Lackadaisy X Gn Reader - Tumblr Posts
AHHH YOU DO LACKADAISY REQUESTS??? May I request reader awkwardly confessing to Rocky and thinking it it was a mistake until he gets all happy and does the Beam™
Pronouns used : None
Note(s) : I can't write romance or Rocky well ahhhhh please help me

I fumbled with the seams and ends of my clothes, whether a shirt, skirt or jacket whatever I wore was pulled on and scratched at. By the end, Mordecai would've shot me dead for the lack of symmetry after I played with the fabrics for so long. The loud cars outside were muffled by the cafe walls, the aching smell of emmisions clawed it's way in which done nothing to calm my scattered thoughts.
Smoke reminded me of him, the chaotic and almost evil laughter while everything burned behind him caused my cheeks to burn with shyness. I could never tell if he noticed my affectionate and obsessive stares, but curiosity kills the cat, and maybe I would be let back with the promise of love if he returned my feelings.
"You got me pancakes!??" A paw and a violin slammed onto the table, my fur stood on end and I let out a hiss, ears snapped back and tail bushy with shock. The man in question arrived, his lucky R tie on with his signature grin accompanied, tail swishing back and forth with pure joy. Coughing, I patted down my fluffed out fur, his unwavering energy bouncing back at me.
"See? This is why you're the best person I know." His eyes drifted upwards, meeting mine while I felt my cheeks burn yet again. Subconsciously, my ears pinned back with embarrassment and I struggled to get the next words out. Looking down as if my legs were the most interesting thing I'd ever witnessed.
"Oh! Uhm, yeah." I paused, unsure of how to go on as Rocky sat down opposite me in record speed, setting down his violin on the seat next to him. He looked up at me to continue for a moment, after seeing I didn't object to him eating he began wolfing down his meal with eyes closed in contempt, syrup messily spreading all over him. Looking down at my own food, I felt like I'd get more sick if I ate, wanting to get everything over and done with quickly. "You can have mine if you want, there was a discount so I got two." Rocky momentarily stopped, eyes wide and brimming with tears of happiness at the food before him.
"I asked you here about. Well. What I mean to say is-" Realising he didn't hear me from how quiet I was, I breathed in and out, preparing myself. "I really like you. Not in the friend way, like how Ivy and Freckle are, uhm, not that I'm saying we're exactly like that yknow? I just..." I suddenly felt nervous, my ears standing at attention for his reply, but he just swallowed his food and stared intently at me, pancakes forgotten with no expression that I could understand.
"I'm so, so sorry this was dumb I should leave." His unwavering eyes felt like bullets tearing into my flesh, I ached to leave and just as I tried to releave myself of that pain by snapping my arm back to my side, attempting to shakily stand stand up when a familiar paw gripped onto my own. My face may not have visibly gone red, but that didn't change how my entire body was on fire, paws sweaty and shaky as I managed to look up, wide and loving eyes stared back at me. I almost choked at his next words.
Syrup dripped down onto his lucky tie and I instinctively reached over to wipe it off, looking back up at him for a moment I noticed what I was doing, his unblinking eyes so close my breath practically transferring to his. Suddenly self conscious over everything I was doing, my eyes began to dart around nervously, breath quickening as the air shifted to feel like I was suffocating in deep water.
"You do?" Rocky's face turned to a softer version of his regular smile, my feelings were maxed out as I stumbled over my words, nerves over the roof and unsure if this was an acceptance. Instead nodding sharply. Almost as fast as a bullet, he reached over to hug me and laughed like a maniac. My arms shyly reached over and hugged him back, I could feel him move up and down going from the toes of his feet to them being flat, voice vibrating on my chest and making me snuggle into his collarbone.
I heard a sharp cough and practically had to force the man's strong grip off me, while his laughter died down, he remained uncaring of the guest at our table. When I finally managed to pull his noodle arms off me, I turned to the newcomer and didn't see his demeanor die down for a moment.
"Please don't be disruptive. We have other patrons to serve." One of the waitress' stood by the table, dissaproving gaze in full display as her sharp tone made me suddenly hyper aware of the noise level Rocky was previously laughing at. Speaking of, he didn't reply, and the second my eyes turned to him he simply toothily grinned at me with eyes wide and nothing but happiness in them.
"Oh! I'm sorry, we'll leave." My head shot down in embarrassment, she scoffed and her feet stomped away in annoyance, I looked up at Rocky to see he didn't even look at her as she walked away. No attempt to move or grab his violin.
That's when it happened, he began vibrating. The bright light became searing and I had to look away in fear of blindness, I could hear screams as I felt a hot burn begin on my body. That's when my vision went and a ringing was all I could hear. Bodies littereted the remains of the cafe, fire spreading rapidly as he began burning his way through the earth, creating a crator of pure light. He beamed™ and there were no survivors.
If you could, Lackadaisy headcanons for a teen reader who wants to be part of the Lackadaisy Speakeasy. Maybe the reader likes the thrill
Pronouns used : None, no gendered terms.
Note(s) : When you say teen, I'm assuming young teen since 16-17 is not too far from Freckle and Ivy's age. Characterisation may not be accurate and criticism on how I portray them is very much appreciated.
Roark 'Rocky' Rickaby

