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In U.S. Courts At The Conclusion Of A Trial, The Verdict Is Either Guilty Or Not Guilty. Note That It

In U.S. Courts At The Conclusion Of A Trial, The Verdict Is Either Guilty Or Not Guilty. Note That It

In U.S. courts at the conclusion of a trial, the verdict is either ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty.’ Note that it is not GUILTY or INNOCENT, but that does not mean that they are the same! Here’s why.

At the end of the famous O.J. Simpson trial, he was found Not Guilty, but was he Innocent? Personally (and this is NOT a political comment!) I agreed with the verdict because there were both no eye-witnesses to the crime, and from my perspective and the evidence presented he was (in my thought, right or wrong) not found to be guilty ‘beyond a shadow of doubt.’ Therefore, it is possible to be found “Not Guilty” but not wholly “Innocent.”

At the end of your life, you will stand before the Supreme Judge in the Heavenly Court, and because God is Holy and cannot have any sin in his presence, his eye-witness evidence of every one of your crimes (“secret sins”, Psalm 19:13) will be presented fully and your verdict will be beyond a shadow of doubt - ‘GUILTY!’ But here is the good news…there IS a way to be found INNOCENT!

“While we were still sinners Christ died for us, and we have been justified by his blood sacrifice and saved by that through him.” Romans 5:8-9 (paraphrased)

This scripture says that because what Christ did on the cross for you, all your sins have been completely exonerated and paid for. His blood wipes your record clean, and you will not just be 'not guilty,' but marked as INNOCENT.

Friend, if you have not accepted this pardon by the Eternal Judge, why would you not want to?? Do not delay – there is no guarantee you will have another chance before the judge puts down his gavel. Ask God to forgive you today and let the saving edict of his merciful judgement pay for the crime of all your sins and declare you INNOCENT.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Whenever Something Is Repeated In The Bible, God Is Asking Us To Pay Attention!

Whenever something is repeated in the Bible, God is asking us to Pay Attention!

Twenty-Five times Jesus used the phrase “Truly, Truly” and when all these verses are aggregated, it reads in the paraphrase that follows:

Verily, Verily I say unto you…

When you were young you thought yourself strong, you went and did whatever you wanted, but as you moved towards the end of your life you realized you needed help and reached out your hands to take you to a place you could not go on your own.

But those that have been deaf will now hear my voice, and those that do and believe in God and believe in me will not be condemned, but will pass beyond that place of death and go unto eternal life.

Before Abraham was, I AM, and in ancient days manna sustained people seeking after God, but your Heavenly Father is now offering you THE TRUE BREAD FROM HEAVEN. Now is the time to eat and drink from me as THE BREAD OF LIFE, but those that do not will not have my life in you.

All those that do not are in sin, and are the servants of sin. Although there are some that seek me, and have been filled with the good food of my sayings many still do not receive my testimony.

Instead, those that do not enter into my sheepfold but try entering into eternity by their own way are trying to steal their way in like a thief and a robber.

But I am the door of the sheep, and UNLESS YOU ARE BORN AGAIN of water and of the Spirit, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. All those that keep my sayings will never see death.

On earth I did nothing of my own but I did what I saw the Father do. Likewise for all that believe in me, the works that I do you will also do - and even greater! Because I have gone unto my Father, you do not have to ask me anything because whatever ye will ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you. The servant is not greater than his lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.

All those that receive those that I have sent receive me, and all those that receive me receive God who sent me.

There was once one that betrayed me… And another that denied me three times.

When a seed goes into the ground it has to die, but afterwards springs forth and bears much fruit. (I shall also go into the ground and die) and you will be sorrowful while those against me will rejoice, but your sorrow will be turned into joy, especially when you see the time that heaven opens and the angels of God will be ascending and descending upon me.

'VERILY,' & 'TRULY' in the Greek New Testament is the word we know as 'AMEN' and truly these are the words and teachings that he wants us to have utmost in our minds.

Friend, as Jesus has said all these things to us, let us also respond saying 'AMEN!'

AMEN VERSES (all and only found in the Gospel of John): John 1:51, 3:03, 3:05, 3:11, 5:19, 5:24, 5:25, 6:26, 6:32, 6:47, 6:53, 8:34, 8:51, 8:58, 10:01, 10:07, 12:24, 13:16, 13:20, 13:21, 13:38, 14:12, 16:20, 16:23, 21:18

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
When Most People Think About Jesus, They Imagine A Kind Loving Man Who Was A Master Teacher And Miracle

When most people think about Jesus, they imagine a kind loving man who was a master teacher and miracle healer. Pictures depict him as a shepherd gently tending lambs, blessing children, and feeding thousands with a kind loving look in his eyes. While He came peacefully into Jerusalem riding a donkey to the adoration of crowds spreading green palms as a carpet before him, even when suffering in agony at the crucifixion, He doesn’t curse his tormentors, but forgives them. In His whole life He is the personification of Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, however His Second Coming to earth will be quite a different story.

