances when you came into the common areas in a pair of shorts that hugged your skin so well that you almost forgot you were wearing them.

You already felt yourself falling asleep. The tension from your neck and shoulders releasing and Tae's hands pushing your hair back only made you want to spend the winter hibernating in his arms. He pressed a small, hesitant kiss to your hairline.

"But, you really just want someone to cuddle you. Just like a bear."

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More Posts from Farfromsugafanfic

4 years ago

This Christmas

This Christmas

Genre: Producer!Yoongi, Fluff, Angst, slight enemies to lovers, Christmas-y

Pairing: Yoongi/Reader

Warnings: Portrayal of an abusive relationship (not involving Yoongi)

Synopsis: Yoongi doesn’t wanna work with a bubble gum idol like you. Especially not after your scandal where your and your manager’s relationship was revealed. And definitely not for a Christmas song.


“You want me to what?” Yoongi asked. If this were a cartoon, his eyes would be bugging out of his head. The CEO of the company cleared his throat and looked at Yoongi over his glasses. It was obvious that despite being a high-level CEO of a successful music company, he was nervous to pitch this to his most successful producer.

“Listen, Yoongi, I know you’re not happy about this. But, Y/N’s comeback is crucial for her career. You know the scandal she had last year and this is her first comeback since then. We need this song to be everywhere. This why we need you to produce it.”

“Okay, but like, a Christmas song? I know Y/N had a pretty pure image, but isn’t that a bit much? Even for her?”

“Her scandal broke on Christmas Day last year. We thought having her do a Christmas song would help address that she moved on and wants to focus on her career.”

Yoongi remembers your scandal a year ago. You’d been dating your manager. It was said you used his fondness of you to move up in the company. It was why you were a soloist and not in a group, why you didn’t write your own songs but still got all the best ones, and why you had your good girl image. You were the role model for school girls everywhere in your pale pink skirts that matched your lips.

He’d never worked with you before. You were always so clean-cut, so bubblegum. It wasn’t the type of song he wrote or worked on. In fact, despite working at the same company, and you being one of the largest idols signed with them, Yoongi didn’t remember ever meeting you. He’d seen you passing, your manager placing his hand on the back of your skull to shield you from the camera flashes. Your hood up and a mask pulled up to cover most of your face.

“I’ve never done one of her songs. Why this one?”

“After the last year, it’s impossible for Y/N to go back to her pure image. It just isn’t believable. We need you because you don’t do typical sounding songs.”

Yoongi thought for a moment. An edgy Christmas song? Certainly possible, but could you really pull it off?

“It will be a new version of Last Christmas. We want it to be heartbreaking. Address the scandal without directly commenting. You have a knack for subtly that she needs.”

“All right,” he said. He knew he had no choice in the matter and it was only one song. Yoongi hadn’t made his name as a producer doing bubblegum songs, but the company allowed him to release his own music under their label as long as he produced all the other artist’s songs they asked of him. “But I’m not going to be like the other producers she’s worked with.”


The night before your and Yoongi’s first recording session he pulled up a playlist of your songs. You had a good voice, Yoongi would admit. He listened to a few seconds of each. You had the sweetheart image with mostly upbeat pop songs with a few heartbreak ballads mixed in. They were all written by the best songwriters at the company, except for Yoongi, of course. He’d never written for you, although you had considered one of his songs once.

A few emails exchanged before you ghosted him. “Wine” ended up going to another soloist and had won Yoongi an award, he really didn’t care. After the scandal, you had the spoiled brat look. And, honestly, it didn’t surprise Yoongi. Everyone knew you came from a well off background and went to a private school that the company commonly scouted at.

Girls like you always had talent, but you always ended up destroying yourselves. He was surprised you were even trying for a comeback instead of taking the money you’d made so far and setting yourself up to live off royalties until your name was forgotten enough to re-invent yourself.

When the scandal broke, Yoongi had just released a new mixtape. It affected the entire company, causing the sales and streams of his album to plateau. He silently cursed your name as he tweeted album links.


Yoongi sat in his studio. The hood of his black hoodie pulled over his head and slightly crouched in his chair, he worked on your song. While he didn’t have your vocal yet, he could easily work on the instrumental. It was tricky. “Last Christmas” was an iconic Christmas song that needed to be recognizable, but he also needed to make it different and stand out from every other cover.

His phone vibrated. It was you.

Y/N: I’m heading down now

You were most likely heading downstairs from the dance studios. He took off his headphones and soon heard a gentle knock on the door. He kept a lock on his studio to prevent anyone from bothering him while he worked. Only a few people had the code. And only to make sure Yoongi left every couple days.

Opening the door, he first saw your small smile. All lip, no teeth, yet still friendly. Behind you stood your manager, the one with who you’d had the scandal. Despite your break up being publicized, he was contracted as your manager for another year. Yoongi had no idea why you didn’t just buy him out and let the poor kid get on with his life.

“Hi,” you said softly, bowing politely before walking inside and leaving your shoes by the door. Your hair was up in a ponytail and you wore a blue sweatshirt three sizes too big. “It’s nice to finally meet the famous Suga.”  

He returned a tight-lipped smile and reached out to shake your hand, but your manager stepped in front and shook took Yoongi’s hand instead. “I’m Kwanho, Y/N’s manager.”

Yoongi nodded, giving the man an odd look as you skirted to the side. He noticed the way you balled up your hands in your sleeves and looked down at the ground when the other man pushed you out of the way.

“Nice to meet you,” Yoongi said. “If you give me your number, I’ll call you when we finish for the day or if we need anything.”

Yoongi motioned to the recording booth and you walked in, putting on your headphones and immediately taking your place. You seemed to relax as you prepared yourself in the booth, beginning to test the microphone and adjust the cords around your feet.

“Oh, no, I actually stay in the studio with Y/N.”

Yoongi paused. “Uh, well, I tend to work better when it’s just me and the artist. You know, so I can kinda get a feel for them and get the best vocals.”

“She’s more comfortable when I’m here.”

Yoongi glanced over at you in the booth. You seemed much more comfortable by yourself in the recording booth than you had with your manager and ex-boyfriend.

“She seems fine. Listen, this is my studio and it’s a bit small. I really don’t like people getting in the way.”

Your manager fumed, his hair beginning to stand up and his face growing red. His fists clench around the water bottle he carried and he sighed.

“Fine,” he said. “Just let me give this to her.”

Kwanho walked into the booth, his form completely hid yours as he stood in Yoongi’s view. He saw the man hand you the water bottle. Even after you took it, the man loomed over you for a few extra seconds.

Knowing he had an audience, your manager soon left the booth and the studio. When Yoongi heard the lock click shut, he turned on his mic to talk to you.

“Y/N?” he asked. “You ready to get some vocals. Need to warm up at all?”

You shook your head. “No, I warmed up while we were waiting.”


It had been nearly a year since you’d recorded anything in a studio. Yet, nothing felt foreign. You had immediately adjusted everything to your preferences. Taking a sip of water as Yoongi started the music, you began singing. Your phone was full of practice runs from the night before. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the famed producer of your company.

You had no idea what he’d said to Kwanho to make him leave, but your stomach had untied its knots when you saw him leave the studio. Even with Yoongi’s critical gaze, you were used to tough producers.

“That was good,” Yoongi said. “But, I listened to some of your tracks last night and I know you can do better. Think you could lower your voice a bit on the chorus.”

“Lower it?” As a soprano, you were used to coaches and producers pushing your voice to its highest notes and octaves. Rarely ever did your lower range get explored. “Uh, I can try. But why?”

“Well, this comeback is supposed both your vulnerability and strength, right? if we explore the range of your voice more, it will show a different side of you. Plus, if your vocal isn’t perfect it might show some of the vulnerability we want.”

Your eyes widened and you nodded as the track started again.

4 Hours Later

Yoongi was growing frustrated. Your vocals were fine, but only that. They weren’t anything special. He couldn’t entirely blame you. You weren’t used to singing in your lower register and it seemed your vocal coaches only cared about cultivating your voice for the cutesy songs of your past.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. “All right, let’s take a break,” he said. “I think we both need it.”

You came out of the booth and almost immediately held the phone to your ear. His brow furrowed as he wondered who you were calling so immediately.

“Hey, we’re taking a break.”

Based on the quick response and hang up, Yoongi knew exactly who it was.

“Is he bringing you lunch?”

You nodded and sat down on the small loveseat Yoongi kept at the back of his studio for the artists or few visitors that came in. Pulling your knees up to your chest, he couldn’t help but notice how much smaller you looked. When he’d seen you before the scandal, you looked healthy and filled out all your tight skirts and dresses.

Maybe it was just the oversized sweatshirt, but you looked thinner. Your collarbones stretching your skin and your cheekbones more prominent. He walked over to where he kept an electric kettle and started heating water.

“Want some spicy noodles?”

You shook your head.

A knock sounded and you got up. Letting your manager, Yoongi cause his hard gaze. He handed you a bag and refilled your water bottle. “Remember you’re on a diet, okay?” he said.

You nodded.

“So, how’s it going? Got enough for the song?”

“Not yet,” you said. “We’re working on it. Yoongi is really pushing me, but I think it will turn out well.”

“I hope he’s not working you too hard.”

“Of course not, I love being back in the studio.”

Yoongi poured the hot water into the instant noodles. “I think we’ll need another day. Clear her schedule tomorrow.”

Kwanho blinked twice. “Y/N is talented. I have every confidence it will only take one session.”

“How long have you been her manager? Surely, you know it can take multiple sessions to get everything I need.”

“I haven’t recorded for a while, Kwanho. It’s just cause I’m out of practice.”

