Netflix Geralt is a douchebag, my prompts are mostly fanon/book/gamecharacterization. Will be 99.9% happy endings. Might include other Witcher ships on the side.PLEASE SEND ME THE FICS YOU MAKE WITH MY PROMPTS! I CRAVE fics to read!!!
283 posts
Prompt 79
Prompt 79
Jaskier and Geralt have confessed and gotten together, and Jaskier couldn't be happier. It's like a dream come true, being able to kiss Geralt. Jaskier learns that Geralt isn't a big fan of PDA, a tad troublesome for him, but he'll learn and grow to be a better lover for his witcher! He just might forget and try to kiss him a few times before it actually stays in his noggin! However he also learned that Geralt.. Doesn't like talking about them in public. Or insinuating them in public. Jaskier can't even make dirty jokes or ask Geralt where they should go out on dates. Geralt hisses for him to stop talking about it and glances around. Jaskier has been longing to eat at this one fine restaurant in a crowded town for months, and they have a chance to! There's a table still open! With a vase of flowers, and candles, and a dark red tablecloth, and they're sat right next to a small stage where the performers play! Jaskier goes to sit down, only for Geralt to drag him out by the arm, saying that they can't eat there. Jaskier is of course asks if there's poison in the food, or a monster infesting the eatery, only to get a grunt. "Really, Geralt, why can't we eat there?" "We just... Can't." Jaskier just assumes the owners must be some sort of witcher-hating pricks who tried to... To sell Geralt their daughter in exchange for wanting him to kill something that doesn't need to be killed or... Or some other really hateable things. A pity, he's heard amazing things about that place.. But all is well! Soon enough, they head to an inn, and get settled in a room. Jaskier tries his best to seduce his boyfriend, but Geralt just glances around their room and shakes his head. "Not now." Jaskier shrugs, and heads down to play for some coin, and perhaps get a bit tipsy for the fun of it all. He wakes up the next morning with quite an awful headache, and a very annoyed-looking Geralt. Jaskier apologizes for going overboard with the drinks, but Geralt huffs and says that isn't what's upsetting him. What upset him is Drunk Jaskier telling people that he and Geralt are together. But come onnn! Everyone's been saying "The bard is fucking the butcher" for over a decade! Surely some villager's account of a drunk bard saying the same isn't worth all the fuss Geralt is making over it. Another night, Jaskier is sat by the campfire, idly strumming his lute. "Annnd even though today I had to hide in a tree~ I love my witcher, and my witcher loves me~" Geralt suddenly loses his focus and turns sharply to Jaskier. "That's a new song." "It's not a song, I'm just making things up for fun." "So it's not in your song journal?" "...No?" "Good." 'Good'? Jaskier could just play it off as another one of Geralt's teases about disliking his music, but something about this in particular made Jaskier feel nauseous. A week or so after that, Jaskier has finished his set and is excitedly skipping off to meet back up with Geralt when he overhears some conversation from where Geralt is sat. "Your bard sings well!" "He's not my bard." "No? I thought I heard you two were together." "No. Acquaintances at best. Hardly know him." Acquaintances at best? Acquaintances? Jaskier knows Geralt has been offput by the idea of telling people they are romantically involved, but he couldn't even muster up a 'No, we're just friends.' He's STILL not a 'friend'? That's when it clicks for Jaskier. Oh. Geralt's ashamed of him.
Is it because he's a man? Would Geralt be proud to show off his lover if his lover were female? Is it because of Jaskier's looks? He's been told he's rather attractive, but perhaps he looks quite small and delicate beside a witcher. He didn't think Geralt would care for such things, though. Perhaps it's his personality. Maybe the lighthearted remarks between the two of them were more barbed on Geralt's side than Jaskier at first thought. Maybe Geralt really hates his singing, or how much he talks, or how often he turns things into an innuendo. Is he just some quick fuck in the woods? The second they hit civilization he's not even a friend? Jaskier slips back up to their room, completely forgetting to let Geralt know where he is. Oh well. If Geralt gives a shit he can sniff out Jaskier's perfume. For now, Jaskier is going to curl up in their bed and try not to cry. Jaskier and Geralt have confessed and gotten together, and Geralt couldn't be happier. It's like a dream come true, being able to kiss Jaskier. But Geralt has to keep in mind how many enemies he has out there. Personal, blind hatred based on his reputation, blind hatred based on him being a witcher, the list goes on. Geralt worried for Jaskier enough as it is when they were best friends. Geralt would be powerless and completely devastated if anyone were to take Jaskier. Geralt would be putty in their hands if they so much as threatened the bard's life. Now that they're lovers? Geralt cringes to think at how many people would be chomping at the bit for an opportunity to kill the Butcher's one true love. To use him as a hostage for Geralt to do their bidding. For them to torture Jaskier in the hopes of learning things about Geralt. So Geralt makes a plan. He'll keep Jaskier at an arm's length whenever he thinks anyone could see or hear them. It's exceptionally hard not kissing the hell out of his bard whenever he feels like it, but he must practice restraint in order to keep him safe. Jaskier keeps making it harder on him, though. Kissing him, wanting to go eat at some romantic place, telling every soul he can how much he and Geralt are inseparable soulmates who can't live without one another, all in front of so many people. Any one of which could be just too loose-lipped. Any one of which could lead to a snowballing effect that ends in his beloved Jaskier's harm or death. Geralt just can't wait until Winter comes. He plans on bringing Jaskier with him, and they'll be able to do whatever they want the entire winter, with no fear.
