fiorserpen - how like the sun you are;
how like the sun you are;

let me stay tender, despite despite despite

827 posts

" Babies Should Not Be Allowed To Be As Strong As They Are. "

" Babies Should Not Be Allowed To Be As Strong As They Are. "

" babies should not be allowed to be as strong as they are. "

" Babies Should Not Be Allowed To Be As Strong As They Are. "
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    moonescent liked this · 5 months ago
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More Posts from Fiorserpen

5 months ago
She Sniffles And Quickly Wipes Her Eyes With Trembling Hands. " I-i D-don't Know, I F-forgot. " She Manages,

she sniffles and quickly wipes her eyes with trembling hands. " i-i d-don't know, i f-forgot. " she manages, trying to come up with some sort of excuse as to why the sign was still flipped to 'open' and the door still unlocked. agatha can't come up with anything other than that and it just makes her feel more terrible. " j-just, um— i-if y-you really want flowers o-or a-a-any of the other plants th-that b-bad, just buy them a-and l-leave the money on the c-counter. " agatha tries to dry her eyes again, but more tears quickly take the place of the ones she wiped away. " y-y-you c-can swing by t-tomorrow for the receipt, i-i'll h-hold onto it. "

She Sniffles And Quickly Wipes Her Eyes With Trembling Hands. " I-i D-don't Know, I F-forgot. " She Manages,
It Had Been Pouring Down Rain, Ruining The Villain's Day Out If He Was Being Entirely Honest. He Was

it had been pouring down rain, ruining the villain's day out if he was being entirely honest. he was hopping between internet cafes and various hobby shops, hoping to find something new and interesting to play, but nothing seemed to catch his eye. the walk between one store and the next, it had begun to rain. fine, he could handle that enough, but the drizzle soon turned into a downpour and he was getting soaked through. quickly, he found a shop that was unlocked, slipping into it with ease and sticking near the front wall until he heard a voice.


It Had Been Pouring Down Rain, Ruining The Villain's Day Out If He Was Being Entirely Honest. He Was

" my bad... " he muttered under his breath, still taking a moment to kick his leg a few times to get the water off of him, his shoes squeaking against the floor as he shuffled in place, " why leave the door unlocked then? " he could have sworn the sign was flipped to open too, but the villain was primarily focused on getting to shelter.

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5 months ago
" Yeah, There Is That... " She Hums, Tapping A Finger Against Her Chin. " I Suppose We Could Just Make

" yeah, there is that... " she hums, tapping a finger against her chin. " i suppose we could just make them! finding the ingredients will probably be easier, and a recipe, too! " agatha smiles, her excitement renewed. " maybe what we make will be even better than what you find in the cafes and such. "

" Yeah, There Is That... " She Hums, Tapping A Finger Against Her Chin. " I Suppose We Could Just Make
" We Can Certainly Make Some Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Dove, But The Most Popular Flavors Here Tend To Be

" we can certainly make some pumpkin spice lattes, dove, but the most popular flavors here tend to be lamb and berries. not sure how easily we will find pumpkin spice lattes. "

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5 months ago

sad quotes : from a mix of sources … sentence starters

“I was happy… once.”

“Do you think I could be saved?”

“There’s no reasoning with grief.”

“I am so tired of being so scared.”

“If this is reality, I’m not interested.”

“I put all my trust in an empty dream.”

“But what is grief if not love persevering?”

“I was too young to know how to love her.“

“I’m too young for eyes this sad, this tired.”

“You’re all duct tape and safety pins inside.”

“If you’re happy in a dream, does that count?”

“I can survive on my own. I have for this long.”

“I don’t want to give up hope… it’s all I have left.”

“I didn’t make the choice to give this up. You did.”

“How long have you carried this, all on your own?”

“I loved her… and, sometimes, she loved me, too.”

“Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.“

“Maybe some people are just made to be shattered.”

“There is no way to train your heart to be invulnerable.“

“You said you’d always be there for me, but you’re not.“

“I don’t trust anyone else. I can barely even trust myself.”

“Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.“

“You don’t love me. You don’t. Love doesn’t hurt like this.”

“All that could be said has… and it hasn’t solved anything.”

“No one heard me screaming, then. How could they, now?”

“They’ve dulled your light. Even your smile is dimmer, now.”

“You were supposed to be my escape… not another prison.”

“How long am I supposed to wander before I can find home?”

“I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I placed them.“

“Grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you.“

“I have to keep moving. Eventually, someday, I’ll be safe, again.”

“How can you move forward when you keep regretting the past?“

“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.“

“I should have been there. I should have done something, anything.”

“No matter how gifted you are… You, alone, cannot change the world.“

“Nothing… there is nothing I can do that will make my heart less heavy.”

“Loneliness is peaceful, but there’ll be no one to share happiness with.“

“Please don’t go away… No one’s ever stuck with me for so long before.“

“You know, a heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating, just the same.”