Your manager sneered and dropped the water bottle. “Fine,” he said. Leaving the studio in a huff, he didn’t seem to realize he’d spilled the water all over Yoongi’s studio.

“I’m sorry,” you said, looking around for something to soak up the mess. “He’s just protective and doesn’t like leaving me alone.”

“Didn’t you two break up?”

“Yeah, which I think made it worse.”

Even if the two of you were still dating, Yoongi sensed something wrong. He pulled out paper towels from a nearby drawer and dropped to his knees to help you.

“He’s kind of a dick.”

“He wasn’t always. Would you believe he was once really sweet?”

“Maybe he acted that way.”

The two of you ate in relative silence, only piping up to discuss the song or the general happenings of the company. Yoongi finished his noodles and you finished your salad. After a few sips of water, you walked back into the recording booth.


It wasn’t until nine o'clock that night when you and Yoongi finally agreed that enough progress was made. Yoongi waited for Kwanho to pick you up and he watched as the light he’d seen in you when you recorded slowly dimmed.

He didn’t knock this time, opting instead to text you. You answered the door and he walked in. Without a greeting, he met Yoongi’s eyes. “She’s free tomorrow. But let’s make sure to finish this up tomorrow. We only have a few weeks before we have to release.”

“Last I checked you weren’t my boss,” he said. “I understand the timeline and the song will be done in time.”

Yoongi turned to you. “If you record anything good tonight, you can text it to me. If it’s good quality, we might be able to use it.”

“Wait, you have his number?” Kwanho asked, grabbing your bicep.

“Yeah, I’ve had it since I showed interest in his song a year ago.” You glanced at Yoongi quickly before bringing your eyes back to your manager. “We’re working together. I don’t see why it’s a big deal.”

“If you need to text him recordings text them to me and I’ll get them to him.”

You scoffed. “Kwaho! Stop being so jealous, this is ridiculous.”

The atmosphere came to a boiling point and all Yoongi could focus on was you. The way you puffed out your chest at your ex-boyfriend and called him out. But, he noticed the fear in your eyes, the way you flinched when Kwanho let go of your arm.

“Let’s go, Y/N. We can talk about this later.” Opening the studio door, Kwanho motioned for you to leave before him. “And, you,” he made sharp eye contact with Yoongi. “Delete her number.”

You and Kwanho disappeared through the door and Yoongi locked his phone, placing it back in his pocket.


Yoongi stayed in the studio after you left. It wasn’t unusual for him to stay until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes, he would even sleep on the couch and get a few hours of sleep before continuing in the morning.

The deadline for your song didn’t warrant such actions. Instead, he just sat in his studio and read back through his notes from the day. There were a few bits of your backing vocals from the day that he wanted to include on the final track, but the main vocal still needed work.

Thinking back over the day, he was surprised at how different you were from what he believed. You were soft-spoken, polite, and good to work with. You took direction well, but pushed back when Yoongi got too caught up in the production that he made a bad call about your voice.

Kwanho–on the other hand–wasn’t the loyal manager you took advantage of. At least, not from what Yoongi had seen today. He’d heard others at the company say you deserved it for using your relationship to get special treatment. But something didn’t feel right about the way your manager still held control over you.


It rarely snowed in November in Seoul. Yet, as Yoongi stepped outside around midnight, he was met with cold, wet snow that soaked the ends of his hair. He walked towards his apartment that was only a few blocks away when his phone rang. It was you.

“Suga?” you asked, and Yoongi realized he hadn’t even told you his real name.

“Yes,” he said. “What’s up? Did you get a good recording?"He heard sniffles on the other line and he stopped walking. "Y/N? What’s wrong?”

“We fought after we left and I finally fired him. But now I have nothing,” you said. “He took everything. My apartment, my money, everything. I was wondering if I could stay in your studio for the night until I can figure something out.”

Yoongi looked up at the snow and felt it soaking through his clothes. “Where are you?”

“I’m outside the company building. I don’t have my ID.”

“I just left. I’m on my way.”


Yoongi handed you a cup of coffee. You wore his sweatshirt and a pair of his sweats. It felt a little embarrassing and you knew what the tabloids would think you were taking advantage of yet another at your company.

“I don’t have creamer or anything, sorry,” he said.

You smiled. “Suga doesn’t have any sugar.” You took a sip of coffee and felt his gaze on you. When you looked up, you saw him smiling at you and holding in his laughter until you met eyes.

“It’s amazing that you can make jokes when your life is changing,” he said.

“The lawyers will handle everything,” you said. “Plus, what can I do now other than finish the song?”

There was a pause, but unlike when you were in meetings with the company executives, or when the silences between you and Kwanho led to explosions, it was content.

“I need to apologize to you, Y/N.”

Your brow furrowed. “Why? You’ve been so nice to me.”

“I judged you. I believed the press, too. Even up until yesterday, I believed you were entitled and the one taking advantage of Kwanho, not the other way around.”

“There was no way you could’ve known, Suga. But I appreciate it.”

“Yoongi,” he said. “Call me, Yoongi.”


“What if we change the song?” Yoongi said, halfway through the next day when nothing was coming together like both of you wanted.

“What do you mean?”

“Instead of focusing on Last Christmas, what if we wrote a new version that focuses on how you’ve changed for the better.”

“This Christmas?” you said, your voice rising in pitch.

“Actually, yes.”



Today, Y/N released her first song following last year’s Christmas Day scandal that revealed that she was dating her manager. She is due to have her first comeback stage later this month.

The song, “This Christmas” discusses how when the news broke that it had been an attempt to control her. Her ex-boyfriend and manager leaked the news himself to prevent the singer from breaking up with and firing him. It focuses on the strength this experience brought her.

Y/N and her ex-manager are currently involved in a lawsuit that alleges that her manager used his privileged position on her staff to access her bank accounts and important documents. He then used this access to steal from the singer and commit various other crimes against her. Additionally, Y/N has told other sources that she was frequently controlled and emotionally abused while in the relationship.

This new song has already performed well on the charts and shows a new side to Y/N and her music. Famed producer, Suga, produced the song and spoke out in support of Y/N. The two have since been seen together on multiple occasions following the release of the song. A new Christmas romance for Y/N?

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6 years ago

hey if ur reading this and ur in a bad spot mentally or anything i hope u feel better soon and have a good day

4 years ago

Lock & Key

Lock & Key

Genre: Best Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Angst

Pairing: Jungkook/Reader

Warnings: cursing, dirty jokes

Synopsis: When Jungkook ditches you on your birthday, your friendship looks like it’s about to crumble. Your friend group becomes tired of your bickering and decides to take the matter into their own hands. Somehow, you and Jungkook find yourselves handcuffed together.

"Have you guys found a present for Y/N yet?" Jin asked, picking up his third pizza slice and taking a large bite, the cheese stretching as he pulled it away from his lips.

"You haven't gotten it yet? Her birthday dinner is tomorrow," Taehyung said. His eyes were tired, but he'd still insisted on joining the party despite having just gotten off a long train ride, as he hadn't seen his friends from high school for months. "I got her the first two manga in that series she's been wanting to read."

"Mmm," Jin said, seeming to consider Taehyung's choice of gift. "I need mine to be really special. He finished his pizza to the crust and turned it 180 degrees and bit into the end. "Jungkook, you're closest to Y/N. What are you getting her?"

Jungkook turned, wide-eyed towards Jin. The younger's face was already a bit flushed from the beers and from the mention of your name. "I'm paying for her part of the meal tomorrow and I got her tickets to that musical that's only in town for one night."

"Woah, that's gonna be hard to beat," Jimin said, "Y/N hasn't stopped talking about that musical since they announced it. Remember how she went crazy over it in the group chat?"

"I'm sure Y/N will like whatever you get her," Jungkook said. "She isn't very picky and she'll appreciate it because it came from you."

"I know. I just have something special planned and I want it to be perfect." The six other guys looked to the eldest expectantly. Jin sighed. "Gosh, fine, I'll tell you. I plan on confessing to her tomorrow."

"What? You like Y/N?! Since when?"

"Woah, congrats man!"

"You'll make such a cute couple."

The group fell to chaos, but Jungkook was notably the least excited. At the mention of Jin's plans, he sunk back against the wall and took a large bite of his pizza, followed by a gulp of beer.

"I'm not sure when I started liking her," Jin said. "I just kind of realized that I do. I figured we are friends and I'll regret it if I don't give it a shot."

"Are you sure her birthday is the best time to confess?" Jungkook asked, finally piping up. "What if things don't go well and you ruin it? Are you going to do it in front of everyone?"

"I thought about it and I'm going to wait until after the meal. Maybe I'll be able to steal her away for a few moments after she opens our gifts."

Jungkook's nose wrinkled and he was obviously unsatisfied with the answer. Yet, he dropped it and reached for another slice of pizza. "Why does it matter to you Jungkook? It's not like we all still won't hang out or that you'll never see her."

"Y/N's been hurt before. I'm sure you remember how upset she was after Minsung. I had to sleep in her bed for two weeks because she'd wake up crying. I never want her to feel that hurt again."

"Jungkook, I won't hurt her. She's more likely to hurt me. Why do you care so much about her heart being broken anyway? You're not the one who broke it and you aren't responsible for fixing it. Y/N's a big girl, she can handle herself."

Jungkook pouted. "I have to pee," he said, standing up and leaving the room, carrying his pizza slice with him.


An array of appetizers were spread across the table, a few bites taken from each. You were just waiting on the last three to show up: Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. You expected them to come together as they had been nearly inseparable in high school. As Jin finished off one of the appetizers, you spotted Jimin and Taehyung walking in. You got up and rushed towards them.

