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Fishinforpopcornio - Fog - Tumblr Blog
Okay hear me out, figure skater Regulus and Effie Potter as his coach. James goes to visit his mum and CRUMBLES. Does this exist? BECAUSE ITS A NEED.
James (who’s just started dating Regulus): The thing about sex with a guy, it's like getting your broom fixed at the actual dealership. They've got all the codes. You just plug right in. I mean, you like blow jobs, don't you, Moony?
Remus (who’s also gay but just wants to eat in peace): I'm eating a Fruit Corner, James.
James: Of course you do. But what's the most blow jobs you've ever had in one day? Like in the first happy days of a relationship?
Remus: One?
James : Right. Well, my life now is a 24/7 blow-job bonanza.
Remus: I very much regret starting this conversation
its the full moon lets all wish remus luck
Regulus: Guys, I need to tell you something
Regulus: I’m in love with my brothers best friend
Barty: Your own brother? The one that was disowned??
Regulus: Not my brother, his best friend
Dorcas: Remus?
Regulus: That’s my brothers boyfriend. I’m in love with his best friend
Pandora: Lily!?
Regulus: No, that’s Remus’ best friend
Regulus: It’s James, I’m in love with James
Evan: Your brothers best friend!?
Regulus: [heavy sigh]
James: From now on we will be using code names. You can address me as eagle one.
James: Lily, codename, been there done that.
James: Regulus is currently doing that.
James: Remus, it happened once in a dream.
James: Sirius, if I had to pick another Black.
James: Peter is... eagle two.
Peter: Oh, thank Merlin.
Regulus wanting a kiss but not wanting to ask cause James is in the middle of a conversation so he just stands there like 🧍till James notices him and gives him attention.

idk why but im thinking about age gap jegulus with divorced dilf late 30s james and early 20s regulus byeee
im gonna finally face my fears and start writing a fic soon. i need recs. like idk what situation (?? idk if thats the right word) to put them (jegulus) in. if u could either answer this or just post it on ur page for others to answer that’d be so cool! thanks cas!!
alright guys, give some suggestions!
I tend to like fics about them sneaking around, thinking they're being so cool, just to realize everyone knows about them lol
james wears his glasses ALL the time, its part of his charm you know he pushes his glasses up when they're falling and everybody loved james glasses cause its part of his personality
HOWEVER i think regulus also wears glasses but he hates them so he just wears them at house at night when no one is near his house basically, always wearing contacts. When james sees regulus with glasses its over, he thinks its the cutest thing ever and regulus likes the attention and starts to wears his glasses more (but only in front of james at their house
i just wanted to make a post to highlight my two favorite creators on here. i interact with them a lot and they interact back. they truly are amazing
@my-castles-crumbling and @lexithwrites
waiter: Kids under 5 and cops eat for free
Sirius: *nudging a 6 years old Nymphadora*
Her: I’m police
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for me for later (i love dinosaurs)
where all light comes in
Regulus Black spends a lot of time taking care of people. It’s been a while since someone took care of him. In which James is a single dad, Regulus is a nanny, and Harry is a little bit obsessed with dinosaurs.
Reblog if ia;kns;flkneofibjbfeq;ijbwf;jeb lj
any wolfstar raising harry fic recs? tia
for me for later
Thoughts and maybe HC on James x Evan? I read some fanfics and I need more of them:)
Okay so my lovely mutual @kat-m-toast sent me a James x Evan fic and it was so good??? It’s called honey (are you coming?) and pls read it’s spicy and sweet and amazing BUT in terms of my own here’s a couple:
- James is the cocky/bratty one of the two, he’s flirty and confident and Evan is just a lil grumpy but happy to flirt back
- when he’s drunk evan gets very handsy and James isn’t complaining
- they’re both the same height (I usually hc James taller but I could see them both 5’11 or 6’)
- their idea of foreplay is COD or football where they tackle each other for some reason
- evan drives them to McDonald’s after getting high and they make out in the car park
- they never really hold hands but there’s always an arm around someone’s shoulders
- evan is the most polite boy in front of James parents (then evil in the bedroom to him later)
who is crimson rivers by and where can i read it?
i need a jegulus hunger games fic rn

💗 💜 💙 !
sticker on redbubble!

