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“No touchie!” Little! Sasuke swats her hand away from him. “Only Ni-San gives head pats!”
Izumi retracts her hand with a small pout, but she quickly shakes it off and regains her composure.
As adorable as Sasuke is and no matter how much she wanted to show her affection for him, she respects that he didn’t want anyone but Itachi to pet his head.
“Sorry, Sasuke. How about a high-five instead? Is that okay?”
She kneels down to Sasuke’s level and holds her hand up for him, this time prepared for both a reciprocated hand touch or a rejection.
Pokes her on the forehead.
Izumi blinks a few times before glancing back and forth between Sasuke’s face and the tips of his fingers, the same fingers that were used to poke her forehead mere seconds ago.
“What was that for, Sasuke?”
She chuckles softly and returns the gesture, a cheeky grin plastered on her face.
Shiro opens his arms and catches a falling Aggie.
" i swear, i know it's up here... " she huffs, leaning up on the very tips of her toes as she feels around the cabinet. should she be doing this in the wobbliest chair in the house? absolutely not, and thank the gods shiro is right there next to her, ready to catch her when the chair slides out from under her.

" oh! oh, my goodness. " agatha breathes a startled laugh, her chest rapidly rising and falling with slightly panicked breaths, her heart racing against her ribs as she clings to him. she remains there until she catches her breath, slipping out of his arms now. " if you hadn't been here, that could've been very serious! th-that— whew! thank you so much, shiro. "
Head pats from Shiro!

" aw, what did i do to deserve headpats, shiro? "
I ain’t gonna let anyone hurt ya. (Shiro) when they are in high school together.
she really does want to believe that. she wants to believe it so badly, but agatha knows he can't be at her side for all hours of their school day. " i-i know you're t-trying, but you— y-you d-don't have to come to my d-defense all the time. i-i know you go out of your w-way f-for me, shiro, a-and i don't need you to. " the faerie just doesn't have the heart to tell him that the bullying only gets worse the moment they know he isn't there to save her. she doesn't need him to step in for her anyway, she just... she just has to make it through to the end of the year and then she'll be free from them, from all of this.

agatha gets up from the floor, drying her eyes. " i-i have to get to my l-last class. i'll s-see you tomorrow, y-yeah? " she manages a smile before hurrying off.
agatha gazes up at him, taking in the way he looks at her, the gentleness of his smile, the light in his eyes. has he always looked at her that way? has it taken her this long to see it? in her defense, she never could imagine someone looking at her as he does now, like she's his whole world. she wishes she'd noticed before, even when the two were teens still in high school, even when her own feelings were beginning to develop into something more than friendship.
she swallows and wrings her hands, nervous. " you... you know what i want to ask, don't you? " a single question has been on her tongue for years: do you think you could have feelings for me? but agatha never asked, assuming he would laugh at the notion of having feelings for her. she feels awful for doubting him and assuming the worst of her dear friend. her dear friend that has protected her, stuck up for her, helped her when she needed it the most. how could she assume that of him? that he would belittle her and make fun of her. shiro was one of the few people she trusted in high school, and perhaps the only person she told about being a faerie. no, she's sure he is the only person she told. he's the only person she trusted, and still trusts, so deeply.

agatha looks away briefly and then back up at him. " could you... do you have feelings for me, shiro? b-because i have feelings for you a-and i feel like i'll go crazy if i keep these feelings repressed any longer than they already have been. "
@chidoricry / starter call.
Cue a flustered Shiro.
after a long day at the ship, she was in desperate need of a shower. she just needed to feel clean again after spending a good deal of time in the greenhouse and moving rather hefty items around the shop after getting a new shipment in. so agatha showers and gets herself cleaned up, humming softly to herself as she steps out and dries herself off. she leans against the vanity and carefully brushes her hair after wringing it out.

she knew shiro would be dropping by, so it comes as no surprise to her when she catches him staring at her as she removes the towel from around her body, standing naked before him. " d-do you like what you see? " agatha asks softly, gazing up at him as she moves closer. an amused smile forms on her lips. " i-i d-don't think i've ever s-seen you so flustered before, shiro. "
“Oi, Aggie. No more cats. Ya have enough already.”
" aw, l-look at you! what a pretty little baby you are, yes y-you're such a precious sweetie pie! " she's all smiles as she squats down to pet the cat that happened to cross their path as they two are heading home. no collar, her coat is pretty dirty and she's on the thin side. the faerie takes it to mean no one is caring for the cat, though she's certainly affectionate enough. maybe she's used to people to some degree? maybe she could— ah. shiro seems to have noticed that might be agatha's intention.

