Requests : CLOSED! - 16 - He / Him - I have autism and really bad anxiety so I'm sorry if I come across as awkward or rude, I don't mean to be! Call me out on it and I'll try to rephrase my words.
104 posts
Hi! I Was Wondering If I Could Request Mordecai Heller X Gn Reader Dating Hcs?
Hi! I was wondering if i could request Mordecai Heller x gn reader dating hc’s?
Mordecai Heller GN dating Headcanons
Note(s) : Uh, so, I'm kind of going through a sexuality crisis while I write this, so the romance aspect is sort of lost, I'm sorry.

I think he'd most appreciate somebody who won't dance around subjects, he can't read emotions well and so people being coy just doesn't make any sense to him, he prefers somebody that's straightforward.
Mordecai is fairly demanding, but he doesn't mean it to be a dick, he just has preferences and won't be with you if you aren't them. He doesn't expect you to bend over backwards and only do things he likes, so he won't bend over backwards only doing things you like.
He'd frankly prefer you to have a style that's symmetrical and clothing that's clean and proper, if you can't afford that or have an unsymmetrical face or body, he tends to stare a lot and be more snarky towards you. Mordecai won't end the relationship over that, it just bothers him a little.
But he's more than willing to pay for symmetrical clothes, or just steal the clothes off of a corpse for you.
He wants to teach you how to use a gun, just so you can defend yourself in emergencies. Mordecai always keeps a gun hidden by your bedside table, just in case of a break in.
That is if you aren't already working for Asa / know how to use a gun already, in which case he's slightly less overbearing but will still insist on sharpening your skills a little.
You two may or may not live together, it just depends on what both of you are comfortable with. He definitely doesn't want to share a bed, he'd only want to sleep with you if it's a situation where you need to, or you just fall asleep from exhaustion on the couch or something.
You and him keep your relationship secret in case somebody could use it against you, but somehow, someway, Serafine and Nicodeme find out. Mordecai has no idea how, neither do you, they just... Did.
Serafine and Nicodeme tease you two about your relationship all the time, luckily never in public. Cheesy things like 'aww, you two look so cute together', just to see Mordecai's face drop, he's mortified whenever he sees the siblings and you happen to also be near.
If you two were together when he was working for Lackadaisy, I imagine that he was the one trying to convince you to leave for Marigold. Your relationship could end over this if you refuse to leave, and while he'll hesitate in killing you, he won't be afraid to shoot you in the leg if you end up on a mission against each other.
Mordecai doesn't like PDA at all, it makes him feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially in really crowded areas or where people who know him are. If you try to initiate a hug or a kiss he sort of just stands there in complete and utter disgust or begins hissing.
He's not cuddly or lovey dovey when you two are alone, either, he gives you a small kiss on the cheek if it's been a hard mission and you're injured, but it's a little stiff and he clearly only did it to make you feel better.
Mordecai is semi okay with hugging, it just depends on when and where, if you two are alone? Here, a quick side hug. If you're in a crowd? Don't even touch him he will probably transform into a ficus.
Surprisingly he's an alright dancer, just only when he's alone, and maybe if he's alone with you he can dance with you. He can appreciate the symmetry and beautiful hard work that goes into more classical dances, like ballroom dancing or ballet, but he despises the free form moves of things like Jazz, it's too liquid and unpredictable for him.
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More Posts from Fun-k-board
I'm gonna be drawing my universe version of Sinister Six and more Spidersona content! I'm burnt out from writing so much.
Edit: One hour later I have four members down + a non sinister six member
How people are treating Hobie Brown, and British punks / people as a whole, reeks of classism, privilege and plain ignorance. It's so painfully obvious when somebody who has no clue about punk history, or even the basic idea of poverty in Britain, writes about or speaks about Hobie and his universe.
Let's also discuss the way people immediately assume Hobie is a thief who has no hygiene, and how that's a god damn issue. There is NO mention in the comics or movie of him not washing himself or being a kleptomaniac, not only that, but aren't wicks hard to maintain? It's obvious he doesn't use 3 in 1.
This assumption of Hobie is racism and that much is obvious, but is also rooted in classist beliefs and common stereotypes about punks used to demonise the movement. People also threw around this 'headcanon' in the first movie with Miles, it's a CLEAR pattern.
Don't even get me started on cishet people in this fandom and how heteronormative / homophobic people are in regards to Hobie. 'B-But Hobies universe is the 70's 🥺🥺 he'd hate gay and trans people...👉👈' Do your god damn research?? The punk and LGBTQ+ movements have always been closely intertwined. I have seen a comic panel where Hobie literally kisses Captain Anarchy, but even if that isn't real and was edited, he is still friends with Captain Anarchy, who's a confirmed gay man.
All in all, please, for the love of god, just treat Hobie Brown like you treat Peter Parker. Treat him like the well written character that he is. He's not some racist, classist stereotype you can push your bigoted beliefs onto.
Just wait until I get onto how misogynistic this fandom is toward Spiderbyte and Spidergwen, don't get me started because I will make another post.

