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See More Seymour's Week Guidelines
March 4th - Side, Minor, and One-Off Character Day - #smsw side March 5th - Romantic Relationship Day - #smsw romantic March 6th - Original Character Day - #smsw oc March 7th - Platonic Relationship Day - #smsw platonic March 8th - Free Space Day - #smsw free
This is a week celebrating underrated gems. Any non-Belcher characters can be posted on side character day, but Belchers can be featured on ship days. Dynamics that don't already have a ship week can be posted on ship days. Ships with existing weeks can cameo in your work, but the focus should be on the rarer character or dynamic. Existing weeks: boblin, louigan, roudise, tinimmy, and zekina. Works will be reblogged with the tags listed above. If you miss a day, that's okay, late entries are fine. Please still post your work, clarify the day you're posting for, and tag the blog. Speaking of:
You. Must. Tag. The. Blog.
There is absolutely no way to track all the possible iterations y’all could come up with for “See More Seymour’s Week” in the tags. You have to @seemoreseymoursbay either in your post or in the replies of your posts for me to find it. I’ll follow smsw and seemoreseymoursweek, but that’s no guarantee I’ll find your work if something is misspelled.
Optional prompts:
Because each day is dedicated to a character or type of dynamic, we're not assigning prompts to any one day. Instead, you may pick from the word bank to use any day, or feel free to ignore them completely. Prompts are revealed a month in advance, but one teaser: Wonder Wharf won by a landslide as favorite prompt. Update: prompts can be found here!
Mature and explicit content is allowed
Please be sure to comply with tumblr’s policies and use community labels when appropriate. We’ll use the tag #smsw nsfw when reblogging posts if you want to follow of filter that tag. Dead Dove content will not be featured in this week.
Harassment is not allowed
Harassment will be blocked from the event. Negative asks or anons will not be answered. Please do not engage with someone who is purposefully malicious.
Your medium of creativity is up to you
We want you to be as diverse as your rarepairs, poly ships, minor antagonists, one-off characters, favorite side character, etc. when picking your medium of creativity. Digital art, traditional art, amvs, collages, fics, gifs, headcanons, meta/analysis, moodboards, playlists and more are all welcome. Use a prompt or don't. Mostly, just have fun!

You can find the guidelines for this week here!
Thank y’all for sharing your excitement with us for this event and an even bigger thank you to @drawthething for the gorgeous graphics!

Heads up! Mature and explicit content is allowed as long as posts follow tumblr’s guidelines and our event’s guidelines. We’ll be using the tag smswnsfw when reblogging mature posts. Yes it’s a lot of letters, but if you care about filtering or following the tag then I have faith you’ll get it right 👙
See More Seymour’s Week is March 4th - March 8th!
5 Days Away!
See More Seymour’s Week starts on March 4th. For every Bob’s Burgers character, ship, platonic or familial dynamic without an appreciation week, this is your time to shine!
Super secret hack for getting extra notes: either within the body of your post or in the replies, tag @seemoreseymoursbay. It’s a guaranteed hack that you’ll have more visibility (and it makes my life easier)!

excited to be doing @seemoreseymoursbay week and i've got two pieces for day one 😈
Side/Minor/One-Off Character Day

screenshot redraw up first! this one's from season five's Speakeasy Rider, the first appearance of Sasha Whiteman and one of his many great lines. rewatching his 4(!!) episodes recently i realized he has so many of them lmao but this shot looked fun and simple to redraw.
if you know me you know how much i love sasha. he's definitely my favorite minor character, and this will not be the last you see of him from me this week.

and my second favorite minor character Darryl!!! wanted to draw him in outfits other than his regular one, so i grabbed screenshots from (top to bottom) season six's Hormone-iums, season four's Fort Night, and season five's Can't Buy Me Math. references below, and this will not be the last you see of darryl from me this week either. i love him. he's so silly

i've been very excited to post my @seemoreseymoursbay day 2 art lmao
Romantic Relationship Day

i don't think y'all can understand how much i love these losers ☹️
they're so sweet and silly. i've made compilations about them i've found ways to add their relationship into what bobs fics i could. i absolutely adore their progression from unrequited love to friends to lovers to best friends who i like to think still have crushes on each other but don't make things awkward.
courtney fell first, gene fell harder. like, c'mon, the song he wrote for her in "The Gene & Courtney Show"??? fucking love that ep btw
i could talk about them for quite a while but i did do another art piece for today so i'll shut up

this is a scene from my my fic about him. it was a bit of a sasha character study PLUS DUNCAN because i think he's sweet and i think sasha's gay and i think they're boyfriends. again if you know me i've talked about them before and you know how much i adore the ship. i could talk for a while about them too so i'll just keep this short and sweet and link the fic for y'all <3
@seemoreseymoursbay day 3!!
OC Day
normally, OCs aren't really my thing, so i originally wasn't gonna do this day. but then i realized i technically had a couple from my gene death fic over on ao3, so i decided to draw out my visions for them!

on the left, Dr. Peralta. considering she's only in one chapter, i gave way more thought to this woman than i should have.
she's louise and tina's therapist. a young adult, in her early twenties. i focused on her and louise specifically in the chapter she's in, and i wanted someone who louise could feel safe/comfortable to talk to and open up to about everything. she shares a lot of louise's interests and sense of humor- she's basically an adult louise, and louise finds her very cool.
on the right, Nurse Garcia.
she was gene's nurse during his time in the hospital. a kind, caring woman, gene loved her and spent all his time when his family wasn't around talking to her, even playing her his music. out of all of alexandra's patients, gene was her favorite. a huge soft spot grew for him, she went to his funeral, and continued helping out the family even after she was no longer taking care of gene.
and i'll link the fic in case y'all want to give it a read <3
i've got 3 artworks for @seemoreseymoursbay day 4 because i did nothing for tomorrow!!
Platonic Relationship Day

first up tina and susmita!!! this one is a scene from my gene death fic, mentioned in yesterday's post.
tina needs a best friend, especially because the friends in her group really aren't great most of the time. and ever since her introduction in season nine's UFO No You Didn't, susmita seems like the PERFECT person to fulfill that role! i love their friendship and feel like susmita should be a far more prominent character than she is. gene and louise have established best friends, AND TINA DOESNT PLEASE

i won't waste much time explaining why, i'll just drop two clips from season four's Fort Night. darryl and louise's dynamic in that episode is fucking golden and i wish they brought it back even just once

another screenshot redraw! might be my favorite piece of the week lmao.
THIS TRIO IS SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY and the reason i love them so much is season six's Stand By Gene, the episode the screenshot is from. a year ago i compiled their scenes in that ep and posted the video right here, if you want to see why exactly im this crazy about them. (it's only a minute long and i'm mad about it) they're fucking hilarious and simply wonderful i hope they hang out like this again
not to mention that jimmy jr and jocelyn were the original ‼️ friends ‼️ before tammy came along! they were hanging out a whole season before that bitch's introduction. i like to think that even after both tammy and zeke moved to seymour's bay and became best friends with jocelyn and jimmy jr respectively, jocelyn and jimmy jr still hang out often. maybe even have some girly sleepovers together. definitely watching romcoms or hallmark movies during the holidays. and they DEFINITELY gossip and talk shit together (about tammy a lot too). she's like the sister he never had!!