[slytherin house party]
Evan [walking in, holding an antique bottle]: Hey is this whiskey or perfume?
Regulus: I think it’s—
Barty [grabs the bottle and chugs it]: It’s perfume
i was reading a fic on ao3 i really liked and now I LOST IT
i search the title and NOTHING
it was a jegulus fix called “chew me up but dont spit me out” and i need help finding it pls i need this back in my life :c
if anyone can help me via link or author name that’d be amazing
some gang rivals to lovers bartylus headcanons because im hyperfixating on barty rn and need to let this out:
some nsfw under the cut, they'll be in italics (everything is SSC)
the crouch family are quite new money because barty crouch sr brought back their original family business after his 'passive' father stopped it
barty is still getting used to being the son of a gang leader and having this insane respoinsibility but he lowkey loves it
he can drive nice bikes, go to clubs and bars and spend his money on drinking and weed as much as he wants
he stays away from harder drugs as his dad 'tests the product' so to speak
the crouch's product is drugs mainly so barty is usually always on jobs for his dad because the old man is rarely sober enough to do it
he has a switch blade on him at all times tucked into his shoe
the only reason he hasn't left the business is because of his mother and younger sister, they're his world
angelica crouch is five years younger than barty and starting to go out partying as well and he lowkey hates it and follows her to make sure shes safe, they get into constant arguments over this but she knows her brother is protecting her at all times
his mother is quite weak as she was born with muscular dystrophy and even though she was a sahm barty raised his sister just as much as she did
she also had barty young, 19, so they grew up together
barty's family has a lot of 'agreements' with other gangs and companies that shuttle their product discreetly but one family they don't talk to or have deals with is the black family
the crouch and black feud has been an ongoing thing for generations — pollux black and barty's grandfather almost killed each other before making a peace agreement to just stay away from one another
regulus black, the youngest member of his family, has always been shielded as his older brother and older cousins are the more aggressive ones in the family that help their parents
he tends to just spend their money and party instead of being apart of the violence or meet ups, but sometimes sirius takes him along to get him used to it
one of these meet ups ends with barty helping them as he was walking by when the hand over (the black family usually smuggle weapons as well as drugs) went wrong and the buyers tried it on with reg, barty shot them without thinking
regulus thinks he's a bit of a prick but he did save his life so he thanks him and sirius explains that as good as it was that he was there, he cannot talk to him as it goes against their agreement in the family
but then barty starts showing up where regulus is (his college, parties, pubs, his morning run etc) and even though they bicker as barty is a flirt and regulus 'isnt interested' things start to take a turn
one night regulus goes clubbing without his friends or sirius and tries to find barty himself at one of his father's clubs and some creepy guys start being weird around him and he's trying to leave but they follow him and then who tf appears from the shadows? barty
his knuckles are bloody and bruised by the time he's done and regulus insists he come back to his to try and clean him up, barty is a good fighter but those guys were twice his weight so he got hit kinda bad, and barty is reluctant but agrees
reg's bodyguards arent snitches but you know they're giving each other 'oop' looks when they see the crouch heir wandering into the apartment
reg cleans barty up and tells him to shower and then he sees how many fucking tattoos this guy has and maybe reg is turned on, maybe...
and he's trying so hard not to flirt with him or touch him but its REALLY hard okay barty is tall and hot and he's also protective as shit?
but then barty is sat on the kitchen counter in just his boxers and some short ass shorts that he borrowed from regulus and regulus is standing between his legs because they're bickering and god reg wants to touch his thighs because they're RIGHT THERE and barty knows he's staring so he just kisses him
reg instinctively slaps him and barty's like 'do it again'
they fuck like three times that night and god is it good
barty seems dominant and reg isnt into that but turns out barty is submissive but he has issues with bottoming from past relationships
so reg blows him and hes whimpering and choking himself and biting his bruised fucking knuckles to stop moaning so loud but reg is so good it hurts
and then reg rides him into the bed and chokes him and slaps him and barty is the happiest guy on the planet
plus hes really good at eating pussy so regulus gets him to do that a couple times
regulus has only been with two people before this because he doesn't wanna drag innocent people into his families life but barty is more violent than him so he doesnt care,,,,plus he makes him cum SO much its insane and he's never finished with anyone else before
his thighs are shaking every time they switch positions and the FLITH barty whispers into his ear when they fuck because he can be a little dominant sometimes when he's riled up enough and reg is just grinning the entire time because this boy might be his new favourite toy to play with
they smoke on the balcony together after one of the rounds and talk about how much they hate their families but they're staying for a few chosen people and it sucks but its how they were raised
the morning after barty has to leave but reg is like look i know we shouldnt but i wanna do that again and barty is like literally text me anytime of day and i'll be on my knees for you and reg is like bet
so they start up a lil fwb behind their families backs and they're sneaky about it but sirius and angelica get too close to catching them
this is basically all i've got so far but come on,,,,you see the vision