Mort has Spider DNA...
There's infinite universes....



TMNT : Mutant Mayhem X Gender Neutral Reader dating headcanons

Note(s): 2003 has me in a chokehold so I might accidentally mix their personalities, also you can probably tell who my favourite turtle is 💀
I've only seen this movie once, and I can't afford to go to the cinema again so I'm sorry that I didn't write a lot!

Leo basically has a full time job of trying to impress you, one time he even tried to drive a car and do tricks for you. It, unsurprisingly, went so bad that Splinter grounded him for a week.
While Splinter has always dug in that humans were dangerous and hateful, which is semi true, meeting April and you have diluted Leonardo's faith in that. He realises that you're just... People. People who make mistakes, who need to change, and who largely, have changed.
He likes learning about things you take for granted everyday, what was school like? Have you ever been to a restaurant? Do you like going outside a lot? Do you have a pet? Etc, etc.
Leo needs to try really hard in school because he's not naturally talented in science or math like Donatello, so he appreciates any help you can give him! He surprisingly likes homework, he views it like training, sort of like something to improve his skills.
He 100% searches a 'how to flirt' wikihow and gets absolutely slammed by his brothers for trying some of the worst pickup lines in history on you.
Leonardo wants to train you with self defense skills if you don't know any already, he puts on the training videos that Splinter used to learn himself and teach Leo and his brothers, so that you two can at least spend time by training together.

Despite loving violence and fighting, he's always happy and his rage is never directed at you, he even tries to get you to let out your anger by training sometimes.
If you don't know how to fight, or don't want to learn, then he's perfectly fine with just giving you one of his sais and letting you stab a punching bag with it, or something.
Raph occasionally gets into more friendly fights and sparring matches with his brothers or classmates, he's always bragging to you about how cool he was and how awesome it was to fight.
He likes it when you initiate hugs or hand holding, it's not that he's embarrassed or doesn't want to initiate affection, or even have it at all, but Raph isn't the best at guessing what you want without outright asking. Which he does do a lot, but he feels awkward constantly asking for a hug, and he lets you know that he's always up for one.
Raphael doesn't want you in danger, but he does 100% egg you on to participate in fights and pull some chaos, even if minuscule.

He's a complete dork and LOVES to try and impress you with knowledge on your favourite musical artists, TV shows and movies, etc, etc. Donnie gets super into anything you're into, and he even tries to subtly get you interested in things like K-pop or science, if you're not interested in them already.
Always rants about his interests, he could go on for HOURS about the hidden messages in a music video, especially when he can get out more often and speak to more people about what he likes.
He's so curious about humans and their biological functions, don't be weird not like that, he always used to watch documentaries to Splinter and his brothers confusion.
Donnie frequently imagines what life would be like without a shell, with his skin a different texture, with his ears all weird and sticking out, he constantly asks you questions about living as a human.
He adores it if you know a lot about biology, especially if you know about turtle biology, even if he and his brothers are different than regular turtles for obvious reasons.
Donnie loves holding your hand, whenever he's nervous, or if you're nervous, he likes squeezing your hand and just holding it for a while. Even if it's kind of awkward because of his three fingers.

Mikey loves showing off his ninja skills to you. Oh, you're just watching a movie? Watch him do the stunt from that one scene about fifty times.
He doesn't have much of a 'taste' in movies or music, he just sort of watches whatever captures his interest. His most watched media consists of an intense crime documentary and Pingu.
Mikey loves hugging you, no matter what you're doing he just (・ω・)つ⊂(・ω・) His favourite way of hugging you is from behind, because then you can do whatever you want and he isn't bothering you, but he also gets to give you a hug.
As the youngest sibling, Michelangelo loves getting you involved in pranks that involve screwing over his brothers. He will beg you, BEG YOU, to let him stand on your shoulders to place a bucket of water on top of a door, to help him dye his brothers masks the wrong colours, basically anything!
He loves making friends and would like to meet your friends and family, that is if you have any or have a good relationship with them, and if you do, he's trying to impress them so he can in turn impress you.
He also expects you to get along with his family, you don't need to constantly hang out with them, but he likes to have the knowledge that his family accepts and trusts you, he also likes to have the knowledge that you trust his family.
While not being the most perfect and strong guy, he has full respect for you and he shows it in semi unconventional ways. Mikey constantly likes to play video games with you, and while he's never been able to play the newest or most expensive, he may or may not steal a game or two just for you.
If you have a console, PC or even just a god damn phone that can handle a decent game, expect you two to play for HOURS.
What shows both his family and you that he does truly love you is when he gives you a slice of his pizza, if you're vegan or allergic to his favourite flavour, he'll order what you can eat instead of what he wants.
His brothers genuinely have a full hour of just staring in shock at you and him when that happens.