Likes your spirit! Jokingly calls you the better cousin he never had which earns an eye roll from Freckle. I don't imagine you get out on missions much + it probably took ages to get in because you're fairly young, but when you do, it's chaos. If you get along with Rocky and even encourage his habits, then either the missions will fail or succeed but with broken limbs, at least three blown up buildings and a lot awkward explaining.
If you're not confident enough to say no and on the opposite spectrum, are sometimes the voice of reason, he calls you a mini Freckle and teases you about it constantly. I imagine he'd sort of becomes an elder brother figure regardless of what kind of a person you are, begging for Mitzi to let you stay even if you mess up often. You accept him for who he is, you're his friend, he wants you to still like him and he sees himself in you.
Rocky also gives you some sneaky sips of alcohol they get, hey, it isn't anything too much, and he compares it to church giving out wine which makes Freckle tremble in fear as his mother senses she needs to throw someone out a window. Besides, he worked hard to get it! Even if he was the one to screw the run around up, it's sharing and caring, friendship is very important.
Mitzi May

Has apprehensions about letting you join, it'd take convincing and by then she probably doesn't want to bring you on too many dangerous missions. Given how she is around Rocky, I don't think she'd be uncaring if you're similar to him. High spirits and an urge to please her, similar to the man in question, to her, you're a kid. She has trouble telling you no in a way that isn't tip toeing around the subject.
Even if you can also be useful and your begging is temptation straight from the snake, Mitzi will always tell others you're a kid and treat you like one, no matter if it's important or not in that situation. She feels horrible that you may not make it to the next day, but they're understaffed and need to get business up and running, Mitzi comes to think of you like her own after a while. Although, she wishes you weren't so eager to put your life on the life.
Ivy Pepper

I imagine she also loves your spirit, finds you adorable and will have the urge to become your friend, asking Mitzi to let you join and vouching for you. Ivy is also the only one to treat you on equal ground, even Rocky will just view you as a child in the end, but she tries viewing you as a friend first. This can he bad or good depending, but she doesn't want to pretend you're frail, this doesn't mean she won't crack down on you and be strict like an older sister.
Doesn't matter if you have two left feet and stumble, she will teach you to dance, you won't get out of it, and trust me when I tell you she's determined. The lessons consist of you stepping on her toes and laughing so hard you just fall on the ground.
Since she's fairly new to doing heavy jobs as well, only joining in as they are understaffed, she understands if you mess up sometimes and don't fully get what to do. Ivy was born into this life and teaches you the ropes that you wouldn't understand.
Calvin 'Freckle' McMurray

Uncomfortable to the max, he genuinely can't even look you in the eye for the longest time. He already had worries in joining himself, Ivy has been working in Lackadaisy for a long time, Rocky is... Uh, Rocky. But you? You're a literal teen who just likes the thrill of it, Freckle tries to be a good influence on your life and tells you not to join. Which he understands is incredibly hypocritical, but at the same time, he can't find it in himself to care about his hypocrisy too much.
Hopes to convince Mitzi to not put too much pressure on you, he is very attentive and any limp or struggle is met with a lecture that makes Rocky get flashbacks to Freckle's mother. Gets incredibly apologetic if you see him with guns and how insane he can be, regardless on how you feel, he's guilty that he may be influencing you badly.
Viktor Vasko

