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vworp vworp

★ Max/Raven ★ she/it ★ 18 ★ 🇪🇸 ★ 1# Eleventh Doctor Defender & Bowtie Boy Enjoyer ★ Markiplier, Doctor Who, Dead Boy Detectives, Matt Smith, Good Omens, Trigun .. pfp by @chandlerjoed on twt!

281 posts

Getting Increasingly More Confused About The Vault With These Short Scenes There's In Every Episode About

getting increasingly more confused about the vault with these short scenes there's in every episode about it. Like ik I'll be able to connect dots eventually but right now my mind has made the assumption that it has to do with Missy 🤔

the relationship between Nardole and The Doctor is piquing my interest too. Nardole seems really serious on the Doctor sticking to that oath, but he's still superior to him in a way so Nardole kind of waits around as he does things he shouldn't do.

I will also say Bill has amazing sass ✨

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1 year ago

I love hyperfixating so hard on things (doctor who I'm looking at you) because I wake up, my brain is still booting up, but the part of the brain designated to thinking of that thing specifically is already up and running

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1 year ago

Biggest hindrance of Doctor Who being a family show is that it ends up preventing authenticity. By which I specifically mean there's no damn way that Donna's response to some of the things The Doctor says wouldn't have been "Fuck off."

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1 year ago

i truly believe that if donna would have heard 10th doctor saying "time lord victorious" she would have laughed in his face and the pure embarrassment would have fixed him

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