The Wives - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
I Tried Editing The Last Post And Now Its All Wonky .. So Here Are My Fav Shots From The Wedding By Themselves.
I Tried Editing The Last Post And Now Its All Wonky .. So Here Are My Fav Shots From The Wedding By Themselves.

I tried editing the last post and now it’s all wonky .. so here are my fav shots from the wedding by themselves. <3 

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10 months ago


this is nice. I’m eating this. Munching and crunching. Ughhh your drawings are always sooooo niceeeeeeeeee

THE WIVES!!!! Liunë is sooo pretty and so is Punicae!!!

hi hi hi

Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi

I know the first two are the same doll/figurine but these scream Luinë….

Hi Hi Hi

Punicae one for funsies.

do you see my vision? 💙


So in love with these 🥺✨ I couldn't resist but put the girlies in them hehehe 🌙🍅

Gave Luinë the headpiece from the second dress but with the moon horns embedded. Also had to give Punicae a veil to match because she looked so bald without it 😭

Hi Hi Hi
Hi Hi Hi

I really really love Punicae's fit ngl. The wives are ✨ slaying ✨

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10 months ago

[ BABYSIT ] for one muse to take care of the other after they stumbled home drunk ( misa and soryn and misa is sloshed af )

scenarios. / accepting!

" come, my love, let us get you inside, okay? " soryn holds her close as she leans against him, reaching into his pocket with his free hand for the keys. goodness, it's a good thing alcohol has no effect on him, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to drive his inebriated wife home! he gets the door open, hanging the keys up on the hook by the door. he guides misa to the bedroom, sitting her down on the bed, helping her out of her jacket, shrugging off his own, draping them over the bed for now.

moving away, soryn retrieves some clean pajamas for them both from a drawer, setting them beside his wife. he sees her reach out for him, attempting to get a bit handsy, leaning up to kiss him. he chuckles, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. " not tonight, misa. not until you are sober, okay? " he smiles lovingly when she pouts, leaning in to kiss her temple. " tomorrow night, i promise. " soryn assures her, helping her out of her clothes and into the pajamas, a black tank top with a pink skull and crossbones and a pair of black shorts with the same design printed all over them. misa had fallen in love with the little pajama set when she found them. " there we go, almost ready for bed. " soryn quickly changes as well into something a little less coordinated, a mismatched crop top and shorts. he gets misa back up onto her feet and into the bathroom, helping her wash her face and brush her teeth. " now you are ready. " the demon smiles, kissing her forehead before helping her back into the bedroom and into bed, pressing more kisses to her face after tucking her in. " i will be in bed soon, my love. " pulling away, soryn retrieves the cup from the bathroom, filling it with water and getting out some tylenol, setting the glass and the pills by her head. she'll probably wake with one hell of a headache.

[ BABYSIT ] For One Muse To Take Care Of The Other After They Stumbled Home Drunk ( Misa And Soryn And

he gets more ready for bed and soon pulls back the covers, climbing in beside her. soryn hums in content and snakes his arms around her middle, holding her close. " sleep well, misa. "

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5 months ago
" Yeah, There Is That... " She Hums, Tapping A Finger Against Her Chin. " I Suppose We Could Just Make

" yeah, there is that... " she hums, tapping a finger against her chin. " i suppose we could just make them! finding the ingredients will probably be easier, and a recipe, too! " agatha smiles, her excitement renewed. " maybe what we make will be even better than what you find in the cafes and such. "

" Yeah, There Is That... " She Hums, Tapping A Finger Against Her Chin. " I Suppose We Could Just Make
" We Can Certainly Make Some Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Dove, But The Most Popular Flavors Here Tend To Be

" we can certainly make some pumpkin spice lattes, dove, but the most popular flavors here tend to be lamb and berries. not sure how easily we will find pumpkin spice lattes. "

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Mad Max: Fury Road AU Headcanons


Basically, the entire War Rig group doesn't die and Imperator Furiosa and Max Rockatansky are now platonic best friends who sometimes argue over important decisions and key things happening in and outside of the Citadel because they're now both co-leaders of their massive desert fortress. The pair also act as somewhat stern but caring parental figures and fierce battle mentors to The Splendid Angharad, Capable, The Dag, Toast the Knowing, Cheedo the Fragile, and Nux.

But Max is still deeply nomadic by nature, and so he sometimes goes on long and dangerous scouting or scavenging journeys by himself while Furiosa handles the daily affairs of the Citadel (with one of her major decisions exiling any and all those who were still loyal to Immortan Joe into the Wasteland), and this arrangement suits them both well. 

Whenever Max returns from his solo missions after long stretches of time, the Five Wives and Nux never fail to ambush him in excitement and pump him for details of his adventures outside the community. If Max is in a particularly good mood (meaning, he is not plagued by visions of his dead child), he'll bring home assorted gifts for his surrogate family such as trinkets and clothes he found in abandoned towns and villages. Never one for sentiment, Furiosa simply fills Max in on what has happened in the Citadel in his absences while drinking Aqua Cola (oh sorry—water) together.


The Splendid Angharad gives birth to a healthy son whom she names Frax (a combination of Max and Furiosa's names) and asks Max and Furiosa to be the godparents (which they both accept and declare her child as the heir to the Citadel), with the rest of the Wives acting as very doting and patient babysitters. Despite her hatred for her child’s biological father that she feels will never fade away over time, Splendid does not hold such negativity against her son and vows to love Frax unconditionally and — when he is old enough to learn the ways of their post-apocalyptic world —  to teach him how to treat women with respect and integrity. Angharad also takes it upon herself to be a guidance counselor of sorts to the liberated females who were used as milk factories by Immortan Joe, and she finds personal catharsis in having a group of women to help with the emotional healing process aside from the Wives.


Capable and Nux agree to take their relationship at a very slow pace considering what they each have been through in their lives. With the Wives in unified agreement to become useful members of their small community, Capable decides that she wants to become a vehicle mechanic so she can learn how to fix and repair the various forms of land transport in the Citadel, and so Furiosa asks Nux to teach her the tricks of their trade. Living up to her moniker, Capable picks up the lessons quickly and loves that she gets to spend a lot of time with Nux while also learning about how all the mechanical stuff works in their desert home.


Toast the Knowing desires to follow Furiosa's footsteps and become an Imperator just like her, and so she undergoes intensive training overseen by Valkyrie and the rest of the Vuvalini, who are also accepting any interested young women within the Citadel to learn how to become protectors and defenders of their reformed oasis kingdom.


Cheedo the Fragile and The Dag have always been the closest to each other and they have both opted to choose peaceful duties within the Citadel in order to deal with the traumatic events they have endured under Immortan Joe's abusive rule. Inspired by the Keeper of the Seeds, the Dag spends her time tending to the lush crops growing atop the rock towers of her desert home while Cheedo — being the youngest of the Wives — becomes an educator for the Citadel's War Pups and other young children with the assistance of the Wives' elderly governess, Miss Giddy.