"Happy birthday!" Jimin and Taehyung said, nearly tripping each other as they ran to hug you. "It's been too long, Y/N!" The two boys had moved out of the city for college and you rarely got to see them. You didn't know what you do if Jungkook--your best friend--had gone with them.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it! Come on and sit down, we're just waiting on Jungkook."

The appetizers were gone and the missing chair at the table remained. Worry grew in your throat and you glanced down at your phone for the umpteenth time to see if he had texted you. Even, just a simple "Running late!" or "Stuck in traffic!" would calm your nerves.

"Have you guys heard from Jungkook at all?"

The other guys all shook their heads and gave you sympathetic looks. You'd put off ordering, but it'd been nearly an hour since most of you arrived and you didn't want to keep the staff waiting any longer. "All right, let's order."

"I'm sure he just got stuck in traffic or something, Y/n," Jin said, reaching out and tapping your hand.

Lock & Key

Your heart dropped as you read his last reply. You felt tears stinging your eyes, but you pushed them back before the other guys could notice.

"He's not coming," you said.

"What?" you heard someone ask, but you were too focused on not allowing your spiraling thoughts ruin your birthday and holding back tears to register who it was.

"He said he got a date or something. I don't know, but come on, we can enjoy this without him."

Due to the solemn looks on their faces, you knew they saw right through your facade. You and Jungkook had been best friends since elementary school where he accidentally trampled you when he was racing his friends. Despite ending up with a badly skinned knee and a couple of bruises, you were fine, but Jungkook had insisted on taking you to the nurse's office anyway. He pretended to sprain his ankle just so he could sit and keep you company.

What had happened since then? You'd never felt like your friendship was dwindling when it came to Jungkook. Whenever either of you dated, it didn't make a difference. High school graduation didn't separate you. Not even when Jungkook forced you to a haunted house in high school and laughed when he saw the stain on your jeans and realized you'd peed your pants in fright.

Despite ignoring for Overwatch or coming to your apartment just for the free food, he always ended up doing small things to make up for it. You often found chocolate bars stashed in the odd drawer or cupboard to make up for all the food he steals. After he finished laughing, Jungkook allowed you to wear his sweatshirt to cover it and bought you new jeans. You still had that sweatshirt stashed in your closet somewhere.


The tears stopped by the end of dinner, but now anger ran down your spine. How dare he skip your birthday for someone he just met? He'd never done anything like this before, he was the one person in this world that you could depend on, and now he's not. You feel a pang of sadness in your stomach and reach out for your portion of the bill, which Jungkook had promised to pay for.

"Stop," Jin said, reaching for the bill you'd just barely wrapped your fingertips around. "You're not paying. We'll split yours." You nodded, powerless to the eldest's tone.

After the bill was paid, everyone got up and starting readying to leave. You had taken a taxi, expecting Jungkook to take you home afterward. Jin seemed to notice, his brown eyes melting when they met yours.

"Hey, come on, I'll walk you home."

You nodded and waved goodbye to the other guys as you all walked in opposite directions or climbed into taxis. You didn't catch the other guys thumbs upping Jin and giving him reassuring smiles.

"Thanks for coming," you said. "Even though it kinda got ruined."

"I'll always come, Y/N."

"Oh, when I get a hold of his bunny ass--"

"Go easy on him, Y/N. I'm sure he has a better reason than he told you."

"He better be on his death bed then."

Jin let out a snort, which caused you to smile, but the smile soon faded and so did the fake happiness the anger made you feel. Now you just felt hopeless and felt the tears stinging in your sinuses again.

"Do," you said, already your voice faltering. "you think I'm still enough?"

Jin stopped. "What do you mean?"

"Am I still enough for him? Maybe he found a better friend," you said, your gaze painting the sidewalk. "I mean, I always rely on him. He's always my shoulder to cry on. Maybe he finally got tired of it. Got tired of me."

Jin placed a hand on your shoulder. It felt odd, as Jin wasn't one for skinship, but his touch was comforting, even if you were imagining it was Jungkook's. Except you couldn't, Jungkook's touch was old, familiar, warm. Like the fireplace at your grandparent's house or when your car is completely heated on a snowy day. Jin's--sure, it was warm--but it wasn't Jungkook.

"No, no, of course not," Jin said, moving to hug you, your cheek hitting his chest. "That could never happen. You and Jungkook have been friends for years. If he was gonna get tired of you, he would've already."

You scoffed, half in laughter and half in fear. "Thanks."

"Okay, but seriously, Jungkook cares about you. A lot." Jin paused and sighed. You looked up, noticing his eyes weren't on you, but rather he was looking up. His eyes looked glazed, but you didn't remember him having any drinks. "He wouldn't allow himself to lose you, Y/N. Trust me."

The rest of the walk was filled with a comfortable silence. It was only a few more blocks from where you'd stopped, so you reached your apartment in just a few minutes.

"Thanks for walking with me," you said. "Sorry, I got kinda sad halfway through."

Jin shook his head and reached to move a piece of your ponytail that had escaped from the hairband and fallen roguishly over your head.

"You don't need to apologize for your feelings, Y/N. Just promise me you won't kill the kid. I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding."

You nodded, although you weren't convinced that Jungkook didn't now hate you for reasons you didn't know.

"Thanks," you said. "For everything."

Jin nodded. "You're welcome." He turned and walked into the night and you turned your back before he disappeared.


"How did the confession go?" Jimin asked, as soon as Jin walked into the small apartment he shared with Yoongi, which was now cramped with six bodies.

"It didn't."

Jimin and the other faces in the room all contorted in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't confess."

"But, why? Wasn't that your plan? Don't you like her?"

"She loves someone else," Jin said, his voice deeper than usual, his heartbreak captured in the back of his throat. "And, someone else loves her."


Two Days Later

You hadn't heard anything from Jungkook since the night of your birthday and you weren't sure what hurt more--the fact that he didn't care enough to explain himself or that he had seemingly replaced you. His Instagram was full of stories and posts of him with the girl you assumed was the one he skipped your birthday for. She was beautiful with large dark eyes and curly hair. His arm was around her shoulders and then eventually her waist. He must really like her because you remember how it took Jungkook nearly two years just to feel comfortable placing an arm around you.

You huffed and threw your phone onto your bed as you ran your hands through your hair. You were still mad, but you didn't want to lose your best friend. You remembered Taehyung mentioning how all the guys were getting together for Overwatch.

You hardly thought as you headed towards Jin's and Yoongi's apartment--the largest of the apartments belonging to those in your friend group.

You didn't bother knocking as you entered the apartment. You found the seven guys all crowded onto two couches and watching Taehyung and Jungkook. They didn't notice you until you slipped in and placed your hand  on Jimin's shoulder—who jumped at your touch.


All seven heads turned to look at you. Most breaking into smiles and friendly greetings and offering you snacks.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his voice breaking through the revelry. He was normally so soft-spoken, but at this moment, his voice grated through the air.

"I was hoping we could talk."

"You weren't invited here."

Your stomach turned. He'd never spoken to you like this, ever. Jungkook was normally the happiest when you showed up unannounced.

"Since when do I need an invitation, Jungkook? This is Jin and Yoongi's place, not yours."

Jungkook didn't respond but instead unpaused the game. Taehyung barely had time to close his mouth from watching the two of you that he fumbled with the controller as he realized Jungkook had restarted the game.

"Oh, so you're just gonna ignore me then?"

You rolled your eyes at how typical this was of all your ex-boyfriends. Towards the end of the relationship, they always ignored you for something else. Sometimes it was someone else, others it was their job. And yet, others, it was video games.

Jungkook had been there with you for all of these failed relationships. He said you deserved someone better, someone, who would never leave you or ignore you. You thought he was the only constant in your life, the one person who would never leave you, but now, he was just like all the rest.

Tears stung your sinuses. You dug your feet into the carpet and grabbed onto the back of the couch, trying to focus on the game. The guys had gone back to talking amongst themselves, eating, and watching the game. Yet, the air felt different, you caught concerned glances flicking your way and Jin silently offered you a slice of pizza which you declined, only eliciting another puppy-eyed look from the eldest of the group.

Jungkook was close to winning and the tears were soon beginning to simmer and your hands balled into fists. Before you could think or stop yourself, you marched around the couch and reached for the cord that was connected to the Xbox. The screen went black and all the eyes in the room shifted to you.

"Y/N?! What the fuck?!" Jungkook said, his voice rising. "I was about to win!"

"Jungkook, we need to talk and you're being an asshole."

Jungkook's ears were red and his eyes hard as steel. "This is ridiculous, Y/N. You came here uninvited to talk to me and when I go back to playing games because that's what I'm here for, you unplugged the system and demand I talk to you. And, I'm the asshole?"

You wanted to scream and pull your hair out. Yet, the thing you wanted most was to cry into Jungkook's oversized, black T-shirt because you knew it smelled of his cologne.

"Jungkook, you skipped my birthday party and you said we could talk about it, but it's been two days and I just want my best friend back."

"Y/N, why can't you just take the hint you're not wanted? This was supposed to be a guy's night and now you've had to come in here and ruin everything. You're way too clingy, like, this is why they always leave you."

"Jungkook!" Jin said.

You barely registered as the other boys chastised Jungkook as your vision blurred from the tears. You swore you saw his face soften before your eyes were totally filled with tears, but you couldn't be sure.

"Y/N," Jin said. You felt his hand come to rest gently on your shoulder. "Come on, I'll take you home."


A few days later you found yourself standing outside of Jungkook's apartment. You knew Taehyung and Jimin were staying with him, so you secretly hoped one of them would open the door.