At first you thought he wanted you to die, an intense stare placed on you at all times with a smashed glass from his seemingly violent thoughts. But all he sees is a dumb kid, someone who needs to get out before this business kills you. He won't exactly be caring about it either, simply telling you that if you continue being reckless with your life, you will die. If you aren't careful? Maybe others you love.
It's worse if you end up bonding with him, even a little, he gets even angrier with those around you. He will not let you out of his sight if he can help it. Essentially? He's a very tough love guy, Viktor comes off as though he doesn't like you, which may be true on the surface, but deeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeep down, he likes you a little. Maybe. Sometimes. Not often.
Hey are reqeust still opened if not sorry to bother you but if they are
can you do a child rocky x child reader? (The reader has a younger sister in this) fluff to angst to fluff
It's basically how rocky met reader and their sister as kids and then one day reader and their sister have to move (you can decide why if you want) and rocky gets sad by this but they meet again as adults working together at lackadaisy
(Hope this isn't too much)
Pronouns used : None
Note(s) :
Of course! I'm not too sure what you wanted the sister to do when they're older, or just narrative wise? I didn't have any ideas, my bad.

Rocky was never a calm person, mind and body always running faster than anybody could keep up with, especially in his youth. While his aunt was a ferice and true Christian woman, someone who practically haunted his dreams, at least she didn't have a gun. It was times like this, where he, his cousin and miss pepper where behind a van being shot at, he missed the older times. Even if they were boring and filled with church.
Although, that wasn't because he missed her per say, it was more for two young siblings he met when he was younger himself. They were his best friends and most trusted companions, besides Freckle of course, and had met in his opinion, the best of circumstances.
Not at church, not doing something nice for either of them, instead, Rocky had shoved pancakes on either of his arms, creating sleeves of some kind. Syrup covered him and he was a complete mess. He was running away from a shouting auntie and managed to get lost, at a house away from his own in a forest. It wasn't well kept at all.
There he found two kids the same age as him, they didn't look like locals, strange clothes for this weather and they didn't seem to be playing, just standing out their house. When they both noticed him, the younger of the two quietly laughed and pointed not so discreetly at the pancakes lining his arms.
"He looks silly!" She whispered, staring at him like he was some strange creature and pulling on the older ones clothes.
"Hello! It's nice to meet you!" The eldest, you, outstretched a hand, he noted both of your ways of saying words was weird, but also not. Like you two were pretending to have an accent. Rocky grinned. It was clear you're all going to best friends from that moment, because he thought so. He thrust his hand forward and shook your own aggressively.
"Name's Rocky! Your name my-" He paused, then cartoonishly put his hands on his hips "-dearest neighbour?"
"My name is (F/N), This is-" You, jumping in shock as your younger sister yanked on your fur to push herself in front of you.
"(S/N)!" She happily grinned, giggling and absent minded. Tail swishing happily as she looked up at the older boy, he could swear she reminded him of himself in some way.
Every few days you'd all meet up, he even brought Freckle on some days, but as the days passed, and even months flew by, he began to notice how different you both seemed from the first meeting. (S/N) seemed more quiet as they met more, unable to run and laugh as she once could, and you were more protective, less adventurous and too busy helping your sister walk to speak to Rocky.
Until one day you both stopped coming all together.