With the help of the Vuvalini's Keeper of the Seeds who has transformed the Citadel into a fertile oasis, Nux's health is restored through potent natural medicine and says goodbye to his deadly twin tumors, Larry and Barry (surgically removed by a now reformed Organic Mechanic), so he can live a full life and have his happy ending with Capable. Despite having a newfound worldview thanks to Max, Furiosa, and the Wives, Nux still loves certain aspects of being a War Boy like driving and fixing cars and doing tasks that are within his skill set in the garage caves of the Citadel. And yes, he now adorably seeks approval from both Max and Furiosa, even though it sometimes grates on their nerves.

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A Personal Discourse on the Five Wives of “MAD MAX: FURY ROAD”

I'm pretty sure that most everyone on Tumblr has seen "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD" already and have been gushing about it. I confess that I have already seen the movie no less than FIVE TIMES since it premiered last May 14 in my country: twice in IMAX 3D and thrice in a regular 3D theater. And yes, all the hype surrounding the film is completely true and justified. It is indeed THE definitive film of 2015 that everyone will surely look back on and have endless watercooler discussions once the year ends. While the story largely focuses on the characters of Charlize Theron, Tom Hardy, and Nicholas Hoult, I wanted to make a long post that talks more about the Five Wives, namely The Splendid Angharad, Capable, Toast the Knowing, Cheedo the Fragile, and The Dag played respectively by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Riley Keough, Zoë Kravitz, Courtney Eaton, and Abbey Lee.

Now I've noticed that majority of the viewers have expressed their undying love for Imperator Furiosa, Max Rockatansky, and Nux, and this is not a bad thing. I myself love those three characters with a fierce passion, but I have a special fondness for the Five Wives for so many reasons, hence this long post that talks about them in greater detail, and how I interpreted their presence within the film. I'll be starting off by talking about these women as a collective group before discussing them individually.

Fair warning: this post will contain hella MAJOR SPOILERS for "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD" so if you haven't seen the movie yet, I suggest you come back to this post after you've seen it. For those of you who already have seen the film and love the Five Wives (outside of Furiosa, Max, and Nux) just as much as I do, then read on to find out more about my thoughts on the girls under the cut.


When you really think about it, we have the Five Wives to thank for the awesomeness that is "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD" because they are the catalyst that sparks and drives the entire narrative of the film. In its bare bones, the plot is essentially an ugly, villainous man trying to get back his harem of beautiful girls liberated by a fierce warrior woman who takes no shit from anyone and ultimately fails in the process. And unlike so many similar female characters featured in other action movies, the Five Wives stand out because they aren't portrayed as the cliched "damsels in helpless distress" trope. George Miller understood that by creating a character as extremely tough as Imperator Furiosa, it simply wouldn't do for him to draw up five women who will simply sit out on the sidelines while crazy shit is happening around them.

Instead, he had the foresight of evolving these oppressed girls into strong and confident women by the end of the film with Furiosa leading by great example. It helped a lot that Miller wisely enlisted the services of author, playwright, and feminist Eve Ensler (she of the famous Vagina Monologues) to coach the actresses playing the Wives on what it is really like to be a sexually abused woman treated in such unforgiving conditions like a desert landscape. Her input truly resonated within the finished product, and it's because of Miller and Ensler's collaboration that made me so attached with the Wives than I had initially expected, and from what I was able to ascertain from the trailers and promotional featurettes prior to seeing the film.

When the film starts at the Citadel, we don't actually see the Wives in the impressive desert kingdom of Immortan Joe. When it is made known to Joe that his most trusted Imperator has gone rogue during a routine mission to collect fuel and bullets from the Citadel's ally townships, his first instinct is to immediately check on the status of the Wives locked away in a literal vault within his private chambers. What I loved so much about the Miller's world-building in the film is that the little details of the overall production design can tell so much about the characters inhabiting this dystopian fictional universe, where other lesser filmmakers would not think to utilize the more superior "show-don't-tell" method of storytelling.

Going back to Joe's fearful inspection of his Wives, the first thing we see upon him entering the sacred space is a circular room with a broken glass skylight filled with objects such as several piles of books, a grand piano, and a dilapidated chandelier that Sia herself would probably be quite happy to swing from. For a world set in the ruins of civilization, this is the swankiest we’ll ever get as far as living in the post-apocalypse is concerned, but do not be fooled by such a place: this pampered location is nothing more than a gilded prison for the Five Wives, and that in itself is truly horrifying. Surveying the space, he discovers three taunting messages confirming that his precious Wives have indeed flown the coop with Furiosa in her War Rig. The first message written on the floor reads:

"Our babies will not be warlords!"

In that one single sentence, we already know how the Wives really feel about their captor without having seen them yet. Yes, their purpose under Joe's roof may be to sire him a healthy male heir, but this is practically one huge middle finger to Joe where the Wives take a big stance in steering their potentially male offspring away from such a malevolent path in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by violent machismo. Having had enough of Joe's sexist shit, the Wives have taken control over their bodies and declared that their babies will never become a despotic madman like their rapist subjugator. The second message we see when the camera pans around Joe is written on the wall above the room's main threshold which reads:

"Who killed the world?"

While the first farewell message talks about the Wives taking back ownership of their bodies, the second one carries a larger scope beyond their existence as they have strongly implied that it is men like Immortan Joe who have destroyed the world that we know and reduced it to the pitiful desert wasteland which we see in the film. By negating the importance of women as nurturing and caring beings, the greed and vanity of men in general fighting over fuel and water have greatly undermined the environment and by extension, the collapse of human society. Make no mistake, the Wives aren't the beautiful but dumb bimbos that other action films usually portray. With the harrowing experiences they have gone through, it's easy for them to see and understand just who it is that destroyed the planet and corrupted the struggling remains of humanity. And finally, we come to the last message which, in my opinion, is perhaps the most central theme that underscores the whole movie:

"We are not things!"

Reinforcing their first message on the floor, the Wives' final and in-your-face fuck-you-very-much-to-hell kiss-off to Immortan Joe is scrawled across their former bedroom wall, and made even powerful by the presence of their elderly caretaker/governess, Miss Giddy, wielding a shotgun aimed at Joe himself. This moment is so powerful and awesome because of the two things it implies based on my interpretation of it: (1) the effective simplicity of the message stating that the Wives should never be objectified by Joe or anyone and (2) that it was perhaps their tutelage under Miss Giddy by reading through all those salvaged books that the Wives learned about topics such as female empowerment and independence that prompted them to escape the clutches of Joe. What makes this moment even more astonishing was Miss Giddy's fierce declaration that it was not Furiosa who stole the Wives, but that the Wives themselves had begged Furiosa to take them away. This just adds to my argument and belief that the Wives clearly knew the risk they were taking, and put their faith in a woman who they felt had the immense courage to stand up against her master and to safely ferry them away from the Citadel and its many horrors.

So to reiterate: the Wives refuse to have their potential children born through rape and become just like their rapist; they spilled that scalding truth tea where they espouse that men—not women—brought down all the lush greenery of the world and modern society; and finally, they are calling out the completely sexist and fucked-up notion that women like them are just there to be used as "breeders" and slaves for sexual pleasure. Hell to the fuck no are they taking any more of that shit! Which brings us to the next part of my discussion that properly introduces the Five Wives...


