felinelord-bowbeforemepeasant - imgonnabetheprettiestpersonintheparty

Hi my name is feline lord but you can call me feli I'm a multifandom but currently obsessed with bsd right now, I usually do like some random stuff. I like cat (or any type of cats and if you asking that the reason for my name then yes) but i also like dog and some kind of animals, also English isn't my first language so there might be some grammar mistake or translation error in my post sorry

82 posts

Felinelord-bowbeforemepeasant - Imgonnabetheprettiestpersonintheparty - Tumblr Blog

So in my bsd community we have a joke that the author of bsd (Asagiri-sensei) like to keep us dizzyly dodalelu (which is true if you are keeping up with the plot right now) and then we comparing it like giving direction in a place that you not familiar with.

So for example is kinda like this:

Asagiri-sensei: " Yeah that right that the one no don't go any further stop wrong one turn around yeah yup so a little futher do not go down there that the sad ending go back yup right turn right then left no that the wrong one you need to go down then turn right the turn left and then go straight ahead yeah just go straight be careful of the rocky road oh and I hope you don't get lost :))))"

There are another one that said the author like to keep us spinning like a fricking helicopter (if you know you know)

For the newbie well we kinda just told them to have fun and be safe but there is a thread that was quite funny to me so i just gonna spill it incase i forgot :

" Person 1: should we tell them that they should need multiple helmet, tissue, some emotional support stuff and get ready for multiple heart attack

Person 2: Ehhhhh maybe not just let them be they will be fineeee also you think how many helmet can keep us safe with many twist and turn like that

Person 3: Yeah fine like us cause you know what we are not

Person 2: Well what hurt you make you stronger💪💪

Person 3: More like traumatized

Person 2: Then what hurt you make you more traumatized

Person 4: Yeah and what the hell is going on with the plot at this point the fck author keep us spinning like a helicopter

Person 2: Spinning like you know who head helicopter

Person 3: The plot is just them trying to find the book but yeah there are too many theories and stuff that need to be solved and I feel like the plot is dragging long at this point

Newbie: Should I be concern because this sound concerning

Person 2: Nah you be fine

Person 3: No

Person 5: Just go on your merry way sweetie you be fine😘

Newbie: That doesn't sound insuring at all you know that right

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I just got back to bsd for a while and see that it was nominated as anime of the year

I was like WHAT,HOW!??



But seriously though I was kinda happy for it I guess but I'm still wondering how in the fucking world does it get first place

P.s: So uh the bsd fandom is actually confused how the anime got into the first place too so yeah

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OMG how traumatizing

Omg Atsushi's va voicing young Oda was a thing since the beginning????

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Me: "Scrolling Through Some Stuff"

Me: "Scrolling through some stuff"

Me: "Seeing this post with this number"

Me: "Having an intense traumatic flashback of ugly crying uncontrollable coughing and the ugre to scream in my room"

Me: 'Who used to be in the orv fandom'

Me: ....


You can take the boy out of orv but can't never take orv out of the boy

I was scrolling through hoyolab for some stuff and see this person account have this MF number (I was like WTF!?? at that time)

I think the universe is toying with me I just can't do this anymore WHY

If you want to see the post I will put the credit here


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Thinking about the aggressive regulation of people's behavior and specifically of the social roles of men and women during the Edo period, the Medicine Seller's "No one has the right to control another person" line comes across as a comment not just on the "Bakeneko" story specifically but on the state of Japanese society as a whole.

Tips for new players of Bungou Mayoi

(Aka, learn from my mistakes. This is just my opinion, other people can add their own)

Bungou Mayoi, or Bungou Tales of the Lost, is a mobile game of Bungou Stray Dogs. It’s a gacha game combined with marbles shooting game. There are a bit of RPG combination too. The game is fun, although can be tedious in grinding for level up items.

Here are the things I noticed while playing. Mind you, I only played the NA version so I can’t talk anything about JP version.

1. SAVE. YOUR. MOONS. I can’t stress this enough. Save your moons. Hoard them like a dragon hoarding treasures. Do daily missions everyday and in a week you can get up to 70 moons. That means you can pull for 11x once each month. But save them. Don’t bother pulling for permanent pool characters, you always have a chance of spooked by them when you are pulling for the limited ones. Don’t be trapped by the bonus only 15 moons once each day, they won’t give you anything unless you are super lucky. The game is super generous (unlike some other gacha focused game like FGO) and you can get a lot of moons for every maintenance and debut of new characters. They also compensate of moons you will be unable to get from daily missions if their maintenance last more than a day. You can also get moons for achieving titles (you can get titles by using a character for X amount of time. It’s easier if you use multiple characters silver title than achieving platinum which needs 1000 times, since the achievement is counting how many titles you have and not their rank). DON’T SPEND MOONS TO SHINE THE MARBLE. JUST BE PATIENT. You will hardly use SSR ticket anyway since SSR tickets only can be used on permanent gacha pulls.

