findingcolourintheworld - My sea turtle leads me to...
My sea turtle leads me to...

Hello and welcome! Swimming through my blog you can encounter sea and ocean related photos and videos, some psychology topics for self-growth and my exercises at freewriting (unburdened by logic, grammar or relevancy). Oh, and inspirational books and music will be there too.

15 posts

I Usually Never Post Food Pictures Anywhere, But This Is A Happy Memory For My Taste Buds And I Want

I Usually Never Post Food Pictures Anywhere, But This Is A Happy Memory For My Taste Buds And I Want

I usually never post food pictures anywhere, but this is a happy memory for my taste buds and I want to remind myself of all the good little things in life. A dessert like this and lemon ginger tea๐Ÿตsoothe my soul๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‹

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    generoushumanoidartisanpatrol liked this ยท 4 years ago

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A little house on a hill in the middle of the desert.. Is it a mirage or is it a real house? I am staring intently, but I can't say for sure. I have been walking in the sun almost all day and my mind might be playing tricks on me. All the light is too much, I need to close my eyes and I can only hope my lizard will somehow find me. I am resting my sight in the darkness and thinking about all the exotic plants I have seen. Light green, round plants that can flutter in the sky and spray the air with purple mist, thousands of little, blue branches that gather together to form one plant with deep roots, the tall cactus-like forms that can't be moved by any means, orange and red flowers that light up during the night and show the way to the selkvias - old trees with vertical branches whose humming can scare away the nightly predators. And there are so many more interesting ones. The desert climate is not for me, but because of them it is worth the visit.

I decided to run towards the house with my eyes closed, as crazy as that may be. I sensed the shade when I came nearby so I stopped at front of the door. I opened my eyes and realised the house was real, but there wasn't actually a door in front of me. It was above me. Almost at the same time I noticed my friend and my heart skipped with joy. The lizard was blinking at me from a distance.. he is my 'steed' in the desert. He is slower than the horses, but more fun to be around with, and he also knows the routes I am travelling. I wish I could travel with him in other places as well. I whistled so he would come closer to me and he moved through the sand like he was swimming. I knocked on the wall in front of me (couldn't reach the door), and then I actually heard a knocking sound coming from inside the house. A hoarse and quiet voice said - come through the window..

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There was once a little girl. She dreamed of the world through the stories she read. She dreamed of deep oceans, stags and horses running through the fields, magic cast in deep valleys, castles on top of the hills, airlands where flying lizards were gliding through clouds, brave people on quests to discover new horizons, ordinary and simple people enjoying little details in life...Her mind was infested with many thoughts and feelings - rumbling through and planting seeds of curiosity, imagination and wonder. In time, they were chased away by grey people led by mr. responsibility and mr. fear. However, the thoughts always find their way back, through all the mud and the weeds. Hope is still there, to grasp the good feelings again, but also to learn to see the real world and real people with their hearts beating for true expression.

Graphic designer and illustrator: Melpomeni Chatzipanagiotou

There Was Once A Little Girl. She Dreamed Of The World Through The Stories She Read. She Dreamed Of Deep

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This is the best positive thing I heard about in a long time. Pure awesomness ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Awesome Bikers Against Child Abuse

Awesome Bikers Against Child Abuse

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Sound of waves, sunshine and greenery to soothe the soul.

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The Comfort I Need Before Going To Sleep Also I Will Try To Remind Myself To Collect 'light Bulbs' During

The comfort I need before going to sleep ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด also I will try to remind myself to collect 'light bulbs' during the next seven days - pieces of good memories, new wishes and practicing appreciation

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