Art account: http://freemaker-miliu.tumblr.com I have to many internet names and this is my very personal blog where I post some things. Mostly fandom stuff, and shennanigans. [They/He] I try to be nice though so by all means don't be scared to talk to me :)
965 posts
Freedommust22 - Live Your World...! - Tumblr Blog

What does it take to teach a bee to use tools? A little time, a good teacher and an enticing incentive. Read more here: http://to.pbs.org/2mpRUAz
Credit: O.J. Loukola et al., Science (2017)
I know I’m being an insufferable worldbuilding nerd here, but my basic metric for evaluating media with very inhuman protagonists is “how easily can one offer a complete and coherent account of this media’s plot without ever mentioning the fact that the protagonist is, for example, a talking car?”. The harder it is, the higher it scores.
put a 17 year old ‘adults dni’ person and an 18 year old ‘minors dni’ person in a locked room together i would love to see what happens
Head empty, just angy fish

Oh noooooooo! The mystery is solved! You’ve solved my final riddle, you are ze new riddle master... Congratulations… You have proven yourselves... quite the adventurers... oh, I’ve landed on Bryan- Bryan, ahhh… Bryan, I’m so proud of zem… I’m going to die now... My life is flagging from my body... I’ll see my family... goodbye cruel worrrrld-
So uhhhh wait just a minute.
I get that C!Awesam is having an amazing time rn with his new roommate C!Dream, but now I gotta wonder how exactly is this gonna work with C!Sam still having multiple bodies.
Are they not different hosts lead by C!Sam using his own consciousness? Why can't just C!Sam escape through moving to them? Doesn't he have a main body he should worry about? Confusion.
I just adore the idea of Dream having a chat whom left him. I know this stream isn't lore but it's a cute additional depth for him asnamdjslsnd let me live.
Dream saw Ranboo’s “I’m sorry” sign and put one above it asking “why?”
Now how do we make this mean something to the story skdhdj
I'm desperate pls
The masculine urge to wish so hard for other streamers to canonize Wilbur's lore even somewhat cause it's so good.
Wilbur said it is a Canon Divergent AU now cause of... you know lol
But just bullshit saying he survived or only lost his 2nd life and we're golden! It fits so perfectly with current Prison lore and I just don't want to sacrifice Techno and Tubbo reconciliation over closure for Revivedbur, please don't make me choose lol :,)
Wa I think it could fit in canon, it would be set during the quiet period before the prison escape wouldn’t it?
I told y'all.
I feel validated, my theory is shaping up to be correct! Oh my gosh!
Ironic that my first DSMP lore analysis here is about a character who's arc is ending but here we go.
I heard people have been having thoughts on how C!Wilbur's arc is disappointing because it was set up that he is going to be this massive big deal in Season 3 and he will blow shit up again and save his Dreamie Hero and play the main villain again mwahahahaha!
And while that is fair, I expected that as well, maybe this quiet end and resolution that I am sensing CC!Wilbur is starting... Miiiiiiiight be the point?
We've seen C!Wilbur entrenched with the need to be relevant. His symphony, his legacy. C!Wilbur liked playing these roles of Hero or Bad Guy. This need to be seen being a core part of his character, especially with what little we've seen with him and C!Philza's relationship ("I hope he's proud of me), and a popular interpretation of what makes C!Quackity intriguing to him ("Someone who looks at him, not as "insane" not as 'evil' or a 'freak' but rather just unpredictable. Human. This is exciting for Revivedbur. He feels human again.")
So wouldn't it be poetic if C!Wilbur's ending isn't a bang but a whimper?
That sounded negative but hear me out.
Instead of chasing for importance and trying to become relevant in his story, his final arc which CC!Wilbur has mentioned was mostly gonna be just himself, is about him letting all of that go.
He doesn't need to go out in a blaze of glory like his first death, neither does he need to go out at all. I like one of the posts here saying that C!Wilbur is just gonna have to learn to instead just... Live.
From what I can tell with the whole "I don't have anymore plans for Ghostbur" and "That doesn't mean I'm leaving the server or that C!Wilbur is no longer gonna exist" (both rough quotes) that Death isn't the finality for his character. It isn't his bow on top, not if CC!Wilbur wishes to keep C!Wilbur around despite no longer streaming his POV in the SMP.
