Court - Tumblr Posts
Neighbor sued me after harassing my dog for months, lost horribly.
About 6 or 7 months ago, my neighbor got a drone. I don’t mind people having hobbies, but for some reason he insisted on flying like the biggest jerk possible. He would hover in front of other houses and windows, try to “race” cars going down the road, and worst of all he had a habit of flying his drone in my fenced back yard buzzing over my dog, diving low just over my dogs head before circling around to do it again. My dog isn’t small, he’s about 70lbs and a Malamute, but the drone terrified him, and I was worried what would happen if it hit him.
I asked my neighbor several times to please not fly in my yard and explained that it was scaring my dog, he basically told me to get lost and laughed in my face. When it still continued, I called the police. Unfortunately there wasn’t much they could do other than ask him to please not fly over my house/property.
Finally, in late December it happened - my dog got tired of his shit and managed to catch the drone right as it was diving towards him. He shredded the drone, the thing was just a jumbled mess of wires and plastic.
Neighbor was pissed. He stormed over to my house swearing and threatening me, which I ignored. A week later, I got a summons to small claims court - he wanted $900 for the cost of his drone and an additional $300 for supposedly denying him access to his property (the drone sat in my yard for a couple hours before it was retrieved). F*ck that. He could have killed my dog. I don’t have kids or a girlfriend, I just have my dog who is my best friend for the past 7 years. That dog has moved with me three times, was there when I graduated college, saw me buy my first house and my first new car. I love my dog.
Went to LegalAdvice, got some great help from them. Turns out, him suing me was the best thing to ever happen. When we got to small claims court, the judge basically laughed away his claims that I had intentionally trained my dog to attack his drone. But little did he know I was prepared. I had dozens of photos of my yard showing it was impossible for him to “accidentally” fly that low to my dog, videos of him harassing my dog in the past, and I had saved all my medical bills from taking my dog to the vet. $700 for an xray? Check. Another $250 to sedate him during? Why not, don’t want him being uncomfortable. Full dental exam with tooth cleaning/repair? $400. Then there was the cost of anti-anxiety meds and a secondary check up, wet food for a week in case his teeth were hurt, and extra just for good measure. In the end, the a-hole ended up owing me almost $2,000, and now is being investigated by the FAA for not having a registered drone and violating several FAA regulations concerning drone flight, too near an airport, too close to other people, out of sight of operator and waaay above the maximum altitude.
Enjoy never being allowed to fly drones again, d*ck.

No matter how "diverse" the parties of the Supreme Court become (e.g., with diverse in race, gender, religion, and sexual preferences,) segregation can't seem to cease from it.
Part 1 of a Rick and Morty reading of some court transcripts from Georgia (word-for-word, this is directly from the court documents).
Note: I didn’t get all of it cause my phone was running out of space.
Which was more seen at court? A Court Mantua or a robe de cour?
It’d depends on what court we’re talking about. Let’s remember that court attire was very detailed on what should be worn. So, in English court a mantua would be worn, and in France and the rest of Europe, a robe de cour would be the one.
Even though a court mantua and a robe de cour are practically the same thing, I’d like to point at the main difference between both. Here we go:
The sleeves. The mantua sleeves changes with the fashion (we see cuffs or ruffles of the same fabric of the bodice), while on a robe de cour the sleeves are of many lace ruffles.

English mantua, 1755-1760 // Queen Lovisa Ulrika’s coronation robe from 1751
Closure. The mantua is a front-opening gown, while the robe de cour is back opening.

Court mantua, 1740-45 // Robe de cour of Sofia Magdalena of Sweden, 1766
The train. The court mantua’s train was an evolution of the carefully folded one from the late 17th century mantua. On the other side, the robe de cour’s train was long and simply gathered at the waist, it could also be visible only from the back, or could seem like an overskirt at the front.

Court mantua, 1750s // Wedding gown of Princess Sophia Magdalena of Denmark for her marriage to Crown Prince Gustav of Sweden in 1766
The front. The mantua has a clear square neckline, while the robe de cour has a deep round neckline, sometimes decorated by lace.

