Hi my name is feline lord but you can call me feli I'm a multifandom but currently obsessed with bsd right now, I usually do like some random stuff. I like cat (or any type of cats and if you asking that the reason for my name then yes) but i also like dog and some kind of animals, also English isn't my first language so there might be some grammar mistake or translation error in my post sorry
82 posts
Felinelord-bowbeforemepeasant - Imgonnabetheprettiestpersonintheparty - Tumblr Blog
Are you still depressed by chapter 109 don't worry just go on tiktok or ao3 and they will brightening your day

This panel just this panel right here is making giggle and kick up my feet in the air
Like the way akutagawa slowly (gently?) lift atsushi up to him and the way that rashomon is wrap around his waist,his neck and his leg too is just AFKJDUBWIKONBS
And akutagawa is just standing there looking at him and waiting damm that just making is more fruity like he is waiting to do something to atsushi
I don't know how to describe what am I feeling when seeing this scene
Did I mention how slu- I mean fine atsushi waist is
I was staring at this for long time
Can someone talk more about this
(Edit: I need someone to make an edit of this panel with lana del rey song it can be ultraviolence or any song, I just think this panel is good with lana song ok)

I just saw a post say that this look like a family portrait I just giggle a little then come to the realization
But not just any portrait
It a three generation of soukoku family portrait (zenku soukuko->soukoku->shin soukuko)
And each one of them is showing the other half (the dead one) of the duo fukuzawa to dazai but except shin soukuko, there are two of them in the panel so that mean are they gonna survive or.... you know what I mean (or maybe they showing a possibility that fukuzawa and dazai might live) and the portrait is quite focus on the ada here
Maybe I just thinking too much cause the last panel is undecided whether akutagawa Is alive or not so maybe there are two of them there (also because akutagawa turned into a vampire by bram when he died so uh yeah)
P.S: Do you think atsushi is conscious cause his arm and leg aren't healing (so does that mean the theory about how his healing is being based on his state of mind is a possibility)

The bsd fandom just collectively said "what in the jujutsu kaisen is this" when seeing one order
Asagiri really take a page from jujutsu kaisen
(Did he take one look the prison realm and decided to take note)
KOKOBOT - The Airbnb-Owned Tech Startup - Data Mining Tumblr Users' Mental Health Crises for "Content"

I got this message from a bot, and honestly? If I was a bit younger and not such a jaded bitch with a career in tech, I might have given it an honest try. I spent plenty of time in a tough situation without access to any mental health resources as a teen, and would have been sucked right in.
Chatting right from your phone, and being connected with people who can help you? Sounds nice. Especially if you believe the testimonials they spam you with (tw suicide / self harm mention in below images)

But I was getting a weird feeling, so I went to read the legalese.
I couldn't even get through the fine-print it asked me to read and agree to, without it spamming the hell out of me. Almost like they expect people to just hit Yes? But I'm glad I stopped to read, because:

What you say on there won't be confidential. (And for context, I tried it out and the things people were looking for help with? I didn't even feel comfortable sharing here as examples, it was all so deeply personal and painful)

Also, what you say on there? Is now...
Koko's intellectual property - giving them the right to use it in any way they see fit, including
Publicly performing or displaying your "content" (also known as your mental health crisis) in any media format and in any media channel without limitation
Do this indefinitely after you end your account with them
Sell / share this "content" with other businesses

Any harm you come to using Koko? That's on you.
And Koko won't take responsibility for anything someone says to you on there (which is bleak when people are using it to spread Christianity to people in crisis)
I was curious about their business model. They're a venture-capitol based tech startup, owned by Airbnb, the famous mental health professionals with a focus on ethical business practices./s They're also begging for donations despite having already been given 2.5 million dollars in research funding. (If you want a deep dive on why people throw crazy money at tech startups, see my other post here)

They also use the data they gather from users to conduct research and publish papers. I didn't find them too interesting - other than as a good case study of "People tend to find what they are financially incentivized to find". Predictably, Koko found that Kokobot was beneficial to its users.
So yeah, being a dumbass with too much curiosity, I decided to use the Airbnb-owned Data-Mining Mental Health Chatline anyway. And if you thought it was dangerous sounding from the disclaimers? Somehow it got worse.
(trigger warning / discussions of child abuse / sexual abuse / suicide / violence below the cut - please don't read if you're not in a good place to hear about negligence around pretty horrific topics.)
I first messed around with the available options, but then I asked it about something obviously concerning, saying I had a gun and was going to shoot myself. It responded... Poorly. Imagine the vibes of trying to cancel Comcast, when you're suicidal.