The hallway was silent and dimly lit. It felt like midnight despite being noon. You softly knocked on the door, the sound--while quiet--seemed to echo down the hallway. You weren't sure what you were going to do or say when he opened the door. You were only sure that you missed the way he used to show up at your place at midnight with ice cream sandwiches or the way he let you borrow his sweatshirts when you were cold or couldn't sleep.

Thirty seconds passed and you knocked again. Firmer this time, each knock ringing out in the empty hallway.

"Jungkookie," you said softly.

You heard footsteps on the other side of the door. They were faint, but you recognized them from when he slept over at your apartment when you were sick or going through a rough time.

You listened as the door unlocked and slowly opened. He only opened the door a crack, just enough to peak out, as if you were an unknown person knocking on his door. As if you didn't know the layout of his apartment or that he kept all his mess concentrated to the common areas and his bedroom immaculate.

"Y/N...what are you doing here?"

His voice was softer than the last time you spoke. You knew Jin had told Jungkook how much you cried as he took you home and how you didn't answer his texts all night.

"I just wanted to see you," you said. "We don't have to talk or anything. I just miss you."

Jungkook didn't say anything. His eyes scanning over you. Your hair was unwashed and pulled into a bun and you wore sweatpants and a T-shirt. Dark circles outlined your eyes and even though it had only been a few days, your face looked thinner and your skin languid.

Another set of footsteps approached and the door swung open wider. Taehyung stood there in just his boxers and munching on a piece of toast. His eyes widened when he saw you and he glanced over at Jungkook, who's eyes were looking down at your feet.

"Hey, stop being a dick and let her in."

"Put on some clothes then," Jungkook said, his voice quiet and low, almost a growl. He swung the door all the way open and disappeared into his apartment.

Taehyung met your eyes and shrugged. He offered a small smile as you walked into the apartment. You hadn't brought anything with you, not sure exactly what would happen.

"I won't stay long," you said. "I just wanted to see him."

"At least have breakfast with me," he said, dropping two pieces of bread into the toaster.

You nodded and fell onto the couch. You'd done this countless times. At 4 in the morning after a night out, you'd collapse on Jungkook's couch still in your heels and your makeup slowly wearing off. You usually woke up the next morning in Jungkook's bed, your heels set by the door and your makeup at least mostly wiped off. At 6 pm as you leaned against Jungkook's shoulder as the movie started, your hand diving into the popcorn bowl in his lap. Most of your favorite memories happened on his couch.

"I hope you like Nutella," Tae said, handing you a piece of toast.

You laughed. "I love it," you said. "How do you stay so fit eating like this?"

Taehyung was still in his boxers. While he didn't have a six pack, he certainly wasn't hard to look at and the slight toning of his stomach showed he was putting in some effort.

"I'll gain five pounds just from eating this," you said, and despite your words, you took a large bite.

"Then you should have another," Jungkook said from the other side of the room. You hadn't noticed him there, he must've slipped in when Taehyung distracted you with the toast. "You're getting too skinny."

"I didn't ask you, Jungkook," you said. You crossed your arms over your chest and sat back, your toast abandoned on the arm of the couch.

"I'm just worried about you."

"Since when? When you stopped texting me? Or, when you ditched my birthday party for someone you just met?"

Jungkook's eyes turned soft in the way that would usually make you melt. But, you kept your eyes off of his and your spine straight.


"Listen, Jungkook, I might've come here cause I missed you, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven you."

Jungkook didn't say anything. Silence filled the apartment and after what felt like an eternity, he left to his bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked.

You nodded. "I think I just need a nap or something. I'm getting a headache." You looked around the apartment. There was only one bedroom and both Taehyung and Jimin were staying with Jungkook during their visit. "Where are you sleeping?"

Taehyung nodded and gestured toward the couch. "There," he said.

"Oh," you said. "Can I borrow it for an hour or so?"

"Be my guest. But, you know, even though you two are fighting and all, I bet Jungkook would let you have the bed."

You shook your head. "No," you said. "I'm not asking him for any favors and the couch looks more comfortable anyway."

Taehyung shrugged. You laid down and turned your back to him, missing the knowing smile as he cleaned up. You listened as he cleaned up and got dressed before leaving the apartment. It wasn't long before the tears came and you sobbed into the couch cushion as quietly as you could. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to emerge from his bedroom and find you like this.

He'd seen you cry dozens of times and you'd even held him as he sobbed into you. You didn't mind crying in front of him, but you knew it would destroy him to see you like this and to know he was the cause. Even if you mad at him, even if you were losing him, you didn't want to crush him.

You didn't remember falling asleep, but when you awoke, his scent was everywhere. You pressed your face into the pillow and stretched out your legs comfortably. You sighed until a thought crossed your mind. Pillow?

You opened your eyes and found yourself in Jungkook's bedroom. It was dark and the covers were pulled up to your chin. Jungkook wasn't in the room and from the empty feeling in the air, he wasn't in the apartment either. Your phone was next to you on the nightstand and plugged into Jungkook's charger.

You glanced at the time and realized your nap had lasted three times longer than you anticipated and you sat in bed as you realized that you probably needed to go home. However, before you could pull your eyes away from your lock screen, a text notification from a couple of hours ago caught your attention.

Lock & Key


"Hey, sorry, I'm late," Taehyung said, walking into Jin and Yoongi's apartment where the other five boys were already crowded on the twin couches. "Y/N showed up at Jungkook's and I needed to see what happened."

The others all looked at Taehyung expectantly. "Jungkook doesn't know about this, right?"

"We didn't tell him."

Taehyung nodded. "Well, they're definitely in love with each other. Jungkook was jealous as hell and Y/N's heartbroken. I could practically see Jungkook splitting in half when he realized how upset she was."

"Well, didn't you all notice how when she started crying after he got mad at her for unplugging the Xbox, how he just broke? I don't think he cared about the game anymore, but then Jin swooped in and stopped it before he could apologize."

All eyes swiped towards Jin and he shrugged. "What? She was to the point of crying. I didn't know what he was going to do and I didn't want to upset either of them more."

"Does he know that you never confessed?"

Jin shook his head. "He never asked."

"Jin!" all the guys said at one.

"That would change everything! He probably thinks you and Y/N are together."

"It's pretty obvious we're not."

"I don't know the way you intervened during the fight and walked her home. It could be seen as you protecting her."

"Well, whatever, what's the plan? We have to get them to make up somehow. And confess, cause they're gonna drive us crazy pining after each other." Jin looked around at the other faces and all of them were, in turn, watching him.

"Well, we need to force them to be alone somehow," Namjoon said. "We could try locking them somewhere, but that's gonna be difficult cause the party is here and none of the doors lock." Eyes wandered as they tried to find a solution and eventually, Jin's eyes fell on the TV where a cartoon cop was catching a criminal, the handcuffs snapping down on the culprit's wrists.

"I think I might have an idea."


Taehyung and Jimin were taking the train back to their college town in the morning, so that meant you'd all spend the night before getting drunk and gorging yourselves on all the pizza you could.

Jin and Yoongi offered to host the party and a few of their neighbors offered up their apartments so everyone could spread out. You all invited your extended friends and neighbors if everyone came, you didn't doubt the party would probably get out of hand, but that was half the fun.

As you brushed on your blush and primped your hair for the final time, you felt butterflies in your stomach. Jungkook was going to be there. There was no way he would miss out on a good party and the opportunity for free food and drinks.

You wore a short white dress that was admittedly a little shorter than you would normally wear. But, with Jungkook ignoring you, you wanted attention and you didn't really care who it was from. Plus, you liked the way it hugged your curves and how when paired with the perfect heels, made your legs look longer.

You arrived a few minutes early to the party with the expectation of helping set up, but the party was already in full swing. When the elevator opened, people crowded the hall with cups in hand and music blasting from Jin and Yoongi's apartment. At this rate, the cops would be called in a couple hours, unless Jin and Yoongi had talked to all their neighbors beforehand, but you highly doubted it.

You waded through the bodies and found your friends all invested in a game of beer pong. The younger three on one end and the older four on the other. The older ones were currently winning and you smirked as you remembered just how good Yoongi was at the game.

"Need help?" you asked, placing your arm around Taehyung's shoulders, the heels allowing you to do so easier, although it still looked slightly awkward.

"Ah, finally! Someone who can rival Yoongi!"

You laughed, trying not to allow your eyes to wander over to Jungkook who was standing closer to you than he had for weeks. "Who's turn is it?"

"Yours if you want."

You nodded and walked up to the table. You angled your arm and aimed for one of the back cups, even if you missed, it may still land in one of the front cups that remained. You tossed the ping pong ball and it sailed perfectly into the cup.

"Yes! Drink up, Min Yoongi!"

Yoongi smirked and took the cup and downed it. You two had played this game countless time, both won and lost countless times, to the point that it was no longer about winning, but rather, who could get the other drunk quicker.

Yoongi aimed his shot and tossed it flawlessly into the cup right in front of you. You took out the ball and downed the cup. The beer was pretty much tasteless which meant it went down easily but left a bad taste in the back of your throat.

After a few shots back and forth, you had drunk twice more and Yoongi once. You were aiming up another shot, intending to tie it up when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked behind you and caught Jungkook's eyes.

"Are you gonna let us play?"

"Do you want to win or not?" you said, turning back and aiming up your shot. You were already a little tipsy and your head ached as you concentrated.

"Y/N, it'll be no fun to get drunk so early," he said. "Come on." His voice was soft and familiar. He'd done this dozens of times. Prevented you from getting too drunk or going home with the wrong guy. He brought you back when the alcohol began to take over. This time--however--you turned away and aimed the ball. Missing.