English court mantua, 1755-60 // Robe de cour coronation dress of Queen Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden, 1751

Chinese Medicine
(Original Handmade Book Art Collage: 6 Elements)

Mermay day 27 honor

Suppose you committed a serious crime, and were brought into court. The evidence against you is overwhelming, and the judge asks how do you plead and you say GUILTY, and then asks if you have anything to say and you sincerely plead:
“I am SO SORRY!! I promise I will NEVER do this again! Please have MERCY on me!”
Regardless of how earnest you are an EARTHLY JUDGE has no choice but to execute JUSTICE according to the law — but before the HEAVENLY JUDGE it’s a different story!
While we all deserve judgement as due justice for our sins, in God’s courtroom 1 John 2:1 says that “If any man sin, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous” where 'advocate' here not only means attorney or counselor, but additionally that the fine and punishment for your sin WAS fully paid for by this adovocate on your behalf through the blood of Christ:
“In him (Christ) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” Ephesians 1:7
All of us one day will stand before the heavenly judge, and if in that courtroom you do not have Jesus as your Advocate, your sentence will be the Hammer of JUSTICE instead of the Cross of MERCY.
Friend, sincerely confess your sins today BEFORE before you stand in that court, and you WILL receive God’s MERCY which you do not deserve instead of the JUSTICE that you do deserve.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

In U.S. courts at the conclusion of a trial, the verdict is either ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty.’ Note that it is not GUILTY or INNOCENT, but that does not mean that they are the same! Here’s why.
At the end of the famous O.J. Simpson trial, he was found Not Guilty, but was he Innocent? Personally (and this is NOT a political comment!) I agreed with the verdict because there were both no eye-witnesses to the crime, and from my perspective and the evidence presented he was (in my thought, right or wrong) not found to be guilty ‘beyond a shadow of doubt.’ Therefore, it is possible to be found “Not Guilty” but not wholly “Innocent.”
At the end of your life, you will stand before the Supreme Judge in the Heavenly Court, and because God is Holy and cannot have any sin in his presence, his eye-witness evidence of every one of your crimes (“secret sins”, Psalm 19:13) will be presented fully and your verdict will be beyond a shadow of doubt - ‘GUILTY!’ But here is the good news…there IS a way to be found INNOCENT!
“While we were still sinners Christ died for us, and we have been justified by his blood sacrifice and saved by that through him.” Romans 5:8-9 (paraphrased)
This scripture says that because what Christ did on the cross for you, all your sins have been completely exonerated and paid for. His blood wipes your record clean, and you will not just be 'not guilty,' but marked as INNOCENT.
Friend, if you have not accepted this pardon by the Eternal Judge, why would you not want to?? Do not delay – there is no guarantee you will have another chance before the judge puts down his gavel. Ask God to forgive you today and let the saving edict of his merciful judgement pay for the crime of all your sins and declare you INNOCENT.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Read over 700 other messages like this at
Two more restraining orders to get in order
My week’s going fucking amazing thanks for asking!!
El Paso County District Court, Pioneers Museum

He'd die for her he loved her so much he doesn't know what he'd do without her

That case between Jonathan department and fossilized tree resin heard was crazy ngl
Believe Me Part 2/Twisted Stories