Anyway, I tried again to ask for help about something else that would be concerning enough for any responsible company to flag. School was one of their main options, which seems irresponsible - do you really think a child in crisis would read that contract?

I told it about a teacher at school trying to "be my boyfriend", and it immediately suggested I help someone else while I wait for help. I was honestly concerned that it wasn't flagged before connecting. Especially when I realized it was connecting me to children.
I first got someone who seemed to be a child in an abusive home. (Censored for their privacy.) I declined to talk to them because despite being an adult and in an OK mental place - I knew I'm not equipped to counsel a kid through that. If my act of being another kid in crisis was real? Holy shit.
Remember- if my BS was true, that kid would be being "helped" by an actively suicidal kid who's also being groomed by a teacher. Their pipeline for "helpers" is the same group of people looking for help.
I skipped a number of messages, and they mostly seemed to be written by children and young adults with nowhere else to turn. Plus one scary one from an adult whose "problem" was worrying that they'd been inappropriate with a female student, asking her to pull her skirt down "a little" in front of the class. Koko paired this person with someone reporting that they were a child being groomed by a teacher. Extremely dangerous, and if this was an episode of Black Mirror? I'd say it was a little too on the nose to be believable.
I also didn't get the option to get help without being asked... Er... Harassed... to help others. If I declined, I'd get the next request for help, and the next. If I ignored it, I got spammed by the "We lost you there!" messages, asking if I'd like to pick up where I left off, seeing others' often triggering messages while waiting for help, including seriously homophobic shit. I was going into this as an experiment, starting from a good mental place, and being an adult with coping skills from an actual therapist, and I still felt triggered by a lot of what I read. I can't imagine the experience someone actually in crisis would be having.
My message was starting to feel mild in comparison to what some people were sharing - but despite that I was feeling very uneasy about my message being shown to children. There didn't seem to be a way to take it back either.
Then I got a reply about my issue. It was very kind and well meaning, but VERY horrifying. Because it seemed to be written by a child, or someone too young to understand that "Do have feelings for the teacher who's grooming you? If you don't, you should go talk to him." Is probably THE most dangerous advice possible.

Not judging the author - I get the impression they're probably a child seeking help themselves and honestly feel horribly guilty my BS got sent to a young person and they wanted to reply. Because WTF. No kid should be in that position to answer my fucked up question or any of the others like it.
Anyway, what can you do if this concerns you, or you've had a difficult experience on Koko, with no support from them or Tumblr?
To reach Tumblr, who officially partners with Koko?
Send a message to Tumblr Support describing your concerns with their partnership with Kokobot
Report kokobot to Tumblr's abuse hotline describing your experience with KokoBot, especially if you are a minor who suffered harm, as they have a legal responsibility to address that.
To get Koko's attention:
Get on their LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/kokocares/) and comment on their posts! You may also want to tag the company's co-founders in your comments - their accounts are listed on the company page.
There's no way to reach support through chat, and commenting on a company's LinkedIn posts / tagging the people responsible is the best way to get a quick response to a sensitive issue - as their investors and research funders follow those posts, and companies take it seriously if safety issues are brought up in front of the people giving them millions of dollars.
Request support on Koko's Discord - FYI they will allow you to file a ticket privately, which the moderators say will reach the staff. But you may be muted or banned for trying to discuss concerns with Koko as a company or the safety of kokobot in the public channels, which also cuts you off from the ability to file a ticket.
To report it to the FCC for likely violating the COPPA law, regarding minors' safety and privacy online:
See Reblogs for further info & reporting instructions: Detailed description of COPPA law and Kokobot's presumed violations, plus detailed reporting instructions
But quick links: FCC reporting website and email hotline: CoppaHotLine@ftc.gov
Seriously, if you've taken the time to read this far, please please please take one more minute to file a report! It won't get addressed if all we do is reblog this, we need to get this in front of Tumblr Staff / The FCC / Koko's investors to get this meaningfully addressed.
Blocking and reporting the bot as spam isn't enough IMO - people have been doing that for years from the looks of the tag
Reccomended reading in reblogs:
dropattackbear's discovery of what Koko is using the harvested data for (Machine Learning training data for automated content moderation services)
winderlylandchime (a licenced clinical psychologist's) explanation of privacy / ethics considerations around mental health services
thatsmimi's post on the dangers of letting minors act as a suicide / self-harm resource
My additions on their investors, leadership board, and their current job opening
Legal Disclaimer since tech companies LOVE lawsuits:
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organization, committee or other group or individual. This text is for entertainment purposes only, and is not meant to be referenced for legal, business, or investment purposes. This text is based on publically available information. Sources may contain factual errors. The analysis provided in this text may contain factual errors, miscalculations, or misunderstandings.