Yoongi tosses the ball in what appears to be a haphazard fashion, but it sinks straight into a cup. You pick it up and bring it to your lips, but before you can drink, the cup is being knocked from your hands and the beer spills almost entirely onto your dress.

You see Jungkook staring at you wide-eyed--the obvious culprit--his hand still gripping the cup.

"Jungkook!" you yelled, people turned in your direction, but your yell was soon forgotten as the music continued. All but your small group turned back to their own conversations. "Would you stop trying to be my friend? You made it quite obvious you no longer wanted our friendship and you just keep screwing everything up!"

"Y/N, I..."

Tears were beginning to fill your eyes and the only thing you wanted to do was get drunk and forget this night happened. You stepped forward to push through the crowd when someone grabbed your wrist. You knew from the touch that it wasn't Jungkook and when you glanced back, Jin's lips were upturned in a small smile.

"Wait, Y/N," he said. "I'm really sorry about this."

You cocked your head in confusion, but before your lips could form words to ask Jin what he was apologizing for you felt something click onto your wrist and found a handcuff locked around your wrist and you noticed the other was locked to another wrist. You followed the chain and met Jungkook's dark, confused eyes.

"Have fun, kids. We aren't unlocking you until you talk everything out."


Ten minutes later you stood in the kitchen as Jungkook tried to work a kitchen knife into the lock. The beer was slowly making your dress more and more see-through and you glanced around the room.

"Jungkook, can we try this somewhere else?"

He looked up at you with his brows furrowed in confusion. You hadn't managed to say anything before his eyes widened and he quickly shrugged off his flannel. It caught on his cuff and he struggled to get the sleeve over the handcuff and chain.

"Fuck it," he said, taking the knife and cutting into the seam where the sleeve met the shoulder.

"Jungkook isn't this a bit drastic? We can just go into the bathroom or something."

"No, it's okay. I can just cut off the other one later."

He brought around the uncut sleeve and brought over your shoulder and brought the cut sleeve over the chain and up your arm. The way the flannel hit it ended up covering your entire dress and draping across your bare thighs.

As soon as you were covered and comfortable again, he once again tried to unlock the handcuffs and your hand was at his mercy as he moved the knife point back and forth in the lock.

"Jungkook, this isn't going to work. You're just gonna end up hurting one of us."

Jungkook sat the knife back on the counter looked down dejectedly at your cuffed wrists. You couldn't help the pang of hurt in your stomach. Jin had handcuffed the two of you so you would talk and all Jungkook could focus was on how to get the handcuffs off without talking.

"Maybe we can break the chain," he said. "If we both pull, our combined strength might be enough."

Your wrist was already starting to become red and raw because Jin had accidentally snapped the cuff on a little tight, but before you could protest, Jungkook began pulling on the chain.

You immediately yelped in pain and your wrist attempted to escape the pain, causing your body to fold in on itself. You found yourself crouched and leaning against the counter, your arm almost straight above your head to remain close enough to Jungkook's so that it didn't dislocate the joint.

"Y/N?" Your name was barely audible over the music and the people around you many of which shot odd glances or coy smiles your way.

"It's tight, Jungkook. Jin accidentally locked it too tight. Can--can we just go talk and get these things off?"

Jungkook nodded, seeing your teary eyes from the pain and helping you to your feet. His free palm came to rest on your shoulder and his handcuffed hand grasped your wrist and he slipped two of his fingers between your skin and the cuff. It was the first time he'd touched you since before your birthday and you felt your knees go weak and something shifted in you with his touch. The plate tectonics of your heart shifting suddenly and with no warning.

"Let's go to the bathroom, first."

You were confused as he pulled you into the bathroom and situated you against the counter. He reached into the cupboard behind you and pulled out some lotion and squirted it onto his handcuffed hand. He rubbed it softly onto your wrist where the handcuff had rubbed the skin red and raw.


You nodded and looked up at his face which hovered not far above yours but was focused down on your wrist. His jaw was clenched and his features were stiff. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the sleeve he'd cut from his flannel.

"I think if we roll this down we can put it between the cuff and your wrist. It might make it feel tight, but it won't hurt you so much."

He rolled the sleeve down under it was a single cuff which he carefully slipped over your hand and under the cuff. It did work, your skin feeling relieved from the lotion and the cloth, although it did still feel slightly too tight.

"Thanks," you said. "But, maybe we should get out of here. I don't want your girlfriend to get the wrong idea."

Jungkook met your eyes. "What? Girlfriend?"

"The girl you went on the date with?"

"Oh, it uh, didn't work out."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

There was a long pause as Jungkook continued to adjust the cuff to ensure it stayed. His eyes were focused on your wrist.

"I'm sorry," he said. "For saying you were clingy and bringing your exes into this. I'm sorry for everything."

You looked down at him, your free hand coming to play with the hairs that grew around his ears. His hair was longer than you'd ever seen it and you smiled as he seemed to lean into your hand.

Jungkook finished adjusting the cuff and looked up at you. "I think Yoongi's room is empty. He didn't want people in there, but I bet he won't mind if it's us."

You nodded and followed closely behind Jungkook as you walked through the crowd to Yoongi's bedroom. It--like Jungkook had said--was empty. The two of you flopped down on the bed and despite laying a foot apart your fingers continued to brush against each other as you adjusted your wrists in the cuffs.

"I can't figure out why Jin handcuffed us," Jungkook said. The music was just a series of thumps now and even though it was still loud, you could no longer make out the lyrics and could hear Jungkook's voice without him having to raise it. "I thought he wouldn't want us to hang out anymore."

"What?" you asked. "Why would Jin care if we hang out?"

Jungkook turned and looked at you. His hair was wet from sweat and his hair curled in thick tendrils over his forehead. "Aren't you and Jin dating?"

"What? No! Jin and I are just friends. What makes you think that?"

"Jin told me he was gonna confess to you at your party."

Jungkook pulled his gaze from you and focused up at the ceiling. You thought back on that night. Jin had been acting more generous and gentlemanly that night, but you just chalked it up to it being your birthday.

"I didn't even know he liked me. Is that why you've been avoiding me? You thought I was with Jin and you didn't want to interfere?"

"That's part of it."

"What's the other part of it?"

His eyes came back to yours and you felt his fingers brushing against yours. But, it wasn't just the millisecond brushes as he adjusted. No, his fingers were practically intertwined with yours.

"Y/N, we've been friends so long...I don't want to ruin it..."

"Jungkook, it's already ruined."

There was a long tense silence between the of you. His fingers fully intertwined with yours. It was far from the first time you'd held his hand, but it felt different. It was softer, yet more intense at the same time. As if your hand were porcelain that could break at even the slightest touch.

Jungkook moved so quickly that you have no idea how he came to hover above you. His free arm resting above his head and the one handcuffed to you still intertwined with yours to the side. "What would've happened if Jin had confessed to you?"


"What would've happened?"

"I-I would've turned him down."


"Cause I'm in love with someone else."

His lips were on your before you even finished the sentence. He was gentle but urgent as if he'd been waiting two thousand years to kiss you.

"I'm still mad at you for skipping my birthday party," you said when he pulled away. "I don't care if you're in love with me, your cute ass still has a lot of making up to do."

Jungkook smiled as he leaned down placed a small kiss on your neck. "Well, I never got to give you my gift."

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out two tickets. You grabbed them from his hands and you smiled as you realized it was for the musical you'd been dying to see.

"It's tomorrow," he said. "Pretty good first date, yeah?"

"Hey, don't get cocky yet!" It was hard for you to hide your smile and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction, so, you just leaned up and kissed him.


You woke up the next morning enveloped in Jungkook's arms and his one-armed flannel. You looked up to see him scrolled through his phone, but when you squirmed, he looked down at you.

"Good morning, baby," he said.

"That sounds so weird."

"What, baby?" He smirked and giggled as you reached up and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Wait," you said, looking at your unbound wrist. You looked down and found the handcuffs on the bed. "They must've uncuffed us last night."

"I hadn't even realized," he said. A blush appeared on his face. "I didn't want to let go of your hand."

"Aww," you said, reaching up and ruffling his hair. "You're such a softie."

Jungkook smirked and grabbed your wrists. "Hey, I'm not completely a softie."

He held your wrists and glanced down at the handcuffs. "Maybe, we should keep these."

Tags :
4 years ago

Winter Bear

Winter Bear

Genre: Roommates AU, Fluff

Pairing: Taehyung/Reader

Warnings: cursing

Synopsis: Your new roommate Taehyung can’t seem to let you work in peace. Yet, when you inevitably fall asleep working every night, you never question why you wake up in your bed.


“Y/N! Hold still!” your roommate, Taehyung said. He brought the camera that hung around his neck up to his eyes and the flash caught you off guard. The camera was at least thirty years old and he often spent late nights on campus developing the photos himself.

“Hey!” you said. “What was that about?”

“Your hair is messed up,” he said. “It framed your face well.”

You weren’t expecting such a serious answer. You simply blinked and took another sip of your drink. It was your second of the night and you were already beginning to feel a little tipsy.  Taehyung walked away after, continuing to take photographs of the party. You noticed Jimin posing for him–giggling and his face flushed–he’d surely regret a few of those poses in the morning.

It was only because of Jimin that you lived with Taehyung. You’d both been looking for a roommate around the same time and both mentioned it to Jimin. The two of you signed the lease before even meeting. It had been a week before classes started and you needed a place before you drained your bank account living in a hotel.

