Twst Jp Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
rook vil convo in tartarus
Book 6 spoilers
(Off topic) going back through book 6 so i just. dont remember this line LMFAO EPEL

[Epel: Sheesh... This boy ain't right...]
Book 7 card spoilers (aka JP spoilers)
So you know how people have been pissed at Vil for somehow like. persuading rook to go to pomefiore???
do you not remember this conversation
[Vil: I tried to dissuade him when he first brought up transferring to me. But Rook cares not for the opinions of others once he decides something. Though you two already know that, right? [...] Before I knew it, the complicated paperwork and ceremonies were complete, and there he was, wearing a Pomefiore uniform.]

HE EVEN LIKES DRESSING UP (a conversation about how his experience watching was even better when he was dressed up for it)
[Rook: He even coordinated my entire ensemble. I don't think I'll ever forget the exaltation I felt when I set out for that play! I always delight in watching shows. But if I were to quantify my enjoyment and rate my prior experiences at 100... Then that day was easily 120! Perhaps even 200! Ever since then, I've developed an appreciation for personal care.]

pls dont treat rook like he can't make decisions for himself because he can. he easily could've pursued beauty still in savanaclaw, but he didn't want to because he wanted to see vil be even more beautiful with his help
its his choice to do it, and that means if he didn't like it he could've also just transferred back out and nothing vil would've said would convinced him otherwise
JP CARD SPOILERS (i think its one of the cards related to the main story)
oh my god im scared to know what happens like WHAT WHYS HE CRYING?!
WHERE THE HELL ARE WE (what if we're at one of vil's old shows??)

IM SO STRESSED about whats happening in book 7 both on EN and JP rn
Book 7 JP spoilers (recent-est i think)
(recently found out how to do keep reading bits.)
i. have been told what happened
you know this groovy with him crying

i know context now
oh my god
my. heart. ughUISHfdi rOOOOK.
(m gonna be honest rook was never my favorite and i honestly didnt know how to feel about him. [to be fair i hated sebek at one point but now im like a huge sebek fan so.] but i think when this gets onto EN and i play through it im just gonna be a huge rook fan man.)
so i know what happens in the story
(also i love this so much this is now in my mind, rook's actual room pre-nrc [except vil's not in an RSA uniform LMFAO. actually if it was PRE-NRC i dont think either of them would have enrolled at a school yet, unless neige is older than vil, or unless RSA doesnt do the same enrollment ages or whatever like NRC)
??????? people notice so much oh my god..
actually do you think neige joined a school because he saw vil join one?? cause. i think he really idolizes vil. (actually kind of makes me think of cheka idolizing leona)
huh. random thought.

i mean i only know a summary of it (im fine with spoilers ngl and i dont care even if you shove like a fully translated post of the entire chapters and stuff.. i just like seeing story that i dont mind rereading)
but like man. its gonna break me when we're there for that moment. (in EN)
dont want to say anything in case there's an EN person here. and i mean if they're spoiling themselves all the more power to them but i also feel like its one of those things that are a LOT more impactful when you encounter it for the first time so im just. not gonna try to learn more about it and wait. (although its like. JP is in Part 8 i think, we're in Part 4??? that seems so far away sob. but also we gotta finish lilia's dream first so...)
im just. sadge. (also idk what vil's dream is but i think we end up seeing it. unless it was actually a render of him from rook's dream, which i wouldnt think is too far off. but also--)
I SAW IT AND I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE BUT THEN I RAN INTO IT AGAIN??? and its like. LISTEN. he looks so goofy i cant... epel. i love you. but oh my god (i cant take you seriously im SORRY im DEAD)
also he's still in pomefiore which is cool (he accepted his cuteness! although i dont know how much of a weapon his cuteness would have now..?. you think he snaps out of it cause ppl might laugh at him [and then he beats them up] but he still gets irritated cause what the heck im not cute anymore--- [..wait. i was never cute. what am i on about.] ...i keep overusing the word cute and i know he wouldnt use it himself but i have a very small vocabulary.)

