Dissertation - Tumblr Posts
not me reblogging a lot of posts about dissertations and not being able to write mine
day 1/123
hi! little big update in my life, I finished university! well, almost, I need to finish my masters thesis and I'm not gonna lie, it´s a bit scary, so here I am, starting to upload again to get mysfel working!
Today is the first of july and I need to submit my tesis on october 31st (the reason for the 123 days) so the plan is to write a chapter a month or so. I've already organized my schedule so I can create deadlines for myself, take a week off (I don't know if I'll really be completely disconnected or if my computer will go with me) but we'll see and try not stress too much.
I'm a very anxious person and I'm going through a breakup after finishing college and I'm already thinking about doing my internship abroad, it's been a lot, I just can't break now, let's be positive and I'll believe in myself and my abilities! let's do it!!

29.08.2020 | Trying to tackle that second dissertation chapter before uni starts again.
05.09.2020 | Been listening to this nonstop while writing the second chapter of my dissertation. It’s proven really helpful for my anxiety. ✨

14.09.2020 | Yet another celebratory baking session because I’m finally DONE with chapter two of my dissertation. Ecstatic falls short for how I feel at the moment. 🥳

19.09.2020 | Going over my sources this weekend. I’m finally on my last criminal procedure for infanticide, which ocurred in 1910. 📜

A ‘one day in my daily life’ post, as my life has been consumed recently with writing my dissertation. (I don’t own any of the images/text in these photographs).
god i’m so close to being done with my dissertation and then all im gonna do is draw art. PLEASE SOMEONE FREE ME OF THIS HELL. why is it harder to write the closer i am to finishing it?? aaaaa i just wanna be done. i wanna draw my little guys and instead i’ve gotta analyze the qualitative research i did for the dissertation. ITS 10 WHOLE-ASS interviews! why did i do this to myself😭😭

I'm on a mission to understand public environmental awareness, and I need YOUR voice! Help me by taking this brief survey. Every response counts! Click the link to share your thoughts.
I do this when writing games. Very useful to be able to go back to the cut content for session 5 in session 13 and pull something out.

dissertation writing advice
Olafur Arnalds . For Now I Am Winter (2013)
focus. study. write.
Slowtrain - Nightlands
Since joining tumblr I have been so inspired in so many different ways. Combined with studying, all I want to do is write poetry and draw comics and make art. But with my dissertation deadline running towards me full steam, I have to keep myself on track with that, as I will be lucky to finish it. It’s hard to switch off, but this song is the perfect tune to fall asleep to.
I accidentally reset my chrome browser and I have lost ALL my bookmarks. This is like two months of diss research that is GONE. There were hundreds of AMAZING articles, videos and interviews, all organised into files. The deadline is in less than a week and I was doing SO WELL.
Embodiment and Empathy and my sprawling ideas...
So somehow my thesis on explaining how comics is an inherently empathetic medium has descended into an interdisciplinary dissertation that encompasses the fields of neuroscience and cognitive processing, medical humanities, disability studies, art therapy and the theory of art. The application of these theories seeks to analyse the embodied aspect of comics, but I feel like my tutors will be surprised when they read it given that it is the final piece of coursework towards my Masters in Literature.
Also, you can tell I've got a high word count, because I'm talking like this. ^
Hi Anya,
Thank you so much for replying again and giving your answer so much thought and consideration! Your comments on volume really helped me to articulate my analysis of ‘Black Hole’, and you definitely made me consider colour and composition from a different angle after considering your strips in relation to Kurtzman‘s ‘Dying City’ in the above link.
My dissertation has now been finished and handed in so I’m really grateful for the insight you gave me into the comics medium from an artist’s perspective as it has made me appreciate all the work that goes into the creation of comics a lot more! Also, my essay ended up focusing on ‘Black Hole’ by Charles Burns and ‘Gaylord Phoenix’ by Edie Fake, the latter I would not have come across if you had not suggested it, so your help really was crucial to shaping my finished essay!
So yeah, just a really big thank you!
Hello again! I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the power of colour in comics, your work features a lot of very bright bold colouring to the point that it becomes a major aspect of your signature style, what do you think the effects of colour bring to comics as opposed to black and white / monochrome comics?
Commicstudent do you have any idea how much I love you?! Your questions are so awesome, and I am so impressed with your dedication to investigating all aspects of the medium. Also, I often find this stuff hard to articulate but I think writing about it helps me understand my own work better.
To answer your question: My go-to guys (and gals, since I think it was mostly women working as colorists in the pre-code era, most notably Marie Severin) for color inspiration are the colorists from classic EC horror and war comics. They used lots of non-local color and their aim was more to create drama than to represent things as they are.
Here’s an example:
I use black-spotting in my work, but I don’t use it to create volume with light and shadow the way that living gods like the Hernandez brothers or Charles burns do. Their work doesn’t need color because all the volume is there in the blacks. I’m more influenced by “funnies” artists like Milt Gross and John Stanley in that respect. I use wackier, more basic lines to create movement, and then the color helps provide depth-it hopefully helps the reader to understand the space a little better. My goal is to make the work easy to read and eye-popping.
Here’s some beautiful John Stanley for you:
Okay we’ll I’d better get back to work but PLEASE keep up the fantastic work and hit me up whenever you like