Wildcat - Tumblr Posts

Injustice: Year Zero (2020) by Tom Taylor
They're literally "the same guy, different font"

(Accidentally posted a day early. Oh well)
3rd completed project everybody. I'm proud of it even tho it's a tad "quirky*

It's giving Tigerstar.
SERVAL!!! omg i love these guys so much they look like king cheetah caracal hybrids! they also kinda remind me of african wild dogs cuz of their dish-like ears XD i bet if i showed a pic of one of these to my ma (not as animal hyperfocused as me + dosent know difference of leopard, jaguar and somehow cheetah) will prob say this is a cheetah cub lolol i wish greedy people would just let them live in the wild and not keep them as pets where they dont belong tho-its so sad like bruh just adopt a reg cat :(
couldnt draw the rest of the wild kitty cuz their epic markings are so detailed and cool :')

(request by @fruitbatz12! tysm!! absolutely love wild cats so it was fun to draw this one even tho i couldnt finish it!)
Yee...👹🐷🥺,These Lovely Dorks...😼😈
BBS from oldest to youngest
Name: Luke Patterson.
Birthday: September 21, 1982
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 35
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Name: Ryan
Birthday: June 28, 1983
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 34
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Lui Calibre
Name: Lui
Birthday: July 4, 1984
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 33
Zodiac sign: Cancer
H2O Delirious
Name: Jonathan
Birthday: May 2, 1987
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 30
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Moo Snuckel
Name: Brock
Birthday: June 17, 1987
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 30
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Name: Marcel Cunningham
Birthday: May 8, 1990
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 27
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Name: Anthony Brown
Birthday: December 4, 1990
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 27
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Name: Brian Hanby
Birthday: March 23, 1991
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 26
Zodiac sign: Aries
Name: Scotty
Birthday: 23 May 1991
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 26
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Name: Evan Fong
Birthday: May 31, 1992
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 25
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Daithi De Nogla
Name: David Nagle
Birthday: July 6, 1992
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 25
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Name: Tyler Wine
Birthday: September 14, 1992
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 25
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Mini Ladd
Name: Craig Thompson
Birthday: January 7, 1995
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 22
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Name: Lucas
Birthday: April 29, 1997
Age (to 30.12.2017) : 20
Zodiac sign: Taurus
*edited version, things that were edited are with italics font
!Yee!,(My Fav Boys Ever...,Not Evan & Jon...,Sorry, Guys...).🐷👹😼😈
Delirious: Lets gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song. Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Delirious: And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong. But it'll help if you just sing along
Vanoss: Bom Bom Bom...
Delirious: [sings it fast] C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Delirious and Vanoss: And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong But it'll help if you just sing along
Cartoonz: [Delirious and Vanoss still singing] How... how long have they been doing this?
Wilscat: [exhausted and close to loosing sanity] Three... Hours...
!Finally!,!My 2 Babes!🐷😼👹😈,Obviously I Had Subscribed To Them Thanks To Vanoss!>]

1)sorry about the long post
2) i suck at editiing
3) the meme thing does not belong to me
They're So Smol When They Team Up In,"Among Us"...😼😈
They're friends.

Oh,Goodness...,!Yes!,!They're Fun Together!🐷😼👹😈,Literally,Bug Enjoys 'Em Every Day...

I live for their interactions
Such Beautiful Faces...,😼😈

I actully forgot to post it on tumblr But I did post it on twitter tho
Hey,Mortals...,!I'm Back In Tumblr,But It's Really Fun Creating All Of My Stories Along OC's And Youtubers,(Ugh...,Geez). But,Well,Also,I'll Shall Make More Of My Au,"Tyler & The Devil's Flower",(I'll Will Not Include Ohm,Mini & Lui Anymore In This Story 'Cause There Has Been Some Strange BBS Drama In All Medias...,Just Piggy & Demon Only).
Spoiler Alert:'Toonz Kisses Wildcat,& Then,Piggy Punches Him In His Nose...🐷👹😌,(You Know, Bud...,I'm Simping For Lord 'Toonz & Wildcat..., Even Though They Got Their Gfs,(Soon To Be Wives).
Hey,I Love Wildtoonz...,¿Could You Do a Cute Oneshot Of This Rare Pair,Please?🐷👹
((Oh, yeah!! Of course, those two own my heart too!))