Technically, our very first glimpse of them (or one of them, to be exact) was during the massive chase scene where Furiosa is evading her pursuers and led the hordes of vehicles into that glorious lightning-and-tornado filled sandstorm. We briefly see The Splendid Angharad exiting a hidden compartment in the massive tanker, with her clothing billowing wildly in the wind as she enters the secret hatch underneath the backseat of the War Rig. In the next instance, we see Splendid (even if it was just the back of her head) pop out from the hatch and screaming to Furiosa that they cannot breathe in the confined space while the chase was happening. But it was only after the sandstorm ended and Max approaching the War Rig with an unconscious Nux in tow that we are able to properly see all of the Wives.

Admittedly, the introduction of the Five Wives (pictured above) borders on the male gaze because of their appearance and the fact that they were cleaning themselves off with water gushing from a hose. I have read so many film reviews and comments comparing this moment in the film where the Wives looked like they were (a) ready for an edgy/sexy fashion photo shoot for Vogue or (b) having their version of a post-apocalyptic wet t-shirt contest by way of Hooters. Even the audience reactions from the screenings I have attended met this scene with varied reactions. Some people (particularly the women), were surprised and shocked that these supermodel-gorgeous girls in skimpy clothing were the reason why Joe was chasing down Furiosa in the first place. Others (of the heterosexual male persuasion) gave out more than appreciative moans, wolf-whistles, and leering statements of approval. While these reactions are understandable as a first impression, it should not be something that ultimately degrades these characters as pieces of lovely meat to be eaten with our eyes. A closer look at the scene would tell you a lot about them as a group without the need for unnecessary exposition. And if you are wondering why the hell are these women so pretty when everyone else looks so nasty as hell in a world that’s supposedly toxic, well then my good reader, let me direct you to this great post written by Donna Dickens over yonder at HitFix to let you understand why their beauty should not be questioned in the fictional world of Mad Max.

So back to my discussion.

Aside from Splendid quenching her thirst and washing the dust off her face, you may notice that Capable and Toast are near her and hurriedly trying to dress themselves with large pieces of diaphanous white fabric while a little off to their left, Fragile is being helped out of her metallic chastity belt featuring a grotesque approximation of vagina dentata by The Dag wielding a giant pair of bolt cutters. This tells you quite a lot about their treatment by Joe because it possibly implies two very unnerving things:

That they were likely forced to be constantly naked at all times even when kept locked within their vault, much like those nude obese women we first saw being pumped for "mother's milk" after Joe made his speech to the citizens of his empire. At no point do we see any items of proper clothing left behind in their prison (however brief that scene was), and it could stand to mean that the only thing Furiosa (or more possibly Miss Giddy) was able to provide for them in terms of clothing their nude bodies are the large swaths of dirty white fabric with which they could fashion impromptu garments since they have no time or energy to waste carrying trivial things like clothes as they were trying to escape the Citadel. 

That aside from being possibly kept naked all the time, the only other things the Wives were allowed to wear were those horrifying chastity belts with metal fangs and sporting the Immortan’s flaming steering wheel insignia. This alone spoke volumes on their backstory without the need for them to explicitly state their purpose. Clearly, Joe knows that their beauty might tempt the other male generals under his command (and possibly even his own hulking brute of a son, Rictus Erectus) and so he forced them to wear those disgusting contraptions as a means to prevent others from using his "property" without his consent. So rather than being seen as helpful devices that would protect their virtue, they are instead viewed as menacing and oppressive tools used by an evil man for his greedy carnal desires.

On a side note, I really liked the fact that despite the Wives had used the same material to cover their bodies, they each styled the fabric in different ways as a means to identify and differentiate each of them as individuals with real personalities (again, see photo above). Angharad made a lovely version of an empire-waisted maternity dress; Capable crafted a gypsy skirt and paired it with a sporty-looking halter tube top; Toast opted for a long-sleeved shirt that largely covered her top half but wore boy shorts that showcased her legs; Cheedo basically wore a tube top and matching hot pants with The Dag wearing a similar version to Fragile’s but with her top having a slight variation featuring a twist in front of her cleavage to make it look more bikini-like and accessorizing her ensemble with a pair of fingerless gloves, a hair bonnet, and ratty brown boots. 

Clothing aside, the other key marker that helped us point out which one is which is through their hair. Toast is perhaps the most noticeable as she is the only one of the Wives with a brunette pixie cut that makes her look fiercely androgynous like Furiosa. The others are just as striking with their long, shampoo-commercial-worthy tresses: we have Capable with her bright, flame-red curls that makes for a wonderful contrast against the desert surroundings; Angharad living up to her adjective with her voluminous, honey-gold hair; Fragile is a picture of broken innocence with her silky, raven-black locks; and (my personal favorite because I have the same hair color) there’s The Dag with her breast-grazing waterfall of platinum-blonde waves. Had the Wives been a part of The Hunger Games universe, I’m pretty sure Effie Trinket would have a field day styling these women into shining symbols of rebellion like her charge, Katniss Everdeen.

But I digress.

Thankfully, the audience was taken for a refreshing surprise the second Furiosa assaulted Max and they discovered to their delight that the Wives (with the exception of Fragile, which I will comment further upon during my individual commentary of the Wives) chose to fight with Furiosa against Max and Nux. Angharad and Capable led the charge by yanking Max off Furiosa through his chains; Toast gets into the action by helping her sisters subdue Nux who managed to grab the magazine of bullets; and The Dag tossed her bolt cutters over to Furiosa (so she could use it as a makeshift club to beat Max into a pulp) and also pulled wildly on the chains to distract Max while the other Wives were busy dog-piling on Nux. Now let me ask you: are these the actions that other damsels-in-distress would do in a situation like that? ICH DON'T THINK SO! At that moment, they felt that Max and Nux were a threat to their survival, and so they did what they had to do to protect Furiosa. And when Splendid whined for like five seconds about her bleeding leg? Well, Furiosa basically told her to WOMAN UP and to do exactly what she says if she and her sisters want to survive in a world where everything hurts. And you know what? They totally did what they were told to do by a woman who knows what is really best for them.

And from that moment on, the Wives are never seen to be passive characters during high-tension scenes where the antagonists were chasing them down. Don't believe me? Let me count thy ways wherein the Wives got shit done while Furiosa and Max were on the front lines of action:

Toast loading Furiosa's rifle with bullets as the Biker Gang assaulted them with grenades and gunfire. She was also trusted with taking inventory of their ammunition and making sure that Nux didn't pull any traitorous shit on them when they were stuck in mud on the first night of their escape.

Angharad and Capable precariously cutting off the metal chain suffocating Max as the War Rig was in motion, with the former using her heavily pregnant belly as a shield so that Immortan Joe won't fire his gun aimed at Furiosa.

Cheedo and The Dag actively assisting the others by changing very large tires and lifting heavy car doors with Max to use as leverage in order to get the War Rig out of the sticky mud patches.

