she/they || artist (sometimes…) || slavic || multifandom || currently in my podcast era
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Fiaistired - Sophia - Tumblr Blog
Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.


This post is on my mind way too often

15 słoików! (albo nawet mniej bo mam kilka małych…)
szacunek że aż 50! Zwłaszcza że tak cienko w tym roku z ogórkami😔

wielki dzień dziś
i deleted all social media apps except tumblr because i don’t get any notifications from tumblr and now my dopamine deprived brain feels starved because tumblr can’t hit me with that instant 7 second video and doesn’t have an algorithm that predicts what i’m going to want to watch before i even know that i want to watch it
which is why i kept tumblr and deleted everything else but man my brain is NOT happy
UWAGA! Dziś (24.02) pełnia księżyca! Przygotuj się na ewentualne zniszczenia spowodowane aktywnością wilkołaków. Zabezpiecz zwierzęta domowe i gospodarcze. Zostań w domu, jeśli możesz. O ile nie jesteś jedną z lokalnych czarownic, pod żadnym pozorem nie zbliżaj się do szczytu Łysej Pały na Nieszczerym Polu. Jeżeli jesteś jedną z czarownic, zabierz ze sobą na sabat kożuszek, bo bez słońca nadal jest zimno. I najlepiej też czarno kurę, jeśli dasz radę, bo Halina nie zdążyła załatwić w tym miesiącu.

I haven't seen this version anywhere so I made one!
Jon’s subtle Becoming in season two is possibly one of my favourite aspects of the earlier show in hindsight, and I think it links really nicely with why ends up aligning with the Eye, whereas Gertrude rejected it.
There’s a consistent theme with avatars and finding a sense of protection or comfort in the entity they serve, and being an avatar is never really about what you fear, as much as it is about how you cope with what you fear.
Throughout season two, Jon is actively faced by one of the entities directly — Not!Sasha — and pairing that with Gertrude’s unknown killer, he spirals into distrust and paranoia, always feeling as though he’s being watched or that people are plotting against him. His manner of coping with this worsening state of constant fear and paranoia is by both becoming a causer of it, as well as desperately seeking answers and investigating.
He has to know, and he has to be sure of what he knows. The unknown variables bother him.
He always feels as though he’s being watched, and so, he becomes the watcher. He stalks Not!Sasha, Tim, and Martin, and then digs up as much info on them as he can, alongside Elias. He makes note of their every move, every detail, every slip up, until it becomes obvious to all of t he m.
Note that it’s a stark contrast to his original coping mechanism of ignorance, because that proved it could only work so far. After Jane’s attack, he can’t afford to let his guard down anymore. He can’t afford to trust anyone except himself and what he knows.
He finds a comfort in the Eye before he even knows about it, in a sense, and while this is likely a simplification of season two Jon, I just wanted to gush a little about it, because it’s really clever set up.
He’s the Ceaseless Watcher’s special little boy for a reason!

