
calzonedre liked this · 6 months ago
More Posts from Finnistiredashell
UR ART IS SO CUTE BESTIE (aaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry for not being online the time zones are just strange)
Rainbow Calvin

Heres a photo of my dog (the top 2 are my friends dogs)

AWH. very cute dogs
Im a labrador!!!! :3 bark
ALL of my tumblr mutuals (as of sept. 2nd 2024) as animals
this isnt really based on too much, mostly vibes.. unless i know you personally
i only tagged people i was 80% sure would be okay being tagged in this.. LOLZ.. also please please please dont take any offense to this
this is how i show my love and affection btw. (platonically, of course, im not a freak)
@postmortempuppy: cocker spaniel
@snufstar: puppy (unspecified)
heartz4vodka: eastern wolf
butdaddyimisshim: deer
latehourreb: lemur
@penitfomeyo: shrimp
finnisfreaky1: golden labrador
my--mater-dolorosa: goose
rebbias: squirrel
@robo-boy: hamster
chatosrrophic: fish (unspecified)
xxdoompatrolxx: interior alaskan wolf
muttric: feline (unspecified)
im-just-silly-your-honor: cat (unspecified)
rankballs76: ragdoll cat
tris-chann: snail (this one is just because of your intro.. oops)
vodkadealer: tasmanian devil
h3ad-like-a-h0l3: jackal
jenwaynecleaver: snake
@freakyharris9000: virginia oppossum
rayrayxz: chipmunk
dylanfreakbold1999: kangaroo rat
drunkkdriver: penguin
truehalcyon: vulture
1hatemysch00land1w4nt2d13: microbat
kleboldvengeance: doberman
monachopsis1999: beagle
columfaggot: guinea pig
crpserevival: mouse
alexisherealways: pigeon
klatschindiehande: bird (unspecified)
pearljamming: seal
sk1nnedfac3: american curl (cat)
dennisnilsenstie: sable
aoleetwurm: british alpine (goat)
viktorlicious: siamese cat
famefker: quokka
chemically-dyl: border collie
vodkazvengance: holland lop (rabbit)
arlene-needs-a-break: samoyed
demonjunkie666: saanen goat
deingroesteralptraum1999: maine coon
indigowrath: leopard
wrathfulvodka: otter
999camz: ghost crab
gunsuser: hedgehog
pollypocket02: meerkat
rotatingfreakshow: hyena
atomicbombzz: unspecified..
verruckt12: unspecified..
@droolingferalhogg: mouse
heartsforkn1ves: unspecified..
knife-fvcker: african wild dog
gorec0rpse: ferret
shoot4pawz: red panda
clixxx7: fox
letterstomilenaj: koala
kvnsttt: raven
telecrushxx: ALSO raven
nemi20499999: gecko
calsrottencorpse: thorny devil (lizard)
oceanblvdbabe: deer
grave-robber-grim: bat
drsmiggles: porcupine
slashercxlt: blue russian cat
feedthehab1t: campbell's dwarf hamster
erkal13: sloth bear
wastebykmfdm: boxer
bionicgrrl: chinchilla
isetyrdadonfire: tabby cat
hunterofnazi: zebra
dangerousteen: white-tailed jackrabbit
v0dk4-f31n: bat-eared fox
shtgnfun: ferret
naturalbornluvr: american fuzzy lop (rabbit)
this was a pain to do i hope you guys like this shitty list
I hate myself sometimes, but zero day heacannons are cool
guys imagine cal and andre couldnt do zero day cause cal was busy giving birth in the hospital

Thats me btw
almost all of andre’s clothes are too big for him.
he gets bullied for them at school. people think they’re cheap and old and make fun of him for being poor and dressing like a faggot. not that his clothes really mattered, but they’d make fun of andre for anything.
the sleeves are a bit loose around andre’s biceps and his pants require a belt with every wear. the ill fitting items aren’t really too noticeable if you’re simply walking by andre. only those who nitpick and already hate andre point it out.
sure, he has clothes that fit him. it’s not like he doesn’t go shopping or get clothes for his birthday and christmas. it’s just that these bigger clothes are special.
they’re the clothes his older brother left behind when he left the house. his brother’s departure was quick; he had gotten into a blowout fight with their parents and stormed out the next day. andre had begged him to stay, but he was ignored.
he’s been wearing his brothers old clothes since then. they used to smell like him, and andre would hide his face in the collar just to pretend he was hugging his brother one more time. now, the smell has faded, but andre doesn’t stop wearing them.
as andre grows older and fills out the clothing more, he swears he sees his brother when he looks in the mirror.