fiorserpen - how like the sun you are;
how like the sun you are;

let me stay tender, despite despite despite

827 posts

Whenever Agatha Reads, She'll Use A Piece Of Paper, Or The Bookmark If It's Big Enough, To Keep Her Eyes

whenever agatha reads, she'll use a piece of paper, or the bookmark if it's big enough, to keep her eyes on the current line she's reading. it helps her from skimming the page and/or jumping ahead and missing important parts of the story/text she's reading!

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More Posts from Fiorserpen

7 months ago

that gifset is so soryncore

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7 months ago

Meepho went over to lay along Aggie and the couch. Lazy water spirit time.

Meepho Went Over To Lay Along Aggie And The Couch. Lazy Water Spirit Time.

agatha lays on her back, resting her head against one arm and a couple of pillows as she channel surfs. man, she just can't find anything interesting to watch right now! what a bummer. she looks through one of the streaming services and finally settles on a horror movie. the faerie gets more comfortable, glancing up now when she sees meepho approach the couch and lay right on top of her. smiling, she drapes the blanket over her, then her arm. " hey, babe. " agatha hums, planting a kiss to the top of meepho's head. must be one of those moments where she feels like being lazy. she understands that feeling quite well at the moment. starting the movie over so meepho can see the beginning of it, she gently traces her back as the two enjoy it together now.

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8 months ago

boy, how the feeling of his hands on her waist has her heart all aflutter, like butterflies in the cage of her ribs. it makes her breath catch in her throat. agatha can only stare up at him, clutching her phone, feeling the heat that rises into her features. maybe she can blame it on the warmth of the grocery store. standing by the freezer door, agatha is certain she can't, but she can try, can't she?

agatha's mouth opens but no sound comes out. she still can't find her voice but she quickly shakes her head and types on her phone, letting it do the speaking for her. [no, not hurt at all!!] the voice replies in her stead and she manages a small, timid smile as she looks up at him. she can't quite hold eye contact for too long however, and her gaze darts elsewhere. agatha isn't trying to be rude, it just feels like if she stares at him, his eyes will stare right into her soul with how piercing they are. she's also trying not to study the man too much, because if she did, she'd become hyper-aware of just how handsome he is, then he'll never get a word out of the poor faerie.

once she's let go of, her smile grows slightly and she adjusts her glasses, pushing them further up her nose. the corners of agatha's eyes crinkle and the bright overhead lighting catches on the particles in her eyes. come on, she knows her voice is there, just speak! " a-again, i-i'm— i'm really sorry about b-bumping into you, sir. i-i should've been paying m-m-more a-attention. i-i'm s-such a klutz. " her smile becomes apologetic now and she tucks her phone into her bag, looking back up at him. there were those icy blues again, piercing into her, searching her. she fidgets and her gaze darts away again.

Boy, How The Feeling Of His Hands On Her Waist Has Her Heart All Aflutter, Like Butterflies In The Cage

they may be total strangers, and yet agatha feels the urge to introduce herself. but what are the odds she'll run into this man again? well, maybe she would. maybe the odds are decent because she wants them to be. she offers a hand to him. " i'm... i-i'm agatha. agatha hase. "

@fiorserpen |

@fiorserpen |

agatha wanders through the store, moving through the aisles as she gathers ingredients for dinner and dessert. coming out of a bad spot mentally, she was glad for the burst of energy and the motivation to do things, like cook and bake for herself. todd had kindly dropped by a when he could to help her out, which was greatly appreciated. she's got so much planned now, wanting to take advantage of this burst as she's physically capable.

now with all the ingredients and other groceries in her cart, she makes her way back to the ice cream aisle. she's craving something, but she just can't figure out what. finally, agatha settles on an old favorite: coffee ice cream. it wasn't just that, though. it had caramel syrup in it and bits of chocolate-covered toffee. when she just doesn't know what to get, that's what she falls back on.

she tosses the pint of ice cream into the cart and moves back to close the freezer door, turning and bumping right into someone. he's so solid it nearly knocks agatha off of her feet, but she feels him catch her from falling. eyes wide and startled, she stares up at him. boy, is her heart racing now. he looks like the kind of man an author would describe as 'tall, dark, and handsome', and it has rendered agatha totally and wholly speechless. she can't even seem to begin speaking, her voice gone in an instant.

agatha scrambles for her phone, fumbling with it before quickly typing something, tapping the screen and holding it up closer toward the man so he could hear the speakers better. [i'm so sorry for bumping into you! i wasn't paying any attention at all!] once the audio ended, agatha can only muster an apologetic smile for him. she really, really didn't mean to run into him. she hopes he isn't upset.

