Twst Book 1 - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
A Random Thing I Had Saved. I Was Tired One Night, And Was Comparing Their Eyebrows? Because Thats A

A random thing I had saved. I was tired one night, and was comparing their eyebrows? Because that’s… a totally normal thing to do…

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8 months ago
I Had Gotten Out My Sticky Notes And Markers And Had Planned On Sketching Something, When Something Told

I had gotten out my sticky notes and markers and had planned on sketching something, when something told me to draw Riddle. So, I did.

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7 months ago

Ace: "These roses you're talking about, why do we have to paint them red? They don't belong to us."

Trey: "Well, you know all that food in the fridge? That doesn't belong to you, either. If you want to keep eating it, I suggest you get to work."

Ace, to Deuce: "Okay, he's serious."

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11 months ago


book 1 spoilers

ok. so. im just. gonna put this here. because. yeah. and also because this fic is gonna be LONG (which i usually write shorter stuff. i didnt expect me to make it long but it just happened.) so it'll be awhile before i post it. ..because its a oneshot, and i write oneshots. so.

but i kind of. oddly feel very proud of this part. blink blink.


“You shut your spoiled little mouth!” Ace-chan yelled.

Both of the juniors startled.

“..Wh-What..?” Riddle-kun stuttered, also surprised by the sudden outburst.

And then–

Ace-chan punched Riddle-kun! 

“..So not cute,” He muttered almost by reflex. 

“A-Ace!?” Deuce-chan.

“Forget this. I’m done.”

“Y-You.. Hit me…?!”


“Parents shouldn’t control their kids, and how they flourish and act shouldn’t be attributed to the parent. It’s not your parents fault that you became a tyrant, or anyone else’s. You’ve been here a year, and you haven’t even made a friend who’ll tell you that you’re out of line. And that’s on you.”

..Oh, Ace-chan.

Riddle-kun recoiled, “..What are you talking about?”

“Look. Maybe you had some strict upbringing from an overbearing and relentless helicopter-mom. But is that all you are? An extension of her? Can’t you think for yourself? ..Really, you call yourself the ‘red sovereign’? You’re just a baby who’s good at magic.”

“..Baby..? Did you just..!?” That was his angry face. “You don’t know anything!”

“I don’t. And I don’t need to. Your attitude tells me everything I need to know. That you’re just a spoiled brat!”

This wasn’t good. At all. An intervention, but was it a good one, or a bad one? Sometimes it could make things worse before it’d get better, and that was why it was so hard to tell. 

“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP! My mother was right! Therefore I am right too!”

This time, Trey-kun spoke up, “Calm down, Riddle. The duel’s already over.”

“If you do not cease your conflict now, I’ll have you written up for breaking school rules!”

Oh, Headmage, anyone could tell that’s not the right decision to make. Bringing up his absolute obedience to the ‘rules’ and turning it against him to try to stop him? Do you want him to see you as against him? He wouldn’t listen… Only to his own and his mother’s delusion.

“He’s right, though! I’ve had enough of Riddle!”

Cater couldn’t tell who it was, but someone threw an egg at the redhead. It broke and splattered on his clothes.

“..Huh..?” Riddle-kun blankly commented.

He shivered under his cold gaze, that turned to stare at everyone. “Who was it? Who did it?”

Suddenly he had a scary expression on his face.. “SPEAK UP! Coward. If you mean to say something, say it to my face. You diminish your action by hiding amongst the crowd instead of owning up to your action. Is that all you can do? Truly? ..How disappointing.. Can you only find strength in a group? Where you are ‘invisible’ and therefore everyone gets blamed? Where was your courage at the unbirthday party? ..And yet you act now.. How pitiful. What changed? I’m almost ashamed to be your dorm leader.”

Riddle-kun burst into laughter, “And you say you’re fed up? I’m the one who's fed up with all of you..! No matter what I do, it’s rulebreaker after rulebreaker! Clearly my authority means not a thing! What is it? Are the punishments too light? Is that why you don’t listen? ..No matter how many chances I give, leniencies because truly, I do understand the hardship of memorizing so many rules all at once when you’re so used to so little.. To it being more lax.. I understand, but that doesn’t mean I will stand by after screw up after screw up. You must learn, and clearly, forgiveness is not enough. Truly, I should’ve been more strict. Mother was right, of course she was.. If fear of punishment is what will get you to follow the rules for once, then so be it. It’s time for a re-education. Everyone makes sacrifices for the greater good, do they not? This is for your own good, so obey me.”