So as you can clearly see, the Wives truly play a very proactive role throughout "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD" and I am so happy that, as a collective unit, they were able to hold their own alongside Furiosa, Max, Nux, and the Vuvalini despite them not having proper combat training or any sort of self-defense skills. They just went with their natural instincts and chose to fight after making the initial flight decision. They were outspoken feminist characters who shared a decent amount of screen time with the lead protagonists, had more lines of dialogue combined than Max himself (from what I was able to ascertain after multiple viewings), participated in major action sequences, and most importantly: they had legit character arcs both as a group and as individuals. Seriously, how can you guys not root for the Five Wives just as hard as Furiosa, Max, Nux, and the Vuvalini?!

And you cannot deny that their transformation from frightened sex slaves to liberated and empowered warrior women is evident given that they returned to the Citadel triumphant in their defeat of their former captor and being hailed by the citizens as their new queens alongside Furiosa. George Miller did us all a massive solid by presenting us a group of women who were simply not defined because of their looks, but because of what they were able to bring to the table that counters our perception of the Five Wives as merely "pretty things to be rescued by the lead character". So yes, Furiosa isn't just the only reason that the stupid MRAs are ranting against the movie. If they were to see that five ridiculously good-looking women aren't just there to be sexually objectified and are actually—gasp, horror of meninist horrors!—taking no prisoners and shutting down the post-apocalyptic patriarchy, then they would certainly be having severe cases of male ego aneurysms apart from the ridiculous shit they're screaming about at the moment.

At this point, I'm now going to go through each of the Five Wives and talk about their respective roles within the film, and how they each made an impact with the rest of the characters in the movie.


As the de facto leader of the Five Wives, the golden-haired beauty known as The Splendid Angharad also holds the rather unfortunate distinction of being Immortan Joe's most favorite "breeder" among the five of them. Think about that for a fucking second, okay?! Just imagine the all horrible hours she must have clocked in unwillingly warming Joe’s nasty bed. You know that she spent far more time being raped by Joe than her sisters-in-arms and the end result is her getting pregnant with his heir. And in a way, Splendid’s story reminded me strongly of Alfonso Cuarón’s seminal sci-fi thriller Children Of Men where the protagonist was charged with ferrying a pregnant woman to a safe sanctuary in a dystopian society. Also, it was during my second or third viewing of the film that I noticed the many raised pattern of scars visible on her forehead and arms (see GIF above). Whether these scars were self-inflicted or created by the hands of Joe is something that adds to the mystery of Angharad as one of the Wives. And yet despite her nightmarish ordeal, she still comes across as a fierce and protective mother figure that does not believe in violence to solve problems.

This was made clear when Angharad screamed to Furiosa that they agreed to have no "unnecessary killing" when Nux attempted to kill Furiosa; explaining that War Boys like Nux only had half-lives due to the toxic world they lived in and the fact that they were equally victims of Immortan Joe by means of zealous indoctrination via his cult of personality. We can thank her for sparing Nux's life because had Splendid not intervened, we would not be able to relish Nux's stunning redemption arc by the end of the movie. I truly rooted for her as a character and I was so pleased to see that Rosie Huntington-Whiteley fared much better as an actress under the direction of George Miller than by the sexist douchebag that is Michael Bay the director of those stupid Transformers movies. She really gave Angharad justice and was indeed quite splendid to see on screen, all the more so when she willingly used her pregnant belly as a formidable shield to fend off Immortan Joe from shooting Furiosa, knowing that her former captor would never dare to hurt her or his unborn heir. The fact that Angharad was able to push her body to its limits (and at several points, we even see her going into labor) while performing such dangerous acts of heroism is something to be highly commended as no regular pregnant woman would willingly endanger her life and that of her child in that kind of high-octane situation.

And let me just say that I was utterly devastated by her death, and I was relieved to see that the audiences I was with voiced their complete shock when they saw it happen. Although the featured videos and promos have hinted on this (those brief moments in the trailers where you saw one of the Wives fall down from the War Rig? Yep, that was indeed Angharad), it was still such a shock to see a character I quickly rooted for die off so soon (the Vuvalini would have LOVED her!). Just when you thought she died from impact when the War Rig crashed into that rock formation, your sigh of relief was short-lived when—just a few frames later—she tried to get back in the backseat, only to slip and fall away to her demise, caused by the blood seeping from her leg wound earlier in the film. Even if Max hadn’t shot the gun which caused the bullets to ricochet off Angharad’s leg, it still would not have been possible for her to safely get back on board knowing that the passenger door to the Rig was severely damaged upon impact and her weight would have been enough to set it off its hinges.

Splendid's heroic sacrifice cemented my admiration for her character, and the only thing that bothered me was the cruel way Joe treated Angharad in her dying moments by ordering the Organic Mechanic (what a way to call doctors in this world!) to slice open her stomach in order to retrieve his son. I can console myself with the fact that poetic justice was served to Joe in that moment: yes, you putrid plastic-covered asshole, you may have had a healthy male heir to your corrupt throne, but at the cost of the child's life and that of her strong and fierce mother. And as much as I wanted her to survive the ordeal, I should already be used to the fact that films like this tend to kill off characters we immediately connect with, and I hope that she and Nux find peace in the afterlife.

Fun fact: “Angharad” is a name that is Welsh in origin, and means “more love”, and has long associations with Welsh royalty, history, and myth. For all the fanciful and creatively named characters that George Miller came up with for the world of Mad Max, I find this to be the most fitting for an individual who had a regal bearing to her aura, whose heart is as big as her pregnant belly, and who is aptly dubbed as Splendid.


I loved Capable not just because I saw her as Splendid's best friend of sorts, but she was instrumental in the reformation of Nicholas Hoult's character. Initially, we see her agreeing with Splendid and screaming the truth about Immortan Joe's lies to Nux's face before dumping the poor War Boy's ass to the sandy curb as they drove away in the War Rig. But the next moment that we see her, she is once again with Nux, the latter hiding at the back of the War Rig's makeshift watchtower made out of the shell of an old Volkswagen Beetle. She is touched to discover him crying and remorseful at the fact that he witnessed Angharad die from the wheels of Joe's souped-up monster truck.

Okay, even though I ship these two so hard (the audience would also agree given their swooning reactions when the two laid down face-to-face and ended with Capable delicately putting her fingers on Nux's severely chapped lips), I was glad of the fact that George Miller put some well-placed restraint on their relationship. They were able to share a tender moment simply because of the fact that they were young individuals who were each wronged by the same man in their own ways: Capable was sexually abused by Joe, and Nux was led to believe a lifetime of lies and then immediately discarded by Joe when he tripped and fell trying to please his sadistic master. I mean, come on: poor kohai just wanted senpai to notice him, and at the first instance of a crucial mistake, Senpai Joe harshly bid him sayonara and branded Kohai Nux as mediocre.