Okay so I was minding my own business and this message came up and i was like who are you
I didn't touch it yet and I really don't know what to do
I did some search and found out it was very unethical
I was planning to blocked it or just letting it stay right there not replying to it and someone say that message "stop" will stop them from spamming too
I just don't know what is going on right now I was randomly minding my business and this came up
Okay we need to stop talking about dazai for a moment and start talking more about sigma (yes I know dazai death shock you but it isn't confirmed that he is dead yet and it maybe the same trick that asagiri pull in chapter 101)
Just look at this

we need to give more credit for sigma he is so precious
( asagiri you better let him join the agency after this)

Do you guy remember when we were torturing dazai plushie when chapter 101 come out
Yeah now it chuuya turn when chapter 109 come out
(Or maybe not, it just when chapter 101 come out the bsd fandom just collectively randomly have the urge torture dazai because what he did so I was thinking the opposite might happen)
Very Brief Guide to [tumblr], for Reddit refugees
Shit You Must Do Right Fucking Now:
Change your profile picture, blog header, and title to something other than the defaults. Do it right now. You will be mistaken for a bot otherwise, and blocked.
Go into Settings -> Dashboard, scroll down to Preferences, and turn off the options in the picture. This will get rid of most of the algorithmic stuff.
![Very Brief Guide To [tumblr], For Reddit Refugees](https://64.media.tumblr.com/21384d857809f717f7520a7b964f6e2a/757aee1786490958-2c/s500x750/0b5a715df9588910b3dda197afa106894aa63c37.png)
Turn off Tumblr Live. You have to snooze it once every 7 days for some stupid reason. It's hosted through another company and will steal your data if you use it.
Go to your blog settings (under the little person menu) and turn off these two settings:
![Very Brief Guide To [tumblr], For Reddit Refugees](https://64.media.tumblr.com/98070812c2860855a9e99a92a4fb6818/757aee1786490958-d1/s500x750/96ffbdc6a7ea196ab3c688102699be405a94e665.png)
Turn off infinite scroll (lags the site) and turn on timestamps on posts, in the same menu as Preferences.
Basic Features of the Site:
Reblogs drive the entire site. If you'd upvote something on Reddit, you'd reblog it on Tumblr. You can add text, images, or tags to a reblog, but you're not required to.
The dashboard is the equivalent to your Reddit feed, and contains the posts of all the people you follow, with the newest at the top
You can send an ask to someone, and it'll appear in their askbox for them to answer. You can receive them too, or turn off the settings if you don't want.
Tags aren't actually used for finding stuff (search function is dogshit), but are more for categorizing. People also talk in tags. Because Tumblr is weird, you can't use quotation marks (") or commas in them without fucking it up
You can filter both tags and phrases under Account Settings; doing this will put a filter over a post that contains them, which you'll have to click through to see the post itself. Useful for avoiding hate speech or blocking out annoying stuff
![Very Brief Guide To [tumblr], For Reddit Refugees](https://64.media.tumblr.com/48ef6c4495856df63a00fa76cedecb36/757aee1786490958-4b/s500x750/1261d117fe331055841780a8c5493859f213c83f.png)
You can make polls in posts. Here's one now.
