Hiatus, getting some rest. Illustrating my novel! Hi wonderful people! Here is Gentle! (She/he/they) The random artist in your dashboard! I speak Spanish and English :D!
774 posts
Phyleas And The Brownies Who Live In His House! :D

Phyleas and the brownies who live in his house! :D
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More Posts from Gentlenaa

In first place, a compilation of all the sketches of Shadow and Hatman I never posted :D
With the stellar appearance of the little hat shadow and Granny Collette!

I have been seeing lots of transformers and I really wanted Ratchet content so I made grandpa Ratchet content :>

Hi again! Here are some of the sketches of the stream! :D
(Blood warning)

1) I dessapeared for a moment from the stream and this happened. Dialogue: “I ate her”

2) Misteink and Luther from @michamiw
Hajo and Delaila from @xxthebubblewitchxx

3) “Let’s do a beautiful Hajo”

4) Bubble and Michamiw arguig if Haji can or can’t swim

5) Long Bubblewitch

6) A beauty and beast AU Luther, heis ding dong

7) Luther with a Moustache

8) Villain au Phyleas :D

9) Elias being chaos~

10) Villain AU Dussan-

11) Dussan angst-

12) Magic girl Haji

13) Luke with a beard!!!

14) Bubble said he looked nice, so he said thank u :,3

15) A so sad song started sounding so I suffered dhfgtthhthtykh

16) Delaila and a pushie of Avril she build!

Today I bring you some sketches of some of the characters from the "The last author" cast! :D
Presenting George, the gardener of the Liberian's house~

Tiny sketches of Luke and Arthur! Luke dances but shhhh don’t tell anyone ;D