Ghost Spider - Tumblr Posts

I'm coming home now, I'm coming home 🕷️

miles/gwen are so ekko/jinx coded I just couldn’t resist

spiderman meets invincible!


Gwen’s design be so good then BOOM she’s bald
Omg Ghostfloweryuri on twitter did the Spiderband as 6teen characters

For like 12 minutes once a day, I actually really like Gwen, and recently during one of those moments I had this really fun idea with her-
Imagine the Gwen Stacy we know from spider-verse having to attend some kind of ceremony with her dad like in tobey maguire spider-man 3; obviously it’s a great set up for a classic spider-man action scene, but also I’m so obsessed with punky-teen spider-verse Gwen being like “I don’t wanna do this, but I’m the police captains daughter, so I gotta 🙄”
Am i cooking or no?
NOO cause this really was so weird!! I hated when people were sexualizing Gwen like that, it’s beyond narsty
Another weird thing for me that happened within the atsv community was people saying Hobie was having sex with Gwen when she was staying with him.

That was mad weird to even be insinuated. Some of the people within the community are just so fucking weird because why would you think that? Gwen was homeless and Hobie was being a good friend to her by offering her a place to stay. Who in their right mind would even consider the possibility of him “clapping her cheeks”? Like what bro? Yall have a weird fetish for black men having sex with white women that has damaged your ability to think reasonably.
Random post with no forethought but the sexualization of Gwen Stacy actually makes me sick to my stomach
i just clicked on the Gwen Stacy tag; first post was normal and then the next two were like lowkey porn of her. I’m not too familiar with her character outside of spider-verse (as that’s the most popular version and what I keep seeing the sexual posts about) but are there not variations of her as an adult or something? Fucking anything so that these degenerates can stop making porn of a fictional teenage girl, jesus christ
It’s giving unhealthy attachment that she needs to heal from…👀
Can we all agree that Gwen was jealous in that scene?

its a little annoying whenever i hear people my age shitting on the atsv characters that are like teenagers. motherfucker they are the same age as us i garuntee you we would not do any better in those situations
Did anyone else’s entire personality change after watching atsv 😭
I'm still not over this and the entire movie.
ya know you're lonely when the one thing you want for your birthday is a friendship like their's


Quick little drawing of our favourite queer Spideys 😌
Guys you can use this as a banner or a background or a header or whatever, as long as it’s credited you’re free to do so <333
Spider-Gwen in Shadow Clones (featuring Miles Morales)

Here is a story idea based on the Spider-Gwen comic saga of the same name
Ok, so for those of you who don't read the Spider-Gwen comics, there is a five-part saga titled "Shadow Clones". In this saga it has Spider-Gwen fighting five different and mutated clones of herself. Now these clones are based off of villains that Gwen fought in the past. There is a Rhino-Gwen, a Vulture-Gwen, a Sand-Gwen, a savage looking Hunter-Gwen (Kraven the Hunter) and finally a Doctor Octopus Gwen named Gwen-Ock. If you want more information you might have to look up the story because I don't want to be a spoiler.
My idea takes place months after Beyond the Spiderverse where Miles is able to save his dad and the Multiverse, and while he and Gwen were able to repair their friendship, they're not quite a couple just yet. Miles decides to visit Gwen in her Universe using the watch that Miguel gave him (as an apology for what happened in Across the Spiderverse) But what starts out as a Suprise visit ends up with Spider-Man helping Spider-Gwen fight her "Clone Wars" so to speak. Will Miles and Gwen be able to defeat the Gwen Clones? and will the Spider-duo admit they have feelings for one another? Guess we will have to wait for this story to be written to find out.
-another side idea is along with the original five Gwen Clones, how about there is also an Electro-Gwen clone to make it an even "Sinister Six" -and as a running gag why not let the clone Gwen's flirt with Miles when they meet him making Spider-Gwen super jealous in the proccess.
Inktober Day: 2 Spiders