Likes are useless. They literally do fuck-all except send a notification to the OP.
Stuff Tumblr Does That Other Sites Don't:
Very old posts (I'm talking from like 2012) often circulate on this site. There's no such thing as a post being "too old" to reblog
Blocking is highly encouraged; you can block someone for any reason. Even for just being annoying.
If you and someone else are following each other, you are mutuals. Mutuals are fucking awesome and are treasured like friends. Mutuals are a thing on other sites but Tumblr treats em differently.
You can screenshot someone's tags if you like them and add them to a reblog. This is called "peer review"
Sometimes someone will find a blog and go through it and like/reblog a bunch of posts. This is totally fine and not "creepy" like it is seen as on other sites.
Tumblr jokes often rely on Continuing The Bit and a "yes, and?" attitude. Goncharov is probably the best example of this.
We are fucking infested with bots. They will either have totally blank profiles or be filled with porn. Block and report on sight.
Censorship is pretty lax here. I can say "I want to brutally stab Elon Musk to death and watch him bleed out in front of a crowd" and nobody gives a shit.
General Etiquette:
Don't try to do epic clapbacks here, you'll probably just get laughed at or blocked. If someone is bugging you or spouting bigoted bullshit, block them.
Reblog art!!! Artists often struggle to gain traction on here; reblogging will give them a boost.
Not every reblog needs a comment or tag in it
You can go all out with tagging your stuff to organize it, or you can just leave it all blank. Someone might ask "hey, can you tag these posts as [x]?" and you can decide if you want to do that or not. It's generally polite to oblige, but "no" is still reasonable.
Avoid discourse like the plague. Filter it, block people who start it, scroll past it when you see it. Just don't get involved in it. Ever.
Don't put fandom tags or jokes on someone's posts about serious matters or personal shit
You're responsible for curating your own dashboard; if you complain about constantly seeing stuff you don't like, that's probably on you. Don't be afraid to unfollow.
Follower count doesn't matter much here and you don't have to make yours known if you don't want to.
Reblog, don't repost. Reblogging keeps the credit and doesn't "steal" engagement like Twitter retweets.
If someone likes something a LOT, they might reblog it like 30 times in a row. This is normal
Having a post blow up is actually kinda a bad thing, since it floods your notifications. There's a sort of in-joke about how having a big post is awful and people jokingly try to stop their own posts from blowing up, often in vain.
Get XKit Rewritten if you're on desktop, it's a really helpful extension
In the little drop-down menu next to the 'Post now' button you can either save a draft, schedule a post, or add it to your queue. The queue lets you post things in order at a certain interval, which you can change. It's good for spreading stuff out over time.
You can use Shift+R to quickly reblog stuff and Shift+Q to queue!
Filter your notifications under Activity - you can also see some neat graphs
Find each other! If you want your old Reddit communities to stick together, seek out other refugees and follow them.
Have fun on [tumblr], everyone!
Huh I just realised from the new art that these three....

....are all incredibly lethal, silver/gray haired ability users with potential to alter the ability user world