Cater felt dread build up, and yet– He couldn’t help but think that that last line must’ve been a quote. Something repeated so many times towards him that it was to be remembered.

‘This is for your own good.’ He felt a little sick, honestly. How many times had his mother justified cruel actions as so?

Riddle-kun ‘smiled’, “Let’s see.. First, it’s OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!” ..Luckily he wasn’t included. Maybe that was because he didn’t view him or Trey-kun as rulebreakers.. “Fighting back is pointless, so it’s best to get that out of the way first before anyone gets any ideas. All it will do is tire you out. Most of you are pitiful without magic, it’s a little funny. But clearly, you all are in such a useless state because I haven’t been nearly as harsh as I should be, so as dorm leader I will take full responsibility, as the most correct person here. I will help you flourish. No worries, all rebellion will be stamped out, and forgiven. It is only right to lend a helping hand, and forgive the children when they make a mistake, no?”

How much of this was ‘him’, and how much of this was his mother?

Underneath it though, he could feel a cool anger. 

“Cease this improper behavior now, Rosehearts-kun! I expected better from you!”


“Of course. I had not acted as a proper dorm leader should’ve, so I will now. After all, every student within the dorm is my responsibility, and thus I should be taking extra care that all of my upper and underclassmen flourish under my guidance. Otherwise, I would be a failure of a Housewarden. My apologies for not doing so sooner.”

“That’s not..!”

Cater winced, “..This could get ugly, fast.” Riddle-kun looked calm, but he could snap in an instant. No doubt.

“Riddle, stop this!” Trey-kun yelled.

Riddle-kun’s expression went blank. “..Even you, Trey. You should’ve understood. Isn’t that exactly why they need to be re-taught? There’s not much you can do with a wrong baseline, except break it and start over, isn’t it?”

..’Break it’ instead of something less violent, like throwing it away.

“How delusional,” Ace-chan scoffed.

Riddle-kun gave a fake upturn of lips, “This once, all will be forgiven if you retract your comment.”

Liar. Was that what she did to you, too? When you did something ‘wrong’, did she pretend that it was okay, and then immediately turn on you once you confessed?

“No way! I refuse.”

“I see.” A hand raised, and– “Mighty roses, come to my command, and put this rulebreaker where he belongs! In the ground with the rest of the trash.”

“..Oh shit,” He muttered under his breath.


anyway after that is overblot so. haha.

anyway. i kind of gave of vibes of him projecting on the students a little. and very much repeating his mother.

so. my notes i wrote after: I dont know why i wrote riddle like i did. Now that im actually thinking about it though. (cause idk when i write my brain goes to somewhere else and i sometimes dont remember writing it cause im so. Distracted. Or focused. Idfk. zoned out.)

But so. In all honesty. Dont you think riddle’s actually being kind of kinder to them? I mean, maybe its just because the queen of hearts rules dont detail on exactly how much one should eat or something. But that was how he was taught so you’d think he’d do the same for his students, monitoring and limiting them, but he doesn’t.

So. he was being kinder then his mother.                  And guess what? It doesnt work. Whats the conclusion then? That his mother was right. That her way of thinking was right. (in a way, maybe it was riddle experimenting, trying to see if what was his life was actually wrong. Conflicted. If his mother was wrong, because what if..? But. no.)

Is it weird that i like how i wrote riddle in this?

Anyway i think this is the most ive actually veered away from canon wording, and turned from riddle having a tantrum to riddle acting like his mom with her fake calmness that could turn to anger so easily.

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11 months ago

Out of Context TWST

imgs are from:

Prologue Book 1 Fan translation of Cater's ceremonial robes vignette Rook's ceremonial robes vignette Book 5 Book 6 Book 7 Spectral Soiree Tsumderland 2 A Firelit Sky Jade's Halloween Groovification Message

and then i gave up (was gonna go in order after laughing at the first img. now its a mishmash of me randomly remembering some bits i wanted to add, and removing the ones that didnt mesh too well)

recently finished book 6 and starting book 7 so there's a bunch of book 6 imgs in here


(note: I can't find the lashing of love line when we encounter Crowley for the first time?? I swear it was there before but now its just not??)

