gaywriterthings - tina belcher supremacy
tina belcher supremacy

just a 🏳️‍🌈 loser who might like Bob's Burgers, SpongeBob, TAWOG, and The Simpsons a bit too much.

57 posts

Hey There! Whats Your Favorite Episode Of Bobs Burgers That No One Ever Seems To Talk About?

Hey there! What’s your favorite episode of Bob’s Burgers that no one ever seems to talk about?


i genuinely feel there's so many i could talk about... like i don't think i could choose one?

Burgerboss was my favorite episode when i was younger. couldn't tell u why. since then i've like, never seen anyone really talk about it? now i barely watch it, thanks for that

The Gene and Courtney Show. i haven't seen anyone talk about it outside a compilation i've posted that had scenes from it. that's also partly because gene/courtney isn't too popular a ship, but i ADORE them and would like to see their cutest ep get more attention ☹️

Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters For You. all i've seen people talk about in relation to this episode is the song in it. and i get that, This Wedding Is My Warzone is one of my all time favorite Bob's songs, but i haven't seen people just... talk about the ep itself??? and it's really good- the kids are hilarious, bob and linda switch roles w/ bob being the excited one and linda being the more pessimistic one- just everything about it honestly is so good. one of my favorites

honorable mentions As I Walk Through the Alley of the Shadow of Ramps, Tweentrepreneurs, The Helen Hunt (subplot specifically, because Gene and Bob are my favorite duo), The Gene Mile, Frigate Me Knot, Video Killed the Gene-io Star, Ancient Misbehavin (although The Gene Mile and Ancient Misbehavin i feel like are talked about a substantial amount??)

lastly, Fraud of the Dead: Zombie-docu-pocalypse. i feel like people only talked about it when it came out. i literally haven't heard anyone mention it in ages. when it's genuinely one of my favorites. i love this episode too god damn much and there's so many reasons

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More Posts from Gaywriterthings

1 year ago

i wanna thank @devilh0rnsinc SO much for making roudise week happen! ive been in such a great mood the ENTIRE week and i had a shit ton of fun looking at everybody's art and reading everybody's fics and everything. y'all are so talented and amazing

(devil's art and @theangrypomeranian's fic are among my all time favorites just needed to shout yall out)


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1 year ago

roudise week day 5 yay!! i'm in my element with a fic!! enjoy "right by your side" (tw//panic attack)

also on ao3 :)

Gene was over at Courtney’s working on a song. Tina was soon to be heading over to Fro-Yo-Momma with Jimmy Jr. And Louise doesn’t want to spend her Saturday working in the restaurant without them. She'd have no excuse to goof off and not do her work, and she really doesn't want to do her work.

So she calls up Rudy to ask him if he's free to hang out. Much to Louise’s relief, he is, and he suggests the two go to Wonder Wharf. Louise agrees- she hadn’t been since she saved it from Grover Fischoeder and his arson attempt and then played with the Itty Bitty Ditty Committee at the Bandshell, and that was a month ago. And according to some of her friends, some of the games at Wonder Wharf have new prizes, so of course that makes Louise want to go even more.

She tells her parents that Rudy had been the one to call her and that he’d invited her to hang out at the Wharf. Bob sees through her small lie and sees it as the excuse that it is to not work at the restaurant, but he knows the day will be slow and lets her go, him and Linda soon sending her off with a single ten dollar bill.

She walks down the street and waits by the Wonder Wharf’s entrance for Rudy, who appears a few minutes later.

“Hey, Louise!” he greets.

“Hey, Rudes!” she happily greets back, “Haven't seen you in a few days. How’ve you been?”

“Pretty good, pretty good. You?”

“I’m just excited to play some games and win some prizes. I think my stuffed animal collection could always be expanded, y’know?”

Rudy chuckles. “I get that. Let’s go, then!”

The two head into Wonder Wharf together, finding it to be pretty empty. As hot a summer day as it is, it makes sense to them as to why not many people would be out, but an emptier park means less lines for rides and games!