Another key thing worthy of discussion: Capable was able to provide Nux with the one thing he desperately needed in his half-life which is compassion and empathy, two things that he clearly deserved aside from receiving healthy blood from Max. It became apparent that Capable's presence was the fuel that Nux needed to turn his image around in the eyes of her mistrustful companions. She was the one who told the others that Nux wanted to help them get free from the mud patches and away from their angry pursuers.

And they shared quite a lot of squee-worthy moments, too! Like when Nux kissed Capable on the cheek after she cut him free of the chains attached to his body, or that lovely nocturnal interlude when they were back up the Rig's watchtower after meeting the Vuvalini and cuddled together by the light of a small lantern as they watched the thousands of stars that dotted the night sky. Those moments certainly did not escape the audience (or yours, for that matter), where they let out rousing cheers of approval. Because yes, while Furiosa and Max should never be seen as a romantic pairing, it can't hurt to establish a non-sexual and tender bond between two important, supporting characters who are able to fulfill a love story subplot in an action movie without it being too obtrusive or detrimental to the overall plot, and I'm glad that George Miller was able to strike that right balance through Capable and Nux.

Of course, it broke my heart to see that at the end, they were never meant to be. Star-crossed lovers, indeed, but thanks to the forgiveness and acceptance of Capable, we all witnessed Nux die an honorable death and enter the gates of Valhalla as a worthy warrior who truly fought historic on a fury road. And Elvis should be proud of his granddaughter, Riley Keough, for doing such a fine job in fleshing out her flame-haired character.


While Zoë Kravitz has had previous supporting roles in other action film franchises like the X-Men films and the Divergent series, I think that she shone the brightest with her role as Toast the Knowing in "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD". And let me just start off by saying that I AM NOT HERE for any complaints about her being the only person of color among a primarily white cast. FYI, fellow cast member Courtney Eaton is of Chinese and Maori descent and lest you all forget, the world of Mad Max has had a fierce POC woman in the form of Tina Turner's iconic Aunty Entity back in "MAD MAX Beyond Thunderdome", so don't even get me started that the Mad Max franchise has no room whatsoever for POC actors, okay?

That being said, I'm just going to go out and say that Toast was perhaps the most street-savvy of the Five Wives. It's no surprise that she was branded as "the Knowing" given her knowledge of various types of guns and her recollection on what artificial satellites are as taught by Miss Giddy. She was also tough and unafraid to do things that her sisters probably wouldn't do, such as how she basically took the rifle away from Angharad's hands when Furiosa demanded that the weapon be reloaded immediately during an intense shootout with the Biker Gang. And she didn't hesitate one bit when Furiosa handed over a gun trained on Nux so he wouldn't do anything stupid while she took care of some sharp-shooting badassery against the Bullet Farmer. Let's not forget her bit of sass when she basically got in Max's face and reminded him to "not damage the goods".

What I greatly appreciated about Toast was the fact that she had the aura of someone so tough and hardened by her experiences that she is willing to fight back to protect herself and her sisters if shit got down real quick. Even though she was the only one captured by Joe's forces during the climactic race back to the Citadel, she still managed to be amazing by distracting Joe long enough for Furiosa to execute her "FUCK YEAH!" revenge moment (”Remember me?!” will surely be an iconic quotable line for the ages). And don’t forget: she was the one who took over the driving of the monster truck once Joe was confirmed dead, and even spat on his grody corpse for good measure!

On a design standpoint, I was so happy of the fact that Toast was the one who stood out the most from the rest of the Wives. She had gorgeous mocha skin and a cool pixie cut that suited Zoë's face really well, and this is a look that a lot of girls who don't have long hair or white skin would certainly relate to on a personal level. And even though you could still see her nipples poking through her gauzy clothes, I appreciated the fact that her costume design differed from her sisters because she essentially wore a long-sleeved top that covered a lot more skin than the others. Overall, Toast was able to channel her inner Furiosa: being a tough woman without losing her femininity, and that is something that we sorely need in future action movies like "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD".


If I had to pick a personal favorite out of the Wives, it would have to be The Dag played by Australian supermodel-turned-actress Abbey Lee. But first, a primer on her rather curious moniker. You might be wondering, "What the fuck is a Dag?" when you learned all the names of the Wives during the closing credits. Well, according to WikiPedia, Urban Dictionary, and other online sources, "Dag" is an Australian and New Zealand slang term used as "an affectionate insult for someone who is, or is perceived to be, unfashionable, lacking self-consciousness about their appearance and/or with poor social skills yet affable and amusing. it is also used to describe an amusing, quirky and likeable person and is non-pejorative."

With this knowledge and seeing Abbey Lee's character play out through the course of the film, I can understand why she is indeed THE Dag among the Wives. Far from being unfashionable, she cuts a striking, gamine figure with her white-blond hair, creamy skin, and piercing blue-grey eyes. She is shown to be quite eccentric, observant, and a bit of an oddity that makes her stand out from her sisters. This isn't to say that it's a bad thing; in fact, The Dag's strangeness is part of her appeal and gives life to her singular personality as shown when she hisses out her displeasure at the presence of Max sitting shotgun next to Furiosa with a gun aimed at them by declaring him as someone who "eats slanger" (assuming that's what I heard from the audio, unless I’m mistaken), and repeating the same insult when she sees the face of Joe driving next to the War Rig. And oh yes, she was the only one of the Wives who bit into Nux's arm when he popped out from under the secret hatch to subdue Furiosa. Pretty gnarly for someone who still has all her teeth in, as mentioned by one of the Vuvalini women.

Even the way she moves is quite distinct from the rest of the Wives. She constantly tilts her head and has these strange, jerky movements; as if she was constantly on edge or—if we really want to go deep about it—her nervous physical ministrations was a psychosomatic side effect caused by her sexual trauma at the hands of Immortan Joe. On a side note, I was mildly upset to see that they didn't include that great moment in the trailers where The Dag suddenly jerked to the side facing the camera and made a pinching gesture with her index finger and thumb to signify that the forces pursuing the War Rig were on their way. That was such a cool moment which I thought added to her quirky persona, and to have it edited out was such a disappointment for me.

That aside, I'm glad to see that The Dag also had a nice little bit of character development where she had a conversation with the Vuvalini's Keeper of the Seeds. The towheaded girl revealed that aside from Angharad, she was also confirmed as pregnant with Joe's child, though we can determine by her still slender frame that she's still in the early days of the first trimester. The Dag expressed her fear of having to give birth to a "little Joe" who would be ugly as fuck, but the Keeper of the Seeds assuaged her that she might possibly give birth to a girl before changing the uncomfortable topic and showing her the leather bag full of heirloom seeds which gave The Dag hope that things can still turn out for the better. And that moment was given a nice callback during the epic climax where The Dag honored the death of her elderly friend by saving the bag of seeds so she can plant them back at the Citadel.

Fun bit of trivia that you guys might not know: Charlize Theron has stated in one of her press tour interviews that the original look for Imperator Furiosa in the early stages of development of the film was initially that of The Dag (pale skin like the War Boys and ultra-bleached hair) before making the executive decision to give her a buzz cut, sun-drenched weather-beaten skin, and a greased forehead to rival The Winter Soldier’s raccoon eye makeup. I'm really glad that Charlize made that call because The Dag's look was more suited to Abbey Lee's character as a kept woman for a despotic tyrant as opposed to a fierce warrior woman who commanded a legion of War Boys to carry out marching orders.


