The Witcher - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Fic idea for the writers out there !!

(The Witcher characters!! )


Yennefer,a woman most people such as friends know she's is in the military.But is her job as simple as just being in the force.No.It's not.In fact her job is more than that when it turns out she's a trained assassin along with Geralt,Renfri and Sabrina;carrying out different tasks for the people she works for.

Tissaia De Vries,a chief surgeon meets this woman through Triss and Sabrina and blah blah you fill in the meeting and greeting stuff;with no idea what her actual job is.Until the day she finds her own life being threatened by an unknown threat and Yennefer along with her other assassin friends take up the to protect her from another highly trained assassin that's being ordered to kill her by Stre-


Fic Idea For The Writers Out There !!

NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this one, change it up however you want to.

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1 year ago

Slow Dancing Fic idea!!!

i just love the idea of Yennefer being a secret pianist; can't let it go.

Slow Dancing Fic Idea!!!

Here goes something:

Yennefer has recently been spending her free time trying to modify a spell.More specifically,a spell to make instruments play themselves.Eventually she succeeds,but has to test it at the only place she knows has a piano;Aretuza.

She wants someone to dance with to show off her modified spell.Who better to bother than Tissaia herself.

One wouldn't know beauty until you see them dance together.

NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this one, change it up however you want to.

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1 year ago

I feel like pastries🥐🥯 so here..idk,make it a modern AU or Wither series time AU; do whatever you'd like. 🙃

Simple; Yennefer feels like baking and asks Tissaia to bake with her.

I Feel Like Pastries So Here..idk,make It A Modern AU Or Wither Series Time AU; Do Whatever You'd Like.

NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this one, change it up however you want to.

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1 year ago

Y'know,i love myself some funny pranks😈;just when it's not pulled on me. 🤣🤣

Here's an idea:

Yennefer pranks the Rectoress(Tissaia dV),just for fun,but enlists the help of ofc. Rita and who ever else you decide to use.

I think it would be funny because Tissaia is someone with a metal pole stuck so far up her ass,that it's majestic.Ofc. Yen wants to bend that pole to a 90°C angle for the fun of it.

OH! it would even be so funny if she got the Aretuza students in on it too !! 🤣🤣😎

NB*you don't need to follow this idea exactly, change it up and do whatever you'd like with this idea to your liking. 🙃

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1 year ago

Yen : Tissaia just come see this !!

Tissaia : What is it.

Yen : (demonstrates) I have my suitcase -

Tissaia : (sigh) Yes..

(slides blanket over suitcase)

Yen : I have my blanket -

Tissaia : I don't have time for your jokes-

Yen : I rest my case. 😎

(Tissaia pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs )

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1 year ago

Fic idea ig. 🌹

When Tissaia returns to her office from chapter meetings or classes, she finds a bouquet of roses.Only it's no surprise because on Monday mornings there's always a new bouquet with a note.

Of course she knows it's from Yennefer. (they can be in a relationship or not,you do whatever :)

Fic Idea Ig.

NB!! you don't need to follow this idea exactly.Change it up to whatever you'd like to do.

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9 months ago

If she's a mixture of, "Damn she turns me on" and " That girl is going to be the death of me" then she's the one !!

This is Tissaia and Yennefer for real.


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9 months ago

Yennefer : You look like a dream.

Tissaia : Then go back to sleep.

Yennefer : Damn..

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1 year ago

The amount of descriptions of unbearable behaviours of Płotka makes me fully convinced she is an arabian horse

I refuse to imagine her as anything else

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7 months ago
In Which Milva Asks Regis For A Trim, And She Finds Out About The Vampire-mirror Phenomenon

In which Milva asks Regis for a trim, and she finds out about the vampire-mirror phenomenon

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7 months ago

Regis' pathologic inability to shut the fuck up & Milva's no-nonsense monosyllabic responses have both charmed me utterly

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4 years ago
A Compilation Of Some Of My Witcher/Disney Crossover Art!
A Compilation Of Some Of My Witcher/Disney Crossover Art!
A Compilation Of Some Of My Witcher/Disney Crossover Art!
A Compilation Of Some Of My Witcher/Disney Crossover Art!

A compilation of some of my Witcher/Disney crossover art!

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10 months ago

My dear Witcher fandom, do we have any kind if badge for triggering the fandom crazy lady? Because I just woke up to her asks after simply commenting on someone else's post with a Rorveth joke.

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10 months ago
In Honor Of Mother's Day
In Honor Of Mother's Day
In Honor Of Mother's Day
In Honor Of Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day

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10 months ago

As someone who was in the fandom before the Netflix series came out, it's really funny to see people's reactions to Liam.

Because I remember how the fandom went crazy and hated Henry Cavill when it was announced that he had been casted. Geralt The Bodybuilder was heavily criticized because anyone who has read the books knows that Geralt isn't supposed to be that big (or conventionally attractive, but hey). However, Henry Cavill charmed the audience with his public image and yes, changing the actor in one of the leading roles is fucked up. That's not the point.

The point is how quickly everyone forgot about that grievances, and now I see complaints all over the internet about Liam not being swole enough????? Peak comedy.

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9 months ago

well I disagree with you cause henry cavill is still the best choice for geralt and it's even more weird to choose a different actor to play him. Also Liam is not that great an actor so I don't have much hope for the show now.

Have I said that Liam is a great actor? Or a good choice? Or something? Because I didn't, the only thing I was talking about is how people change their minds and begin to like what they used to criticize (sometimes hypocritically).

As for me, neither of them are good choises for Geralt. But as the whole series is not great at sticking with canon and simply don't have the vibe what made The Witcher special, I guess it's okay. Witcherflix has its own universe, and so it has its own version of Geralt. Casting decisions aren't the main problem of this show, imho.

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6 months ago

Writing about witchers and thinking about sources is so...

On the one hand, we have books and first two games. Canonically, Geralt is poor af. You're frantically saving money to buy those damn books so you can at least finish quests. That 5k jacket feels like the most luxurious thing ever.

On the other, TW3 Geralt is buying another armor stand for Corvo Bianco. Just to make the place nicer. Just because he can.

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Me, watching The Witcher for the first time: where’s the twink???? WHERE’S THE FUCKING TWINK????

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