About: Aggie. - Tumblr Posts
↕️🛏️💦 (for aggie!)
↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
honestly? that kind of depends on her mood and how confident she's feeling at that moment. she's definitely not a dom, hardly a top (exept with her wife in her main verse), so more of a switch? honestly more of a bottom and a sub tbh. she mostly prefers when the person she's with knows what they're doing and can take control and have confidence in what they're doing.
🛏️what’s their favorite position?
agatha does enjoy missionary! bonus points if you make her watch you thrust a strap-on/cock into her uwu. i think she doesn't really have a favorite, though. she just kinda enjoys whatever position her partner wants her to take, so long as it's not something uncomfortable lol
💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction?
generally agatha kind of just. lays there to catch her breath gfjsdhfg and then she'll either immediately curl up next to her partner if/when they lay down next to her or she'll suggest a shower, then cuddling/whatever the two might like to do post-sex!
[ locations ] ― what are their favorite locations to have sex? are they a risk taker where people could walk in on them, or do they prefer to keep it private? + [ horny ] ― how high is their sex drive? do they have a lot of sex or is it a more occasional thing? is sex, in general, important to them? + [ volume ] ― how loud do they get during sex? do they prefer a partner that's louder or one that's quieter? (for both of them! <3)
for soryn, it's a bit of both. depends on their mood, depends on if their partner would be up to risk-taking as well. they're generally down either way!
for agatha on the other hand, she definitely prefers to keep it private. i think if a moment were to arise where she does feel like she wants something in a place that was more risky, or if her partner wants it, she'll be doing her damnedest to stay quiet. she really would be mortified if she was caught 😭 she would never show up to that place ever again dhfsdhfg
soryn's sex drive is pretty high honestly. even if they're not horny at the moment, it's pretty easy to get them horny and wanting sex, too!
the same goes for agatha in regard to how easy it is to rile her up. sex drive, though, it's fairly like, medium? during spring, tho, it's just sky high. just constantly horny kjsdhgf
soryn can get fairly vocal! obviously if they're fooling around in a public/semi-public place, they'll keep quiet but at home? they're pretty vocal, yeah. and they do like a partner that's louder! to them, it shows their partner is enjoying what they're doing!
agatha can get pretty vocal too for sure. she wasn't at first but that was kind of a force of habit from living in a shitty apartment with paper-thin walls and neighbors next to, above and below her hfkshdgf you pretty much have to tell agatha you want her to be more vocal tbh. and she does like a more vocal partner, yes! pretty much for the exact same reason that soryn does
aggie 100% plays horror games
aggie had an art nouveau phase as a teen and never left it
just imagining aggie drawing someone and she shows the drawing to them and they just "that's how you see me?"
aggie's like a cat in that she becomes a furnace when she's leaning or laying against you, more so when she's asleep.
You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.
Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…
…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.
if your muse prompts the "would you still love me if i was a worm?" question to aggie, she would go into vivid detail of just how she'd take care of them.
wanted to make a post about some of aggie's abilities but i can't form the thoughts into sentences that make sense so you're getting a list of her sensory no's instead
sherpa. can't stand the stuff
cotton yarn. hates how smooth/soft it feels
soggy food. always wears gloves when doing the dishes
loose hair getting tangled around her fingers or sticking to her body (like when she's bathing)
lotions that leave her skin feeling too oily or waxy
chapstick that makes her lips feel waxy
high-pitched squeaky noises
clothing tags (she does save them tho for washing/care instructions)
clothes and blankets that are itchy (like if they're made from wool)
"mystery" things in meat (large chunks of fat, pieces of cartilage, bone, etc)
anyone chewing with their mouth open
agatha, while in a relationship, has sought out sex as a form of comfort after nightmares. it's the quickest and easiest way to make her forget the nightmare and exhaust her enough and put her back at enough ease to be able to fall back asleep. obviously, this is agatha, i don't think i have to say she won't start feeling her partner up without consent. she'll wake them (if her nightmare didn't wake them as well), tell them what happened, and ask if they feel up to a round. if not, then she won't press, and she'll either just curl up against her partner or get out of bed and find some other form of comfort. she might make herself some tea and read, she might draw or paint.
aggie does like wearing heels but not if the heel isn't wide. stilettos? she's even more clumsy in them. she prefers block heels, flare heels, pumps, anything that helps her feel more confident in her balance. she does not care how 'clunky' they might look, she wants to feel less clumsy while she's walking somewhere with heels on
agatha does love spring and summer bc that's when she thrives the most, but she hates when it gets too hot
agatha's mother taught her a lot of traditional housewife duties, not to help her find a man or anything, but because she felt they were useful skills to have in life. cooking and baking are a given, but also things like cleaning her home, mending clothes (like how to sew up holes and make patches, as well as how to sew on buttons & even different types of stitches), how to do laundry (including to keep like colors together, when use which settings on the washer & dryer, etc). she even taught agatha some of her favorite hands-on hobbies like knitting, crocheting, cross stitch and embroidery! gardening, too, but that's a given as well.
whenever agatha reads, she'll use a piece of paper, or the bookmark if it's big enough, to keep her eyes on the current line she's reading. it helps her from skimming the page and/or jumping ahead and missing important parts of the story/text she's reading!
there are certain sounds agatha loves and it's the clinking of metal. charms on a bracelet, bells, keys, anything that can be jingly. she knows others will say that it's annoying, and she will stop if someone asks/tells her to, but sometimes she'll just sit or stand there, stimming by rotating her wrist to make her bracelet jingle or or she'll toy with the pendants on her necklace or she'll play with her keys so they make that sound.
soryn and agatha actually love playing 20 questions on the first few dates with someone. information like favorite color, favorite music/bands, what someone likes to do in their spare time, it's not inconsequential to them. they don't inherently expect deep conversations right off the bat.
if you have kids with agatha, it's safe to say she'll give them a plant-related name