Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.
993 posts
Azul Broomquet Lines
azul broomquet lines

(i never took the time to actually look through this stuff. but also his lines aren't on the fandom wiki yet)
maybe im being nitpicky but i couldnt help but notice the double space??

(about idia) LMFAO
i dont know how to format stuff on the wiki anyway so. might as well put this here.
Azul Broomquet / Birthday Bloom

Summon: What a grand party this is. I gladly accept your sentiments. ("This gold embroidery is just lovely. I'll take care to conduct myself as befits such refined attire.")
Groovification: I prepared exhaustively for today. Allow me to demonstrate the fruits of my effort!
Set to Home Screen: I shall make your wishes come true.
Home transition 1: Jade brewed this tea for me. He had an oddly bright smile on his face when he served it, though... Would you care to try some?
Home transition 2: Octavinelle students keep bringing me food they want me to try. How can they expect me to eat it all?
(^ note: it's mentioned in Floyd's Birthday Boy vignette that Azul doesn't like food being wasted.)

Home transition 3: Why would you put candles in cake? It looks lovely all lit up in the dark, but it ruins the presentation when it comes time to eat.
Home, after login: I'm honored you'd take valuable time out of your day to celebrate on my behalf. After all, time is money, as they say.
Home transition/Groovification: I don't think Jack's cut out for negotiations. His tail gives him away.
(^ note: Duo magic is with Jack. Plus that's who interviews him in his vignette. I wonder if that's the same for every other birthday card, with the exception of the ones I think we interview all of them in.)
Tap Home 1: It's my policy not to accept gifts, but I do make exceptions for people I want to maintain long-term contact with. Like, say Kalim.
Tap Home 2: Brooms look so much nicer when accentuated with chic flowers. It's a prime example of a tiny amount of work turning drab into dazzling.
Tap Home 3: Idia beat me soundly in a board game. How dare he humiliate me on my birthday... I must compile more data and avenge myself!
Tap Home 4: I bought a rare coin I'd had my eye on as a gift to myself. It was rather pricey, but I'm looking forward to seeing its value appreciate in the future.
(^ note: It literally says 'appreciate'. Lol.)

Tap Home 5: Don't bother trying to surprise me. I've got eyes in the back of my head. Heh heh, that was a joke, of course.
Tap Home/Groovification: You wish to know what I want? A birthday song would be nice. You'll sing one for me, right?
Here's the groovified ver, although you can find it on the fandom wiki card itself)

Bonus (Vignette)

Jack: Have a nice flight, and be extra careful not to fall off.
Azul: Couldn't say that with a straight face, could you? As if I'd ever embarrass myself... ... *exhale*
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More Posts from Fictionfixations
I had an interview with a local paper this week about this rock snake I started on the longest street of a nearby city (where I work) because it's bringing people so much joy:

I said something during the interview that the interviewer seemed really shocked by, so in case it's important for anyone else to hear: When asked about the rock snake and some scavenger hunts that I've hosted for adults, I said -
"We don't stop enjoying the things we liked as kids; they just stop being offered to us. And when you're a kid, fun things like art projects and scavenger hunts are always brought to you, so you're not taught to make a habit of seeking them out as and adult."
She said "Wow yeah... life is so stressful... and you don't think to... wow."
So if anyone else needs direct permission to be a whimsical adult child today, I hereby grant it to everyone. ❤️

Out of Context TWST
imgs are from:
Prologue Book 1 Fan translation of Cater's ceremonial robes vignette Rook's ceremonial robes vignette Book 5 Book 6 Book 7 Spectral Soiree Tsumderland 2 A Firelit Sky Jade's Halloween Groovification Message
and then i gave up (was gonna go in order after laughing at the first img. now its a mishmash of me randomly remembering some bits i wanted to add, and removing the ones that didnt mesh too well)
recently finished book 6 and starting book 7 so there's a bunch of book 6 imgs in here
(note: I can't find the lashing of love line when we encounter Crowley for the first time?? I swear it was there before but now its just not??)