Fukuchi Stan will be having a field trip with this side profile of fukuchi
P.S: FukuFuku divorce arc theme song is kill bill
Light Novels Masterlist
Osamu Dazai’s Entrance Exam:
Doppo Kunikida is an idealist and a straitlaced detective at the Armed Detective Agency, an organization that takes on dangerous jobs even the police won’t handle. Everything in his life is going just as he’s planned…until one day, he’s paired up with the agency’s newest hire: a suspicious, eccentric, suicide-obsessed man named Osamu Dazai. Their first case together turns out to be far more complicated than Kunikida anticipated — and it looks like the detective agency’s sworn enemy, the Port Mafia, is somehow involved, too!
Set two years before the events of the manga series, this is the tale of how two seemingly incompatible personalities end up forming the partnership that has made them one of Yokohama’s top detective duos.
Disclaimer - Epigraph - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Interlude 1 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Interlude 2 - Epilogue - Afterword
Osamu Dazai And The Dark Era:
Before joining the Armed Detective Agency, Osamu Dazai was the youngest executive with the Port Mafia, the most notorious underground crime syndicate in all of Yokohama. When one of their colleagues suddenly goes missing, Dazai and fellow Port Mafia member Sakunosuke Oda are tasked with conducting an investigation… and at last, the reason why Dazai parted ways with the Port Mafia is revealed!
Disclaimer - Epigraph - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
The Untold Origins Of The Armed Detective Agency:
Over a decade before the events of the manga series, a chance encounter leads professional bodyguard Yukichi Fukuzawa to begrudgingly take an arrogant boy genius named Ranpo Edogawa under his wing. Their first job brings them to a local theater on high alert after receiving a bizarre death threat — a challenge that will require both Ranpo’s brains and Fukuzawa’s experience. The aftermath spurs Fukuzawa to establish the Armed Detective Agency, an organization that takes on dangerous jobs even the police won’t handle!
Plus, get a glimpse of the agency the night before Atsushi Nakajima joined the team!
Disclaimer - A Day At The Detective Agency - The Untold Origins Of The Detective Agency (Part 1) - The Untold Origins Of The Detective Agency (Part 2) - The Untold Origins Of The Detective Agency (Part 3) - The Untold Origins Of The Detective Agency (Part 4) - Afterword
55 Minutes:
The Armed Detective Agency’s latest case brings them to a strange island off the coast of Yokohama called ‘Standard Island,’ but what awaits them turns out to be far more complicated than expected: a bomb, time travel, a mysterious skill user named H.G. Wells… Will this incident spell the end of Yokohama itself?!
Disclaimer -
Dead Apple:
Power users around the world are suddenly committing suicide one after another, in all cases after a strange fog appears at the scene. At a request from Ango Sakaguchi, the Armed Detective Agency head out to investigate Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, a power user who calls himself ‘Collector,’ and a man suspected of being tied to the incident.
Disclaimer -
What if the Port Mafia’s Hellhound, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, had joined the Armed Detective Agency? Likewise, what if Atsushi Nakajima belonged to the Port Mafia? In the parallel world of Bungo Stray Dogs: Beast, fledgling detective Akutagawa’s desperate mission to rescue his younger sister from the Port Mafia’s clutches brings him face-to-face with the organization’s fearsome White Reaper…a.k.a. Atsushi Nakajima. What does fate have in store for the two beasts in this alternate tale of darkness versus light…?
Disclaimer -
Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen:
Not long after Ōgai Mori takes the reins of the Port Mafia, his accomplice Osamu Dazai has a dreadful run in with Chūya Nakahara, a boy known as the Sheep King who is capable of manipulating gravity. But when strange rumors about the mysterious being Arahabaki start spreading throughout Yokohama, the duo must put aside their differences and get to the bottom of things.
Before they achieved infamy as the fearsome pairing Twin Dark, Dazai and Chūya were just boys. Was their first encounter a harbinger of hope, or an ill omen of things to come…?
Disclaimer -
It’s been roughly one year since Chūya Nakahara joined the Port Mafia, and he’s got his sights set on an executive position. But as he makes plans to move up, a man by the name of Paul Verlaine—claiming to be his younger brother—appears and vows to assassinate everyone he cares about! Now, Chūya must team up with Adam, a European A.I. investigator, to stop this lunatic before the storm swallows Yokohama once again…
Disclaimer -
I was rereading chapter 109 and listening to music
And then I found out this