2. Clear every chapters of story and events. You will get 5 moons for every stage you clear in a chapter in battle stage. You can get up to 15 moons each stage for very hard difficulty on events. Mind you, there are 3 kind of events. Points events like the summer swimsuit event and chinatown event (they usually have certain characters that will boost the items drop and points gained. Put those characters on your support team even if they are low level, it’s the quickest way to gain friend request), headhunting events where you farm for the characters (usually SR) in battle stage, or an event like headhunters where you farm for characters but they provide you with a separate event stages (which there will be moons. Clearing the challenges for very hard stages will give you 15 moons each stage). Other than that, you can also get moons from daily gathering events for level up and evolve items. Only for clearing the challenges for the first time though.

3. THE NA EVENTS ARE IN DIFFERENT SCHEDULE THAN JP. I REPEAT, THEY HAVE DIFFERENT SCHEDULE. The chinatown events we have now in NA is a really recent event in JP. This only means that you have to save your moons more urgently, since we won’t know when is your favorite card/characters will appear. Trust me, unless you are super lucky, you won’t be safe with just 500-750 moons. I spent 1750 moons but I still can’t get Light SSR Atsushi. There are 5 kinds of gacha pull. The permanent ones, the limited one, the guaranteed 1 SSR for 250 paid moons, the step gacha, and the normal scout. The step gacha is the most worth it to pull, since they guarantee an SSR on step 3 and the pulls after step 6 will have higher rate than normal (although if you are unlucky like me, you still won’t get the one you want). Don’t bother with permanent ones, they aren’t as good as the limited ones and you can be spooked by them when they appear on your limited pulls (I get 3 SSR Atsushi when I was trying for Crimson SSR Chuuya). You can also just spend SSR tickets if you really want one, although which character you will get is still random. The limited gacha is the usual one where you want to pull. Mind you, pulling 250 moons doesn’t guarantee you getting any SSR. You can check if you will receive an SSR or not by looking at the animation of the moon when you pull. A bright purple moon means you will get new SSR, a red moon means you will either get SSR that you already have or only up to SR, a blue moon means that you only get R (yes that can happen). Normal scout aren’t that important since you usually only get items, but once in a blue moon like my friend, you can actually get SSR character from it. Although the percentage is so low you will probably spend the rest of your life luck to get one from normal scout.

4. Try building teams for each color. It isn’t that important since enemies outside of daily gathering events will have different colored enemies, but having a team with the same color means everyone in that team will benefit from your leader’s skill of that team and your friend’s support’s skill. Unless your leader has leader skill like ‘reduce enemy damage’ or 'start battle with X% beatdown’ or '2x/3x beatdown gained from special orbs’ then it doesn’t matter if your team differ in colors like a rainbow. Still, having a team in the same color means that if you have a character with booster type of skill (ex. Atsushi SSR Emerald gives 200% attack bonus for 2 turns for all Emerald allies). There is only a few character with booster type of skill that affect every colors (SSR Kenji Azure and SSR Light Atsushi)

Right now the best color teams are the crimson and dark. Crimson is the best at offensive since they have UR Atsushi, SSR Crimson Chuuya, and SSR Chinatown Yosano. Dark is just behind them with SSR Dark Akutagawa (both of them). Light team are falling behind because other than SSR Light Atsushi there aren’t other good SSR. Emerald team are the best for getting beatdowns and all clear since a lot of their SSR leader skills are all about getting beatdowns faster (kimono Chuuya, Dazai, Higuchi). Azure teams had some pretty rare skills like SSR Kunikida and SSR Tanizaki (double the marble strength and double the affinity orbs gained for two turns)

If the daily missions is to get a lot of beatdowns and/or all clear, use teams that boost beatdowns gains since getting all clear is easier with beatdowns. If the mission is to clear battle stages without getting any damage, just clear the very first stage. Or if you want to also get achievement for clearing a stage for each chapter with no damage, bring characters that 'add enemies turn by 1’ like Halloween Atsushi or Emerald Kunikida and also characters with '11-12x attacks’ to quickly kill any enemies that will attack you on that turn.

5. Use SSR characters than SR even if their skills aren’t that good (if you have them of course), because the SSR characters has better status for HP and Atk. Only bring SR if you desperately need their skill (healing, changing the color of orbs, booster). Don’t bother to raise all the SR you get, focus only on the useful ones. Just sell all the SR and R you don’t want/need. You can always see them in your codex anyway. If you have better SSR and you get a bad SSR (Azure Hirotsu, Light Dazai and Light Yosano) just keep them in your inventory but never raise them if you think you won’t ever use them especially if you are low on evolve and level up items. Some SSR characters will get promotions to rise their rank to UR, so try not to sell them.