sobota wieczur....
i figured it out guys, he’s between 45 and 59 at the beginning of tmp and the proof is here
I want to figure out how old Elias Bouchard really is. When was he born?
In MAG 49 it’s said he joined the institute in 1991 and became head of the institute in 1996 after being body snatched by Jonah Magnus.
In MAG 192 Rosie says that “he seemed far too young for the role he had apparently found himself in” - referring to the head of the institute position.
How young is too young for a head of an institution position? Here’s a first not *exactly* evidence-based assumption - but let’s say it’s probably being below 40 years old. That is based solely on the experience of attending university, I’d say most institute heads at uni are at minimum 40 (also, not exactly related but all university institute heads have PhD’s). (I don’t want to get into too many details here, since I’m not a 100% sure how the higher education system works in the UK, but in my country at least, one must have at least a Habilitation, which is almost like a second PhD, or be a capital “P” Professor, which is the highest university rank, to become an institute head. To achieve these scientific titles, it usually takes a lot of time, so most people are over 40 when they get the position. Or even 50, when it comes to the Professor rank).
One can assume then, that “Elias” is below 40-ish while he interviews Rosie. Unfortunately, we don’t know when exactly that happens. It could be anytime between 1996 and 2015.
Some other information we do know about him is that he’s graduated collage with third class honours and has a PPE degree. According to google, students in the UK typically start university at the age of 18. Also, according to google, Oxford has never had a postgraduate degree course in PPE, so Elias has a bachelor’s degree in PPE (which btw stands for Philosophy, Politics and Economics), meaning he was either 21 or 22 when he finished uni. We do not hear anyone mention him finishing any other courses, so we can assume that’s all that he studied.
Another thing we don’t know is at what age he started working for the Magnus Institute. We do know it happened in 1991. The earliest he could have been recruited was at the age of 21 or 22, straight out of university. Making him 26/27 at the time he “got promoted” to the position of institute head, in 1996. As mentioned previously, at Rosie’s interview, where she found that he looked too young for his position, in between 1996 and 2015 (whenever that interview took place) he would’ve been between 26 and 45 years old (at the youngest) depending on the year the interview took place in. Taking my assumption from before, that during the interview he’d be 40 or lower, I’d assume that the interview probably took place anytime between 1996 and 2010 for the comment of him looking too young in his position to make sense. Of course, it could’ve been a few years after graduating uni when he got recruited, which would further push down the date of the Rosie interview. I think the oldest he could possibly be is in his late thirties during it. So, the eldest he could be in 1996, if that is when the interview took place, would be around 40 years old (which I also don’t think it did take place in 1996 since it would make Rosie work as his assistant for 20 years and I’m not certain that she could remain that oblivious to all the weird stuff going on for that long. But what do I know, maybe she’s got a gift for not noticing. I don’t know for sure).
So, in the year of his body being overtaken by Jonah Magnus, 1996, he’s between the ages of 26 and 40.
We, the listeners, know him mostly from our time spent with him and the archives crew from 2015 onwards. Based on our established age range, in 2015 he would’ve been anywhere between 45 and 59 years old. Which would mean that last time we hear him speak is in 2018 in which he’s anywhere between 48 and 62 years old.
I don’t know how old his va, Ben Meredith is exactly. I’m pretty sure he’s a millennial? Either way it doesn’t really matter how old his va is, though all we have to picture him by is his voice only, which at least in my opinion doesn’t really sound like the voice of a 62-year-old, but that is straight up just a subjective opinion. Maybe he’s a particularly young sounding 62-year-old?
Some additional information we supposedly get about “Elias” is that he was working as a filing clerk in 1972, which he says to Jonathan Sims in MAG 29, but that contradicts with the information gathered later by Jon and revealed in MAG 49 where he says that Elias joined the institute in 1991. All this might seem like just the lies of Jonah Magnus, but it presents an interesting point of having a conversation take place in 2016 with the reference to his being an institute employee in 1972. In 2016 he’s between the ages of 46 (which would make him 2 years old in 1972) and 60 (which would make him 16 in 1972), neither of which make sense, thought one would think that if he’s older and Jon doesn’t know how old he is exactly, it wouldn’t be that suspicious for him to have worked at the institute in 1972, though that seems like a stretch. Perhaps Jon just didn’t question or notice how it doesn’t really make sense for him to have worked there in that year, or maybe the writing-story-planning team didn’t put that much thought into this particular interaction/the implications of it, or maybe Elias looks older than he is.
In conclusion, Elias Bouchard was born between the years of 1956 and 1970.
Also, fun fact I did a poll to see what age Tumblr users thought Elias was and they picked between 40 to 50, with 45 to 55 being a close second, so if anyone voted in that and picked anywhere between 45 and 59, I just want to let you know you’re right.
TLDR: Elias Bouchard is (most likely) anywhere between 45 and 59 at the start of the Magnus Archives.

Amidst all the images coming out of palestine of death and destruction created by the zionist occupation, i think it is important that we take a moment to remember palestine as it was- seen and captured through the eyes of talented photographers like Shahed @shahednhall and remember exactly what was senselessly lost in the past few months.
This is Al-Azhar university, where Shahed used to study. She was an exemplary student, and used to get regularly invited by her teachers to give lectures.

Since the university was bombed and destroyed by the IOF, all she has left are these pictures. Even through all the violence and death around her though, she still makes sure to keep up with her studies through the university's online programme.
This is a shop Shahed had visited only some time before october. She told me it was run by an artist who painted these beautiful home items, and engraved them by hand with customers names. Shahed had photographed them because they were so eye-catching and beautiful, and had sent the woman her photos so she could use them to promote the shop.