@fiorserpen |
@fiorserpen |

i liked having control over every little aspect of my life, and that especially included what goes inside my fridge. sure, i could pay someone to do it for me, but there were plenty of ways that could go wrong for me; a substitute brand, a faulty product such as mold or near expired, or having my shit tampered with. while it was true it could be tampered with before i, myself, got my hands on it, i wouldn't place money on it.

maybe i liked grocery shopping because it reminds me that i'm human, despite the lives i take, despite how inhuman i am in the courtroom; i have been often described as a monster when i grill witnesses on the stand. but so be it. it worked for me, and it made me one of the most successful attorneys in the county. it's why i get to live my luxurious life.

i feel like everything in my life is at my control, until i land my eyes upon her. agatha hase. twenty-five years old, a florist at down to the hart, and she's somehow managed to catch my attention. she wasn't the family member of a victim, she wasn't a witness i've once questioned on the stand. all things considered, she's a stranger. but there's an air of mystery surrounding her that entices me, that pulls at me. maybe i am crazy and finally losing my edge, that a simple woman ( beautiful as she may be ) can pull me into the depths of my insanity. i wasn't even following her today, so our meeting today is happenstance. but my eyes watch her slyly, as if i were observing one of my victim's funerals. i take note of her favorite ice cream -- it will come in handy in the future, though i'm not too much of a sweets person, i can tell she indulges in them from time to time. usually when she's coming out of deep depressive spells. that was normal for depressed individuals, but i wanted to know why she was. what had caused her to leave scars all over her body?

from the amount of digging i've had zack do, nothing much came up, and it was frustrating. but nothing i couldn't learn from getting closer to her.

when she bumped into me, my arm naturally shot out to grasp her waist firmly, pulling her close to my body. having her so close to me drove me wild, being able to smell her shampoo and conditioner, the smell of her laundry detergent. i could only dig my fingertips into her waist a little more, manipulating her slightly so she stood on even ground, though my hand remained on her waist. i couldn't let her go just yet, even though i knew i should.

" don't worry about it. no harm done, miss, " i speak coolly, finally releasing her from my grasp, as much as it may pain me to do so, " you're not hurt, right? " i ask, eyes inspecting her.

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7 months ago

PROMPTS FOR THE MORNING AFTER *  adjust as necessary, nsfw implied

this... isn't my bed.

i'll make us breakfast.

wait, how long have you been here?

did you stay the night?

you're so beautiful like this.

did i give you that hickey?

don't get up. stay right here.

kiss me again.

nice bedhead.

are you... wearing anything?

this was a bad idea.

i've wanted to do that forever.

did you enjoy it?

i did a number on your back. sorry about that.

is this your shirt?

maybe you should go.

i had a great time.

if you stay, i'll make us coffee.

i shouldn't have stayed over.

come back here. please?

i've never been like that with anyone before.

there's a bra on the ceiling fan.

did we... actually...?

we could do it again, if you want.

you made me feel... incredible.

was it... okay?

you look beautiful in my bed.

what do you remember?

was i too loud?

you can borrow my shirt.

i guess this makes us more than friends.

this can't be happening.

i could spend the day just like this, right here with you.

is that a hickey?

this was just for fun. it doesn't mean we're together.

this wasn't supposed to happen.

should we talk about it?

what time is it? i'm late for work.

how long have you been awake?

i remember... everything.

we should do that again sometime.

i think we cuddled.

that was the best night of my life.

what parts do you remember?

why don't you stay for breakfast?

was it good for you?

the sex was great.

how do you like your eggs?

are we still friends?

sorry, i've got morning breath.

i'd really like to keep seeing you.

i'm glad i invited you in.

finally... fucking finally.

please don't leave the bed.

don't make fun of me if i walk funny.

this doesn't mean anything.

my friends are never going to believe this.

i don't even know who i was last night.

no one's ever taken care of me like that.

let me help you clean up.

maybe we should forget this even happened.

i'm just going to... leave.

you said some wild things last night.

you're wearing my shirt.

maybe we could make this a regular thing.

am i blushing? i'm blushing, aren't i.

where did i put my glasses?

your clothes are in the living room.

i need a shower.

your hair's a mess.

you make a great pillow.

i thought we agreed this would ruin our relationship.

did i do something wrong?

we were pretty loud.

do you want me to leave?

i asked you to stay the night.

i bet your neighbors hate us.

stay like this.

well, that's one way to bounce back.

what about round two?

don't let go of me.

why don't you join me in the shower?

we can't keep doing this.

we're fucked, aren't we.

how long have i been asleep?

i tried to keep feelings out of this. i really did.

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