Thou He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as the Prince of Peace, the Bible tells us that at His return He rides in on a white horse as a conquering judge. All those that are still on earth at that time will not meet a loving PRINCE of Peace, but a judging LORD of Glory. -- that is, unless they have prepared their souls for what comes next.

For those not prepared to meet the Judge, it will be a day of disastrous destiny that will be their first day of an eternity that will be the opposite of “peace.”

If you are one of these people and have read this far then please realize that there is a time when all those that are not friends of God will not be treated not with Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, but with Harshness, Rebuke, and JUDGEMENT.

Jesus IS coming back to reclaim His authority over the earth to establish his kingdom, so if you do not know Christ and have not received the Peace, Love, and Forgiveness that he offers, do so today. There is no better time than the present because we all have no guarantee of tomorrow.

Prepare to meet Jesus as your KING, not your Judge.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
In 1971 At The San Francisco Zoo, Penny Patterson, A Young Graduate Student In Psychology At Stanford

In 1971 at the San Francisco zoo, Penny Patterson, a young graduate student in psychology at Stanford University agreed to care for a baby gorilla who was sick and abandoned by her mother. What started as a care-giving mission turned into a four decades relationship and science experiment where over her 37-year life, Koko the gorilla learned to communicate with over 1,000 signs. One particular conversation she had with Patterson was revealing about the fallen nature of the world.

Koko and a companion gorilla got into an argument in the house where they lived, and Koko in anger tore a sink off the wall. When Patterson saw this on video she came in and asked Koko who was responsible, and she pointed at the other gorilla and signed “HE DID IT!”

You see, the Bible says that when Adam and Eve sinned “…sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Romans 5:12) and this sin caused all creation to fall, and that is why there is evil, sickness, disease (and mosquitos!) in the world.

Jesus said “Let him without sin, cast the first stone” and that’s the point — NO ONE IS WITHOUT SIN — but many sadly ignore this. 1 John 1:8 says, “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” However the GOOD NEWS (literally GOSPEL) is that although we all still live in a fallen world, Jesus Christ came to free us and forgive us of our sin. This is, plain and simple, the message of the Gospel, and this leaves all of us to answer these two questions…

1) Am I a sinner just like Koko? 2) Will I continue to deceive myself about my need to be free from it and receive the truth of Christ and His redemming power in my life?

Friend, Koko showed us despite her kindness and intelligence that she too was a sinner.

How about you…and what will you do about it?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
Highway 50 Across Nevada Has Been Called The Loneliest Road In America. It Crosses Five Valleys And Mountain

Highway 50 across Nevada has been called “The Loneliest Road in America.” It crosses five valleys and mountain ranges between Utah and California and gives the illusion of roads that go off into the distance that will never end.

Life is like that too. When most people look into the future, they see a road of life that seems like it will never end, but when I drove across Highway 50 I discovered that the longest “infinite” road was only about 20 miles. Many people’s daily commutes are longer than that – hardly an unfathomable distance.

The point is that like the warning “Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear” in that what we PERCEIVE as being a long way away is quickly zooming up to us. While you may think that you have plenty of time in life - like traversing Highway 50 - your road is going to end much sooner than you see or think and when the road ends…then what?

Well it won’t be at a truck stop restaurant, resort hotel, or another mountain pass followed by another valley across another stretch of Route 50. The fact is that the great road trip of life will come to a dead end and there will be no turning back. The question you need to come to grips with is what will you do then and where will you be when your life road-trip is over?

The Bible says that “… people are destined to die…and after that to face judgment,” In life, we are all destined to come to the end of the road of life. Google maps doesn’t have the answer, but the Bible’s God Provisioning System does. It says that your path to heaven was paved 2,000 years ago on a Cross via a Crossroad located on Calvary. Jesus told us the answer when he said,

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24

When the road you are on ends, where will it take you?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
Oh-Oh!! The Years Fly By And Then One Day Your Last Year Comes And It Is Time For You To Make An Exit.

Oh-Oh!! The years fly by and then one day your last year comes and it is time for you to make an exit. When that day comes, are you ready for it?

If there is one critical question that most people NEVER take the time to answer, it is this - WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Sadly at the moment of death, if this question was never resolved then there are desperate cries of “I don’t want to die!!” But here is the raw truth - we ALL get booted off planet earth, and there is nothing you can do to stop that, but there IS something YOU can do beforehand to prepare for it!

All that takes is one simple step and one sure decision. Make a choice right now to go before Almighty God and simply say, “LORD, you are God and I am a sinful person that has not lived a perfect life. I am asking you to forgive me of my sins, to make me clean by what Jesus Christ did on the cross on my behalf, and take me when I die to be with you forever. I promise to make you the LORD of my life and to follow you the rest of my days. I ask this in the name of Jesus, AMEN.”

Friend, if you prayed that prayer earnestly from the heart, when that last year comes, you’ll enjoy an 'EEE' (Excellent Earth Exit!)

[ Then, have a nice flight! :-) ]

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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