Tyler takes a while to get used to people. Maybe it was because he was just in same group of friends for so long, and they went so long unchanging that he grew used to it and just forgot how to make a friend. That was, until Jonathan brought in two more to their group, Ryan and Luke. Evan had accepted them both pretty quickly, and of course the group was welcoming them in with open arms, but Tyler felt weird. It was just odd seeing two people being accepted so fast, odd seeing them getting close to all of his friends like they’ve known them all of their lives. Luke was the odder one though, he reminded him of Evan in a sense of constantly acting like a leader, constantly getting close enough to Tyler’s position of the friend group- which he was obviously the smart one, and then he would just drop back down to being another dumb ass of the party. It drove Tyler crazy.
Maybe he was just a little scared of new people, but he doubted it. He doubted it a lot.So, to prove that wrong he actually made it his goal to talk to them when he could, joke around, due his usual friendly stuff while keeping up his appearance of ‘I hate everyone’ so they wouldn’t know the difference on if he actually hated them or not.
Then it happened. He started noticing more things about Luke, like the way he got a little touchier with friends, or how he acted like a protector to Jon and Ryan, ready to bite off a hand that would try to touch either of the two. He noticed the fond smile he’d get on his face when something good happened to the group, he’d notice the loving stare in his eyes when he’d talk to Tyler- no, Tyler knew he was imagining that. He was becoming stupidly infatuated with Luke, and he didn’t need that.
As the time went, Tyler just found himself avoiding the two more. Not that he wouldn’t talk to them, he would share a joke or two, maybe join a small conversation, but he was never really in it. If it came down to the group doing stuff as a whole, he’d cancel, or, if he did go he’d stick to someone’s side who wasn’t Ryan or Luke, is what it meant.
But, sadly he just couldn’t get away now. Lui was throwing a party- which wasn’t unusual. He had one or two a year. This year he decided to get a new house and throw himself a huge housewarming party. Fine. Good.It was huge, lots of space to escape and not deal with idiots or assholes- aside from his friends.
But, that wasn’t happening. All he did was grab a beer, that’s all he did, when Evan slid from out behind him and grinned. “Hey Luke! I bet Tyler could out drink ya!” And, Tyler almost choked on his sip. “Evan!” he groaned, looking at him with murder in his eyes but the Canadian just winked at him. Fucking winked. Luke came walking over, a smooth smile on his face that made Tyler feel an unwelcomed sensation twist in his stomach. But, he didn’t show it much, though it may have slipped through with his irritation pointed towards Evan. “That so, Ty?” Luke asked, gaining his attention easily. “Cause I don’t think you could,” he stated. And, if there’s one thing Tyler hated more then people, it was a challenge. “Oh really?” he huffed, a dare crossing through his eyes. “Of course,” the southerner replied, a tempt in it that Tyler rolled his eyes with though a smile crossed his face. “Alright, I’m boutta prove your ass wrong,” he chuckled. So it was set, the two managed a table and the guys brought some rounds over as the two held a small staring contest. Evan had decided to stand besides Tyler and help him out, along with Brock who was really just there to make sure things don’t get too out of hand. Jon and Ryan were helping Luke.
Lui stood at the head of the table, grinning like a child, and talking like one to hype up the small crowd that formed. “Hey,” Luke started, gaining Tyler’s eye, “May the best drunk win?” Tyler eyed him for a minute before he slowly smiled and nodded. “May the best drunk win,” he agreed.
Tyler didn’t win.
Tyler was far from winning. It wasn’t that he was even drunk, just his stomach decided to kick him in the ass after he saw Luke wink at him and he had to rush to the nearest bathroom. The bubbly sensation of a nervous feeling mixed with becoming nauseous with alcohol didn’t mix well, as it turns out.
Who knew? Well, now Tyler did. As he leaned back with a gasp, his lungs pleading for air as he leaned on the wall behind him, a nervous knock sounded at the door.
“Tyler?” His mind was too foggy with a sick feeling for him to tell who it was, so he grunted out a response as a way of saying “come on in”. He forced himself to look over as the door opened, and to his dismay, in came Luke. Luke with a worried look in his eyes that just didn’t suit him and Tyler hated that he noticed it. Yet, he didn’t know why he hated that. Maybe he was a little drunk after all, maybe tipsy.
“You alright?” he asked.
Tyler wanted to ask if he was stupid, but he just sighed and nodded. “Yeah. I’m good. Just got a little sick- I swear any other day I’d beat you,” he pointed out, and he heard a deep chuckle that made his heart flutter. “Sure you would,” was the response, another challenge for another day that Tyler would bring up again. Luke sat by Tyler on the floor, a little gross considering it was the bathroom, but whatever. Tyler didn’t care, he was enjoying the company more than he thought and it wasn’t weird for people to camp the bathrooms- he once walked in to Anthony and Evan passed out in the bathtub and Marcel on the floor.