“Alright, so what's our game plan?” Rudy asks.

“I’m thinking a few games first, since they're right here, then we could head over to the good ol’ Scramble Pan.”

“Ah, yes. Sounds good.”

The two spend a good chunk of time playing games, because much to Louise’s delight, Rudy had brought more than ten dollars and didn’t hesitate to share his money with her.

Then they walk deeper into the park, the Scramble Pan their next destination. However, the route they take has them stumble upon the Mole Hill.

Louise begins to slow down, eventually ceasing her walking entirely. Rudy notices right away.

“Hey, Louise, you okay?” he asks, rushing to her side. She doesn't answer, and Rudy follows her line of vision to see she’s staring directly at the Mole Hill. “Uh, is-”

He stops as he notices Louise’s breath start to become heavy.

“Louise? Louise, talk to me..”

Her breathing only becoming heavier, beginning to feel hot, Louise looks at Rudy, panic evident in her eyes. “I don’t- I don’t know what's happening... I-I can’t breathe...”


“I... I-I feel dizzy-”

“Okay, okay, c'mon..” Rudy takes her hand and leads her to a nearby wall, which she slides down against, utterly terrified at this sudden heavy breathing, sweating, and dizziness.

Rudy immediately takes a seat next to her. “Rudy, what-what’s happening to me? I’m- I’m...”

“Shh, it's okay, trust me, you're okay,” Rudy says. “Just stay calm. Take slow, deep breaths. And try to count to five on each in and out.”

Louise tries. “I can’t, i-it’s not working! I’m- I’m scared-”

Rudy reaches into his pocket and takes out his inhaler, handing it to her. “Well, then this should help really well.”

Wrapping her fingers around it, stilling her shaking hands, Louise looks Rudy in the eyes, who gives her a comforting look. She brings the inhaler up to her mouth, and uses it a couple times until her breathing is back to normal. Relaxing, she takes a few deep breaths of her own until she’s totally calm again while she tries to comprehend what had just happened.

“You feeling better now?” Rudy asks her.

“Rudy, what was that?!”

“A panic attack. I, uh, take it this was your first one...”

“But why would I have a panic attack?! They don’t just come up out of nowhere after I haven't had them or had any reason to have them in my entire life!”

“Well, some do. But maybe it wasn't out of nowhere. You were staring at the Mole Hill. And I-I know what you told me happened in there..."

“B-But I’ve been okay! That happened a month ago! And I-I haven't been to the Wharf since!”

“Is that cause you didn't have the time or because you were purposefully avoiding it?”

Louise stays silent. “Okay fine. Maybe you got me. I mean, I almost died in that Mole Hill, Rudy! I was held at spearpoint and then almost burned to death! Of course I didn't want to go anywhere near it!”

“That’s okay. Sometimes the smallest things that remind you of a really traumatizing event like what happened to you in the Mole Hill can trigger a panic attack- it’s totally natural and even expected. And it’s okay to have them, Louise, lots of people have them. I've had them, my dad's had them, and they get easier to deal with as time goes on. And if you do have another one again just remember the advice I gave you earlier, about your breathing. Now I’m not saying these are going to become frequent for you, and I know they’re scary, especially your first time having one. But I mean hey, you dealt with it really well! You calmed down pretty quickly. You were strong, like always. And you're okay now, yeah? That's all that matters!”

“Well, that’s just because I had you...”

Rudy smiles. “Yeah?”

Louise smiles back. “Yeah. Thanks, Rudes. I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't for you."

“Well, no problem. I’m your best friend, it's my job to be there for you.”

Louise stays smiling at him, but then it fades as she begins to speak again. “God, I hate it when people see me when I’m... vulnerable like this...”

“Awh, Louise, it’s okay! There's no reason for you to feel ashamed or anything!”

“There's not?”

“No! No matter what happens I'm always gonna be there for you. Being vulnerable is being human. No one will ever think any less of you, they’ll just help you get back on your feet.”