He waited an hour each day for a month just to see you two again, Freckle stayed even after that, but even then you still wouldn't come back. They both banged on the door, yelling for you, yet the inside was always still, even less taken care of than before. You had both left. And he denied it for so long, but he realised as he grew why. Rocky at first believed you to have left because you both hated him, you both lost interest in your friendship and simply didn't want to be around him anymore.
But he noticed the signs, he knew the truth, (S/N) was sick, deathly so, she couldn't breathe and instead sat down on most days, even you seemed more sickly. Yet both of you were determined to at least see him and his cousin.
He tried to convince himself you just left for a doctor, but no doctor takes that long, he knew you both most likely died from some illness you weren't used to. With how you both spoke, you weren't from here, and you couldn't resist disease here. It weighed on him, how he didn't confront you about it, to at least confirm his suspicions.
And now, in gunfire and feeling his consciousness drain, it all felt fuzzy, familiar, warm. He wanted to go back and see you both again, one of the highlights of his youth, but also one of the most horrifying parts.
Rocky's eyes snapped open, he was shoved onto a couch like a sack of dirt, the force knocking some air from him and causing spurts of coughs and croaky mumbles of confusion. His vision was blurred and he felt like he drank an entire bottle of alcohol, but he could make a shape from all the chaos. It was speaking, and sounded angry, he noticed what he assumed to be Viktor leaving and slamming the door behind him, that's when the shape drew closer.
It held his hand, it was fuzzy... He noticed the accent, it was familiar. Then came the hug, you're warm. He wanted to reach out and hug you back, but not only did it hurt to breathe, he guessed he understood how you felt back then, but he realised you were wrapping something around him, not hugging him.
Black dots crowded his vision, and the next thing he knew he felt fabric on his chest different from his shirt, itchy and medical. Rocky grimaced and gripped the sofa cushion uncomfortably digging into his side, wanting it all to be over, he loved the job, just not this part. He felt himself fade away once again.
It took so much from you to not force him awake, but you waited, you had waited before for years, what was a few more hours? Your thoughts raced and you felt like sobbing, your sister had begun helping other injured within the Lackadaisy staff before she left for the night, believing he wouldn't wake until morning, yet it still didn't persuade you to leave his side.
Not even after the night ended and you had wasted precious time, you could've helped others with your sister, but all you could think of was him. Was he the same? You didn't know, and a part of you wanted to leave and never see him again, he could hate you for leaving, you never explained why, and he couldn't understand so young. Rocky was your friend, and you hope he still is.
The light began pouring into the room, your tired and aching eyes didn't notice the twitching, your sleepy head not processing the pained grunts from your patient, until he whispered your name.
Your ears perked up, suddenly more alert than they'd ever been in your life, your eyes widened and pulse quickened. He shifted from his position on the couch, before his back was laid flat, now he was turned slightly to look at you, luckily off his injured side.
"Rocky?..." You questioned quietly, smiling brightly and gently moving a hand forward to his coat, peeking underneath to see the blood seeping through had dried, you whispered for him to sit up slowly if he could. Coughing, he did so, wincing in pain and scratching a cushion that rubbed against the injury.
You began wrapping the new bandages around his side, leaning in close to do so, he took the opportunity and hugged you tightly, you almost thought he was planning to remove your spine with the force he pressed against you.
"I missed you too! Please let go-"
hello! < 3
rocky rickaby general headcanons with a gn!reader?