im just.
i dont know how to feel about this ??? (it feels more cursed than hatless rook. i can at least pretend he isnt hatless. but like. epel..)
also vil in rsa /neg /hj (the rsa uniform looks so bland and i like him in darker colors)
okay im gonna be honest i have a dislike against RSA. and thats honestly because im petty and hold grudges.
also i like my villain boys and i just want them to win (..yknow. i really dont think GloMas counts when the RSA boys were actually nice enough to like. ..take hits for them??? and then we were planning on leaving them like LMFAO 'not my problem')
so yeah.
actually wait if rooks dream takes place in VDC how the fuck
(unless our role in the dream is to drop a jawdropping performance [idfk do we have diasomnia boys minus lilia(? i honestly dont know how lilia's dream ends and if he joins us) and malleus???)
but listen. if vils the best. and neige is the best.
we're so. not winning..? (i was going to ask if it was gonna be like rook this time voting for NRC and thats how we win. but like. HELL no are we gonna have it be split 50/50 again like that)
anyway i am still very excited and so pumped and oh my god fhsuihe
i find it so funny that at the start of the post i was so crushed like 'oh my god...' cause angst and then here i am doing a complete 180
EDIT: hold on. i didnt think to think about it but now that we know what his room looks like

thats his bed. you can see the neige part. and that thing he's holding onto is like the movie poster (or i assume its a movie poster) with vil and neige

ngl i saw some people linking it up to like the hunter crying on snow white's dress
which. i never saw this movie so like (i dont even want to know what happened but also these movies are OLD. also in like sleeping beauty?? i saw the animated of once upon a dream or something like that and mans just comes up to her out of nowhere. no warning and holds her and sings and im just like brUH if you did that id fucking hit you like WHAT???)

also i just noticed his muscles goddamn.

jp book 7 (part 8...? recent-est. pomefiore.)
this is nightmare fuel wtf

see this in game im dipping /j (NO BUT SRSLY WTF oh my god thats. more freaky then i expected it to be. also i play with headphones those loud stomps are going to kill me)
(this was posted from a channel i watch lmfao, but now i kind of want to see more of the jp story) (..actually do you know any good translated ones you'd recommend?)
actually while im here i have an honorable mention (back when i was scrolling through twitter and stumbled upon buff epel for the first time)

in comments is just:

jp book 7 spoilers
π im sorry kalim i didnt mean it literally

(hes just been uploaded to the wiki)

its so freaky though
from my understanding. when you start to doubt your dream, darkness appears and takes the form of friends or ppl you know to gaslight you into thinking 'no no its real'
(ive only seen the one where rook and vil appear to convince epel but they were scary [and very unexpected]. i didnt even know they existed sob)
one sec
book 7 jp spoilers (i decided to go through the jp story [translated by other peeps] so this is straight after the recentest part on EN which is like part 4 iirc)

so wait. they planned to trap us in the fort after we got there and then take us out?
like seriously? (this is the chef)

i knew they were assholes (considering that one encounter during the battle map(?) part with them ruining the fields and killing that fairy's family [i mean listen.
justification on why they get judged and we dont for attacking the ironclads [i already forgot their name, i think thats what we call them] is because
the ironclads are soldiers prepared to fight the fairies (even if we catch them by surprise)
this fairy on the other hand has nothing to do with fighting! they were just living their life innocently. the only 'wrong' they did in the others eyes was being a fairy.
aight? i have no sympathy for people who bring ppl who have literally nothing to do with it (existing does not count as a reason) into it
here btw
his hair can get singed??
JP book 7 spoilers

its still similar enough i feel like im seeing shit but at the same time THIS

anyway from here since i dont play jp
twst jp spoilers go brr
me when im somehow right by ignoring the age gap: (although i had other thoughts like what if lilia kidnapped silver and caused the war, what if lilia killed the dawn knight and his last words were to keep silver safe or something... so i mean)