6. It’s fine even if your friend request is not accepted. Unlike FGO where you won’t be able to use the support NP, Bungou Mayoi still lets you use their skill in combat. The only difference between friend and stranger is that you can see them more often and you gain more friend points for normal scout from a friend than stranger (although the bonus is only for once a day so it’s not that big of a deal). Just search for supports that you really need and don’t forget to display your best support so you can help others too, especially on events.

7. This is a combat tips for very hard stages. Please bring all of your SSR, especially if they have useful skills. They will make your life significantly easier. If you know what colors the enemy will be, prepare your team accordingly. Don’t use moons to continue, you better try another time. Best skills are heal, boosters, and orbs color change, but also bring one or two characters with 11-12x attack to whittle down enemies hp. Save your beatdowns, only use them when in turns you see the purple swamp that drained your hp and also the thorny wire, beatdowns will make you immune to them since if you are unlucky they can make you loss more than a half of your hp. All clear guarantee all out attack, so try to aim for one when you are using beatdown. Mind you, beatdowns won’t make you immune to webs that will slow your marble down so avoid that if possible. If the stage is more than 3 rounds, you can use all of your character skill on the round 1 and by the time you reach round 4-5, the cooldowns are usually finished. This will save your time and also make sure your hp won’t be drained too much so you can survive the boss round better. Bring characters with good subskills. People may underestimate subskills, but some subskills can save you. Subskills that heals, immediately fill up the beatdown gauge, and cut cooldowns are the best. Boosting atk is good although the boost isn’t that much. Reducing dmg is the same (especially because the enemy’s color may not match with what color the damage may reduce).

8. On events with shops, if you don’t have the SSR characters, just focus on getting at least one SR from point shop and item exchange shop so your points can raise up to 20% each battle. If you are low leveled, pay attention to your Action Point and exp. Each time you level up your AP will be full, but if you still has a lot of AP left before you level up it will be wasted. So pay attention to your exp, calculate how much ap you will need to level up. This way you can actually just use normal AP recovery to get all items on the both shop. If you are afraid you won’t have enough time, use AP recovery items that you can get from the event shop and also the bungou point shop (don’t forget to buy them whenever they are available). When your level is more than 90 you will have so much ap that you only to play the game 2-3 times daily.

9. The last one is about the office. The most important ones to raise are Kunikida, Ranpo, and Dazai. You won’t need Tanizaki (money), Atsushi/Kyouka (evolve items) and Yosano (level up items) since the three of them need to be raised to a really high level before you get good ones. You won’t need money later in the game (I have 9 millions now that I rarely use). Ranpo gives you random items and when his level is high enough, you can get moons and tickets (even SSR ticket). Kunikida gives you bungou points, which is useful to buy items on shop (the most important are limited tickets and AP recovery bottles, the rest aren’t as important). Dazai raises the probability of item drops and since he can eat all colors, just use all colors beside azure and emerald on him.

I think that’s all? If anyone have questions, I will try my best to answer. Also, please remember to have fun. If some stages are too hard just forget about them. If it’s battle stages, you can return to then later when you are stronger. If it’s event, just farm for points/items/characters elsewhere that is easier.

Old Man Yaoi, As Promised
Old Man Yaoi, As Promised
Old Man Yaoi, As Promised

Old man yaoi, as promised

"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your
"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your
"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your
"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your
"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your
"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your
"If You Want To Try Again, Come At Me Alone. If You Do Anything To My Subordinates, I Will Snap Your

"If you want to try again, come at me alone. If you do anything to my subordinates, I will snap your necks...no matter what it takes."

what better way to procrastinate than to write random stuff

reviewing the works that the abilities were based on

Part 1: Armed Detective Agency

I just realized that I've finally read all the works attributed to the abilities of the author's BSD counterparts, at least for the ADA. I plan to do this for all organizations in the BSD universe so I can direct my reading and actually finish something HAHA

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert on literature, let alone Japanese literature, and my short reviews are solely my opinion as a casual reader. These are all for fun so please don't take these so seriously!

Nakajima Atsushi Ability: Beast Beneath the Moonlight Original Work: Moon Over the Mountain

This short story has the vibes of a folktale but with existential dread sprinkled throughout. The prose is calm but the agony still reverberates. I liked this more than I though I would, perhaps because of how clean it felt. Honestly this would be one of the OG works I'd recommend to a BSD fan who wants to try classic Japanese literature.