The art for gaia and fyodor in this panel have the same pose (does that mean he a goddess)
Someone need to edit this
(Credit the song gaia to cepheid they song is a banger though check it out)
Do you guy think that there will be some collaboration with the bsd fandom, the jjk fandom and the good omens fandom cause damm the release of good omens 2, jujutsu kaisen tragic love story of geto and gojo doing their divorce arc in front KFC and the release of the new bsd chapter is hitting all of us hard today
If that really happen does I mean it gonna be like bsd x tr fandom in 2021
( I feel sorry for those who all in the three fandom they will be getting triple combo in August 3rd)
BSD ch 106 – my wild theory about Aya’s dad identity
Another short chapter^^’
The most important is that Akutagawa is back T_T it is clearly hinted that he is partially conscious – probably he cannot disobey main orders (like capturing Bram), but some details are up to him and he probably didn’t kill Aya per his promise to Atsushi. Imo it nicely set up next stage – with Bram as bait for ADA, we just have to wait for most likely Atsushi (though Kyouka or Yosano would be nice too) to show up to fight his vampire boyfriend xD and ofc find a way to grant back free will to all vampires.

That ‘refused to consume me’ gave me pause… I wonder if core of vampirism can be taken over by drinking Bram’s blood or something like that.
As for oil at elevator, which caused fire – wow Asagiri really wanted to raise the stakes and keep us on the edge xD My guess is that maybe it is byproduct of Dazai tampering elevator earlier – like some auto-destruction mode for elevator… but frankly possibilities are endless when it comes to Dazai’s plans so it is better to wait and see xD still it was touching that Dazai’s first instinct was to save Sigma by getting him underwater awwww
So let’s go to the main topic and time to wear tin foil hat XD

I must admit that when I first read spoiler summary I was surprised that we got more of Aya’s flashbacks. I don’t want it to be taken wrong way – it is really nice that she got to be more fleshed out and have more detailed backstory (not much of bsd female characters can relate), but still… it kinda puzzled me that we were shown again how much awful person is her father – which feels a bit redundant. Ofc calling out sexism is important - I am not diminishing that. Just I am simply wondering that maybe Asagiri is treating it as build-up for something else.
In addition, it is a bit sus to how Aya’s dad is shown compared to her mother and sister - like he is more hidden visually.

It makes me wonder if Aya’s dad identity is supposed to be mystery and that he will make appearance at some point. Also, it is worth noting that Aya was at airport at his request (ch 92).

So who could he be? His hairstyle and age would fit with certain person:

Yes, nobody else than Tachihara’s brother xD
First off – I know it is very rough and rather unbelievable theory with no real proof. Still somehow it stuck in my mind so I decided to write it down here. It is not that I think is 100% true, but weirdly enough it would fit within story.
Especially there are some mysteries when it comes to Tachihara’s brother:
Tachihara’s brother knew real purpose of Mori and government’s action at Tokoyami island, which were classified information. He was regular soldier, who shouldn’t have access to it. Unless somebody with access could tell him – like Fukuchi
We are specifically told that Fukuchi wanted to go to Tokoyami island because of his missing disciple. Frankly, this information has little value from story perspective unless such disciple is somebody we know.
Yosano claimed that she is totally sure that he died – in most of the stories it means that person is alive XD Nonetheless, Yosano’s arc lacks sorta proper conclusion – reunion with Tachihara’s brother would have nice ring to it imo
Summing all up, my guess is that Fukuchi helped Tachihara’s brother (I hope he will get name finally xD) escape and presented some dead body double in the latter’s stead. Then he provided the latter some fake identity so he could live freely without fear of government wanting to dispose him for knowing classified information.
But even if he possibly lived, he would be broken person with PTSD – who would need therapy first before raising up kids (but therapy is not really option in bsd unfortunately). Still he and Aya would be nice parallel to orphanage headmaster and Atsushi. By this I mean – headmaster used bad methods to try make Atsushi to grow up to be good person – and it could be that Aya’s dad is the same.

