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they/he/she nonbinary lesbian - my interests r evangelion, crk, horror, true crime, good omens, at , wep, punk/riot grrl scene - 17

851 posts

I Love My Sweet Disaster Bi Remus Lupin And I Would Die For Him Okay Thats All

I love my sweet disaster bi Remus Lupin and I would die for him okay that’s all

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More Posts from G0thicbat

5 years ago

This is so important. There is this boy in my class who nearly gets bullied by everyone in our class just because he is autistic/has autism.

When he shares his special interest TMNT (Teenage mutant ninja turtles) passionately the whole class will laugh and/or sigh and the dumbass teacher does nothing about it.

And on our homework website some how on of the boys in my class hacked it and took away his points which he worked so hard for. He had a panic attack about it and no one helped him or asked him if he was ok. You know what they did though? They fucking laughed. my friend wanted to check if he knew and asked him and he lashed out at her, he feels like people view him negatively and he gets bullied for nearly everything he does. He is the smartest kid in our class. This needs to stop.

I’m mad.

I’m mad because my friend with aspergers “can’t” have a job or “can’t” have “normal” relationships, whether they be platonic or otherwise, with other people.

I’m mad because he also has anxiety that ties into his aspergers and no one acknowledges neuro diverse people with mental illnesses like depression, bipolar, anxiety and so on.

I’m mad because he gets looked down on and made fun of because he speaks a little different than we, Neuro typical people, speak. And it’s not even close to the stereotypical autism speaking of stuttering and impossible to understand words, which is totally valid btw. He barely speaks any different than us and is so self conscious of it.

I’m mad because he’s scared of the school we go to being shot up and asked for a map of the school with all the exits and such, then was suspected of being a threat, and that he’s worried about coming out of the closet for fear of harassment.

I’m mad because he had to figure out on his own that’s society’s perspective is not ok, instead of being taught about how fucked up the world is and him thinking that its normal for the world to be this shitty and that its ok.

I’m mad that his dad doesn’t think toxic masculinity is real.

I’m mad that he’s been so affected be toxic masculinity so much.

I’m mad that he’s too scared of people being shitty and ratting on him to even begin to feel safe enough to come out, not even to his friends.

I’m mad.

I’m mad that my friend with a learning disability can’t keep her job stable even tho she’s perfectly capable of doing her job. The only reason she can’t keep her job is because of her shitty asshole coworkers and manager who look down on her.

I’m mad because people probably talk trash about her stutter and the way she speaks.

I’m mad because she probably won’t be able to get a good paying job because of society’s bullshit expectations that are unfair.

I’m mad because even I barely knew anything about the troubles Neuro diverse people faced until I met some who weren’t Neuro typical.

I’m mad that she has to deal with these assholes every day.

I’m mad that she had a manipulative, abusive ex boyfriend who scares her.

I’m mad.

I’m mad that my friend with misophonia gets made fun of when she speaks.

I’m mad that when she had an anxiety attack she had a stutter that was not usual for her, and I noticed this, but others kids made fun of her, that she was faking it for attention.

I’m mad that even tho she says it doesn’t bother her I can tell it does, even if it may be just a little bit.

I’m mad that when she had muscle tremors, or at least something along those lines, people would talk trash right in front of her and behind her back. That she was annoying and needed to stop, even tho these spasms were involuntary.

I’m mad that her special interests (at least I think that’s what they’re called? Correct me if I’m wrong) get made fun of. Her big thing is MLP(my lil pony) and people say she’s such a weirdo for liking this, even tho the show actually teaches really good values.

I’m mad that she might be a he but people would never believe her. (She once referenced one of the three of us as a trans boy and Idk she could sense that I was trans or referring to herself. I plan to ask)

I’m mad that she hasn’t been able to go to school recently and that no one believes her about her misophonia.

I’m mad that when she asks someone to stop an annoying sound, 90% of the time they don’t stop.

