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Belles Finale Dress From Beauty And The Beast 2017 Doesnt Seem To Evoke The 1700s. If You Redesign The
Belle’s finale dress from beauty and the beast 2017 doesn’t seem to evoke the 1700s. If you redesign the shape of that dress, what would it be? A robe de cour or a sack back gown or a robe Anglais?
Oh, of course it does not. For the ones who have no idea what this is about, it’s this dress:

Since the occasion seems to be more like a country dance than a proper ball or court, I’d totally avoid a robe de cour (that dress was supposed to be worn at court only, think about it as the ultimate and most formal of all gowns).
Looking that the mood is pretty pastoral I would not use a robe à la française either, it would stand out too much next to the “simpler” dressed other women are wearing. Here I’m totally suspending my incredulity and even ignoring the fact that Dan Stevens’ style is pretty much mid-18th century and the other men are definitely at the last part of the century.
So, I’d change it into a robe à l’anglaise, probably in printed cotton, and i’d keep the neckline, the transparent sleeves (just for the lols), and maybe would play with the sheer fabric for a petticoat under the anglaise gown.
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Four different designs for “Beauty and the Beast” (Disney version): They all feature Belle in a blue, aproned dress for the opening, and Belle in a yellowish golden dress, and the Beast in a royal blue suit/tailcoat for the epic dance scene. But within that there are variations. The main difference in design ideas seems to be which century they set the story in. The animated version from 1991 (row 1), as well as the original Broadway production and those to follow (row 2), set the story in the mid 19th century, with wide crinoline skirts and corseted bodices for the ladies, and tailcoat for the beast. Later versions has explored the 18th century for the design as well, as was done in Germany and Italy (row 3) as well as Denmark (row 4). Of these the Italian/German one is my definite favourite. The costume designer Miguel Angel Huidor totally knew what’s essential to the 18th century, and managed to make it period plausible while still taking place in a fantasy world - AND making it look splendid. 1. and 2. From the animated 1991 movie. 3. and 4. Liz Schivener and Justin Glaser, US tour. 5. and 6. Arianna and Antonello Angiolillo, Milan and Rome. 7. Charlotte Guldberg, Copenhagen. 8. Mia Karlsson and Kristian Boland, Copenhagen.

The Great + Headpieces
Catherine the Great’s headpieces in Season 02 | Part 02 of 02.

It’s FRIDAY FASHION FACT! As Halloween approaches, costume parties seem to be happening all over the place. So this seems like the perfect time to talk about one of the most famous costume parties in history: The Duchess of Devonshire’s Diamond Jubilee Ball.
In the summer of 1897, the nation was celebrating Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, 60 years on the throne. At the time, this was the longest reign by a monarch in British history (A few years ago, Queen Elizabeth II became the second British monarch to reach this milestone, surpassing Victoria’s full reign a just few months ago.) Louisa Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire, was well known in society. Before marrying the Duke of Devonshire, she had been married to the Duke of Manchester, causing her to commonly be referred to as “The Double Duchess.” When she was a young woman in the late 1850s, she was appointed to the highly respected position of Mistress of the Robes, giving her influence over the Queen’s household. She became very close to the the Queen at this time, and though it is rumored that Victoria became less fond of the Duchess in later years, the Duchess remained close with several members of the royal family.
It was only natural, then, that she would throw one of the most lavish Jubilee celebrations. On July 2nd, all of society’s elite flocked to the grand Devonshire House. It is rumored that up to 3,000 princes, countesses, lords, and other nobility from far and wide attended the event, though that number is likely exaggerated as only 700 invitations were sent. Even the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VII, and the Duke of York, the future King George V, attended. While it was always expected that guests would “dress to impress” at such an occasion, the expectation was taken up a level, as the soiree was declared a fancy dress (aka costume) ball. All the attendants were asked to dress as members of famed royal courts, whether foreign, ancient, or mythological. Of course, not everyone followed the guideline exactly, many guests taking inspiration from classical art instead. Yet all took great care, and money, in ensuring their costumes were flawless.
Top couturiers, including the legendary Jean-Philippe Worth (son of Charles) were hired to create elaborate costumes, often encrusted in fine gems, and intricately embroidered with precious metals. Seamstresses worked tirelessly to fill the demand. More money was spent on some of these ensembles, which were only worn once, than many people at the time made in a year. These efforts did not go unnoticed, though. The Duchess had a temporary photography studio set up at the ball to memorialize all of the elaborate looks. Of course, with so many guests (and the fact that at the time, one had to sit still for over a full minute for a clear photo) not all were photographed. Several gentlemen specifically avoided it, as they did not want to be seen as “foolish.” Sadly, many of the images were lost over the years, with about 200 surviving. Even so, it is incredibly rare for so many images from a single event to exist from the late 19th Century. It was well known that the photos would be published after the event, so several guests returned to the photographer in costume during the following months if they were not satisfied with their original portrait.
The photos were printed on cards and sold to the masses, not an uncommon practice at the time. Yet the prints were not available for some time after the event, and naturally no one wanted to wait so long to learn the details of the event of the season. Luckily, the press was all over it. The very next day, the papers were filled with every minute detail of the party, complete with sketches of some of many of the costumes. The buzz about the event remained for some time after, and thanks to the beautiful images that remain, we can continue to fawn over the incredible looks today!
Have a question about fashion history that you want answered in the next FRIDAY FASHION FACT? Just click the ASK button at the top of the page!
Obi-wan: Anakin, blame Palpatine for swapping the competent and beloved clones for stormtroopers unable to shoot a turtle in front of them.
Anakin, dramatically standing there over the fire while stormtroopers couldn't hit a tall droid right in front of them:
I am surrounded by incompetent idiots and that's your fault Obi-Wan

Gold Clasped Hands, Hidden Heart Fede (Gimmal) Betrothal Ring, ca. 1840
via 1stdibs