Gets you in on his mischief, and yeah, he's regretful if you end up getting hurt, but he'll be so caught up in the thrill of it all that he may not notice until you're passed out and loopy. In which case he panics.
Okay so PDA first of all, he likes randomly hugging you out of nowhere, holding your hand as you run away from a disaster caused by him, he looks back at his masterpiece but you don't, because cool guys don't look at explosions.
Rocky will just touch you, not in a weird way, all the time! If you aren't cool with that, he has to hold himself back and shakes as if he had ten cups of coffee in the last second.
If you have a house he's asking to crash at yours most nights, if not, he asks you to be with him in his car, maybe it's just so his thing isn't glaring holes into him and haunting his sleep. He can wake up to your face instead of... That...
I know y'all see how he is with Mitzi, and I think it's canon he's only like that because he feels accepted at Lackadaisy, so, now imagine that with you but tenfold because now it's actual love. He's looking for approval in every step and although he may pry with one or two questions, is ready at your service for whatever you need.
He can go overboard and tries to do the best at whatever you've asked, this usually ends in him going mental trying to do something impossible just to see you smile.
That is of course, unless you work at Lackadaisy and do run arounds often with him, he may get you caught and you all may end up in mortal danger, but the thought is adorable god dammit.
Writes you poems and plays songs on his violin often, also I am a firm believer in the love letter agenda. They won't be too good, probably littered with spelling mistakes, crumpled papers that make it hard to read, and spilled ink. His songs are a huge improvement, all original and genuinely heaven to hear.
Rocky prefers the songs but since you may not always be near him, which makes him sad, the letters and poems are what he does most of the time.
Ivy and Freckle probably question your sanity, actually, everybody does. Viktor, Wick, Mitzi, Zib, literally everyone who knows of him thinks you may need help and or are being detained. You'd probably become very close with said people though, Viktor not so much but nobody besides Ivy is really close with him.
He can't buy you much most of the time, he can hardly afford to pay for dinner on most occasions. But, there are times where he'll save up to buy you a tie or a scarf, something you might like that doesn't have too much of a price tag. He's also not afraid to steal if he thinks he can get away with it.
While Rocky loves initiating PDA or just affection in general, he also would like for you to initiate sometimes. He understands that he needs to ask you for hugs or kisses because you can't just magically understand when he needs them, and honestly, he's not at all afraid to.
Hi! I was wondering if i could request Mordecai Heller x gn reader dating hc’s?
Mordecai Heller GN dating Headcanons
Note(s) : Uh, so, I'm kind of going through a sexuality crisis while I write this, so the romance aspect is sort of lost, I'm sorry.

I think he'd most appreciate somebody who won't dance around subjects, he can't read emotions well and so people being coy just doesn't make any sense to him, he prefers somebody that's straightforward.
Mordecai is fairly demanding, but he doesn't mean it to be a dick, he just has preferences and won't be with you if you aren't them. He doesn't expect you to bend over backwards and only do things he likes, so he won't bend over backwards only doing things you like.
He'd frankly prefer you to have a style that's symmetrical and clothing that's clean and proper, if you can't afford that or have an unsymmetrical face or body, he tends to stare a lot and be more snarky towards you. Mordecai won't end the relationship over that, it just bothers him a little.
But he's more than willing to pay for symmetrical clothes, or just steal the clothes off of a corpse for you.
He wants to teach you how to use a gun, just so you can defend yourself in emergencies. Mordecai always keeps a gun hidden by your bedside table, just in case of a break in.
That is if you aren't already working for Asa / know how to use a gun already, in which case he's slightly less overbearing but will still insist on sharpening your skills a little.
You two may or may not live together, it just depends on what both of you are comfortable with. He definitely doesn't want to share a bed, he'd only want to sleep with you if it's a situation where you need to, or you just fall asleep from exhaustion on the couch or something.
You and him keep your relationship secret in case somebody could use it against you, but somehow, someway, Serafine and Nicodeme find out. Mordecai has no idea how, neither do you, they just... Did.
Serafine and Nicodeme tease you two about your relationship all the time, luckily never in public. Cheesy things like 'aww, you two look so cute together', just to see Mordecai's face drop, he's mortified whenever he sees the siblings and you happen to also be near.
If you two were together when he was working for Lackadaisy, I imagine that he was the one trying to convince you to leave for Marigold. Your relationship could end over this if you refuse to leave, and while he'll hesitate in killing you, he won't be afraid to shoot you in the leg if you end up on a mission against each other.
Mordecai doesn't like PDA at all, it makes him feel awkward and uncomfortable, especially in really crowded areas or where people who know him are. If you try to initiate a hug or a kiss he sort of just stands there in complete and utter disgust or begins hissing.
He's not cuddly or lovey dovey when you two are alone, either, he gives you a small kiss on the cheek if it's been a hard mission and you're injured, but it's a little stiff and he clearly only did it to make you feel better.
Mordecai is semi okay with hugging, it just depends on when and where, if you two are alone? Here, a quick side hug. If you're in a crowd? Don't even touch him he will probably transform into a ficus.
Surprisingly he's an alright dancer, just only when he's alone, and maybe if he's alone with you he can dance with you. He can appreciate the symmetry and beautiful hard work that goes into more classical dances, like ballroom dancing or ballet, but he despises the free form moves of things like Jazz, it's too liquid and unpredictable for him.