“I just want you to be happy. Even if that happiness no longer includes me.”

“People keep telling me that life goes on, but to me, that’s the saddest part.”

“I thought I could just apologize tomorrow. But that tomorrow… never came.“

“How has the weight of this not crushed you? How are you still able to smile?”

“The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person.”

“The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love.“

“Happiness is a fleeting notion. It fills you with false hope. Grief keeps you grounded.”

“Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard.“

“Nothing has ever hurt more than realizing, in your darkest moment, you’re truly alone.”

“You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.“

“Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.”

“I know what it’s like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in, but you can’t.”

“But, if you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves.”

“You can love someone so much… But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.“

“Why should I apologize for being a monster? Has anyone ever apologized for turning me into one?“

“I have to believe that there are still good people in the world. I have to believe that kindness persists.”

“You have been, in every way, all that anyone could be… If anybody could have saved me, it would have been you.”

“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad, and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”

“Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it’s there if you look deep.”

“But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes… and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can’t forgive yourself for.“

“People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.”

“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.“

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5 months ago


listen. i want to tell ye that i have infinite reasons for making this. that i've been designing this for weeks, months even. but i can't. this happened because i saw one (1) meme and aligned that with two (2) cups of coffee. either way besties, you're all getting a strangely detailed list of reasons to drop your muse into another muse's lap. you wanna switch the roles? add a [ REVERSE ] if you want your muse to be the lap that's being sat in! don't add to this list, don't claim it as your own, i'll curse all your potatoes to be soapy and sad to consume.

[ SHAVE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can carefully shave the last of the receiver's stubble from their face.

[ MAKE-UP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to get a better vantage point to apply makeup to their face.

[ SNIP-SNIP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap whilst giving them a haircut.

[ HAIR ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so that the receiver can style or just play with their hair in peace.

[ CAR ]: sender ends up sitting in the receiver's lap whilst in a very crowded car together.

[ STUMBLE ]: sender loses their balance and trips backwards, falling into the receiver's lap in the process.

[ INTIMIDATION ]: sender, in an effort to frighten the receiver by invading their personal space, sits in their lap to try and inspire discomfort or fear in them.

[ LOOK ]: sender, wanting to see something that can only really be seen from where the receiver is sitting, sits in their lap in order to see it as well.

[ HEAL ]: sender ends up in the receiver's lap trying to tend to their wounds to the best of their abilities.

[ FEAR ]: a frightened sender sits in the receiver's lap in an effort to feel some measure of safety and protection.

[ COMFORT ]: sender, after a challenging and emotionally draining experience, settles into the receiver's lap in search of a feeling of comfort.

[ ADJUST ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to fix their collar or tie or other item of clothing.

[ STRADDLE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap with one leg on either side of their legs, straddling them effectively.

[ EMBRACE ]: sender settles in the receiver's lap to give them a long, well-deserved hug in comfort.

[ CARRY ]: sender, having been carried by the receiver for other reasons, winds up sitting in their lap once they sit down.

[ THROW ]: sender flings themselves at the receiver, so eager for a hug that they end up in their lap.

[ DROP ]: exasperated (or maybe just exhausted) the sender drops down into the receiver's lap to rest.

[ CUDDLE ]: eager for some well-earned cuddling, the sender finds it much easier for everyone involved to sit in the receiver's lap during the cuddle session.

[ MOVIE ]: while watching a movie together (and possibly being so distracted by the film that they don't realize what they're doing) the sender settles back into the receiver's lap.

[ CHAIR ]: the distinct lack of available chairs in a room results in the sender having no choice but to sit in the receiver's lap.

[ CLOSENESS ]: after having been apart for a considerable length of time, the sender sits into the receiver's lap just to be close to them.

[ PRETEND ]: in a bid to persuade others that they're in a relationship (even though they're probably not) the sender climbs into the receiver's lap to convince the on-lookers of their legitimacy.

[ LEARN ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can teach them a particular practical skill (e.g. pottery, knot-tying etc.)

[ ACCIDENT ]: the sender, unaware that the seat they're trying to claim is occupied, drops into the receiver's lap without realizing it.

[ EXHAUSTION ]: the sender, surrounded by nothing but uncomfortable places to rest in, finds a solution by sitting in the receiver's lap in order to rest and possibly sleep.

[ CHILLED ]: the sender and receiver find themselves in a particularly cold room, leading the sender to sit in the receiver's lap in order to share body heat.

[ KISS ]: the sender lowers themselves into the receiver's lap in order to kiss them properly.

[ FLIRT ]: the sender, only just beginning to explore the romantic side of a relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap in order to express their feelings clearly.

[ ROMANCE ]: the sender, in a well-established romantic relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap just because they can.

[ THRONE ]: having found the receiver sitting in their throne, the sender sits in their lap in order to symbolically and physically share the seat.

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6 months ago

aggie owns this shirt

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