Just like Abbey Lee, fellow Australian and model/actress Courtney Eaton makes her film debut in "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD" where she plays Cheedo the Fragile, the youngest of the Five Wives. And to refresh your memory in case you forgot, she’s also a POC actor (of Chinese and Maori heritage) aside from Lenny Kravitz’s fabulous daughter. It's pretty evident why she is dubbed as "Fragile" considering that she has this fearful expression on her face the first time we see her. Fragile indeed, given that she was the only one who didn't dare join her sisters in the initial skirmish with Max and Nux.

But far from her being just a scared little girl, she showcased a surprising amount of emotional weight with her character. Cheedo was shown to be the most affected by Angharad's death out of the Wives, and her knee-jerk reaction to this tragic event was to run back to the clutches of her captor, justifying to her sisters that because of their status as Joe's "most prized breeders", they will be forgiven for their transgression. I cannot tell you how much this moment hits so close to home for victims of domestic abuse because there are a lot of women in Fragile's position who share the same sentiment, and it's clear that Eve Ensler was truly involved in this for not all women react the same way when they are physically, sexually, and emotionally abused by men. Had it not been for Capable and The Dag chasing her and reminding her that being with Joe is not a life worth living and it was not what Splendid would have wanted for her (remember the mantra: we are not things!), Fragile might not have realized her inner strength as the film progressed.

In the official featurette for the Five Wives released by Warner Bros., Courtney Eaton said that they were the "princesses of the post-apocalyptic world". And to a certain degree, she is quite right; which in turn gives texture to Cheedo's reaction on wanting to return to Joe. As the youngest of the group, she has only probably known the luxurious comforts of her Citadel prison despite being subjected to rape because it was the only life she knew and for her, going along with her sisters to the "Green Place of Many Mothers" was perhaps out of her comfort zone. It is only through Angharad's death and her proactive role in helping the others free the War Rig from the mud patches that Fragile learns to build her inner strength and realize that however comfortable her prison was, it was not a place she could truly call a safe and peaceful home.

But her real moment in the spotlight came during the eye-popping chase on the way to the Citadel. Knowing that Furiosa was attempting to reach Immortan Joe and was fatally wounded trying to board his vehicle, Cheedo performs a great fake-out by approaching Rictus Erectus and telling him she willingly wants to return. It did not escape me that Rictus' expression upon seeing Fragile was that of a sexual nature, possibly implying that he secretly favored her despite the knowledge that she and the other wives were strictly for his monstrous father. It is only when Rictus turned his back after being distracted that he realized Cheedo only asked to be placed in his father's vehicle so she could help Furiosa climb aboard in order for her to kill Joe. And in that triumphant moment where she confirmed the death of her former oppressor, she might as well change her name from Cheedo the Fragile to Cheedo the Valiant for her efforts in helping Team War Rig to victory.

So that basically concludes my personal thoughts on the Five Wives and I hoped you guys liked what you've read. If you want to see more posts that I made about the Wives, you can click here.

P.S. If someone can create a mashup video featuring clips of Furiosa and the Wives to the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt theme song, that would be awesome-sauce! Because let's be real here for a fucking sec: you know that it fits because FEMALES ARE STRONG AS HELL!

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Community Post: Which One Of The Five Wives In "Mad Max: Fury Road" Are You?
Your babies will not be warlords. You know who killed the world. And most importantly... YOU ARE NOT THINGS!

Sorry not sorry that I made this quiz.

Somebody better make an “Are You More Like Max Rockatansky Or Imperator Furiosa?” quiz because REASONS.

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On June 17, 2015, An Official Comic Prequel That Tells The Story Of Imperator Furiosa And The Five Wivesin
On June 17, 2015, An Official Comic Prequel That Tells The Story Of Imperator Furiosa And The Five Wivesin
On June 17, 2015, An Official Comic Prequel That Tells The Story Of Imperator Furiosa And The Five Wivesin
On June 17, 2015, An Official Comic Prequel That Tells The Story Of Imperator Furiosa And The Five Wivesin
On June 17, 2015, An Official Comic Prequel That Tells The Story Of Imperator Furiosa And The Five Wivesin
On June 17, 2015, An Official Comic Prequel That Tells The Story Of Imperator Furiosa And The Five Wivesin

On June 17, 2015, an official comic prequel that tells the story of Imperator Furiosa and The Five Wives in the Citadel before the events of Fury Road will be released. The preview above reveals that prior to leading the supply run, Furiosa’s primary role as an Imperator seemed to be as the chief guard to the Wives held captive inside the Dome and had interactions with them before the great escape.

This is the second entry to the Mad Max: Fury Road prequel comic miniseries released by Vertigo following the first issue revolving around the characters of Nux and Immortan Joe. This issue is collaboratively written by George Miller, Nico Lathouris, and Mark Sexton with the cover art done by Tommy Lee Edwards and interior art done by Tristan Jones.

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Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who
Some Things You Let Go In Order To LiveWhile All Around You The Buildings SwayYou Sing It Out Loud: "Who

Some things you let go in order to live While all around you the buildings sway You sing it out loud: "Who made us this way?" I know you're bleeding, but you'll be okay Hold on to your heart, you'll keep it safe Hold on to your heart, don't give it away...

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Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You
Darling, Hold My HandOh, Won't You Hold My Hand?'Cause I Don't Wanna Walk On My Own AnymoreWon't You

Darling, hold my hand Oh, won't you hold my hand? 'Cause I don't wanna walk on my own anymore Won't you understand? 'Cause I don't wanna walk alone I'm ready for this, there's no denying! I'm ready for this, you stop me falling! I'm ready for this, I need you all in! I'm ready for this, so darling, won't you hold my hand?

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The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers
The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers

The War Rig Family Driving To The Green Place Of Many Mothers

Things I Loved About These Scenes:

While not explicitly one continuous scene, I loved how the War Rig Family (now sans The Splendid Angharad, sadly) had relatively peaceful moments inside their massive getaway vehicle despite the fact that they were still not in the clear from the pursuing war parties of Immortan Joe and that they had a long way to go before arriving at the Green Place of Many Mothers.

I mean, really: how fucking badass is it of Furiosa to make repairs under her jacked-up tanker while said vehicle is still in motion?! Like, they could have stopped in order for her to properly fix the damage but she's all like, "Fuck stopping! FYI, we're still being chased by a psycho warlord, so let's keep my baby moving while I fix her up good." Lesser cinematic heroine bitches better bow the fuck down to her incontrovertible awesomeness.

The long drive to the Green Place was also the moment where Capable and Nux had their version of a meet-cute. There are no words to describe how tender and heart-wrenching their interaction was inside the War Rig's lookout post.