(^ although my thought was him being accused of something something and pain)
also while im here. honorary mention: (this post has edits of silver's card art but with blonde hair. ish pretty)

twst book 7 jp spoilers (i talk about jp spoilers while referencing a vignette) (i talk about silver and lilia)

"I'm no longer concerned about blood relations. I'm my father's only son, now and forever."
i know that his whole 'father hates me' thing spiraled from kind of an error in judgment?? or well. like. he was feeling so many emotions and shock at once that he didn't really think right, which could be similar to him learning that he and lilia weren't related, and thus running off into the rain without a plan
its just kind of sad to go through this with that knowledge of what happened later
also i find it. so endearing. that lilia named silver after the one thing that came from lilia, y'know? something that made silver his instead of just 'the dawn knight's son'
i wish. that they could both truly understand how much each of them loves each other (silver so he never doubts it again :( ) and lilia to be able to understand that silver wants to take care of him, that it wouldn't just be a burden considering his significantly shorter lifespan.
i just cant help but think about how when silver ran off we see lilia's thoughts because hes just like '..i thought he noticed. no, i was being purposely vague, because i didnt want to see his sad face...'
but then we learn from silver that he was all smiles during then (which i get, wanting to be that firm support pillar that cant be affected by anything for a child)
but i also feel like. lilia still views silver as a kid. and thats fair, but silvers also going to be of age soon. and i know its kind of this shock when you realize your parents are human or something (like, that they can get hurt)? (but also i think we reached that point the moment lilia revealed he was going to die. well like- he said he was leaving but also silver just straight up says 'pass on' SO. note how lilia was being purposely vague too.)
i just feel like lilia could stand to not be so nonchalant about things, and be able to be more willing to rely on silver since thats clearly what silver wants (even if it was a 'burden' because silver just wants to help :((( )
im just sad
questioning stuff
twst jp book 7 spoilers (speculation)
it's either not possible to stop time, or is incredibly difficult to do so (from what i understand)
so i have to wonder.. how like the three fairies put silver under stasis for hundreds of years to where he didnt age at all until he awoke again? (maybe im just underestimating how powerful some ppl are, but like..)
so then it is possible to just stop their life in their tracks while keeping them alive with time ongoing? or is it just able to happen because they're put to sleep?
like how malleus plans to keep everyone asleep, and to live their lives through their dreams instead of just somehow turning everyone immortal (which i dont think is powerful on the other hand)
so would then that mean that their bodies wouldn't like. degrade over time from disuse?? they wouldnt age either?
cause its either malleus has things he didnt account for that make his plan flawed
or they really can just sleep for eternity none the wiser to the truth?
maybe theres something about it i missed in the story but its interesting
finally going through penacony story (ive already seen it all but now im actually playing through it in-game)
am going to spoil in my thoughts up to the most recent penacony story. 2.2 i think?
also JP spoilers for book 7 of twisted wonderland

look she said im funny



sorry i ship them so bad oh my god DEAR.


i dont think i can see anyone else
i still dont understand what the red text means. i always thought it just meant that the text can be different for everyone but sometimes its just single words that are red and it makes me wonder why would it change? what would it even change to?
it didnt fully make sense to me so im still not sure
also i really doubt 'raiden bosenmori mei' could be changed so its likely more that its something important?
actually this hits different after ive been going through book 7 of twisted wonderland (its a game btw, book 7. there is a novel and manga but not the point)