Warnings: Yelling, Mentions of shooting, Harassment, Assault, Fighting, Guns, and Attempted murder. I think that's all tell me if i missed anything
A/n: I can't express how long this took to write because I don't know how to describe the scenes. Anyways, here's part 2 and I'm also working on a book.
Word Count: 1.7k ish
Summary: Nothing Really, just a huge twist
The team had gotten all sorts of information, turns out that Milly wasn't actually Milly and her real name is Michelle Taylor. So much for changing her name . She has a crazy history in many schools and clearly her parents had changed her name so people would accept her into society and into places.
“She's the principal's niece…y/n was telling the truth.” Jay spoke. “Alright let's move out” Voight snapped Jay out of whatever he was thinking.
The team arrived at Millys house but Kim and Adam went up to the door because everyone else had shown their faces at the front office due to you getting in trouble or parent meeting and stuff and Voight didn't want to risk messing up the plan.
Kim knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door, the door opened and there she was, your principal
“Hi is there Michelle Taylor here” Kim said calmly. Your principal slammed the door shut right in Kim's face and made a run for it. “I NEED BACKUP” kim shouted into her radio. Jay, Hailey and everyone else jumped out of their cars and ran.
Jay had instructed you to stay in the car because he didn't want you to get hurt even more than you already were. Just then shots rang out all around the car and you dropped down to the floor of the car.
Jays Pov(for this part because it's the only way i'll be able to write it)
We had arrested Y/n’s principal as we were all heading back to our cars. shots rang out and everyone dove down onto the ground. “Y/N!” i wanted to run to her but hailey held me back. “She’s smart jay, she probably got down to the floor.” Hailey suggested. But I had this gut feeling that something wasn't right.
As soon as the gunshots were finished I ran to the car and practically ripped opened the door. Relife filled my body when I saw Y/n, she was ok, she had her hands over her ears, curled into a ball shaking. I slid into the car seat and pulled Y/n into my chest and she sobbed.
I sobbed into jays chest for what felt like hours which was only for a few minutes. “Its ok y/n, i got you, its ok.” Jay soothed. “I-wa-was so scared i-” My chest felt tight, i couldn't even finish my sentence because i didn't have enough air to even talk. “Y/n you have to breath.” Jay said. “I-I-I can't”. “Hey, look at me. Match my breathing” I looked at jay and soon i started to calm down.
We sat in Jay's car for a while, Jay was talking to Hailey, Adam and Kevin while stroking my hair. I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up on the couch in our apartment. “Hey Y/n” someone said in a soft voice. I recognize that voice, it was will.
“What are you doing here?” I said in a groggy voice while sitting up. “Jay called and told me what happened and asked if i made sure you were all right.” “soooo the only time you come over is to see if im alright and not to watch a movie and bring me Mcdonalds?” I joked. “I don't have money for Mcdonalds” Will said while looking at my hand. “DUDE, I've seen your paycheck and you definitely have money,” I argued. “Alright, I'll take off tomorrow and you can have a junk food day, just don't tell Jay” A huge smile was on my face. Finally i won an conversation against will, wait… hold up. “Wait, You never take off a whole day like that, what's the catch?” “Whoever did your cast didn't make it tight enough, so you'll have to get a new one tomorrow, and Connor needs to do some further look at it” Will explained. “Whatever at least i get whatever i want tomorrow” I said
It's been a couple of weeks since the whole incident at school. Today at the court case, I didn't really wanna go but Jay said I had to. Something along the lines with “they need you there for “evidence” and blah blah blah”.
I wasn't gonna dress that nie so I just wore some flare pants and a Chicago Med Sweatshirt I stole from will.
“Michelle Taylor will be charged on many accounts of Thievery, Fraud, Assault, Harassment, attempted murder, possession of a firearm and many accounts of fleeing the police.” The judge spoke from his chair
Gosh you didn't Milly had committed all these crimes in one lifetime, you didn't even know she had a fake name. Quite frankly you didn't want to be here, you wanted to be at home in your bed sleeping or watching movies with your brothers.