Nah, I have a prediction that once his final arc occurs, C!Wilbur is gonna have the same role as Ghostbur has in Season 2, simply vibing but not very important to the plot. He's just a character that simply gets to exist, and that's fine, that's a perfect end for somebody who's story is as messy and as harsh as C!Wilbur's.
And hey, just because his story is finish doesn't mean he's gonna be gone indeed, remember that. We've ended major arcs before (Disc Wars and L'Manberg) and yet the server is still going. These characters still exist. I may not get everything correctly in this prediction / analysis of what I think CC!Wilbur was going for... But I'd be happy if my guess got a few things right. Legitimately makes me excited.
Lmfao hey. This is a reupload of a ‘do you love the color of the sky post’ (the philza version) because my first art account got yoted. Very sorry about this (not really). Also is ‘long post’ still banned. Can y’all see this?

Do you love the color of the sky, Mr Minecraft?
Hello, you’re here now.
This took a month - I am sloww. From July 23rd to August 23rd 2021
Edit after reupload: a cut up version is on Twitter lol
The rest of this will be a copy a paste (with edits) from the previous blog. All the rambles and explanation for each part and each person (as in why Tubbo is being held by his leg/ my thought process for them)
Before I start rambling, I want to mention the fact that Phil is never looking at the sky around him, but at the faces and expressions of his friends.
There are two more people in addition to the sbi and Kristin from the last one (The first version of this post). Tubbo and Ranboo, whom I just consider sbi++ tbh.
First one is none other than Miss Kristin herself. I actually used a picture from their Instagram as reference for their clothes. I actually straight up imagine this was from their wedding day(?). I hope I drew Ms Kristin okay. I’m still figuring out how to draw her tbh.
Second is Wilbur. So when I was drawing all of them, I was thinking of what expressions they all would be making. Like Kristin and Phil would be all happy and stuff. And the idea of Wilbur just fucking grappling with the idea that if Phil drops him, it’s fucking over. He’d be done for. Dead (maybe). That idea was funny to me for some reason. So I imagine he just has a look of acceptance/fear while Phil is trying to figure out if he’s okay.
Third is Tommy. He probably gets dropped. L. Because you probably don’t carry someone like that while flying. (Probably because how am I supposed to know.) Tommy is just fucking screaming his lungs out btw.
Tubbo! He actually fucking fell. I asked my friend, “Help me make a decision. Tubbo and Phil. Cute. or Chaos.” “chaos” “CHAOS IT IS” So the idea, in my head, is that Tubbo was originally given a piggy back ride. Tubbo, chaotic, just sort of climbs Phil like a jungle gym or smt and sits on his shoulders. It was great for like five seconds and then he fell. You fucking bet he’s grappling with the idea of death.
Ranboo. The one picture I had in my head the whole time I was drawing them was just. “L o n g c a t.” Cause Ranboo was drawn in such a way that I was thinking of cats being picked up.
Techno. Again, that’s not the way you hold someone while flying but yeah. Techno is probably the only other person to not feel fear in this whole thing. The first being Miss Kristin
(It seemed fitting for Ranboo and Techno to have the aurora scene)
And the last one. Idk man I just wanted to draw a god.
This is the Angel of Death, between storm and chatters.
(The feathers mean nothing, they’re just a nice transition)
(If you made it here, please, please, please, consider reblogging. Thoughts in tags or not, I will appreciate you so much)
Can I just say that MCYTblr is the most based out of the other platforms I'm active in (Reddit and Twitter) in regards to Wilbur announcing the near ending of DSMP!Wilbur's character arc?
Twitter was on panic mode and spread way too much misinformation out of the small things we got out of Wil and Ranboo (hell, there are folks saying that Ranboo's lore is over when huh??? He never said that????), and it cause so much anxiety to everybody, it's just a fucking mess. Not to mention the amounts of people dismissing smaller streamers like Hannah and Boomer who are just starting their storyline just cause Wilbur said he is nearly finished with his. It's the very thing Wilbur was trying not to cause through his various clarifications during his stream which almost seemed like nobody fucking watched let alone clipped.