It was so interesting to see The Dag trace the symbol of Immortan Joe embossed on the passenger cabin's roof while Toast was silently taking inventory of their dwindling ammunition. There could be several possible explanations as to why the Dag would be fixated on tracing an image associated with her oppressor, but my interpretation would be that since she has this eccentric and sort of shamanistic aura, the Dag was trying to place a repelling curse on her rapist's emblem so that she and the rest of the War Rig Family would be free from Joe's treacherous reach.

The nighttime drive scenes were so great, too! There was that pensive moment where The Wives huddled with each other in the backseat as Capable and Cheedo held a lantern whose light gave a nice contrast to the blue night enveloping them. The other cool part was when the tanker drove past the now-dead Green Place and the War Rig Family caught a good glimpse of the creepy Swamp Crows. Though the latter scene was so fascinating to see, I loved how it was just short enough to immediately capture my attention and it would be a memorably striking image that would stay in my mind even after several viewings of the movie.

Of course, I can't forget the part where the young and beautiful kids all slept in the backseat while Dad Max and Mom Furiosa had a really deep conversation about Mom's motivation and reasons for taking the kids to the Green Place. Also, plenty of reasons for the Fury Road fandom shippers to celebrate in this moment because you got Maxiosa and Cheedag (or Dag/Cheedo/Toast) and Nuxable. There's practically a formidable armada of great OTP ships just waiting to be sailed right inside the War Rig!

Enough said about Nux eating that bug with Capable snoozing gently next to him. Precious cinnamon roll and all that jazz.

That awesome moment when Furiosa finally spotted a familiar landmark that she remembers from her childhood. You can literally see the spark of hope twinkle in her eyes as she lowers her binoculars.

How very astute of Dad Max to correctly assume that seeing a naked and distressed woman (hey, it's The Valkyrie!) on top of a disused electric tower is actually a trap for unsuspecting scavengers. But naturally, Mom Furiosa knows the real deal behind this sneaky setup and she's all like, "Chillax, everyone. Mama's got this. All of you stay in the War Rig while I handle this because shit is about to get hella fucking real for all of us. But in a good way, obvs."

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The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit
The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit

The War Rig Family Rallies To Escape The Bullet Farmer In Trigger-Happy Pursuit

Things I Loved About This Scene:

First and foremost, this is the first instance in the movie where we see everything at night, and the visuals are absolutely incredible in this one. Even though all the "night scenes" were actually filmed in broad daylight, the visual effects team really did a fantastic job during post-production in terms of creating an eye-catching nocturnal landscape defined by gorgeously rich shades of blue that I've rarely seen in any other film before. Possibly the closest I could compare Fury Road's night scenes were the bioluminescent blue-green plankton swimming in the dark oceanic waters in Life Of Pi.

The stakes are crazy high for my precious War Rig Family considering that their primary getaway vehicle keeps getting stuck in massive mud patches and they know that the bad guys are right behind them. They may not be the Avengers, but they exhibited incredible teamwork during this intense moment. This scene also emphasizes that The Wives are not passive damsels in distress, but that they are empowered women who have reclaimed their agency to carry out their drive and initiative in aiding their own escape from Immortan Joe. They are seen actively helping Max and Furiosa in various ways to help get the War Rig out of a sticky situation, and that is just fucking awesome to see.

On that note, it was so great to see the Wives lifting heavy things like car doors and giant spiked tyres that would make Walter Bankston from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt quite proud (females are strong as hell!). I especially loved the part where Cheedo and The Dag rolled that giant spiked tyre as the team was quickly changing wheels, and they held hands afterwards. Big shoutout to the Dag/Cheedo shippers out there!

That awesomely LOL moment where Furiosa was wielding her sniper rifle and she's so fucking ready to just put the Bullet Farmer out of his deranged misery only to share a silent and confused look with Max when they both realize that the War Rig was suddenly driving away from them. Oh, Nux!

Speaking of our favorite War Boy, it was so great how he just didn't hesitate to help the good guys even though the rest of them were clearly skeptical of his intentions. Good thing Capable was there to act as mediator otherwise he would have been a goner. Of course, Furiosa can't take her assurances at face value, so she hands over her gun to Toast and our pixie-haired girlfriend just takes to her task to make sure Nux doesn't pull a fast one on them. Fucking loved how Nux and Capable reacted to that quick gun transfer: he's all like "Whoa shit girl, I'm honestly here to help you guys out and I just feel so attacked right now" while Capable is like "NOW TOAST SIS".

Of course, this scene contains the most iconic moment between Max and Furiosa that firmly cements their drift compatibility: he knows he's a crap sniper who's only going to waste the last bullet so he hands over the rifle to her and she FUCKING BLINDS THE BULLET FARMER in one shot from a crazy far distance at night! Note to all macho men in the world: drop your fucking ego and let confident women take charge if you know you are bad at certain things and skill sets.

A major shoutout to all the Nuxable shippers out there because this is also the scene where Nux kisses Capable on the cheek after she cuts him loose from the chains with the bolt cutters that the Dag used earlier in the film to free Cheedo from her chastity belt. Side note: bolt cutters are definitely an essential must-have tool if you are to live out a post-apocalyptic life in the desert. It’s an effective piece of technical equipment that also doubles as a lethal combat weapon.

Can't forget some nice Max and Nux teamwork where Max ties the cable to the tree and Nux trying his best to drive the War Rig out of the mud with the leverage they created. Did I mention this entire night chase scene from start to finish is drenched in so much awesome teamwork by the War Rig Family?

Not sure if anyone else noticed, but I definitely loved that moment of incredulity from Cheedo where she expressed a mixture of disbelief and outrage that the Bullet Farmer would even dare shoot at them knowing that Immortan Joe wanted his "treasures" unharmed and intact. Girlfriend definitely knows the high value of her assets and I appreciate that a lot! Of course, the beautiful cinnamon roll too good and too pure for this world has to be shielded and so Furiosa's maternal instincts kicks in and she pulls Cheedo immediately to the ground for safety. That's right, this greased-up mama bear with the badass bionic arm isn't taking murderous shit when her precious charges are involved!

Who says Mama Furiosa gets to hog the parental spotlight? Right after he makes quick work of the Bullet Farmer, Papa Max returns triumphant bearing gifts like extra ammunition, a new steering wheel for the War Rig, and a boot for Nux! Of course, the cinnamon roll War Boy looked so chuffed seeing that his burly blood bag was thoughtful enough to give him footwear to replace the one he lost earlier in the movie. And yes, big shoutout to the Max/Nux shippers out there, too!

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The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence
The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence

The War Rig Family And The Vuvalini Take A Moment Of Reflection At The Edge Of The Plains Of Silence

Things I Loved About This Scene:

In contrast to the fast-paced night chase scene, this nocturnal scenario is quieter and more introspective as it shows the War Rig Family and The Vuvalini communing in relative peace underneath the stars and looking out at the Plains of Silence. I loved how this moment allowed me to take a decent breather from all the nail-bitingly intense action set pieces that preceded this lovely scene. Looking at this setting from outside of its original context, you'd think that they were out having a nice and peaceful time camping al fresco in the desert, where the only thing missing was a blazing campfire and everyone roasting marshmallows while singing happy folk songs.