“Your honor, my client has a different side of her story based on what happened between her and Ms. Halstead.” Millys Lawyer spoke, Milly got up to the stage(or whatever you call it, i wanna be a doctor not a lawyer), and started talking.
“I was just talking to my friends about some girl who was being mean to me, and i guess she was eavesdropping on my conversation and she just came up to and punched me, i tried to defend myself, after we got pulled apart she- she threated to hurt me and my family with her brothers gun, and that she would come to school and ki-kill me” SHE WAS CRYING, SHE WAS REALLY FUCKING CRYING! You wouldn't believe what you were hearing, you did none of that, milly swung first, milly was talking about your family so you tried to talk and well… you already know the rest of the story. There was no way the Judge would believe this, Or so you thought.
“Your honor, there's CCTV footage, my client has bruises and a swollen eye from the confrontation, she even has bruises from other fights she had gotten in with Ms, Taylor weeks and even months ago” Your lawyer spoke.
This went on for 40 minutes. Made up stories and most of them happened but words were twisted things were changed to make you look like the bad guy. and afterwards you took a lunch break. “Their not gonna send Y/n to jail press any charges right hailey?” Jay spoke. Hailey knew a thing or two about courts since it was her first choice of what she wanted to be (idk if actually was but whatever). “Yeah- yeah she'll be fine jay.” Deep down hailey knew this wasn't going well and you'll probably end up with house arrest or something.
I sentence MiChelle Taylor to six Years in Jail with possible parole. You sighed, nothing bad was going to happen to you and you were fine. “And I sentence Y/n Halstead to 10 Months In Jail without parole, for Attempted Murder, Assault, and harassment” Suddenly there were so many Flashing lights, so many people talking, then you couldnt breath, you couldn't see, black spots clouded your vision…
Then one loud voice overcame all the other ones. “MOVE, LEAVE HER ALONE”, you were picked up and brought to an empty room. Y/n, it's ok, it's just me and will, you're safe, no ones gonna hurt you” a soft voice came. “You can open your eyes now, there's no cameras, no media, nobody, just us. Ok?” You didn't even realize that you were closing your eyes tightly.
“They're taking me to jail” You whispered, it came out of a question rather than a response. “y/n, I promise, we will do everything possible to make sure you don't go to jail. I promise” Will said while coming towards you and jay.
You already knew that promise was broken within a millisecond. “You can't promise that, it's already been done, there's nothing anybody can do.” “You'll have another court case to finalize everything by then we'll have figured out everything” Jay spoke
Just then police officers barged through the doors and pushed Will and Jay out of the way. “Let me go!” you yelped when they grabbed you with force. “Don't hurt her” Will tried to get to you but jay held him back “If you fight back you'll only make it worse for her” Jay said “BUT WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING JAY, I'M NOT JUST GONNA STAND BACK WHILE MY LITTLE SISTER GETS ARRESTED FOR A CRIME SHE DIDN'T COMMIT, IF YOUR NOT GONNA HELP THEN I WILL.” Will snapped, and with that he threw jays hand off his shoulder and walked out.
Jay was left standing there questioning what led to this, how was his family falling apart in just one day.
When will ran outside he saw you looking at him with tears in your eyes. With one last chance on seeing you for awhile he signed *I promise little boss* During the pandemic, you, will and jay learned sign language for fun and ever since you guys have been using it, either so someone didn't figure out what you guys were talking about or in a serious situation where one of you couldn't talk. And the name, will had given to you when you were nine because you kept bossing everyone around and you were short for your age and you are still short, hence the name Little Boss.
This was the day where the three halstead siblings lost each other…
The end
No i'm just joking. I was totally gonna make this a happy ending where milly goes to jail and You don't go to jail but no, this idea sprang to me at 7pm and i just word vomited all my ideas into the chapter but i hope there's one more chapter after this because i already have ideas for the last one. Btw my bad for being gone took me about a month to write this part. It's been since June 17th that I started this. Anyways, bye.