Then there's Reddit which is the exact opposite, and went "Let's blame somebody! Aka. Wilbur!" mode, and it was unpleasant. People were being overly harsh and calling the dude egotistical or self centered because he isn't keeping up with the lore. Which would've been an ok criticism of encouraging CCs to have better communication, if it didn't fucking went for personal attacks and entitlement on Wilbur as a person. Like at the end of the day it's a fucking Block Game Roleplay and Wilbur is a busy musician! I'm not dismissing the importance of DSMP to people, but you don't have to be a dick to the CCs about it.
Holy fuck people need to chill.
And I'm not saying MCYTblr is perfect. I've had my issues here. However, I just wish to apprecaite how most folks that I've seen here are far more understanding and respectful towards Wilbur. People might not be too happy cause endings always has a sad tinge to them, but I am proud to see folks' treatment of Wilbur here. It's almost like wow, Wilbur is a normal goddamn human being! He's not a lore machine, and even then- He said C!Wilbur shall still be around in other people's storylines! MCYTblr didn't catastrophized, and that's good.
I know I used blanket statements here, I know it'll be unfair to say that each platform have uniform opinions in the matter cause every Twitter, Reddit and Tumblr user are unique. It's just that... At least as far as I've seen around here, Tumblr has the more mature takes I've seen, and I really wish folks from the other websites follow suit. (Hehe, Wimblur Suit)
That is all.
Now you see, I’ve watched enough cartoons to know that this square of the carpet is on a separate animation cell from the background & therefore something funky will happen if I step on it. You won’t catch me making a rookie mistake like that no sir!

What's worse is we're now canonically a robot with a TV head.
So Tommy's chat just disappears periodically to go yell at birds for some reason.
Dream SMP fandom discourse can be kind of funny sometimes when you remember that we’re canon to the series.
Like just imagine Tommy walking down the prime path when he sees a former citizen of L’manberg getting into an argument with a crow about who would be a better father figure to him is just a funny image.
When I was little, my mom told me that throwing your chewing gum out the car window was the good and moral thing to do because it patched up people's flat tires for them, and to this day, I think it's one of the funniest lies anyone's ever told a child for no reason.
Reblog and put in the tags something that is heavily normalized but you never seem to get used to.
Ok I'm gonna be a contrarian here for a second and point out one thing as a sort of defense for the CCs who are understandably also frustrated...
When were the times they promised lore stuff?
That's right, when people asked them.
And that's fair actually, people are naturally curious about where the lore is and of course they answer, but here's the thing... Sometimes, as artists and writers, we don't realize the gaps in time when we are toiling in the background and we could get excited, waiting to be able to share what we made then being completely unable to... THAT'S why they make promises they couldn't keep.
This happened to me in shit like DND where campaigns die out cause we were never able to get people together, same thing going on with DSMP where they try to get more and more people involved before nothing.
And that's the problem, they are forced to make promises to appease the growing anxiousness of the fanbase that it becomes a cycle of promises then disappointment then promises then disappointment. They feel the need to answer and say something when they aren't even in any position right now to do it. At LEAST Wilbur communicated his scheduling issues enough compared to everybody else.
I'll admit though, maybe it's the CCs' fault at first, maybe they should've never promised anything in the first place, and maybe, just maybe, they should've announced they are going on a hiatus way earlier on, maybe.
But I can't fault them for being excited and legitimately wanting to do stuff before it never pans out.
And I can't help but feel for their position. I kinda relate it to my own works which due to several factors I could not do on time, and how much I try to release something, preview something, but can't cause I wish to not spend all my time releasing half baked products. I've had campaigns die with stuff beyond my control and scheduling issues that left me unable to stop it from dying. Dream SMP is basically like that but in a larger scale.
In the end, I just feel bad for the CCs, not blame them. I understand that it is frustrating, and painful, to see them start joking about it now, but as somebody who could emphatize with their situations to a lesser extent, yeah.
I wish for better communication to us as an audience, but I fear they won't be able to communicate lore lulls like these when they themselves aren't aware it was still gonna happen. Though maybe yeah, they should've expected it.
i just remembered it but when wilbur said "there's always been gaps in lore, it took four months at some point" it irked me a bit because the reason people right now are asking for lore isn't because we demand lore, but because they literally promised us massive lore post-prison break...and then they didn't do said lore
yes, there's hiatuses, but the fandom was promised something they never delivered and now they make these little comments about people (albeit those asking in chat are annoying) asking for what they were promised