There are three distinct conversations happening in this scene and all of them really resonated to me. First was Toast and Cheedo talking with the Vuvalini about the shining satellite they saw orbiting high above in space. The elder biker grannies reminisce on how satellites used to transmit signals around the world and relay TV shows to people and the younger girls respond that their caretaker, Miss Giddy, used to talk about things like satellites during their captivity back in the Citadel. I find it poignant that even in Miss Giddy's absence, there are intelligent women like her within the Vuvalini to share knowledge of the past upon the younger generation like Cheedo and Toast.

The second conversation involves The Dag and the Keeper of the Seeds. First, the two women talk about the Dag's fears that her unborn child might turn out to be a boy that will grow up to be ugly (inside and out) just like his bastard father. The elder green thumb assures her of the possibility that the Dag might give birth to a girl as opposed to a boy. The Dag then expresses her disappointment that the Vuvalini would resort to violence given her initial impression that their tribe was supposedly calm and peaceful. In response, the Seed Keeper explains and justifies the unfortunate necessity of their actions in order to preserve an ecological rebirth for the largely poisoned world represented by the seeds she keeps in her leather apothecary bag. It is at this very moment that the Dag begins to see that there is indeed a possibility that the world she knows can really change for the better when left in the hands of those who prefer to nurture with positive intentions rather than to destroy with negative reasons.

The third conversation revolves around Max and Furiosa at the fringes near the War Rig. The two drift-compatible warriors discuss their chances for survival knowing that the once-thriving Green Place is now an eerie dead space sparsely populated by the Swamp Crows. Furiosa discloses to Max that her tribe is willing to risk a lengthy motorcycle caravan across the Plains of Silence in the hopes of arriving at a fertile and habitable location where they could not be reached by Immortan Joe and his ally forces. She extends her offer to Max, saying that he and Nux are welcome to join given how they have proven themselves trustworthy in helping her ferry The Wives to safety. But rather than accepting her invitation, Max gently turns her down by saying that he can find his own way. This broke my heart quite a bit because when you see Furiosa's unhappy facial reaction to Max's rejection, you can clearly see that she was hoping he would join them given how effective they both worked as a defensive team to protect their young charges. Huge shoutout to the Max/Furiosa shippers out there when this moment happened!

There were other small moments in this entire scene that I loved apart from the three major conversations. Obviously, that brief shot of Nux and Capable cuddling in the War Rig's lookout station is a total keeper. I would have liked to see a fourth discussion that involves the two of them, but I guess since they already had a "paradigm shift moment" earlier in the film at the same location, the filmmakers decided to keep their appearance in this scene relatively simple. I can only hope that in the home video release, there might be a deleted scene of Nux and Capable talking again at night high up on the War Rig (if only to please me and the Nuxable shippers out there).

What else? Oh yes, I really loved the subtle color details in this scene. Like, the only bits of color you can discern among the beautiful shades of blue are the yellow flame illuminating Capable and Nux and the vivid green plant growing inside an animal skull. Also a very brief (if largely shadowed) glimpse of Capable's red hair since she was the closest to the lantern.

The subtle details I noticed in this scene also extends to the costumes. The Dag now wears her platinum blonde tresses with some cool hair accessories and she's also sporting a utility belt around her waist. Cheedo can also be seen sporting the colorful striped headscarf that she continues to wear even during the climactic race back to the Citadel.

Speaking of Cheedo, this was the rare instance where I noticed that she isn't with the Dag. Normally, you would see them both together in the same way that Angharad (bless her soul so much) was always with Capable early in the second act of the film. Though it's great to see Cheedo together with Toast among the other members of the Vuvalini, it was a bit disorienting for me to notice this after several viewings given how the film naturally paired her with the Dag, especially after realizing that their relationship was actually cemented as a result of the Dag trying to protect the virginal Cheedo from being raped for the first time by Immortan Joe in the official Vertigo prequel comic.

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The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse
The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse

The War Rig Family Returns Triumphant To The Citadel With Immortan Joe's Corpse

Things I Loved About This Scene:

The quiet tension of everyone in the Citadel seeing the Gigahorse driving towards the loading dock until Max steps out of the vehicle to reveal the mangled corpse of Immortan Joe and celebratory shit just got way too hella real.

Max just kicking Joe's corpse to the ground like it was yesterday's garbage and the Wretched just going apeshit tearing his dead body apart with unbridled joy knowing that their tormentor is confirmed gone to hell. That was such a fucking satisfying moment like I can't even.

The super cute War Pups just looking at Corpus Colossus and those boys deciding to just fuck it and let the vanquishers of Immortan Joe up on the loading dock at the behest of the Wretched, while the elder minions are just too shell-shocked at the death of their former leader to even react against the War Pups' actions.

I really loved the telescopic POV showing Capable, Toast, Cheedo, and The Dag emerging like ethereal post-apocalyptic warrior princesses from the Gigahorse and Max helping an injured but undefeated Furiosa out of the driver's cab and onto the hood of the monster truck. That was such a great shot of the War Rig Family and I imagine Angharad and Nux looking down on them with immense pride and joy knowing their sacrifice for their comrades didn't go in vain.

Major props at the inclusive attitude of the Wives as they happily pull up the citizens of the Citadel onto the loading dock to rise up with them. It really shows how they see the Wretched as their equals and that they want them to share the victory and freedom now that they are all free from Immortan Joe's tyranny.

I also loved how the Milking Mothers opened the floodgates to let the water flow free so that the citizens down below can truly savor a life-saving resource that was cruelly withheld from them under Joe's rule. Even though it was a wide shot, you can really sense the elation on the Milking Mothers' faces when they activated the waterfall mechanism because they know that everyone in the Citadel deserves to drink water and not something so barbaric as breast milk.

Obviously, it goes without saying that the silent exchange between Max and Furiosa―him from below and her up above―is an incredibly powerful moment which I absolutely adored. The audience just witnessed a tacit understanding and recognition of mutual respect between two similar people: fierce road warriors who are now bound not just by blood, but by their epic shared experience of defeating a post-apocalyptic dictator amidst intense action and dramatic events.

Very few movies contain a really memorable and highly emotional closing shot that encapsulates the exhilarating climax of a film, and I'm happy to see that this masterpiece has a perfect ending. Seeing Furiosa and the Wives looking down towards the audience as the loading dock slowly covers the screen to black was the glorious icing on top of an explosively delicious feminist action summer movie cake! Also: the Dag looked so adorable clutching the apothecary bag of seeds. You just know that she'll definitely make good use of the contents of that satchel and will honor the Keeper of the Seeds by planting her precious collection in the Citadel gardens in order to continue the eco-positive legacy of the Vuvalini.

I made a damn good mixtape for this specific moment in the movie if I do say so myself. Citadel liberated, Citadel victorious indeed! And for real, this movie deserves all the damn awards come awards season early next year otherwise outraged shit is going to hit the fandom's fan. Oscars, you have been warned.

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