Shahed has told me this shop isnt there any more. She is currently trying to get in touch with the woman who used to run this shop again, but shahed doesn't know if she is even alive or not.
Shahed has an eye for beauty in all things, and it shows in her work and in conversation. It has taken on a different meaning now when so much of everything she knows has been stolen by the occupation from her and other palestinians like her.
In her own words:
"As you know, I like to photograph a lot, everyone liked my photography. I was filming everything because a memory can never come back again. This sentence is not understood by many. I am happy because I photograph everything."
What had been a hobby of collecting moments for her has now become something of an archive of all the things in Palestine that have been lost to the zionist occupation.
Shahed's outlook on her photography tends to colour our conversation as well. She finds it is more productive to talk to me about her hope for a better future, rather than all the bleakness around her right now.
"Yes, because I see inside every picture of new hope, I feel a great motivation that I will survive to see that life is more beautiful than what I live at the moment. I seek to return to a life that is more beautiful than the one we live now, a very difficult life because it has turned black and white."
I don't know how anyone can look at her photos and think of anything but hope

The mainstream media in the west and elsewhere can lie all they like- but we will know always that palestine was and is a land full of beautiful people. Never forget that the death, illness and destruction in palestine today was something imposed upon them by the colonizers, and has been imposed upon them for decades.
Shahed doesn't like to share images of misery with me, but please remember that she and her family are suffering right now. The happy children in the pictures, her little sisters, are suffering from severe hepatitis and are no longer recieving treatment due to overcrowding at what hospitals are left in gaza. Shahed herself has been weak and ill for days, narrowly surviving multiple massacres in just the past few days while trying to get food for her family. They all got displaced just last week due to the intense bombing in khan younis, and in doing so have lost precious funds that could have gone into food and clean water. They are starving.
Shahed is only 21 years old but the responsibility of taking care of all 17 of her family members rests solely on her shoulders.
She has only gotten $47k/80k, and she needs to get to $50k within this week.

This gfm was verified and appears on hussein @/el-shab-hussein and nairuz @/nabulsi list of vetted fundraisers (#224) so please dont hesitate to donate whatever you can, and please keep sharing!!!
Take this as a call to action, please repost her her fundraiser in your discord servers, in your whatsapp groups. Repost her photgraphy and share her story on whatever social media you have reach, so that people can help because i really cant get her to her goal in time alone.

a family tree inspired sketchbook page

family tree

our fav witch

s4 jondaisy u are everything to me
Some TMA thoughts.
One of the greatest things that I enjoy in regards to The Magnus Archives is the meta tragic humor that is the existence of Elias Bouchard. I don't mean to belittle his importance to the plot and certainly recognize that his situation was unfortunate. It's funny how everyone views Jon Sims as the antichrist, when this also applies to Elias too. He was certainly just as chosen for a role as much as Jon was.
To those people angry about the synced ao3 tags of Elias and Jonah, therein also lies tragedy. The funniest thing about that situation is the fact all the blame, hatred, disgust, and fear, all falls back on a name; the final remnant of a person who cannot and could not fight back. In universe, it's a corruption of great proportions, the usurpation of a man unprepared for what he sought. Jonah wholesale subsumed Elias's life, and this ripple effects the way we view Elias in real life. Concurrently it is another twist of a knife that drives further irritation deeper when one attempts to assign the proper credit for the events transpired. Deliberate misattribution of critical events is horrifying too and is so effortlessly executed by Jonah, almost like an inverse plagiarism. Seeing people frustrated about that in tagging delights me in a way, that if one chooses to engage meta-contextually, the acts perpetrated by Jonah bleed upwards into our reality and afflict it too. Continuing to hate Elias in general, you perpetuate the narrative established by Jonah. The Magnus Archives as a podcast written by Jonny Sims is creative and all the more chilling as a result.
some more stuff that I didn't think of at the time of posting but that are equally as deep in my brain:
Daisy's time in the buried and how it changed her
how Basia basically through sheer force of rationalisation and determination just sort of dealt with some of The Horrors
Melanie LITERALLY blinding herself to get back a sense of control over her life
actually the fact that one has to blind themselves to quit working in the institute
TMA things I literally cannot stop thinking about:
- original Elias Bouchard
- Sasha James and her subsequent erasure
- Tim and Jon’s ruined relationship and potential past friendship
- Tim, Jon and Sasha when they worked together in research
- the psychological and physical torture of being moisturized every day for a month. literally some of the most violation stuff i can imagine
god i’m so close to being done with my dissertation and then all im gonna do is draw art. PLEASE SOMEONE FREE ME OF THIS HELL. why is it harder to write the closer i am to finishing it?? aaaaa i just wanna be done. i wanna draw my little guys and instead i’ve gotta analyze the qualitative research i did for the dissertation. ITS 10 WHOLE-ASS interviews! why did i do this to myself😭😭

Thinking of, my collection of depicting Chopin through art is getting larger huh….