He gave Luke a look, watching as he opened his mouth to say something, but then shook his head. “What?” he asked, and Luke shrugged. “It’s just... I’m honestly a little surprised you even agreed to drink with me,” he answered, an awkward laugh leaving him, “I just always got the feel you didn’t like me much- course Jon said that’s just how you act, but I don’t know. Didn’t believe him until now.”
Tyler didn’t expect to feel a little hurt on being called out for disliking Luke, but he was sort of happy Jon covered up for him.
He supposed he didn’t really hate Luke, he was just... intimidated. So, he told him just that, and Luke laughed in response. “Intimidated? By me?” he repeated, another laugh following that made Tyler frown and curl up a bit. “Shut up! You were just... I don’t know, I thought the guys started liking you more,” he mumbled, avoiding looking.
A silence fell again and Luke shuffled closer, albeit a tad hesitantly. “I’m sorry,” he spoke slowly, “It’s just funny. I was really intimidated by you when Jon got me and Ryan talking to you guys- fucking terrified, actually. You just seemed like you were constantly judging someone.” Tyler snorted. “I am, and it’s usually always Evan or David.”
They both laughed and they slowly fell into a content quiet.Tyler rested his head on Luke’s shoulder, a smile crossing his face as the other tensed up.
“consider yourself special, Luke,” he stated, yawning as he did, “I actually like you. Better not use this power for stupid shit like Anthony does sometimes.” It was a joking threat but Luke nodded. “Of course!” But, there was still something lingering. Luke wanted to say something, if the way he would take small glances or the little twitches said anything. Jon did similar things.
“What else?” Tyler decided to ask, “You have something to add?”
A breath as sucked in, loud and clear, and then a smaller one out. “I’m really sorry, Tyler,” he stated, gently pushing him up. Tyler sat up straight and looked back at him in confusion. Luke avoided eye contact and he nodded. “I... look, I’m sweet on ya- I mean it, I really like you. Jon’s got my head twisted up- he told me to tell you but,” he slowly trailed and then deflated. “I know.”
The a surprised look flashed over Luke’s face. “What?” he asked, looking up to meet Tyler’s grin. “I know,” he responded. “Evan likes to tell me about it all the time, Jon talks, and Evan can’t hold a secret,” he laughed. Luke swore under his breath about killing Jon as his face turned a bit red. “Well then?” he asked. Tyler leaned over, pressing a little kiss to his cheek, smiling a small bit.
“Don’t tell Jon and Evan I ratted them out and I’ll go on a date with you.”
Maybe Tyler was drunk, maybe he wasn’t, maybe Luke was- who knows. But, what people do know is Marcel found them asleep in the bathroom later that night and threw a small hissy fit about it because “If I can’t sleep in the bathroom how come they can?”
Well,I Love Pig & Demon...🐷👹😼😈,(They're Very Amazing And Wonderful). :)

Smol boys :0
!Wooooow!,!Devil's Carnival Sounds Exciting For Me!:)
Devil’s Carnival
Gonna post stuff about this Au of mine. Let’s get to the Boys and what they do!
Cartoonz: The Ring Master/Boss of everyone else. He is the demon that runs the carnival and uses the Human Audience’s Happiness to fuel his power and keep the Carnival alive. Though the Audience goes home feeling very drained it doesn’t hurt them in anyway ( gotta keep customers coming). He takes misfits off the road makes a deal with them so they can work for him. Your Soul for Shelter/Food/ and a place to call Home. There is no way to break his deal and you are stuck with the Carnival forever. But hey you get a pretty nice place to live.
Nogla: The Beast Tamer. He keeps the audience on the edge of their seats as he displays his wonderful beast dogs Joe and Tony. He is the only person who can keep these guys in check and has they do tricks for the humans. Joe and Tony are twice his size and have large teeth that could break him in half but they love him too much to do that. He made a deal with Cartoonz so he could keep his dogs ( when they were normal). Cartoonz granted his wish but with a twist making them monsters. He spends his down time playing with them and grooming them.
