Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.
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Fictionfixations - The Fiction Archives
twst book 7 jp spoilers (i talk about jp spoilers while referencing a vignette) (i talk about silver and lilia)

"I'm no longer concerned about blood relations. I'm my father's only son, now and forever."
i know that his whole 'father hates me' thing spiraled from kind of an error in judgment?? or well. like. he was feeling so many emotions and shock at once that he didn't really think right, which could be similar to him learning that he and lilia weren't related, and thus running off into the rain without a plan
its just kind of sad to go through this with that knowledge of what happened later
also i find it. so endearing. that lilia named silver after the one thing that came from lilia, y'know? something that made silver his instead of just 'the dawn knight's son'
i wish. that they could both truly understand how much each of them loves each other (silver so he never doubts it again :( ) and lilia to be able to understand that silver wants to take care of him, that it wouldn't just be a burden considering his significantly shorter lifespan.
i just cant help but think about how when silver ran off we see lilia's thoughts because hes just like '..i thought he noticed. no, i was being purposely vague, because i didnt want to see his sad face...'
but then we learn from silver that he was all smiles during then (which i get, wanting to be that firm support pillar that cant be affected by anything for a child)
but i also feel like. lilia still views silver as a kid. and thats fair, but silvers also going to be of age soon. and i know its kind of this shock when you realize your parents are human or something (like, that they can get hurt)? (but also i think we reached that point the moment lilia revealed he was going to die. well like- he said he was leaving but also silver just straight up says 'pass on' SO. note how lilia was being purposely vague too.)
i just feel like lilia could stand to not be so nonchalant about things, and be able to be more willing to rely on silver since thats clearly what silver wants (even if it was a 'burden' because silver just wants to help :((( )
im just sad
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More Posts from Fictionfixations
jp book 7 (part 8...? recent-est. pomefiore.)
this is nightmare fuel wtf

see this in game im dipping /j (NO BUT SRSLY WTF oh my god thats. more freaky then i expected it to be. also i play with headphones those loud stomps are going to kill me)
(this was posted from a channel i watch lmfao, but now i kind of want to see more of the jp story) (..actually do you know any good translated ones you'd recommend?)
actually while im here i have an honorable mention (back when i was scrolling through twitter and stumbled upon buff epel for the first time)

in comments is just:

last exploration post
Book 7 Part 4 spoilers
okay so i finished all of it so im gonna put this here and then go do the rest of the story in a moment
IMPORTANT STORY BITS INCLUDED (its farther down though. Screenshots are taken in order of when i did the tile)


i have a love hate relationship with baur right now. i just want him to play nice with sebek :((( (he does have valid reasons for hating humans and he doesnt know sebeks his grandchild from the future but like.. ghsiudhfshf)


(Maleanor, Lilia, and Raverne got lost in the woods.) (sebek n silver silent at that last comment)

look at himm hes so happy

oh no

and it came from a thought like this ðŸ˜


i love silver and sebek bonding. i cannot state that enough. (silvers smilee)

AH ???

silvers yelling.



i dont. have any words.



im going to be such a sebek apologist oh my god (yall arent allowed to shit talk him he CARES and i am going to be running with this ahdusaihd i love sebek and silver so much ðŸ˜)

his hair can get singed??
JP book 7 spoilers

its still similar enough i feel like im seeing shit but at the same time THIS

anyway from here since i dont play jp
end of part 4
Book 7 Part 4 Spoilers

i think silvers having a really bad time just being hit straight in the face again with 'lilia's dying' oh my god (well not hERE but that he COULD and that he will irl. like even more.)

oh my god does lilia REMEMBER on a subconscious level that he cares about silver??!??!?!?!

(^ REMEMBER that tile where that fairy was crying because the ironclads ruined like her fields, and killed her family??? and begged lilia to do something about it but he refused because he only wields his magearm for the draconia family? he still said that he has a dislike of ironclads and that he'll take care of them if he runs into them but STILL. so you KNOW its out of character when he does something unrelated to the draconias while a general. and they're even more important considering the draconias were like the ones who took lilia in or something like that? hes like literally served them for as long as he could remember)
silver sounds so pained noo precious bby :(((

he sounds so pained here too





despise this game and its cliffhangers oh my god. this. feels so much worse then the cliffhanger of part 3 with the 'youll all be the protagonists of your own fairytales'
because its like
cause we know she died but. when.
TWST BOOK 7 SPOILERS (i just need help making a decision sob)
should i do this battle to get the buff to weaken the boss (even more characters of mine could die though. also i cant access the last healing tile, i have to fight some battles first.)
(note that even at full HP my cards are more at 40k. so i will.. probably very much die attempting it and have to restart...)

or go straight to the boss ? (to chip down the health slowly since it saves over battles)

my most powerful cards got wiped out by a previous battle. (and half of the cards that are strongest after that) and the healing tile i ended up on only healed some of them (which ended up being my weakest of the strongest. ..which isnt actually very strong LMFAO) so those are dead unless the healing tile miraculously gets them
but any of these options could be a game ender for me. because if i go to fight and then get the buff to weaken the boss that could injure a bunch of my own characters. so it might just be more worth it to fight the boss straight on
but i also dont know how weaker the boss becomes if i do get the buff. for all i know it could make him easily one-shottable, and then no worry about my characters being very low HP if they dont get hit in the first place
but alternatively i could lose that battle. the buff could also not be worth it if i dont have any cards to keep fighting (especially since it could very easily not be that powerful of a buff)
i do this because im stuck on what to do. and my mystium is full. and its bothering me. but its because i wanted to use up all my mystium i did more battle tiles then i shouldve and screwed myself over
(ALSO WHOSE bright idea was it to have buffs and debuffs in the SAME AREA?? because OH look at that it says HP restoration. my dumbass thought maybe i could get HP restoration but no it was the ENEMIES. I GOT BAITED for NO REASON)