You really had no issues with Taehyung so far. Sure, you would be content simply sharing the space–you didn’t expect to become friends–but Taehyung inserted himself seamlessly in your life. Just enough to not be overbearing, but enough that you occasionally wanted to wring his neck.

“So, have you and Tae fucked yet?” Jimin asked, taking a sip of his beer. He was far past tipsy and you hoped he didn’t puke on your carpet. Not even a week into your new place and you were already at risk of not getting the deposit back.

“What the fuck?” you asked, hardly able to keep yourself from laughing. “We’ve lived together for five days. Do you think I’m that desperate?”

“Nah, I just know the effect Tae has on women.”

“Do we know the same Taehyung?” You looked over at the blond who was currently snapping pictures of Yoongi, who slept on the couch farthest from the main party. “He’s too pure and cute.”

Jimin smirked. “Exactly.”

You rolled your eyes as you poured another drink into your plastic cup. You’d started off with beer, then whiskey, and now you were onto rum and Coke. You were buzzed and you knew Jimin could tell as his eyes raked over you in concern.

“Don’t drink too much,” he said, cutely pouting out his lips.

“Why not? I’m already in my apartment and I won’t get to party like this til winter break.” You sipped your drink and bobbed your head to the music. Your demeanor shifting quickly, you grabbed hold of Jimin’s wrists and drug him out into the living room where most of the partygoers were. Music thumped softly. It was just loud enough to dance to, but not so loud that the cops would get called. “Come on, show me how those dance classes have paid off.”

Before long, Jimin was smiling and giggling as the two of you danced and drank and danced and drank and danced and…

You opened your eyes. There was no longer any music and you only caught a glimpse of a black T-shirt. Your head hurt and your vision blurred. A hand came out and grabbed your shoulder, it was gentle, fingertips only barely connecting with the fabric of your blouse.

“Jimin?” You reached out and took a handful of his shirt. “Is that you? It feels like you.”


“Mm, can you take me to my room? I feel so heavy and you’re soo strong.” A lazy smile came across your face. You’d always marveled that Jimin could carry you so easily despite not being that much bigger than you.

You felt yourself being lifted and arms resting under your knees and around your shoulders. Instinctively, you curled your nose into his chest. Something seemed off. After a party, Jimin normally smelled of sweat and whiskey. This time you caught a faint whiff of cologne and what you thought was Coke.

Before you could mutter anything else, your back connected with your bed, and the covers were pulled up to your chest. Your eyes closed and you heard nothing else.


It was 11 pm and Taehyung had an early class the next day. Coming out of the bathroom, he was accustomed to seeing light seeping underneath the crack of your door. You typically got off work at 9 and he imagined that you stayed up doing homework. Although, unlike Taehyung, you didn’t work weekends, making him wonder why you didn’t get the majority of work done then.

Curious, he inched closer to your door. The two of you had lived together a month now. He wouldn’t say you were friends, but you certainly didn’t hate each other. Occasionally, the two of you would hunker down on the couch with popcorn and watch a movie. Even if you barely talked through it, the way neither of you flinched away when your hands brushed in the popcorn bowl let him know that you didn’t despise him.

He knocked on your door before he could stop himself. Taehyung froze until he heard your barely audible, “Come in.”

Opening the door, he found you at your desk. Notebooks and books spread across your desk, the floor, and even your lap. You and your laptop were in the middle of it all, your hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, and your makeup from work beginning to leave streaks of black under your eyes.

“What’s up?” you asked, only glancing up at him before you returned to furiously typing.

“I, uh, I just noticed your light was on–is always on.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t keep you up.”

“That’s not–” he started, pausing when he noticed the cute way you chewed your cheek in thought. “What are you working on anyway?”

“My script,” you said.

“For a class?”

“No, for me.”

Taehyung perked up. “You write scripts? I’m an acting minor. You know, if you ever need someone to film with.”

You stopped typing and truly met his eyes for the first time during the conversation. “Thanks,” you said, your eyes narrowing and shoulders dropping. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Taehyung fidgeted as he noticed your obvious annoyance. “Do–do you need anything?”

You shook your head and went back to typing. Taehyung watched you for a moment, daring you to change your mind. But, after a few moments of silence, he slowly slinked out of the room.


It became a routine. Taehyung knocking on your door in his pajama pants a T-shirt. Usually, his hair was a little damp as he took showers before bed.

“How’s the script coming?” he asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe in possibly the most cliche posture you’d ever seen.

“Fine,” you said, just like every night.

“I brought you a snack,” he said, walking into your room, looking between you and the door as he were trespassing and setting a bag of hot Cheetos on your desk.

“Oh, I don’t like hot Cheetos,” you said. “Sorry.”

Taehyung’s face fell. “I thought you liked spicy things?”

“Yeah, they taste too fake though. Thank you, it was really nice of you.” You’d become less annoyed with Tae’s late night visits, even found yourself checking the clock and listening as he got out of the shower.

You looked up and watched as Taehyung turned around and readied himself to leave. A small pang rang through your chest like a morning bell when you saw the way his shoulders were slouched and his mouth sat in a defeated line.

“Tortilla chips,” you said. “I tend to crave tortilla chips when I work.”

Taehyung smiled at you. It wasn’t the full boxy smile you’d seen him use around Jimin or his friends, but there was something behind it that made your stomach feel warm.


The next night Taehyung knocked lightly on your door. He held a bag of tortilla chips and tried not to crinkle it before you gave him the okay to come in.

But it never came.

“Y/N?” Taehyung asked softly. When you again didn’t answer, Taehyung’s brow furrowed and he slowly turned the knob, hoping he wouldn’t regret going in. He opened the door and peered over to your desk. The set up was the same. Books, notebooks, your laptop, everything in their rightful places. Except for this time, your head was on the keyboard, your face turned towards the door and your mouth slightly open.

Taehyung chuckled as he realized you were asleep. Between work, homework, and the script you were working on, he honestly wondered how you stayed sane, not to mention awake. Your laptop had gone to sleep as well, but the screensaver reflected off your face and he couldn’t help but chuckle as he set the chips down on your nightstand.

“You need to stop working so hard,” he said. “I’m gonna  have to keep carrying you to bed.”

He reached down and cleared the book off your lap, cringing as it landed with a thud on the floor. Taehyung glanced over to make sure it hadn’t woken you up, but you were still sound asleep. He carefully wrapped his arms under our legs and around your shoulders, lifting you as gently as he could.

It was only a few steps to your bed, but you had managed to curl into his chest. He held back his laughter and carefully adjusted you so that he could reach down and pull back the covers. Setting you down, he pulled the covers up and piled the books and notebooks onto your desk. Taehyung quietly shuffled towards the door and shut off the light on his way out.


You woke the next morning. You sighed, immediately feeling the rough fabric of your jeans keeping you from stretching out across the bed. Glancing over at your desk, your things were stacked neatly, something you rarely ever did. But, there were so many things you didn’t remember from the night before.

You remembered coming home from work, working on your screenplay, and then only the smell of Jimin’s cologne from that party a few months ago. Did Jimin come over? Did you drink? You smelled your clothes, not catching a whiff of alcohol. You shrugged, it’d been a while since you’d actually slept in your bed, normally falling asleep at your desk. Although, you typically managed to change when you got home from work. You weren’t overly concerned, Jimin was one of your best friends and you knew that he probably just put you in bed and left.

Reaching for your phone, you stopped as you noticed a large bag of tortilla chips on your nightstand. You smiled as you realized that Taehyung must’ve come in like normal, but found you asleep.

Walking into the kitchen, you noticed Taehyung standing in front of the stove and frying a few eggs, a mug of hot chocolate half-drank on the counter beside him. Taehyung wasn’t much of a cook, but he usually managed to cook himself eggs in the morning.

“Thanks for the chips,” you said, opening the fridge and grabbing your protein shake. You weren’t much of a morning person, so you prepared them all on the weekends so you didn’t have to cook.

“Oh, you’re welcome. It was really nothing.” The eggs were overdone by the time he finally slid them onto the plate and you couldn’t help but smile.

It was Friday which meant today was your last day of class and work.

“I, uh, just wanted to say thanks. I’ll let you get ready for class.”

He glanced up. His chopsticks halfway between his plate and mouth. “Do you want some eggs? I can make you some. You seemed tired last night. You probably need the protein.”

“Oh, I have a protein shake,” you said. “I’m okay. You really don’t have to worry about me so much Tae.”

You left the room, missing how Taehyung smiled at the new nickname. He pushed the eggs around his plate as he remembered how you looked with the covers pulled around you.


The sun came through your window and the warmth hit your face pulling you out of your slumber. You were in your bed again and you couldn’t help but smile at the feel of the sheet against the bare skin of your legs.

It was 9:30. A little earlier than you usually woke up on a Saturday, but the last thing you remembered the night before was working on the climax of your script. You were so close to finishing, although then you would spend all your time editing. The submission period was only a few weeks away and you couldn’t miss it, even if it meant sacrificing the little sleep you got.

You walked into the living room on your way to the kitchen and jumped as you noticed a figure on the couch. Taehyung sat on the couch, in his work clothes, asleep. You’d fully expected him to be gone already. He worked the early weekend shift at the coffee shop down the street and you were used to having the apartment nearly to yourself on the weekends.

“Taehyung?” you said. Your voice soft and hesitant as you approached him. He wore a white sweatshirt and the hood was pulled over his head. Only the very ends of his hair were visible and his mouth lay slightly open. You almost didn’t want to wake him up.

“Taehyung,” you said again, a little louder. You touched his shoulder lightly. “Tae, shouldn’t you be at work?” As neared you him, you thought you smelled something familiar, something that reminded you of cuddling into your pillow late at night.