im going to keep it vague in case people havent gone through twisted wonderland
but basically. the wrong thing in those dreams weren't that it was just a dream (although thats why we're trying to stop it) its that in the process something they deeply care about is missing from that dream. they dont exist.
like. okay now MAJOR book 7 spoilers (im talking JP server spoilers. scroll past if you dont want to see)
Idia's dream had Ortho alive. but in the process meant that robot Ortho never existed (also that 'ortho' is in RSA), robot Ortho who ended up having an existence outside of who he was based upon, being seen as a member of the family, as another one of the Shroud's sons... just ceased to exist.
Lilia's happiest memory was Malleus finally awakening from his egg, but that means they were placed in war times, facing all this tragedy, not liking humans, not wanting children, and in a world where it also means he hadn't taken in Silver yet.
Rook's dream was where Vil and Neige actually got along and were friends in RSA. But that meant Rook never got that bond with Vil, never transferred to Pomefiore, never got to really be himself since he's been hiding the fan part of him in Savanaclaw. (his room is a nightmare tho wtf)
So. it's like a loss you face when reaching towards what would be your 'happiest' dream. It doesn't necessarily mean that say, Lilia doesn't care about Silver, because he does. but you can see what i mean right?

dont remember this but i probably just forgot

'what you must do is ponder its significance. and then return to the waking world'
okay deja vu to the cutscenes in 2.2. huh. no wonder. its referencing this
also ayo

i love misha so much

mhm like your appearance right?

AVENTURINE I LOVE YOU (i switched to english voice over for you LMFAO)

im gonna end it here and make another post if i get more screenshots
the dawn knight in place of yuu
(anyway i like calling him the knight of dawn but also thats too many words for a name im going to be repeating a lot throughout this post so dawn knight)
okay so. i was thinking about a fic to write where a character had a part of themselves appear somewhere else? like ive been getting into omniscient reader but i have a diff story im trying to commit to rn so i cant really write something with it when i dont really know shit that happens besides like end game spoilers lOl
but i find the idea of like the 49/51 (?) interesting? i think thats the right numbers. no context to people who dont know what that means but that part broke me even though all i know about omniscient reader is by reading a shit ton of orv fanfiction. my heart man... sob.
but so anyways my mind wandered to the dawn knight
kudos to that like one fic where the dawn knight's soul appeared and attached itself to yuu except i read it when i didnt even know who he was but i thought maybe he was a buddy of lilia so im just reading and getting confused on like no why you no like lilia what (also he doesnt remember iirc and i think that was just like a instinctual feeling cause yknow humans vs fae??) but uh i know context now lMFAO
but like
just imagine this person who looks like silver but blonde. who doesnt remember who he is (as hes kind of more of just a fragment of his soul? but like he appears in NRC and not RSA because he still has a lingering attachment towards silver. wanting to see him grow because he never got the chance to)
who worries over silver
is a little nervous around fae, but maybe this is ooc but like without all the pressure from what the fuck was his name henrik(??) and like the people around him who are all anti-fae, cause he wouldve liked it if they couldve been in peace and stuff yknow? and also without those memories so its not too difficult for him to get past that and see them as people who will probably not harm others (LOOK i just want twst characters to be happy man cause everything is so sad :((( )
anyway lilia has grown since then and doesnt hate humans. maybe he doesnt exactly know how to feel about the dawn knight (UM like cause meleanor. or is it maleanor? i think thats EN spelling but tbh if not for en i wouldnt know how tf to spell it. but uh ykNOW.. he kinda. uh. still killed.)
but then maybe it becomes clear that this dawn knight (who needs an actual name. dawn sounds too on the nose and i dont think lilia associates dawn with positive feelings considering when maleanor died didnt it turn dawn or something. and then they broke down because shes DEAD.???)
is not the same dawn knight he met so long ago.
think about it in like a. okay im pulling out honkai star rail examples now. but think of it maybe like dan feng and dan heng where they're like reincarnations of each other? but not the same person? (some people think of them as still the same considering i think(? its been a hot minute since i went through story) those memories of those reincarnations are then shared to other incarnations to help them in high elder duty thingy whatever its called but i think of them as entirely different people who happen to look similar)
i guess you could view it as a 'i once was [this], but now im this and im not the same person who did all those things'
EDIT: I AM WRONG. 2.5 spoilers but its mentioned that someone made dan heng remember his past life so its NOT canon that they remember their past life. "...led her to perform certain healing arts on Dan Heng, who had just finished his hatching rebirth, so that he would regain the memories of his past life?" but anyway thats how it turned out so uh just pretend that i mean reincarnating/past life type deal but stlil having some of those memories of the former life
idk maybe theres some lilia treating him as another son since like. all three of them are orphans who were taken in???? like its implied parallel of lilia being taken in by the mal... dRACONIA family sorry i forgot the last name om. and the dawn knight being taken in by the whoever is in charge. like the dad of henrik(?) and that person whose name i cant remember i think it was leah who the dawn knight liked and married? but so anyway they both got taken in by a family and owe them a debt and fight for them (and care for them. although idk about henrik ew, but he was also like. wanting princess glow(???) which could supposedly grant wishes i think to like cure their ill father, and saying that the dawn knight should do it for leah or something? i cant remember but he convinced him with something something leah)
i dont know where im going with this thought but like. i remember the dawn knight said something like. if things could be different? but like it cant be because they've gone too far now to forgive each other? but like he wanted there to be peace.
i remember thinking about lilia's wish in the wish upon a star event, maybe it was similar i cant recall exactly