" oh, b-but look at her! isn't she just adorable? th-the others will like her, i'm sure, a-and it'd benefit her if someone could r-really take care of her! oh, pretty please, shiro? p-pretty please with cherries on top? " don't make her pout and bat her lashes, shiro.
“No more fuzz balls.” Sorry Aggie, Shiro is putting his foot down. “We gotta enough of ‘em back at the house.” Stay strong, Shiro. Resist your adorable girlfriend’s pouting.
" but— but surely you can s-see she needs a good home, right? a-and f-food, water, and love? " she's pouting up at him even more now, beginning to hold the feline close to her body. " y-you wouldn't want this poor baby to struggle, right? " sure, the cat seems to have taken care of herself just fine up until now, but still. it's clear to agatha that some care and love would certainly benefit her.

she bats her lashes at shiro, making puppy dog eyes at him. " please, pretty please, my love? "
Cue Shiro walking around without a shirt on. And yes Agatha, he has abs.
the faerie gets comfortable in the couch, sitting with her legs crossed and her book resting in her lap. with her arm propped up against her thigh, she rests her jaw in her hand and begins to read. agatha's lost in her book for a while, until she sees shiro walking around from the corner of her eye, casting a glance upward. at first nothing seems out of the ordinary, so she goes back to her book, but then it clicks for her and she lifts her head, really looking at him now. so agatha wasn't just letting her imagination get the better of her: he is walking around shirtless!

agatha's gaze slowly drifts down his chest and over his abs, her heart fluttering like mad against her ribs as she appreciates what's in her line of sight. she swallows and looks back up toward his face, realizing he's staring at her. her eyes widen and her cheeks flush, making her freckles stand out more. the faerie quickly looks away, cupping her hand around her temple to keep herself from stealing another glance in his direction. that's so mean of him!
“Happy birthday!!” Shiro barges in through the door to Aggie’s kitchen. He’s carrying a gigantic stuffed cat that requires the blond bouncer to carry the plushy with both arms. He sets in on the counter and pauses to take a breath. He then bounds over to the fairy and sweeps her off her feet.
the faerie glances up from doing the dishes, smiling upon seeing shiro here. she did wonder why he didn't say anything upon entering their home, but she sees why he didn't now. she can't help the amused smile forming on her lips as he carries the large stuffed animal to the counter. even with as big as shiro is, the stuffed animal was still a bit bigger. " oh, my goodness. " she smiles, moving over to it. it's just so adorable! when he scoops her up in his arms, delighted giggles leave agatha and she throws her arms around him, peppering his face in kisses. she pulls away, smiling lovingly at shiro.

" i-i really love it, thank you so much, babe. "
“Who’s my good girl?” Shiro croons in Aggie’s ear.
his question sends a shiver down her spine and gives her goosebumps, her cheeks getting more and more warm by the second. the faerie looks toward the mirror only a couple of feet in front of their bed, meeting the gaze of his reflection. " me. i-i'm your good girl, shiro. " she tells him, a soft moan spilling from her lips as his hands roam over her body. she never thought sex in front of a mirror would be this arousing. he's got agatha in such a state that she can't bring herself to deny his compliments and praise.

" y-you're really driving me crazy, you know that? " agatha turns her head, looking up at him instead of his reflection. reaching back and up, she cups his jaw and presses her hips against his. " w-won't you reward your good girl a-and give her what she wants the most? please? i-i want you so bad, shiro. "
“Oi, Aggie. What’s for dinner? Do ya need help cookin’?” Shiro delivers a quick kiss to the back of her neck before wrapping his arms around her from the back and pulling her against his strong body.