Vanoss: The Beauty in The Sky. Turned half owl but his deal Evan performers daring tricks in the sky for the audience. He flies through flaming hoops and performers captivating dances that humans call enchanting. With large beautiful wings as arms and wonderful feathers the humans can’t look away. On his down time he spends time playing guitar. ( Note think of a Harpy. Like winged arms with claws at the end. Plus bird feet.) He wanted to be famous and got his wish.
Delirious: Real Live Fish Man. Half man half shark ( think of Aquaman but like with fins and sharp teeth). He performs underwater stunts and escape acts. Most humans think he’s someone in a suit but he is the real deal. For an extra buck you can touch his fins. On his down time he’s taking to a certain Bird Boy he has a crush on. Why did he sell his soul?? No one knows…
Wildcat: Strong Pig. Half man Half Pig All Temper. He breaks cars in half and eats metal for breakfast. Tyler performs to things like pulling a buss full of weights with his teeth. Bending a metal bar into a bow. And punching your ex in the face for free! Just be careful he has a temper and will punch you straight to the moon!! He sold his soul to be the toughest and he got his wish. He spends his down time listening to soft music.
Ohm: Bunny Illusionist. Now you see him now you don’t. It’s all about the magic with this Bunny but this time he’s pulling you out of a hat. Step right up to be his assistant as he performers jaw dropping magic the whole family will love ( the Carnival isn’t responsible to any lost family members during his performance!) Tired of his acts being turned down due to his lack of sight he finally has a shot to perform for the world. Cartoonz has a soft spot for the rabbit and he hasn’t lost his soul…yet.
Marcel: he doesn’t performers but he makes sure this place is up and running. Mess with his things and you are sure to get a wrench to the head. He needed a home so Cartoonz gave him one…for a small price.
Now put your hands together for our new addition…..Brock!!
“ Wh-What! I don’t want to be in a Carnival!”
You have no choice!
Brock( Moo): new to the crew and ready to please. What kind of act will Cartoonz have in story for our hero? Find out in Devil’s Carnival!! Coming to an AO3 Near You!!!
Paper Airplanes and Face Masks (Hournite)

Summary: Beth has Rick over for the night and is determined to get him in a face mask.
Warnings: Mild allusions to abusive gardian.
Category: Fluff
Note: this is my first attempt at fanfiction, please leave your thought about it below:)
Training lasted longer than usual that day. By the time it was over, the sun was already saying goodbye and slowly receded to the west. Pat had tried his best to make the obstacles more difficult in an effort to mirror what he believed was to come in the battles ahead.
The new JSA tried their best to work with and without their abilities, all while trying to work together as a team. It was challenging to say the least, not many of them had much experience working with others.
Curly blonde locks stuck to Courtney's face as she asked Yolanda if she needed to be driven home. The other girl thankfully accepted the offer before running off to grab her things.
Pat, hearing he was now driving Yolanda, went to the next girl who had no mode of transportation.
"Do you need a ride?" He asked Beth who faced away from him, her eyes instead on the boy leaning on the entrance of the building.
"Oh, no thank you." she replied sweetly.
"Okay, just make sure to get home safe." the man instructed, making his voice loud enough for the boy to hear him as well.
Rick turned his head to Pat, giving him a single nod before pushing himself off the wall and walking out toward the road.
"Will do Mr. Dugan." Beth replied brightly before briskly walking in the direction of the boy, goggles slung around her neck, the straps of her backpack gripped in broth her hands.
She found him standing still outside of the building, staring at his path home with a scowl.
He wasn't all that fond of going back to his house, knowing who would be there when he arrived, though with the hourglass he would be able to defend himself if need be. He quickly found himself sinking into his own mind, the multitude of reasons why that was a very bad idea taking over his thoughts.
His dark thought process was interrupted by a hand delicately brushing against his shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Beth asked in her sweet, yet concerned voice.
Rick nodded curtly and turned his gaze to the ray of sunshine beside him. Beth wore her wide smile and big doe eyes, wearing him down and making him want to tell her everything.
But he didn't, thinking better of it.
"I'm just getting ready to walk home."
"Me too!" she shook her head eagerly.
He nodded once more, awkwardly, in a gesture of understanding.
The two stood in a thick silence, Beth's hands were now shoved deep in her jean pockets as she contemplated opening her mouth again.
Rick began to walk in the direction of his house when Beth let out a quick, "Do you want to come over to my house?"
The boy stilled wondering if Beth had actually offered.
"I mean, you can if you want to. My parents are working tonight, and tomorrow night, and most nights. They've been doing that a lot recently." she laughed in an attempt to hide her sadness.