Out Of Context TWST

[Lilia: What's this? You'd really turn down my juice?!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Vil: WAAAH!]

you get no context whatsoever except that he's sobbing (for three long hours.. its funny i swear). i refuse to show you the visual if you haven't seen it yet.

Out Of Context TWST

["I shall even spare it from being served as dinner."]

Out Of Context TWST

[Crowley: If you're not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again.]

Out Of Context TWST

[Grim: Not more lashings of love! We gotta get outta here! Ace: OW!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Deuce: Because I'm going to launch you.]

Out Of Context TWST

[Epel: You're...hurting me. Please, let go?]

*proceeds to beat everyone up* /hj

Out Of Context TWST

[> Then it's kill or be killed!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Grim: I'd recognize that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at orientation!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Cater: Aww yeah, I am getting my paint on!]

SR Cater Diamond Ceremonial Robe Personal Story: Part 1
"Want to play a guessing game?" Part 1 (Part 2) [Mirror Chamber] [overlapping chatter] Cater: Oohhー The new students are all in a row! They'

[Cater: Even so, he'll have a mom.]

Context because I can't share more imgs: In his Ceremonial Robes vignette, he's basically guessing what people's dorm will be with Trey. When they get to Epel, he goes,

[Cater: He's by far the cutest~! If he had an older sister, don't you think she would be a total stunner?

[Insert Trey's response]

Cater: Even so, he'll have a mom.]

He clarifies that he's joking but still LOL

(this was changed in the eng localization to a comment about washing dishes)

Out Of Context TWST

[Vargas: Great sorcery begins with a great physique! Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs!]

Out Of Context TWST

[> Muscly dog man, sure why not.]

Out Of Context TWST

[Ace: A painting? Hard pass! I don't care how cute she is if she's two-dimensional!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Riddle: It's not absurd! It's literally the law!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Leona: Hey, I'm into it.]

Out Of Context TWST

[???: *sniff* *sniff*]

Out Of Context TWST

[Floyd: Whaaat? Sorry, can't hear you, man! Hair dryer go brrrr!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Deuce: You don't get to call my eggs stupid. You don't get to call ANY eggs stupid!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Grim: So you were only a little more annoying than you are now? > I did notice you had that vibe...]

Out Of Context TWST

[(Jade) "Oooh, I love it when you flee in terror. It makes me want to chase you!"]

SS from:

But I found what card it's actually from by the wiki

Jade Leech/Voice Lines
Twisted Wonderland Wiki
Out Of Context TWST

[Malleus: Oh, now I have to clean up your waste? You little scamp.]

Out Of Context TWST

[Deuce: For sixteen years, I was so sure...]

Out Of Context TWST

[Cater: Ooh, it's almost time! Okay, all you sexy body doubles, that's a wrap!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Deuce: I fell and got a boo-boo. Ouchies. *sob*]

Out Of Context TWST

[Jade: Oh dear, how did I get into this mess? Don't tell me you planned for me to get caught this whole time...!]

Out Of Context TWST
Out Of Context TWST

[Jamil: So I made wet burgers.]

Out Of Context TWST

[Grim: What if there's an assassin out for our blood?!]

Out Of Context TWST

[Lilia: "Lilia. When I woke up this morning, Drago was gone. Now there's this egg in his place. What should I do?"]

Out Of Context TWST


i cannot explain the utter joy contained within that one voice line. It's just pure exhilaration.

this lives rent free in my brain (along with the kiss. you get no more context besides that)

(it looks funny without the voice attached tho LMFAO. it's like a "Kyaa~! Yatta!" as in like a scream/yell and then 'hurrah/I did it/yes/sweet'! ehh, basically joy when things go well)

there's a limit to how many images you can put in one post. oops.

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Officially Ended Book1. New Kin Acquired And Also What Tge Actual Fuck

Officially ended book1. New kin acquired and also what tge actual fuck

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