" hey, shiro. " she smiles up at him, leaning back against him as he pulls her close. " tonight, i-i'm making sesame tofu and broccoli. i've only m-made it once before, but it came out so good. i don't need help, but i-if you're offering, i'd accept. " agatha takes one of his hands and brings it to her lips, gently kissing his knuckles before pulling away to resume cooking, her smile growing as shiro works alongside her.
“Oi Aggie, we’re not buyin’ filet mignon for the cats. Wet food is enough for them.”

did she put said filet mignon into the cart to see if he'd notice? maybe. " aw, babe, i-it's j-just as a little treat for them! " agatha already buys the best food she can get them, so she knows they don't need things like the filet mignon, but still! don't they deserve a little (slightly expensive) treat every now and again?
❛ i'm going to come if you keep doing that. ❜ (shiro)
praise kink phrases. / accepting!

her gaze flickers up to him and she pulls away, stroking his cock so she can speak. " isn't that the point, sweetheart? i did tell you i was going to take care of you and make you feel good, so if you want to cum, don't hold back. " the faerie smiles, her eyes remaining locked on his as she tilts her head downward slightly to press a kiss to his shaft before taking him back into her mouth. she'd gotten pretty good at pleasing him this way, which certainly delighted her. shiro always takes such good care of her in bed and she enjoys doing the same for him.
Shiro’s home from work at 2 in the morning. Aggie, he’s a mess. Please get him into bed.
she developed a tendency to stay up and wait for shiro not long after they moved in together. agatha just wanted to be able to take care of him when he could at last trudge into their home and she sleeps better when he's there by her side anyway. seeing him home now, she sets her book aside and gets up, moving toward him to greet shiro with a tired kiss to his cheek before snaking an arm around the small of his back.

" lean against me, love. that's it, just like that. " smiling, she gets him to the bathroom first, cleaning him up a little before grabbing what he usually wears to bed and helping him change into it. agatha walks him to the bed and gets him to sit and lay down, kissing his temple before bringing the blankets up over him. moving around to her side of the bed, she takes her glasses off, setting them on the nightstand before laying beside him and snuggling up against him. agatha breathes a contented sigh, relaxing against her beloved. " sleep well, my darling. "
PINNED (from you know who) 👀
kinda 👀 prompts. / accepting!
[PINNED]: sender pins receiver against a wall

a startled sound leaves her upon being pinned to the wall, giggling now as she looks up at him, resting her arms atop her shoulders. " what, am i that irresistible to you that you can barely wait until we're in our home to have me? " agatha asks with a growing smile, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss him, gently tangling her fingers in his hair. she pulls away, gazing up at shiro, her eyes shimmering. " take me, shiro. right here, right now. please? "
GUARDIAN from you know who
hurt / comfort prompts. / accepting!
GUARDIAN : facing down a threat, sender pushes receiver back with an arm, moving to stand in front of them and protecting them with their own body.

" i'm just going to wait outside by the car, okay? " she smiles, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss his jaw, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go of it and heading outside. all they needed were some drinks and snacks for their little at-home movie night, so they just made a quick run to the convenience store. shiro was paying for their snacks now and she was looking over the notifications on her phone while she waits, unaware of those around her.
agatha hears footsteps, assuming at first it was her boyfriend coming out of the store, but it was someone else approaching her. her gaze flickers downward, seeing light glinting off of metal. a knife. she freezes, her heart beginning to race as the knife is pointed at her, the stranger demanding whatever valuables she has on her. terrified, she can't bring herself to move or speak, much less hand anything over. she doesn't even have anything with her; her wallet and keys were at home and she wasn't wearing any jewelry. shiro was the one with the keys to his motorcycle, so she couldn't even give him that. " i-i-i'm s-sorry, i— i don't have a-anything— "
the stranger was getting angry, but before he could do anything, shiro placed himself between her and the mugger, his arm pushing her to be more behind him. agatha's trembling hands tightly grasp his, her heart pounding harshly against her ribs, her boyfriends' sudden presence in the situation managing to calm her only a little. it seems the mugger didn't anticipate her having company, especially not anyone as big or intimidating as shiro, and raises his hands defensively, quickly backing off. once he was out of sight, agatha wraps her arms around him, burying her face against his side. gods, she's so glad that's over. she can only imagine just how terrible that could've turned out had anything more happened.
"Why are ya so short?"

" wha— i-i'm not short! i'm five foot six, that— that's above the average height for a woman! " she does still have trouble reaching the top shelves of her kitchen cabinets and her bookshelves, though, so there's that. agatha pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. " i'm not short. "
“Why ya so clumsy as well?” Shiro cackles at his girlfriend. He loves her clumsiness. Shiro is just kidding.

she can't help it that she's clumsy! " keep it up or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight. " she singsongs, smiling up at him.