freedommust22 - Live your world...!
Live your world...!

Art account: I have to many internet names and this is my very personal blog where I post some things. Mostly fandom stuff, and shennanigans. [They/He] I try to be nice though so by all means don't be scared to talk to me :)

965 posts

The People Of KyoAni Bring Me Such Joy And Hope Through Their Beautiful Talent. Its Such A Horrific Devastation

The people of KyoAni bring me such joy and hope through their beautiful talent. It’s such a horrific devastation what happened to them today. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families and, again, I’m ready and willing to donate what I can if the company releases any information once the dust has settled. It’s the least I can do.

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More Posts from Freedommust22

6 years ago

It's great that somebody finally admitted it. What's worse is that I do not know why Xemnas would even spoil a perfectly manipulated young nobody like Roxas like that. He left cause of Xion, if you ask me, for a supposed smart strategic character he shouldn't have been so careless.

Don't get me wrong, in my opinion, the Seasalt Ice Cream trio are the best at the portrayal of friendship in Kingdom Hearts. Like, I like the Destiny and Wayfinder trio but if you're going to ask me which of them felt like true friendship, I will definitely pick Roxas, Axel and Xion's story. Yet the problem with Xion is she lacks as much character as both Roxas and Axel. She is quite literally a replica of Roxas.

So if the whole Xionort thing is indeed confirmed to be canon then that is a great way to give her a purpose more than being a plot point. (As much as that hurts)

just saw the sentence “days wouldnt have existed without xion” and hm. yeah, of course it wouldnt. not in the way we know it, anyway. 

but the basic idea of that game was to provide insight on roxas’ life in the organization and why he ultimately left (and got kidnapped) and…

that plot could have very easily happened without her. there could have been a million other non-xion ways for roxas to end up at that point where hes like “hey fuck this actually” and leave

like… idk man. i like xion and all, but she’s not as Vitally Important as ppl want her to be. 

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6 years ago
Some Character References For Utanne. No Color For Now, Buuuut I Might Remake This With Color Once I
Some Character References For Utanne. No Color For Now, Buuuut I Might Remake This With Color Once I

Some character references for Utanne. No color for now, buuuut I might remake this with color once I feel like it. Which I won't for now cause I'm lazy.

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5 years ago

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

i built a miniature audience out of ads I got in the mail


Someone peeled off 20 years worth of subway ads to reveal this Road Trip poster, circa 2000.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This furniture hardware is sorted by step rather than by type.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My toothpaste came out looking like a nose

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This pile of excavated fire hydrants.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My tour guide’s tool for picking up littered bottles along the trail.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My friends GIANT sunflower

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

The ‘scream’ on the wings of a butterfly in the wild in India

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

The ants in my garage built a bridge over my glue trap

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My friend’s cat was recently put down, and the vet gave him this paw print of his cat that is full of flower seeds to be planted

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My picture of today’s sunset looks like it is from GTA.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

One cup of sand from every beach and desert I visited over the past 3 years.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This spot in my high school where people pivot on the stairs

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

The difference in lighting between my sister’s room vs my room at the exact same time of day.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This rainbow coming out of our dumpster.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My grandparents clock measures time on a one week scale instead of a 12 hour one

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This rusty lock gate looking like a painting.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

These huge blueberries I found.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

I found an old picture my dad had drawn on Microsoft paint and printed out.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

I found a mussel with natural goggly eyes

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This unusual STOP sign

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

The book I was reading on the plane mentioned the flight I was reading it on.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

This old apartment complex that’s now filled with restaurants and boutique stores in Saigon

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

A chain of convenient marts have begun installing blue fluorescent lights to prevent people from shooting up in them. (The blue lights makes it nearly impossible to find a vein.)

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

Sand sculpture I was lucky to see on my morning walk

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

Someone draws pictures on the whiteboard at my hospital with dry erase markers every week or so.

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My statue of Zeus broke and now he looks like he’s throwing someone a roll of toilet paper

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

I extracted me and my husband’s brains from MRI images and he 3D printed them

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

My kitten has hearts behind her ears!

Mildly Interesting Dump #6

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5 years ago

Neat city designs

You can take a slide instead of the escalators in this mall in Prague.

Neat City Designs

The fountains in my neighborhood are dog accessible

Neat City Designs

In South Korea, rain’s water is stored through an hydraulic system so it can later clean up the streets

Neat City Designs

A train has bike storage so cyclists don’t take up space with their bicycles inside the carriages.

Neat City Designs

Free water bottle refill fountain with a filter

Neat City Designs

There’s a carousel with a sea turtle on the floor so disabled children don’t miss out on the fun.

Neat City Designs

This bathroom lets you know which stalls are available with lights

Neat City Designs

A smart crosswalk that helps alert drivers and pedestrians during nighttime or bad weather

Neat City Designs

A bus with a library to make your daily trip less boring

Neat City Designs

The highway has a special lane that wirelessly charges electric cars while driving.

Neat City Designs

This store that sells children’s items has a tiny door for kids to walk through.

Neat City Designs

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5 years ago

when she says she doesn’t send nudes


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