Dazai Osamu Ability/Original Work: No Longer Human

This is probably the one novel/work most BSD fans would pick up first - and for a good reason. The themes are pretty universal albeit heavy, the tone of the narrator throughout the entire novel is gripping, the translation by Donald Keene is very readable, and it's just in the most general sense a summary of Dazai-sensei's own life. The last point must be taken with a grain of salt, however, as he's a master liar - something you'll find out if you dig more into his life and other works. If you'd like to see depression in book form, this is for you.

Kunikida Doppo Ability: Doppo Poet Original Work: Doppo Collection (probably)

Here's a case of "I can't really find the original work so I'll be reviewing something else instead"

Reviewing: Those Unforgettable People

I chose to talk about this one since it's the one found in the Penguin Anthology. It's an interesting mix of forms: technically, it's a short story. However, the elements of poetry and even of the essay are present - mostly the latter, tbh. Of course the whole "ideal" thing is such a Kunikida-sensei thing that it appears it almost every story he wrote, yet somehow in this one you'll have to squint a little bit more to see it. The point of this story-essay-poem thing is at the very end (the first half is quite dragging imo) is what gives it a little oomph, but honestly I much prefer his other works (specifically Old Gen and Death).

Tanizaki Jun'ichirou Ability/Original Work: Sasameyuki

You like a slow burn? You like pain? Familial drama? Maybe you'll like this. Maybe you won't. It's a mammoth of a book that feels like a series of extremely detailed telenovela episodes - not that it's necessarily a bad thing. I enjoyed it despite the length because the way it ends, although hardly strong at all, ties the themes and messages of the novel cleanly into a single scene.

Miyazawa Kenji Ability/Original Work: Be Not Defeated by the Rain

It's a poem every Japanese elementary student would know. The message and style is so simple yet beautiful (I read Sulz's translation). It's joyful and so sunny... until I read the background on it. I cried over his work. Again. (Night on the Galactic Railroad PLS) Man I just love this author so much. But I'm not really a poem person to begin with, so take this review with a grain of salt HAHA

Yosano Akiko Ability/Original Work: Thou Shalt Not Die

The only complete translation I could find is written in painfully archaic English, so I won't comment on the style HAHA. But I do think the original was just as pointed in its words and message; its anti-war sentiments and middle finger to the Japanese emperor and military (at the time) so characteristically Yosano-sensei. It's sad she'd support WW2 later on - come on sensei WHY

Personally, however, I prefer her shorter poems, specifically the ones from River of Stars. But I'm not really a poem person to begin with, so take this review with a grain of salt HAHA

Izumi Kyouka Ability: Demon Snow Original Work: Demon Pond

It's been a while since I've read a play, and perhaps that's why I had a hard time getting through the first half - either that or it was quite lackluster as most of the actual story happens in the second half. Its influences from folktales and traditional Japanese theater (i.e. kabuki and noh) are very apparent - I wish I could have seen it instead of read it because of that. I think this is the first work of Kyouka's that I actually liked (I've read some of his short stories and one of his other plays) so I'll definitely recommend this one if you want to start with this author. There's also a movie adaptation of it that I haven't watched yet (but I do plan to). I think it could be much better than just reading it as is because of the visuals and mood setting, but a review on that soon. Maybe.

Fukuzawa Yukichi Ability: All Men Are Created Equal Original Work: An Encouragement of Learning (Sec. 1-2)

I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing, but the essence of the ability only comes from the first two sections (which I'll be reviewing).

It's an essay that imo serves as a good introduction to Fukuzawa's philosophy. His views and arguments are built primarily on morality with logic acting mostly as a way to expound on his points. It's interesting, nothing really new for a contemporary reader, but at least it gives a nice background on the changing environment during the early years of Meiji-era Japan. Of course there are personal biases here (specifically the one with China - one of the greatest criticisms against Fukuzawa, even though he was supposedly progressive for his time) but imo that reflects some views of many Japanese at the time - not that they're right, of course.

But what about our special non-gifted boi?

I guess let's look at what one of the episodes was based on instead lol

Edogawa Ranpo Episode: The Murder on D. Street (S01E05) Original Work: The Case on D. Hill

I will tell you now: they have almost NO similarities whatsoever. Doesn't mean it's bad tho...

Okay ngl I was pretty disappointed HAHA. It's the same type of disappointment I had with Poe's Murders on the Rue Morgue (which was ironically referenced in the story) but it at least had some sense to it. I blame myself for not seeing it coming tho, given that this story is very typical of Edogawa-sensei. If you do plan to read it, however, be warned that there are implicit (?) themes that may be uncomfortable for some readers (this warning applies to most of Edogawa-sensei's work not made specifically for children HAHA).

What do you mean the irl Edogawa Ranpo was gay. What do you mean he traveled with his boyfriend researching the history of homosexuality in Japan. What do you mean they had a competition on who could find the most books about gay sex. WHAT DO YOU MEAN-