His eyes shot open and he darted around you as he rushed to locate his keys. “Shit.” He finally found his keys on the coffee table in front of him and started towards the door. “Thanks, Y/N” He shot you a kind smile before rushing out the door.


You let out a breath and relaxed your shoulders as you hit ‘Submit’. The script was finished and entered into the contest. You didn’t expect to win, but it came with the opportunity for feedback and you couldn’t pass that up.

A knock sounded at your door and it opened a few minutes later. Taehyung didn’t need your confirmation anymore, only waiting if he heard your voice.

“Hey,” he said. “I’m gonna be headed home tomorrow and I wanted to give you this before I left.” From behind his back, he pulled out a massive package wrapped mostly neatly, only the edges showing some crinkling. Based on the size, you were surprised he’d even managed to keep it hidden as he walked into the room.

“Oh,” you said, jumping up from your desk and opening your closet. You pulled out a significantly smaller package. “I actually got you something too.”

Taehyung gapped at you in surprise. “You got me a Christmas present?”

You fidgeted. “You’ve always been so nice to me,” you said, thinking of all the times Taehyung checked up on you and bought you snacks for your late night work. “I thought now that its break and my script is done that I should do something to pay you back.”

Taehyung failed at holding back his smile. He took the package from you and motioned towards his present for you. “Open yours first.”

You tore open the paper and found a body pillow. You nearly squealed in delight and hugged it to your chest. “How did you know I wanted one of these?”

Taehyung beamed. “I noticed how you always clung to me when I carried you to bed so I figured that you like to cuddle things in your sleep.” When he finished the sentence, his eyes grew wide and he opened his mouth to say more, but nothing came out.

“Wait,” you said. “It was you who carried me to bed after the party?”

“Uh yeah,” he said. “And, kinda whenever you fell asleep at your desk.” He slouched and stood awkwardly, like a scolded puppy.

You laughed. “I’m so stupid. I always thought I was sleepwalking to my bed or something. But it was you.”

“Wait, so you’re not mad?”

“Well, I probably should because it is a little weird, I guess. But, I think the pounds of tortilla chips and this pillow make up for it.” Something made you want to run forward and fall against his chest. Smell his cologne that made your eyes immediate lull and want to close. But instead, you said, “Open yours.”

He tore open the paper and opened the small box to find a stack of printed pictures. They were all from the party before classes started. When you’d first had them developed, you were surprised by how Tae seemed to capture people in their most real moments. Not their most beautiful moments or their darkest moments, but the ones where they were crying at a friend’s joke or dancing as the beat dropped.

When you’d come across the one of you, with messy hair, flushed cheeks, for some reason, you thought it was the best picture of you.

“Jimin told me that you were scared to have them developed,” you said. “I’m sorry if you didn’t want to see them, but they’re beautiful, Taehyung.”

Taehyung pulled in for a hug and your head hit his chest before you could realize it. You fell into the hug naturally though, your eyes closing and your arms slinking around his waist. He didn’t pull away and neither did you. Your breathing began to even out, you weren’t asleep, but even though you were standing, you could easily fall asleep. Taehyung’s arms around you made you feel like you were floating.

“You know,” Taehyung said, his chin coming to rest on the top of your head. “You’re kinda like a bear.”

“What?” you asked, pulling away from his chest and looking up at him.

He looked down at you for a few moments before he reached up and pushed some hair out of your face. He smiled, more of a smirk, one corner of his mouth higher than the other.

“You come off so grumpy and like you don’t want to be bothered.” He lifted you off your feet, laughing as you yelped with surprise. He sat laid you on your bed, but unlike the times before, he climbed in beside you. Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you and pulled you flush against his body. You turned around so you could bury your nose in his T-shirt. Right at the divet between his collarbones.

You hardly could question your actions or his for that matter. You’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t thought about resting your head on his chest or feeling his warm breath on your ears. Or, that you hadn’t noticed Taehyung’s odd glances when you came into the common areas in a pair of shorts that hugged your skin so well that you almost forgot you were wearing them.

You already felt yourself falling asleep. The tension from your neck and shoulders releasing and Tae’s hands pushing your hair back only made you want to spend the winter hibernating in his arms. He pressed a small, hesitant kiss to your hairline.

“But, you really just want someone to cuddle you. Just like a bear.”

4 years ago

This Christmas

This Christmas

Genre: Producer!Yoongi, Fluff, Angst, slight enemies to lovers, Christmas-y

Pairing: Yoongi/Reader

Warnings: Portrayal of an abusive relationship (not involving Yoongi)

Synopsis: Yoongi doesn’t wanna work with a bubble gum idol like you. Especially not after your scandal where your and your manager’s relationship was revealed. And definitely not for a Christmas song.


"You want me to what?" Yoongi asked. If this were a cartoon, his eyes would be bugging out of his head. The CEO of the company cleared his throat and looked at Yoongi over his glasses. It was obvious that despite being a high-level CEO of a successful music company, he was nervous to pitch this to his most successful producer.

"Listen, Yoongi, I know you're not happy about this. But, Y/N's comeback is crucial for her career. You know the scandal she had last year and this is her first comeback since then. We need this song to be everywhere. This why we need you to produce it."

"Okay, but like, a Christmas song? I know Y/N had a pretty pure image, but isn't that a bit much? Even for her?"

"Her scandal broke on Christmas Day last year. We thought having her do a Christmas song would help address that she moved on and wants to focus on her career."

Yoongi remembers your scandal a year ago. You'd been dating your manager. It was said you used his fondness of you to move up in the company. It was why you were a soloist and not in a group, why you didn't write your own songs but still got all the best ones, and why you had your good girl image. You were the role model for school girls everywhere in your pale pink skirts that matched your lips.

He'd never worked with you before. You were always so clean-cut, so bubblegum. It wasn't the type of song he wrote or worked on. In fact, despite working at the same company, and you being one of the largest idols signed with them, Yoongi didn't remember ever meeting you. He'd seen you passing, your manager placing his hand on the back of your skull to shield you from the camera flashes. Your hood up and a mask pulled up to cover most of your face.

"I've never done one of her songs. Why this one?"

"After the last year, it's impossible for Y/N to go back to her pure image. It just isn't believable. We need you because you don't do typical sounding songs."

Yoongi thought for a moment. An edgy Christmas song? Certainly possible, but could you really pull it off?

"It will be a new version of Last Christmas. We want it to be heartbreaking. Address the scandal without directly commenting. You have a knack for subtly that she needs."

"All right," he said. He knew he had no choice in the matter and it was only one song. Yoongi hadn't made his name as a producer doing bubblegum songs, but the company allowed him to release his own music under their label as long as he produced all the other artist's songs they asked of him. "But I'm not going to be like the other producers she's worked with."


The night before your and Yoongi's first recording session he pulled up a playlist of your songs. You had a good voice, Yoongi would admit. He listened to a few seconds of each. You had the sweetheart image with mostly upbeat pop songs with a few heartbreak ballads mixed in. They were all written by the best songwriters at the company, except for Yoongi, of course. He'd never written for you, although you had considered one of his songs once.

A few emails exchanged before you ghosted him. "Wine" ended up going to another soloist and had won Yoongi an award, he really didn't care. After the scandal, you had the spoiled brat look. And, honestly, it didn't surprise Yoongi. Everyone knew you came from a well off background and went to a private school that the company commonly scouted at.

Girls like you always had talent, but you always ended up destroying yourselves. He was surprised you were even trying for a comeback instead of taking the money you'd made so far and setting yourself up to live off royalties until your name was forgotten enough to re-invent yourself.

When the scandal broke, Yoongi had just released a new mixtape. It affected the entire company, causing the sales and streams of his album to plateau. He silently cursed your name as he tweeted album links.


Yoongi sat in his studio. The hood of his black hoodie pulled over his head and slightly crouched in his chair, he worked on your song. While he didn't have your vocal yet, he could easily work on the instrumental. It was tricky. "Last Christmas" was an iconic Christmas song that needed to be recognizable, but he also needed to make it different and stand out from every other cover.

His phone vibrated. It was you.

Y/N: I'm heading down now

You were most likely heading downstairs from the dance studios. He took off his headphones and soon heard a gentle knock on the door. He kept a lock on his studio to prevent anyone from bothering him while he worked. Only a few people had the code. And only to make sure Yoongi left every couple days.

Opening the door, he first saw your small smile. All lip, no teeth, yet still friendly. Behind you stood your manager, the one with who you'd had the scandal. Despite your break up being publicized, he was contracted as your manager for another year. Yoongi had no idea why you didn't just buy him out and let the poor kid get on with his life.

"Hi," you said softly, bowing politely before walking inside and leaving your shoes by the door. Your hair was up in a ponytail and you wore a blue sweatshirt three sizes too big. "It's nice to finally meet the famous Suga."  

He returned a tight-lipped smile and reached out to shake your hand, but your manager stepped in front and shook took Yoongi's hand instead. "I'm Kwanho, Y/N's manager."

Yoongi nodded, giving the man an odd look as you skirted to the side. He noticed the way you balled up your hands in your sleeves and looked down at the ground when the other man pushed you out of the way.

"Nice to meet you," Yoongi said. "If you give me your number, I'll call you when we finish for the day or if we need anything."

Yoongi motioned to the recording booth and you walked in, putting on your headphones and immediately taking your place. You seemed to relax as you prepared yourself in the booth, beginning to test the microphone and adjust the cords around your feet.

"Oh, no, I actually stay in the studio with Y/N."

Yoongi paused. "Uh, well, I tend to work better when it's just me and the artist. You know, so I can kinda get a feel for them and get the best vocals."