-This is my first story so am very excited. It is not Proofread (I am working on the other parts since I want to make it like a series). Leave some feedbacks❤️
No one knows where she came from. They only know her as the girl Cahil brought into the CIA the day she decided to leave everything. Her superiors never got her involved in any field jobs until Lloyd came along. She wasn’t innocent but she wasn’t like Lloyd either. They became inseprateble until she really saw the real side of him. It was unspeakable the act he has put on. The way his soul disappeared and the smirk in his face showed how much he really enjoyed it. She knew something was messed up then but she didn’t dare to speak up, she knew they would ruin her. So she went off the grid, but now they got a new location for her but she is not working alone.
Chapter 1:

“You need to go back to Fitzroy’s house.” As soon as I walked in the house Maggie handed me a pair of keys and a phone.
“Yes hello, how are you?, I am good, how-” before I could finish my remark we heard a gun shot outside.
“I am doing good but you need to leave before they find you here” she pats my hand and leans me to the kitchen where the tunnel is under the floor.
“Maggie you-”
“Its nothing I can’t handle” I know she was right. Before she noticed I placed a card under the lock. After a couple minutes I hear the door crash open. Muffles but nothing alarming until a groan knocks me into my senses. I lift the door up shooting the first guy I see. The second one comes around the corner but as I hide behind the countertop he misses his shot. I turn my head around the otherside and see maggie on the floor. “Fuck!” I scream. Rushing towards the other side and shooting the guy. Before the guy could say anything I grab the gun pointed to the back of my head, as I turn I kick my feet under his and shot him. I throw the gun to the side and rush towards maggie who was already sitting up. “I knew you wouldn’t listen”
“Neitheir do you” I smile helping her up. “Let me take you somewhere safe and then I’ll head to Fitzroy” But she shakes her head. Dammit. Lady.
“You need to go now. The girls are in danger and I know you care for them. They got him being followed everywhere. You need to get her before they do something to her”
“Who are they maggie?”
“The same people we are trying to take down. You need to go now. I will be right behind you” I nod knowing there was enough time for her leave. I grab my backpack and head out noticing the building being surrounded by police.
“Ma’am are you okay?” Her goes acting.
“You have to do something!” I start to shake. Panicking. “There's three men up there” I cover my face crying”
“Please calm down, we will take care of it” the guy rushed over to the rest and I rush to get the hell out of here. There was no need for that but it was fun. I got onto the plane and on my way. These past couple of months they had no luck of me until now. They have agents that could find anyone so I wouldn’t have doubt it would be a matter of time but how did they come so close? Now what does Fitzroy or even Claire have to do with this? I close my eyes but every routes leads me to a dead end.
All the ride there my mind was blanked. It always was. “Damit!” I kick my bag as I become irritated when it falls to the ground. I picked it up, taking a deep breath knowing this was not the time to be picky. I had a job to do and this comes first. I got to the house knocking on the door waiting for someone to open.
“No one is home” I smile knowing Claires voice on the other side of the door.
“To bad, I guess I have to blow your house down” I hear the door swing open and my body is engulfed in a tight hug.
“Oh I missed you so much, Victoria has taken the role of queen and let me tell you she is not so elegant” I shake my head as we head inside. “What are you in here for?”
“I missed you two and decided to spend some days with you before I head off” It wasn’t a lie. I don’t know how many days I was going to stay but as soon as they are safe I am leaving and won’t be coming back in a while.
“Okay. Well I am going to my room to finish things up and then we are going to have movie night, deal?” I shake my head. “You have to verbally agree and shake my hand” Her small hand went straight at me as she stood straight before me.
“Deal” I whisper, shaking her hand before she is walking back towards her room. After she leaves I walk around the house making sure to check everything is secure.
“What has brought you back?” I see Victoria sitting in the Kitchen stool eating something. Back to play babysitter?
“You don’t need one honey” I send her a smile before I walk off to finish my round. Don’t get me wrong I like the girls. Claire keeps everyone on their toes. No matter what is going on she is strong and doesn’t let anything affect they way she lives life. Sometimes I feel like the little girl inside of my whats to be as stronge and free as she is. Victoria is a different case. She turned 18 a couple months ago and now is stuck at home. She hates it. A couple years ago when I first started taking care of them she was sweeter. All smile much like claire when you really got to know them. Now she only cares about her space which I totally get. I was like that 3 years ago.
Two days went by. No call from Fitzroy or Maggie. The anticipation was killing me. The only thing keeping me sane was the quietness the house gave.
“Someone’s at the door!” I heard Claire scream from the living room as I passed by.
“I think that's why the doorbell is for” I glare at Claire. She knows I hate it when she screams. My gun packed in my jeans as I took a look at the cameras. “Can I help you?” I ask only to open it enough to see around him. Dirty blonde hair. Ken like futures. Tall, built, but not like a scary bodybuilder built. I almost laugh remembering the reference. Before he could speak a car pulls up and out comes Fitzroy.