I’m mad that my shit school won’t talk to the assholes who mistreat her and instead put her in the back of the class, change her classes to avoid the people, and completely avoid fixing the problem entirely.

I’m mad.

I’m mad at society and so, so much more.

5 years ago
R E B L O G T H E P I G E O N .

R E B L O G   T H E   P I G E O N .

5 years ago

ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.

5 years ago

reblog this if you’re jewish or your blog is a safe space for jewish people

in light of recent events as well as a new rise in creating nazi ocs I think this post is an important one to have on your blog if you stand behind your jewish followers or are jewish yourself.

5 years ago

This is a jar full of major characters 

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

Actually it is a jar full of chocolate covered raisins on top of a dirty TV tray. But pretend the raisins are interesting and well rounded fictional characters with significant roles in their stories. 

We’re sharing these raisins at a party for Western Storytelling, so we get out two bowls. 

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

Then we start filling the bowls. And at first we only fill the one on the left. 

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

This doesn’t last forever though. Eventually we do start putting raisins in the bowl on the right. But for every raisin we put in the bowl on the right, we just keep adding to the bowl on the left. 

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

And the thing about these bowls is, they don’t ever reset. We don’t get to empty them and start over. While we might lose some raisins to lost records or the stories becoming unpopular, but we never get to just restart. So even when we start putting raisins in the bowl on the right, we’re still way behind from the bowl on the left. 

And time goes on and the bowl on the left gets raisins much faster than the bowl on the right. 

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters
This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters
This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

Until these are the bowls. 

Now you get to move and distribute more raisins. You can add raisins or take away raisins entirely, or you can move them from one bowl to the other. 

This is the bowl on the left. I might have changed the number of raisins from one picture to the next. Can you tell me, did I add or remove raisins? How many? Did I leave the number the same?

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

You can’t tell for certain, can you? Adding or removing a raisin over here doesn’t seem to make much of a change to this bowl. 

This is the bowl on the right. I might have changed the number of raisins from one picture to the next. Can you tell me, did I add or remove raisins? How many? Did I leave the number the same?

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

When there are so few raisins to start, any change made is really easy to spot, and makes a really significant difference. 

This is why it is bad, even despicable, to take a character who was originally a character of color and make them white. But why it can be positive to take a character who was originally white and make them a character of color.

The white characters bowl is already so full that any change in number is almost meaningless (and is bound to be undone in mere minutes anyway, with the amount of new story creation going on), while the characters of color bowl changes hugely with each addition or subtraction, and any subtraction is a major loss. 

This is also something to take in consideration when creating new characters. When you create a white character you have already, by the context of the larger culture, created a character with at least one feature that is not going to make a difference to the narratives at large. But every time you create a new character of color, you are changing something in our world. 

I mean, imagine your party guests arrive

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

Oh my god they are adorable!

And they see their bowls

This Is A Jar Full Of Major Characters

But before you hand them out you look right into the little black girls’s eyes and take two of her seven raisins and put them in the little white girl’s bowl.

I think she’d be totally justified in crying or leaving and yelling at you. Because how could you do that to a little girl? You were already giving the white girl so much more, and her so little, why would you do that? How could you justify yourself?

But on the other hand if you took two raisins from the white girl’s bowl and moved them over to the black girl’s bowl and the white girl looked at her bowl still full to the brim and decided your moving those raisins was unfair and she stomped and cried and yelled, well then she is a spoiled and entitled brat. 

And if you are adding new raisins, it seems more important to add them to the bowl on the right. I mean, even if we added the both bowls at the same speed from now on (and we don’t) it would still take a long time before the numbers got big enough to make the difference we’ve already established insignificant. 

And that’s the difference between whitewashing POC characters and making previously white characters POC. And that’s why every time a character’s race is ambiguous and we make them white, we’ve lost an opportunity.

*goes off to eat her chocolate covered raisins, which are no longer metaphors just snacks*