Louise smiles again. “Well... thanks.” She takes his hand and places his inhaler back in it. “Thanks for this too.”

“Anything. You feeling better now?”

“I am. But, um, could you walk me back home?”

“Of course.” Rudy stands, putting his inhaler back in his pocket. He extends a hand down to Louise, and, smiling, she takes it and he pulls her up. “And hey, if you ever have a panic attack again or anything... just know I'll always be right by your side.”

Without thinking, Louise hugs him. She's got herself the best best friend ever. “Thanks. Again.”


Louise then seems to realize what she’s doing, and releases the hug, blushing. She clears her throat and begins to say something, but sees Rudy’s holding back a laugh. “Alright, what’s so funny?”

“Aw, you just should've seen your reaction! You were so embarrassed!”

The blush on Louise’s face just gets deeper. Rudy then laughs, Louise unable to hold back a smile.

“Gosh, you should see your face too. You actually hugged me! You love me!”

“Shut up! I do not!" Louise answers, unable to help herself from joining in with Rudy’s laughter. God, he really is the best, isn't he? A couple minutes ago she was scared out of her mind having her first ever panic attack, and now here she is laughing alongside him. “And we don’t speak of this really mushy moment, okay?”

Rudy smiles, then mimics zipping his mouth shut. “My lips are sealed.”

As Louise and Rudy reach Bob’s Burgers, they find it empty except for Bob, Linda, and Tina. They enter, Louise sticking close to Rudy’s side like she had on the walk over. So close their hands are almost touching. And it definitely doesn't make Louise’s heart beat quicker than normal at all.

“Oh, hey, kids,” Bob greets, “You’re back earlier than I thought you’d be.”

“Well... something.. kind of.. happened...” Louise says. Her family looks at her, their faces painted with curiosity and worry. She herself looks at Rudy, silently asking him to be the one to tell them.

“She had a- a panic attack,” he says.

“What?!” Bob, Linda, and Tina exclaim in unison, rushing to Louise immediately.

“What happened??” Bob asks.

“We were on our way to the Scramble Pan, and we passed by the Mole Hill. Then she started hyperventilating.”

“Oh, Louise, my baby!” Linda exclaims, hugging her tightly. “Oh, baby, are you okay?!”

“Yeah, I am... um, thanks to him.” Louise answers, glancing over at Rudy.

Linda pulls the hug apart to look at him, who gives her a small smile.

“He, um, helped me through it,” Louise continues, “I was really scared. Cuz it was my first, um, panic attack. And I didn't know what on Earth was happening. But he knew what to do.”

“Oh, Rudy, honey, come here!” Linda says, bringing him into a hug. “Thank you so much for being there for my little girl.”

“It was no problem.” Rudy says.

“Seriously, thank you,” Bob says, “You've always been such a great friend to Louise.”

Linda lets go of him, and he turns to Louise, who’s smiling at him. He smiles back.

Louise is then taken into a brief but tight hug by Tina. “I’m so glad you're okay. I know just how scary a first panic attack can be and I’m- sorry I couldn't be there but Dad’s right. I’m really thankful for you, Rudy. I feel like I- owe you one."

“Well, again, it was no problem. You don't need to owe me anything,” Rudy says, “I’ve had panic attacks before so I know how scary they can be at first too.”

“And you sure you’re okay now, Louise?” Bob asks.

“Yes. I think all the fear’s passed.” Louise answers. “I mean, I don’t know if I’ll, um, have one again, but I remember what Rudy told me what to do in case I were to.”

“Rudy, you’re really the best,” Linda says.

He really is, Louise thinks. When she sees her family and Rudy look over at her, however, she realizes she had said it out loud. She feels her face get hot and lets out a small chuckle. “Hah, I mean-”

Rudy chuckles too. The two barely notice Bob, Linda, and Tina exchange looks and smiles. “Hey, it’s okay.” Rudy says.

Tina checks the time on the emergency phone. “Uh, I should be heading out... Louise, you sure you're okay? Cuz I can-”

“Yes! I am. Go on your date.” Louise says.

