folklore-fantasy-and-sci-fi - Folklore, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Folklore, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

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Honestly I Always Assumed This Was WHY He Cultivated A Pacifistic Approach To Life- Picture Little Tom

Honestly I always assumed this was WHY he cultivated a pacifistic approach to life- picture little Tom Bronson getting Traumatized bc he accidentally sent another kid to the hospital 😬

Tommy's pacifism is especially impressive when you remember the ease at which he could divorce someone's head from their body

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For me the funniest thing to come out of the goncharov meme was not any of the fake scenes or the nyt articles about it or whatever but the fact that due to the fact that he'd found it funny when I told him about it I got my dad several books by ivan goncharov for christmas that year as a joke fully expecting him to not even touch them BUT to everyone's surprise he read every single one cover to cover and liked them so much that he read dostoevsky and then read tolstoy and then pushkin and then gogol and now barely reads anything that isn't nineteenth century russian literature and also has started watching academic talks about crime and punishment and will randomly bring up shit like the politics present in bulgakov's writing in at LEAST half of our conversations. all because of goncharov

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lets do 5, 8, 9, 19 and 21

5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?

It's Halloween now so I definitely have a lot of Halloween pieces I want to do this year, but I haven't started yet thanks to my devotion to a big commission project at the moment.

8. What do you like most about your own work?

This might sound weirdly specific but I like small things in my character designs that I use when redrawing characters like my OC Dutch's hair line, Dawn's eye lashes, Don's big Dove eyes, ect.

9. What are you currently trying to improve?

I'm currently trying to change my art style a tad. Some of the changes I'm making are for the sake of consistency (My heads are sometimes too big, for example.) Other things I'm trying to do are bigger backgrounds on a more regular basis and variation in my lineart.

19. Favourite character(s) to draw?

Of my OCs? Definitely Chi

Chi from Key Stone- a woman with grey skin, black hair in a beehive, a yellow top with poofy sleeves, and small white balls in the style of a pearl necklace and pearl earings but they're floating by her face. She has her hands together in front of her and is smiling to reveal a teal tongue.
Chi with her hands over her head and a toothy smile as she shouts "Oh Yeah!" in stylized pixelated text in teal.
Chi standing next to Dutch from Key Stone (a white man with brown hair in a black and yellow sweater) Dutch is yelling at something off screen while Chi smiles serenely beside him not reacting to whatever he is looking at while looking in the same direction. The light on their faces is dappled as it streams through tree branches.

She has good shapes and a fun demeanor.

Of canon characters, Daredevil has so many fun poses and the way I've designed the points and edges on the Hawk's costumes is always satisfying to pull together (Like how I draw their elbows as the ends of their gloves.)

21. Weirdest thing you’ve ever drawn?

I was going to cheap out on you all and just put some weird rarepair or even that time I shipped Hank with one of my ocs for a bit, but I don't have an explanation for this one other than @ely-draws You are ALSO to blame

Alan Scott dressed as Karkat from Homestuck in a grey sweater with the cancer symbol on the chest and a pair of candy corn shaped horns grinning as he playfully glares at Jay Garrick who is dressed as dave strider in his god tier form with a red outfit complete with a blocky edged cape and sunglasses. Alan ins blonde with blue eyes and Jay has brown hair with a streak of grey on the side. Alan is also holding open the first volume of homestuck but the title has been shorted to homosuck- a popular joke from the comic itself.
"Just think how happy the kids'll all be," Jay says, the period at the end of the sentence stylized into a heart.
"I'm still not painting my skin grey," Alan insists.
"Then dye your hair for "'accuracy.'"

(Yes this is Jay Garrick and Alan Scott)

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Awesome! Thanks again

Random question, but AO3 seems to have eaten your fic “Sons of the Moon” ? Link says it doesn’t exist and it’s not in your profile- has it been deleted?

I still have the files but I did nuke it. The way I view Tom and Grant has changed since then. I still want to do a long form fic about them but basically rn the idea is to take the many many ideas I had for Sons and breaking it into individual fics. But thank you for asking! Maybe in January I'll get back to these loveable idiots!

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