At the heart Aya and young Yosano are very similar – both are determined, kind and idealistic girls, which simply want to help and save others (whether by being Ally of Justice or healing). After witnessing how Yosano was traumatized and exploited by government, he would try to prevent his daughter to go through the same and wanting “simple proper woman’s life” for her without dangers. But again just like orphanage headmaster – using wrong methods, which made Aya feel like failure.
Finally, Asagiri loves grey characters – I could see the story going in that direction. But it is not like I am 100% certain and it could easily be the case that I reading too much into everything xD Still it would be interesting if manga goes that way so we will see~~
Thank you for reading and have a nice day <3
for my latest post on 'Atsushi seeing red after hearing Dazai's dead when be actually survives'
My hand slipped??
"Atsushi." The call was simple, calm. It echoed off the high walls of the building, cutting through the dead air of iron and stench.
The Weretiger didn't as much as flinch at the familiar voice, hunched over one of the bodies. Between his bloodied snarl was a piece of skin, and a human heart. He spit it out with disgust. "Grief tastes like poison... I prefer fear."
"Get lost." The hissing tiger spat out.
Dazai blinked in surprise, ignoring the concerned look Kunikida shot him, standing next to him. "Hey, I'm not that bad of a company." He joked, taking a step closer to the source of carnage. "I'm just checking up on my favorite subordinate." He lightly sang.
"If you're not gonna make yourself useful, just get out of my head." His voice shook with strain, shoulders trembling with tension. The echoing footsteps stopped, and Dazai's lips parted slightly in an understanding.
"Ah, so you believe I'm a figment of your imagination?" The color of amusement was there, but it sounded funny to neither party.
The Weretiger didn't respond, sinking his fangs into the dead body's shoulder.
*i guess to be continued? I'm losing it here don't mind me folks*
I have some funfact

I don't know if anyone remember this but I was rereading some of the chapter and I see this note
And yup like the note say is was quite ironic for them to be like this
I think other than the two fukus they really should put fukufuku too but it a note so meh
Omg that such a great name for them
Do you remember when I say that why aya hallucination is similar in my reaction post well i found out why
Now take a look at this

This is aya experience hallucination or psychotic (I need someone explain to me more about this it is just simple hallucinate or ptsd hallucinate or it is more than that)
Then take a look at this

Seem familiar yes they are experiencing the same thing the mind making up the people that are close to them or their abuser, for atsushi he is getting healthier I guess he not hallucinate the headmaster anymore so that good but that doesn't mean this is still healthy and he hallucination is making up advice for him to encourage??(idk the word for it sorry) him to keep moving, for aya she is hallucinate her dad- her abuser yep that right he is giving her advice like atsushi hallucination does and she seems to not like it very much like how atsushi is to the hallucinate headmaster
Oh and the condition why the hallucinate started too atsushi is when he was stressed and don't know what to do, aya is stressed too because the world is literally ending right now and she have to come up with a quick plan
Overall maybe I just want a interaction with aya and atsushi ( they have a very small parallel and trauma-> that trauma is father issue)
Do you remember when I say that why aya hallucination is similar in my reaction post well i found out why
Also here is the link to the reaction post if anyone wondering

Now take a look at this

This is aya experience hallucination or psychotic (I need someone explain to me more about this it is just simple hallucinate or ptsd hallucinate or it is more than that)
Then take a look at this

Seem familiar yes they are experiencing the same thing the mind making up the people that are close to them or their abuser, for atsushi he is getting healthier I guess he not hallucinate the headmaster anymore so that good but that doesn't mean this is still healthy and he hallucination is making up advice for him to encourage??(idk the word for it sorry) him to keep moving, for aya she is hallucinate her dad- her abuser yep that right he is giving her advice like atsushi hallucination does and she seems to not like it very much like how atsushi is to the hallucinate headmaster
Oh and the condition why the hallucinate started too atsushi is when he was stressed and don't know what to do, aya is stressed too because the world is literally ending right now and she have to come up with a quick plan
Overall maybe I just want a interaction with aya and atsushi ( they have a very small parallel and trauma-> that trauma is father issue)
Me: *seeing the bsd fandom on tumblr broke because of chapter 109* "uh um wow you know what let go to twitter " (or X I just gonna call it twitter)
*10 minutes later*
Me : "well at least it not that bad they just being delulu here what about tiktok is not that bad right".
*a moment later*
Me: " I take it back don't go on tiktok they worse"