Lilia: My wish is... ...for humans, fae, and all other species to live in harmony. [Img of the wishing star] Trey: Haha, wow. That's a pretty ambitious wish. Lilia: To join joyous hands with one another is no simple feat, even for those among the same species... To say nothing of the difficulties across species divides. You've learned about our history, have you not? All the countless tales of our failure to compromise, and the resulting conflicts? I have no desire to see such history repeated. So I make the same wish every Starsending.
like the dawn knight expressed regret that it had to be this way and wanted things to change but it was far too late. but like. he never did that stuff now (well lilia will remember so poor grandpa but. he's also been really forgiving towards humans when doing it for someone? like he endures it? like when he was searching for a way to hatch malleus and these people were really against lilia for being fae when he just existed, and he didnt fight back because it would paint a bad picture for the draconias? there was another example related to silevr but i cant remember it im. not what i was thinking about but theres also when he contemplated killing baby silver but changed his mind because he'd been trying to teach malleus to like. 'walk in time with his neighbor' and so and so and i forgot what he said but that how could he do that when he should be like setting an example for malleus or something right?)
also silver learning who his parents are in a maybe less traumatic way (like NOT running away knowing malleus' mom might die and then oh shit the ceiling collapsed and IS THAT THE ENEMY oh god please dont let malleus' egg be hurt and then he shares the same face as me? and that ring-- cue silver hating himself and being dragged in by darkness and i am just sobbing my eyes out like no silver he loved you so much :((( )
and even if lilia still holds anything against the dawn knight. still has lingering feelings even towards this not-dawn knight. that he wouldnt want to condemn the dawn knight, and then have silver condemn himself for being of that blood even though he didnt even do anything yknow?
and then when lilia dies he can meet up with the ghosts of maleanor and raverne (is that spelled right? i genuinely cant remember the EN spelling but it was something like that. uhh.??) and i know thats sad but i want lilia to be able to spend more time with maleanor and raverne too yknow? but im not sure how to do that
maybe. like the. the the . council? i cant remember its name fshuidfh but those assholes who appeared when we made it to. blackscale(?) castle... ? i. forgor. maleficia(THATS GRANDMA RIGHT?? i get so confused by who is who in draconia) castle??
but like when we get there with malleus' egg and then maleanor dies
and theres just these voices of long dead old geezers who are bitches to lilia and i hate them and i dont know how they're still there and can talk but i dont want maleanor there because they're horrible. also they literally said her sacrifice was like noble or some shit like that and im just like BITCH- (also lilia is banned from the capital or something isnt he?? like i mean he can still visit the castle. but secretly. but still :( )
so i just think.
fully getting over stuff. heart demons. talking things out. lilia gets to talk about stuff for the first time in awhile (remember when like literally no one talked about the circumstances regarding malleus' birth or something so silver and sebek just had no idea what they were getting into??? and like i guess he could talk to baul? baur? idk which one is the one on EN i forgor. but idk man.)
not-dawn knight being a really good listener. being understanding, sharing his input where appropriate. and like he also gets some of his memories which put a lot of things into proper context. and so sharing thoughts of so and so. and just. basically this talk that spirals into moving on.
sharing frustrations, sharing things that never really got to be known.? like regrets, etc etc
since i think the last time they met was when silver father reveal, and time passed and he died so its just all these lingering things that never got to be said out loud for various reasons. like maybe because company is against so and so so to say something would be like idk maybe traitorous? i dont think thats the right word but words are hard and i keep forgetting words the moment i need them
its like. the unique point of view of talking about things between former enemies. like how they viewed things, etc etc
and then when lilias lived a full life, no regrets, he meets maleanor and raverne in the afterlife.
oh yeah also about his dorm i have no fucking idea. i honestly mostly forgot what each dorm represents but either ramshackle or diasomnia, which i know is like nobility or something? but anyway dawn knight married a princess, also i associate diasomnia with fae / briar valley which is related considering hes book 7 stuff so im pushing him there anyway
or maybe the mirror cant read him because his soul is fragmented. or maybe retcon and his soul isnt like that? idk but i like to think the other part of his soul is in the afterlife with his wife yknow? and eventually silver will be there and able to meet his mom and huggies, and acknowledging that these are who his parents are, but also that lilia is also his parent and the one who raised him yknow? there can be more than two parents in my eyes.
its just that his soul is like in half because of the part of him that wants to have seen silver grown. i think i said this earlier in the post but that since the last time he saw silver was as an infant (also he had blonde hair so-)
also wasnt infant silver asleep for like hundreds of years until it was either because someone who loved him came by (lilia) or because the spell finally wore off (which is what lilia thinks. i dont know where to put my two cents at tbh of which i think is right)
so dawn knight just sitting there in the afterlife like. my childs still not here. i mean. thats a good thing that they're not dead but like. i kinda wanna see them.
or well silvers the only one so i should be saying he but gidfhuj
also it was either leah or leia i am a dumbass? maybe leah was the EN one. idk i forgot.
anyway thats enough yapping for me
what (spoilers!)