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More Posts from Geraskierfanficprompts
hes neeping 🥺

Onestly, Dandelion sleeping is too cute.
Prompt 80
Jaskier has a hard time falling asleep, especially when in the middle of a project. Geralt makes sure Jaskier is quiet doing whatever he does when he stays up, and only then can Geralt rest. At first, Geralt had no idea what was wrong with the bard. Jaskier will stay up for hours and hours and hours, and yet be saddened by waking up late, or being tired when woken early. "I didn't want to stay up so late." "Then why did you?" Geralt just didn't fucking understand it. Until he started to like Jaskier, and learn about Jaskier. Now it worried him more than anything. Perhaps it was medical.. Or a curse.. Jaskier has... Q u i r k s... Geralt isn't sure if it's a bard thing.. Or a human thing.. But it's a Jaskier thing, that's for sure. Jaskier is staying up one night again, when Geralt takes his song journal away, and scoops him up. "Geralt!" His bard squawks, but Geralt doesn't care for his complaints. He'll be sad in the morning if Geralt doesn't help him. Geralt carries him to the bedrolls, and places him down. Only then Geralt can rest. "...But if I don't finish the song tonight-" Jaskier says, trying to get up. Geralt huffs, and wraps his arm around Jaskier, keeping him down. "Go to bed, Jask." Jaskier stares for a moment, before laying down, and within minutes, he's deeply asleep. Only then Geralt can rest.
Prompt 76
Yennefer has seen it all. She's become a sorceress, She's healed someone's obvious gay-crush right before sleeping with the man crushing on him, She's seen a man come back from the dead and explain he's a dragon, She's seen a lot, alright? She's not surprised by much. One day, however, she hears very loud knocking on her front door. Eulgh. She answers it, already expecting to be annoyed. A woman stands there, with brown skin, and long straight black hair. She has an odd pale marking on her face. The woman gestures to two horses she's leading behind her. One is a handsome chestnut, with a fluffy short mane that has bangs that dip past it's shockingly blue eyes. The stallion is anxiously tapdancing in place, as if it knows what Yennefer can do. The other is a larger, stronger horse, with a very dark midnight coat, with stunningly white mane and tail. The horse's long hair isn't enough to hide it's alarmingly bright yellow eyes... With familiar pupils. Yennefer turns to the woman again, and narrows her eyes. "Roach?"
Prompt 74
Geralt has insomnia. Not that shocking, given his life. Recently he accidentally learned that Jaskier singing a soft slow song late at night puts him to sleep like a baby. Now the issue is that Geralt has no idea how to broach the topic with his friend, Jaskier. How do you ask the man you yearn for gayly to sing you to sleep at night? Thus Geralt has spontaneously begun dropping everything and rushing to lay down any time Jaskier tries playing anything at night. That's an odd new quirk of Geralt's...

Jaskier leaned over, straightening everything just so. His boots, ruined now, were neatly lined up by the door. He’d have to find some way to afford a cobbler, one that didn’t involve his trade. He couldn’t do that just now, not when he knew what would be requested.
Carefully, he blew out the last candle, and tucked himself into bed. The straw was scratchy through the cover, and his head felt awkward laying this way, but it was better than the alternative.
Squeezing the doublet his pillow was wrapped in, he could almost pretend this wasn’t so sad.
“Goodnight, Geralt.”
For the Fic/Art prompt swap at @thepassifloradiscord :) AO3