[Lilia: What's this? You'd really turn down my juice?!]

[Vil: WAAAH!]
you get no context whatsoever except that he's sobbing (for three long hours.. its funny i swear). i refuse to show you the visual if you haven't seen it yet.

["I shall even spare it from being served as dinner."]

[Crowley: If you're not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again.]

[Grim: Not more lashings of love! We gotta get outta here! Ace: OW!]

[Deuce: Because I'm going to launch you.]

[Epel: You're...hurting me. Please, let go?]
*proceeds to beat everyone up* /hj

[> Then it's kill or be killed!]

[Grim: I'd recognize that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at orientation!]

[Cater: Aww yeah, I am getting my paint on!]

[Cater: Even so, he'll have a mom.]
Context because I can't share more imgs: In his Ceremonial Robes vignette, he's basically guessing what people's dorm will be with Trey. When they get to Epel, he goes,
[Cater: He's by far the cutest~! If he had an older sister, don't you think she would be a total stunner?
[Insert Trey's response]
Cater: Even so, he'll have a mom.]
He clarifies that he's joking but still LOL
(this was changed in the eng localization to a comment about washing dishes)

[Vargas: Great sorcery begins with a great physique! Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs!]

[> Muscly dog man, sure why not.]

[Ace: A painting? Hard pass! I don't care how cute she is if she's two-dimensional!]

[Riddle: It's not absurd! It's literally the law!]

[Leona: Hey, I'm into it.]

[???: *sniff* *sniff*]

[Floyd: Whaaat? Sorry, can't hear you, man! Hair dryer go brrrr!]

[Deuce: You don't get to call my eggs stupid. You don't get to call ANY eggs stupid!]

[Grim: So you were only a little more annoying than you are now? > I did notice you had that vibe...]

[(Jade) "Oooh, I love it when you flee in terror. It makes me want to chase you!"]
SS from:

But I found what card it's actually from by the wiki

[Malleus: Oh, now I have to clean up your waste? You little scamp.]

[Deuce: For sixteen years, I was so sure...]

[Cater: Ooh, it's almost time! Okay, all you sexy body doubles, that's a wrap!]

[Deuce: I fell and got a boo-boo. Ouchies. *sob*]

[Jade: Oh dear, how did I get into this mess? Don't tell me you planned for me to get caught this whole time...!]

[Jamil: So I made wet burgers.]

[Grim: What if there's an assassin out for our blood?!]

[Lilia: "Lilia. When I woke up this morning, Drago was gone. Now there's this egg in his place. What should I do?"]

i cannot explain the utter joy contained within that one voice line. It's just pure exhilaration.
this lives rent free in my brain (along with the kiss. you get no more context besides that)
(it looks funny without the voice attached tho LMFAO. it's like a "Kyaa~! Yatta!" as in like a scream/yell and then 'hurrah/I did it/yes/sweet'! ehh, basically joy when things go well)
there's a limit to how many images you can put in one post. oops.
In All My Dreams I Drown / TWST Fic (Fic Rec)
There is a voice, distant but oh so familiar in cadence as it crooned words so sweet and loving, full of praise and affection in equal measure. The clack of heels came ever closer, click, clack, click, clack; a gentle touch of cool metal in the shape of sharp tipped claws brushed softly down Yuu’s cheek in their slumber causing them to relax even further with a silent puff of breath as a deep chuckle thrummed in the air. - Prologue, Act I.
..i need more fics centered around fae. but maybe im looking wrong. but ive been barely stumbling into them (with the exception of like lilia and malleus because i haven't searched anywhere close to those two.)
like. like. cMOON FAE YUU??? (there's so little... AND ITS A TAG TOO)
there's this cool fic with harry potter being a fae (and i foresee a lot of found family and cute family moments to make up for all of his trauma)
and the only fic centered around sebek ive read so far is a time travel one. but still.