"It's getting dark, my uncle won't like me out for so long."
He heard the girl shuffle closer.
"You know, if he tries anything, Pat can always take his robot and exchange some...words," she tried. "Or any of us could suit up and do it. Not just for this, just any time you need."
Rick almost laughed, the image of Beth in her costume coming to his door to threaten his uncle, huge goggles and all, entering his head.
"Thanks for the offer, but I'm still not sure that's the best ide-" he stopped himself at the sight of Beth, shoulders slumped, but eyes still bright as ever.
He realized in that moment that she was just like him, lonely and in need of some company.
"Umm...maybe just for tonight." he gave in.
"Yes!" Beth squealed excitedly, hooking her arm through his and turning them in the direction of her house.
As they walked, Beth rattled on about everything from homework to superheroes. Rick had to hold back the smile that threatened to make it's way onto his face at the sound of her enthusiasm.
They made it to Beth's house quite quickly. The girl unlinked their arms and began to rummage through her bag in searched of her keys. Rick wouldn't admit his disappointment at the lack of contact, but he would make note of how he suddenly felt the warmth leave his body when Beth pulled away.
They entered into darkness, no one was home and all the lights were off, Beth haphazardly used her hand to search the wall beside her for the light switch. As she flicked it on, brightness washed over the two. Rick squinted his eyes at the sudden intrusion of light.
"Okay, you can put your stuff here, or you can take it to my room, or just keep it with you. Whatever you want to do." Beth supplied as she began speeding to her kitchen. "Alright, what kind of snacks do you like? We have a bit of everything, sweet, sour, savory. Unless you wanted some dinner, I should have some leftovers from the other day that I could heat up for you." she offered.
"No thanks."
"Are you sure, I have cookies." she called, walking out of the kitchen and holding a clear container filled with some cookies she had caught Rick eyeing the day prior.
This time he couldn't stop his lips from turning upward in a small grin, he nodded his head.
Beth pumped her fist in the air before grabbing Rick's arm and dragging him to her room. She plopped down on her bed opening the container and taking a bite out of the sweet.
"So what do you want to do first?" she questioned, extending the box for Rick to take from. "We can do homework, watch a movie, Chuck has this great karaoke setting-" she gasped. " Ooh, we can do face masks. I was going to do them with Court and Yolanda next weekend but there's no time like the present."
"What why?"
"Cause I don't want you putting anything on my face."
"But it'll be fun." she tried.
"Nope. Let's just finish the homework and then you can pick a movie." Rick countered.
" How about we finish the homework and then we do face masks."
"Not happening."
"I can help you," she sang "and Chuck knows all the answers."
"Still no." Rick shook his head calmly.
Beth's shoulders slumped but she soon fixed her posture and shrugged. She grabbed her backpack from the side of her bed. She shuffled through it and pulled out her folder full of assignments. She grasped her geometry packet and began working on it. Rick sat down at the foot of the bed, he too got out the homework and began start on the page.
They worked in mostly silence for half an hour, Beth occasionally looking to Chuck for guidance, earning a long and extremely detailed account of every question and answer she asked about. Rick tried his best to focus on the paper in front of him, but he was just plain disinterested in the numbers, letters, and shapes on the page. He instead opted to scribble down the first answers that came to his mind, accuracy be damned, just wanting to finish as soon as possible.
He rubbed his eyes in an attempt to restore the little energy he had before taking out the assignment to no avail. When he looked back to the work, he was surprised to see a paper airplane made out of a sticky note set on top of his work.
He stared at the small plane in front of him before turning his gaze to Beth who was laying on her bed, appearing to be concentrated on the packet on her bed, tapping her pencil on the comforter as she looked over the page.
Rick moved his eyes back to the paper airplane, gingerly unfolding the wings to see in neat handwriting the words,
Face mask plz:)
He snapped his head to the girl who's face was now hidden behind her folder. She peeked her head out shyly only to see Rick rolling his eyes playfully and once again shaking his head no.
Turning his attention back to his homework, Rick wrote down the solutions to three more problems before an airplane landed on his lap.
He haphazardly opened the paper up to read the words,
Please. It'll be really fun. Please.
Before Rick had the chance to reply with a no, yet another airplane cascaded across his field of vision landing just beside his shoe. He leaned to pick it up and undid the neatly folded paper.
Pretty please with cookies on top?
Rick furrowed his brows and turned his body to face to girl, who was now at the foot of the bed, her chin was resting atop the box of cookies from before. Her big eyes and hopeful smile pleaded with him to reconsider.