"She's more comfortable when I'm here."

Yoongi glanced over at you in the booth. You seemed much more comfortable by yourself in the recording booth than you had with your manager and ex-boyfriend.

"She seems fine. Listen, this is my studio and it's a bit small. I really don't like people getting in the way."

Your manager fumed, his hair beginning to stand up and his face growing red. His fists clench around the water bottle he carried and he sighed.

"Fine," he said. "Just let me give this to her."

Kwanho walked into the booth, his form completely hid yours as he stood in Yoongi's view. He saw the man hand you the water bottle. Even after you took it, the man loomed over you for a few extra seconds.

Knowing he had an audience, your manager soon left the booth and the studio. When Yoongi heard the lock click shut, he turned on his mic to talk to you.

"Y/N?" he asked. "You ready to get some vocals. Need to warm up at all?"

You shook your head. "No, I warmed up while we were waiting."


It had been nearly a year since you'd recorded anything in a studio. Yet, nothing felt foreign. You had immediately adjusted everything to your preferences. Taking a sip of water as Yoongi started the music, you began singing. Your phone was full of practice runs from the night before. You didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of the famed producer of your company.

You had no idea what he'd said to Kwanho to make him leave, but your stomach had untied its knots when you saw him leave the studio. Even with Yoongi's critical gaze, you were used to tough producers.

"That was good," Yoongi said. "But, I listened to some of your tracks last night and I know you can do better. Think you could lower your voice a bit on the chorus."

"Lower it?" As a soprano, you were used to coaches and producers pushing your voice to its highest notes and octaves. Rarely ever did your lower range get explored. "Uh, I can try. But why?"

"Well, this comeback is supposed both your vulnerability and strength, right? if we explore the range of your voice more, it will show a different side of you. Plus, if your vocal isn't perfect it might show some of the vulnerability we want."

Your eyes widened and you nodded as the track started again.

4 Hours Later

Yoongi was growing frustrated. Your vocals were fine, but only that. They weren't anything special. He couldn't entirely blame you. You weren't used to singing in your lower register and it seemed your vocal coaches only cared about cultivating your voice for the cutesy songs of your past.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. "All right, let's take a break," he said. "I think we both need it."

You came out of the booth and almost immediately held the phone to your ear. His brow furrowed as he wondered who you were calling so immediately.

"Hey, we're taking a break."

Based on the quick response and hang up, Yoongi knew exactly who it was.

"Is he bringing you lunch?"

You nodded and sat down on the small loveseat Yoongi kept at the back of his studio for the artists or few visitors that came in. Pulling your knees up to your chest, he couldn't help but notice how much smaller you looked. When he'd seen you before the scandal, you looked healthy and filled out all your tight skirts and dresses.

Maybe it was just the oversized sweatshirt, but you looked thinner. Your collarbones stretching your skin and your cheekbones more prominent. He walked over to where he kept an electric kettle and started heating water.

"Want some spicy noodles?"

You shook your head.

A knock sounded and you got up. Letting your manager, Yoongi cause his hard gaze. He handed you a bag and refilled your water bottle. "Remember you're on a diet, okay?" he said.

You nodded.

"So, how's it going? Got enough for the song?"

"Not yet," you said. "We're working on it. Yoongi is really pushing me, but I think it will turn out well."

"I hope he's not working you too hard."

"Of course not, I love being back in the studio."

Yoongi poured the hot water into the instant noodles. "I think we'll need another day. Clear her schedule tomorrow."

Kwanho blinked twice. "Y/N is talented. I have every confidence it will only take one session."

"How long have you been her manager? Surely, you know it can take multiple sessions to get everything I need."

"I haven't recorded for a while, Kwanho. It's just cause I'm out of practice."

Your manager sneered and dropped the water bottle. "Fine," he said. Leaving the studio in a huff, he didn't seem to realize he'd spilled the water all over Yoongi's studio.

"I'm sorry," you said, looking around for something to soak up the mess. "He's just protective and doesn't like leaving me alone."

"Didn't you two break up?"

"Yeah, which I think made it worse."

Even if the two of you were still dating, Yoongi sensed something wrong. He pulled out paper towels from a nearby drawer and dropped to his knees to help you.

"He's kind of a dick."

"He wasn't always. Would you believe he was once really sweet?"

"Maybe he acted that way."

The two of you ate in relative silence, only piping up to discuss the song or the general happenings of the company. Yoongi finished his noodles and you finished your salad. After a few sips of water, you walked back into the recording booth.


It wasn't until nine o'clock that night when you and Yoongi finally agreed that enough progress was made. Yoongi waited for Kwanho to pick you up and he watched as the light he'd seen in you when you recorded slowly dimmed.

He didn't knock this time, opting instead to text you. You answered the door and he walked in. Without a greeting, he met Yoongi's eyes. "She's free tomorrow. But let's make sure to finish this up tomorrow. We only have a few weeks before we have to release."

"Last I checked you weren't my boss," he said. "I understand the timeline and the song will be done in time."

Yoongi turned to you. "If you record anything good tonight, you can text it to me. If it's good quality, we might be able to use it."

"Wait, you have his number?" Kwanho asked, grabbing your bicep.

"Yeah, I've had it since I showed interest in his song a year ago." You glanced at Yoongi quickly before bringing your eyes back to your manager. "We're working together. I don't see why it's a big deal."

"If you need to text him recordings text them to me and I'll get them to him."

You scoffed. "Kwaho! Stop being so jealous, this is ridiculous."

The atmosphere came to a boiling point and all Yoongi could focus on was you. The way you puffed out your chest at your ex-boyfriend and called him out. But, he noticed the fear in your eyes, the way you flinched when Kwanho let go of your arm.

"Let's go, Y/N. We can talk about this later." Opening the studio door, Kwanho motioned for you to leave before him. "And, you," he made sharp eye contact with Yoongi. "Delete her number."

You and Kwanho disappeared through the door and Yoongi locked his phone, placing it back in his pocket.


Yoongi stayed in the studio after you left. It wasn't unusual for him to stay until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes, he would even sleep on the couch and get a few hours of sleep before continuing in the morning.

The deadline for your song didn't warrant such actions. Instead, he just sat in his studio and read back through his notes from the day. There were a few bits of your backing vocals from the day that he wanted to include on the final track, but the main vocal still needed work.

Thinking back over the day, he was surprised at how different you were from what he believed. You were soft-spoken, polite, and good to work with. You took direction well, but pushed back when Yoongi got too caught up in the production that he made a bad call about your voice.

Kwanho--on the other hand--wasn't the loyal manager you took advantage of. At least, not from what Yoongi had seen today. He'd heard others at the company say you deserved it for using your relationship to get special treatment. But something didn't feel right about the way your manager still held control over you.


It rarely snowed in November in Seoul. Yet, as Yoongi stepped outside around midnight, he was met with cold, wet snow that soaked the ends of his hair. He walked towards his apartment that was only a few blocks away when his phone rang. It was you.

"Suga?" you asked, and Yoongi realized he hadn't even told you his real name.

"Yes," he said. "What's up? Did you get a good recording?"He heard sniffles on the other line and he stopped walking. "Y/N? What's wrong?"

"We fought after we left and I finally fired him. But now I have nothing," you said. "He took everything. My apartment, my money, everything. I was wondering if I could stay in your studio for the night until I can figure something out."

Yoongi looked up at the snow and felt it soaking through his clothes. "Where are you?"

"I'm outside the company building. I don't have my ID."

"I just left. I'm on my way."


Yoongi handed you a cup of coffee. You wore his sweatshirt and a pair of his sweats. It felt a little embarrassing and you knew what the tabloids would think you were taking advantage of yet another at your company.

"I don't have creamer or anything, sorry," he said.

You smiled. "Suga doesn't have any sugar." You took a sip of coffee and felt his gaze on you. When you looked up, you saw him smiling at you and holding in his laughter until you met eyes.

"It's amazing that you can make jokes when your life is changing," he said.

"The lawyers will handle everything," you said. "Plus, what can I do now other than finish the song?"

There was a pause, but unlike when you were in meetings with the company executives, or when the silences between you and Kwanho led to explosions, it was content.

"I need to apologize to you, Y/N."

Your brow furrowed. "Why? You've been so nice to me."

"I judged you. I believed the press, too. Even up until yesterday, I believed you were entitled and the one taking advantage of Kwanho, not the other way around."

"There was no way you could've known, Suga. But I appreciate it."

"Yoongi," he said. "Call me, Yoongi."


"What if we change the song?" Yoongi said, halfway through the next day when nothing was coming together like both of you wanted.

"What do you mean?"

"Instead of focusing on Last Christmas, what if we wrote a new version that focuses on how you've changed for the better."

"This Christmas?" you said, your voice rising in pitch.

"Actually, yes."



Today, Y/N released her first song following last year's Christmas Day scandal that revealed that she was dating her manager. She is due to have her first comeback stage later this month.

The song, "This Christmas" discusses how when the news broke that it had been an attempt to control her. Her ex-boyfriend and manager leaked the news himself to prevent the singer from breaking up with and firing him. It focuses on the strength this experience brought her.

Y/N and her ex-manager are currently involved in a lawsuit that alleges that her manager used his privileged position on her staff to access her bank accounts and important documents. He then used this access to steal from the singer and commit various other crimes against her. Additionally, Y/N has told other sources that she was frequently controlled and emotionally abused while in the relationship.

This new song has already performed well on the charts and shows a new side to Y/N and her music. Famed producer, Suga, produced the song and spoke out in support of Y/N. The two have since been seen together on multiple occasions following the release of the song. A new Christmas romance for Y/N?

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