book seven how could u jumpscare us with jamil like that THE WINK??? Terrifying
Thinking about book seven yuu shi

what u smiling for looking ahh-
Anyway im eepy honk shoo mimimi
@skriblee-ksk @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @cecilebutcher @lowcallyfruity
@techno-danger @kitwasnothere @scint1llat3 @justm3di0cr3

He's?????????? So cute??????????????????????????
Guys I'm obsessed with him I cannot. Do this anymore. HIS CUTE CARDIGAN HIS HAIR. ITS SO FLOPPY. AND I LOVE HIM. MY LITTLE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally what does he think he's doing with his shirt though why leave a single button. I feel like Riddle SIR BUTTON UP IDK. But at the same time it's loungewear he's comfortable and I'm happy.
I think I'm going into cardiac arrest.
Jack >:3

heβs brushing his hair. wow. IS THAT THE LAUNDRY MACHINES???? AND SINKS??????? wait i got distracted idk itβs so fun to see new bgs.
UGHSHHHH I LOVE HOW THE SUNβS HITTING HIM. OKAY. LIGHTING WONDEROUS SO JOYFUL SO MAJESTIC. UGGHHHHGSGGGHISHIGKHGKGKHSGIUGDGKGSKSGDG. heβs so cute. how heβs brushing his hair with such concentration. he cares about how he presents himself a lot more than i thought at the beginning. i do adore him.
HEβS SOOOOO FOCUSING LMFAOOO WHAT A GUY. THANK YOU USER DEERLA-CHARMING!!!!! making my day brighter immediately after i wake up.
Rook people⦠come and claim your man.
He looks so breathtaking here. I think heβs tryna rizz everyone