He caved.
He let his head fall to his chest and pinched the bridge of his nose. He raised one hand and lifted his index finger.
"Once, we do this once."
Beth's entire face lit up as she squealed "Yay!" dashing off her bed she leaned down to give Rick a quick hug before running to get the supplies from her bathroom.
Rick begrudgingly made his way over to the side of her bed and sat down uncomfortably. But if he was being honest, he would do this a thousand times just to see the overjoyed expression that overtook her features at his compliance.
She returned holding a tube in one hand and a brush in another. Rick guessed to brush would be used to apply the mask.
"Okay, you ready?" she asked, popping open the cap and squeezing out a dollop of the mixture onto the brush.
"Why is it green?" Rick interrogated.
"Because it's matcha." Beth said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. At Rick's confused face she explained sweetly, "it's a type of green tea that's really popular to use in face masks."
He nodded cautiously as Beth stepped closer to him. She was directly in front of him as she softly touched the brush to his face. He hissed and pulled back quickly.
"Why is it cold?"
"It's not necessarily that it's cold. It's just that you're hot." Rick's eyebrows shot up. Beth didn't even realize what she had said until he made the gesture. "I didn't mean it like that! Not that you're not, it's just that- ugh, I meant body temperature. The average human body is between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit and this," she held up the face mask tube, "is very much below that temperature." she rambled. "Besides, would you rather this be warm?"
Rick just stayed silent.
Beth gently brushed all around his face, sometimes imploring him to stop scrunching up his face. Rick hated to say it, but it was actually kind of relaxing. There weren't many times where someone tried to take care of him for a change.
"Alrighty, all done." the girl announced, removing the brush from his face and stepping back.
"How long do I have to keep this on for?"
"Until it's completely dry."
"And when is that?"
"Ummm..." Beth searched for an answer. " once it's hard to smile, you should be good to wash it off."
"I don't smile."
"I'm well aware, you can just wait till I take mine off."
She moved over to her mirror and began applying the mask to herself.
"I feel like an idiot." Rick complained.
"You are not, you look super cute!" Beth chided.
"I'm not sure if that's worse."
The boy watched her apply the mask all over her face, he couldn't control the expression of love and adoration that graced his face as he observed her.
He stayed like that for God knows how long until Beth turned to fully face him. He could say with the utmost confidence it was the most adorable thing he had ever seen in his life. Her face was green like his and a wide smile lit up her face.
There was no denying the smitten appearance he held as he gazed at Beth.
He was ripped from his trance when he heard the snap of Beth's phone camera. She smiled cheekily and clasped her hands behind her back.
"Beth." Rick began dangerously. "Don't do it Beth." already knowing she would share the photo.
"Just let me send it to Court and Yolanda." she pleaded.
"No, Beth."
Beth gripped her phone tightly behind her back as her eyes wandered to her open room door. Rick saw the plan forming in her mind and raced to beat her to the door. She ducked under his arm and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
Rick knocked on the door frantically, "Come on, Beth. What's the point?"
"The point is you look adorable and that is not something that should be hidden from the world. And by world I mean the team." she called from behind the door.
"Beth Chapel I will turn this hourglass over right now and take this door off it's hinges." he said in an attempt to sound threatening.
"We both know you won't," Beth stated matter of factly.
"Dammit." Rick grit his teeth knowing she was right.
He heard the door unlock behind him, Beth wore a wide grin. He groaned, knowing he was completely incapable of actually being mad at her.
"Was it at least a good picture?" he asked, defeated.
"You tell me," Beth instructed, handing over her phone to the boy before slipping past him and back to her room.
The screen showed a picture of Rick, covered in a green face mask. But that's not what really got him. Plastered on his face clear as day was a lovestruck expression that could rival that of Beth's favorite rom-coms.
He sighed, accepting his fate. There would for sure be hell to pay the next day. He was certain Courtney and Yolanda would never let him live it down. But at the moment he wasn't to bothered.
"Is it okay if I put on 'The Breakfast Club'?" He heard from the other room. He lowered the phone and walked back to the room, prepared to spend the rest of the night with the adorable being that was Beth Chapel.
The End ♡
Again I will reiterate, this is my first time posting a fanfic so I would really appreciate some positive feedback, or if there was something you saw that you didn't really like please leave it in the comments, politely please. I am but an emotionally fragile egg trying my best. If you want to see more hournite oneshots or headcanons let me know. Thanks
Sincerely, Tessa.