“Just wanted to make sure.”

“Yeah, stop caring about me so much!” she jokes.

Tina smiles, and gives her sister one last hug. “Alright. Love you. Bye everyone!”

Louise, Bob, Linda, and Rudy call goodbye back as Tina leaves the restaurant. “Louise, you can head up to the apartment if you want. No need to work today,” Bob says.

“You sure don't need help?” she asks.

“No. Today’s slow. Just go relax.”

“Great! Rudy, you coming with?”

“Of course!” he answers.

“Race you upstairs then!”

“No fair, you know I can’t run!” Smiling, the two run out of the restaurant together. Linda then turns to Bob with a smile of her own.

“Sweet pair they are,” she says.

Bob smiles back. “Yeah. They really are.”

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1 year ago

Bob’s Burgers Asks (part 2)

Here for part 1 by the fantastic @jimmypesto!

What first drew you to Bob’s Burgers?

What’s your favorite episode and why?

Do you think your favorite Belcher is under-appreciated, over-appreciated, or appreciated just the right amount?

What’s your favorite setting to explore in the Bob’s Burgers universe (the Wharf, King’s Head Island, Wagstaff, etc.)?

Who is your favorite side character? One-off character? Antagonist?

Which joke had you crying with laughter?

If you could change any episode, how would you change it and why?

Which dynamic within the Belchers do you find the most interesting? Can be between two or more family members.

Which burger or other food from the show do you most want to try?

What one-off character do you despise?

Which types of plots do you enjoy more: wacky hijinks, heartwarming family bonding, or a balance of both?

If you joined one of the town’s groups (Wagstaff staff, carnies, knitters, one-eyed snakes, etc.), which would you join?

What’s an underrated episode?

What are your favorite ships?

Least favorite season?

Who would win in a fight: Labonz or Mudflap?

What are your top three favorite holiday-themed episodes?

Which character do you wish we saw more of and why?

What’s something you like and something you dislike about the fandom?

If you were pitching a Bob’s Burgers episode, what would you pitch?

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1 year ago

i can't believe roudise week is almost over guys :(

i was very excited about the roommates prompt lmao. based this comic off of gene's story in season 13's "what about job?" and stole tina's outfit from bob's 👀

I Can't Believe Roudise Week Is Almost Over Guys :(
I Can't Believe Roudise Week Is Almost Over Guys :(
I Can't Believe Roudise Week Is Almost Over Guys :(
I Can't Believe Roudise Week Is Almost Over Guys :(
I Can't Believe Roudise Week Is Almost Over Guys :(
I Can't Believe Roudise Week Is Almost Over Guys :(

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1 year ago

excited to be doing @seemoreseymoursbay week and i've got two pieces for day one 😈

Side/Minor/One-Off Character Day

Excited To Be Doing @seemoreseymoursbay Week And I've Got Two Pieces For Day One
Excited To Be Doing @seemoreseymoursbay Week And I've Got Two Pieces For Day One

screenshot redraw up first! this one's from season five's Speakeasy Rider, the first appearance of Sasha Whiteman and one of his many great lines. rewatching his 4(!!) episodes recently i realized he has so many of them lmao but this shot looked fun and simple to redraw.

if you know me you know how much i love sasha. he's definitely my favorite minor character, and this will not be the last you see of him from me this week.

Excited To Be Doing @seemoreseymoursbay Week And I've Got Two Pieces For Day One

and my second favorite minor character Darryl!!! wanted to draw him in outfits other than his regular one, so i grabbed screenshots from (top to bottom) season six's Hormone-iums, season four's Fort Night, and season five's Can't Buy Me Math. references below, and this will not be the last you see of darryl from me this week either. i love him. he's so silly

Excited To Be Doing @seemoreseymoursbay Week And I've Got Two Pieces For Day One
Excited To Be Doing @seemoreseymoursbay Week And I've Got Two Pieces For Day One
Excited To Be Doing @seemoreseymoursbay Week And I've Got Two Pieces For Day One

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