“I see you have met Six” I should have known Fitz would bring someone from the department.
“Pleasure” I offer him a smile, opening the door wider for them to walk in. Fitz gives me a look. He knew I was pissed. He knows that for the last months I have been staying away from the CIA. I followed them as he introduced Six to everyone.
“And this is Claire”
“We don’t chew gum in here” I smirk looking down at my feet. Claire was a tough cookie. She gave him her best stare. I stay behind while Fitx shows the guy every part of the house. “What is he doing here” We look as the are walking towards the kitchen. He did look good. I just shrug taking a seat on the armrest next to her. “Think he's an ass?”
“Words” I whisper. “Can’t judge him yet” I sent her a wink before dusting off and starting to make my way into the office.
“You think he’s cute?” I just shake my head turning the corner. I check the cameras as they make it to the entrance again. Six closes the door and Fitz drives off. And just like clock work everytime he leaves the house my phone rings.
“I knew if I mention something about an agent coming to help you, you would deny” damn right I would.
“He's not only an agent. Why him?” he didn’t trust many but the few he did, well lets just say you don’t need two hands to count them.
“Sierra Six is there to protect you girls and before you say anything I know you got it handled but what I am doing is not going to be easy. I need to make sure that all the people I am upsetting right now will not have any leverage on me and trust me they will try their very best. He is the best, weapanery, tactical plan, smart, and has exceeded every assignment and expectation we had. Plus I know the guy for years, just like you, I don’t trust my girls with anybody else”
“You’re lucky I like the girls so much” I whisper. I take a look at the cameras seeing him talking to Claire. While Victoria is making doe eyes at him the whole time.
“Just a month or so, maybe even a couple weeks tops”
“Bye Fitzroy” I hung up the phone. I check the time on the computer. I have a couple hours before lunch is ready. I use this time to dig some information on Six. No matter how much knowledge I had in my head it doesn’t beat the technology the CIA has to protect files. But usually there is no trace of people like him, but that doesn’t mean there's no point in trying. I pulled up his profile and checked the basic information. No origin. Age 32. Height. Weight. Missions. Classified. Background Classified. Family. Classified. If they would just protect everyone in the world like this maybe crooked people would exist, well then again they would have more opportunity to do their dirty work. “Humanity can never win huh?” I sigh closing down my laptop.
“Lunch is ready” I hear a small voice say on the other side of the door. I smile walking up to open it. “Dude has been staring at the wall and Viki has been staring at him since he sat down”
“Don’t worry, is a teenage thing” We laugh heading down to the kitchen.
“Will I go through that?” She says a little sad. Claire has never been the one who felt weak because of her health condition but once in awhile it does dawn on her that she is not healthy
“Of course. You will try to do anything for the guy. Maybe even go out of your way to get his attention” I shrug walking up to the table and sitting down infront of Viki. She sits beside Six and Claire beside me.
“Whose attention?” Victoria asked to get out of the haze she was in.
“A very special person's attention” I say taking the plate from the staff and thanking her.
“I don’t think I will ever go that stupid for someone” I smirk, I feel eyes on me and when I look up he lookes away. “I mean why would I give everything to someone without the guarantee they would do the same?” Fair point
“Sometimes you can’t help it. You also have to understand that love is selfless, although I think you have a choice, but it is a hard one to make”
“So what you're saying is that you have a choice on who you love?”
“No, You have a choice on what to do with the feeling but the feeling comes naturally and unexpectedly. You have no choice in that. Your choice is to either deal with them or run away from them.” Before another word is said my watch pinges and is an alert. I stand up and excuse myself. I check the cameras in my phone and everything is silent. “Get the girls. They are inside the house” I whisper to Six feeling his presence follow me down the hallway. As I hear him retreat I pull out my gun checking down every room. I go down to the last room in the hallway and push the bathroom door open. The gun knocked out my hand and a kick to the chest knocked me down. Before he could land another hit I grab the knife my belt and throw it at his head. I quickly moved out the way, taking my knife out and picking up my gun. I checked out the whole house, locking every window and making sure the doors and the alarms were set.
“Next time you should let me take care of it.” I see him follow me into my office. I didn’t have time for this. “Your hurt” he points out. I look down to my arm and didnt realise the blood that had form on my shirt.
“Must have cut myself on some glass” I take out a piece of paper and a phone. I walk towards the doorframe which he was leaning against and handed him the things. “Next time” I say moving pass him. “Can you clean that up while I go clean myseld up? Thanks” I send him a smile before walking upstairs. Maybe it is not a bad idea having him take care of the girls. He is the extra security this place needs.
Chapter 2:

Chapter 2
The last seven days have gone by so slow. I spend my time taking a look at my watch noticing every minute that ticks by. Six is not a bad guy but he is very serious, more than me even, that's what Claire says atleast. I can see how Claire has gotten under his skin. She had a scare two days ago and he was alert and ready to do anything to keep her safe in the hospital. I stayed behind with Victoria. She has been to herself unless Six was involved. What is up with girls and guys way too old for them? At the moment we were outside, Claire was sitting in the shade reading a book while I was laying down on the ground resting my eyes.
“Your supposed to be inside” I groan as I hear his voice and hear claires stop.
“Are you always so serious” I chuckle keeping my eyes closed.
“I am working” he states it like it was all he has known and that was probably right.
“How many suits do you own?” I open one eyes seeing the stare he was give claire with all the questions she was asking.
“Are you sitting on my jacket?” I look over to Claire who just shrugged and takes it out from under her.
“You know, you would look better in dark blue” I sigh standing up. “Don’t you think?” I don’t know who she was asking but as i walked past him handing him his jacket.
“She’s right” It goes well with his eyes. “Claire don’t you dare read ahead” I scream making my way into the house. Six was right about being outside in the open area. Yet I know the girls were feeling frustrated being stuck inside and atleast for a little bit they could be reguler kids and spend some time outside. No danger has happened since the last time someone snuck in but you can never be too cautious.
The afternoon passed by and finally the clock hit 12. Midnight and I couldn’t sleep. I get up from my chair and move to the kitchen to make some tea. Six is sitting on the couch watching the cameras like a hawk. “You want a drink?”
“I don’t drink” he simply responded and I couldn’t help but chuckle. His eyes probably never left the computer screen since the girls went to bed, correction since Clair went to bed. Victoria is still up.
“Tea,” I groaned. “Although the thing you need is a drink” I whisper under my breath and if he heard me, he didn’t respond
“Didn’t see you much of a tea drinker, I have only seen you drink coffee” I hear the stool chair being pulled and his voice getting closer.
“Coffee is just something, tea calms me down” I place a cup infront of him watching his reaction. “I didn’t posion it” I place mine in the counter waiting for it to cool down a little.
“So, Meditation, Tea, have a touch on literature and life. Hippie?” Our eyes meet. I didn’t know what to say. Its not like I didn’t have a remark but looking into his eyes for the very first time like this changed my perspective of him. Of course I don’t trust him but I can form an opinion on him without knowing everything about him. How did he end up in the CIA? He doesn’t say much which is understandable but even the loneliest people need to vent to someone. Wonder why people don’t have even some many up stories about him. He is like a ghost. “Are you trying to read me?” A little smirk form but as quick as it did it disappeared.
I shake my head. “Goodnight Six” I take my cup and headed back into my office. There is someone who will help me out and she owes me. I sat my cup down and pull up my phone. I hear it ring for the longest until a voice answers on the other side.
“Hows it going”
“Sierra Six. I have my thoughts on him.”
“I know you never set ideas on someone but what you see is who he is” I stop a think. Maggie surly knows him, she worked close with Fitz and if he knew anything he would tell her and it goes the same for her. But she is wrong. Eithier she is lying or Fitzroy doesn’t trust her as much as I thought he did. Or maybe she doesn’t trust me as much as I thought.
“Okay” Before I could hang up she speaks again.
“Courtland Gentry. Goodnight Sierra Eight” My hand couldn’t move to set the phone down. The shock of not hearing his real name but of being called that again. Why? Another thing I hated.
“Hey, where is Six?” I look up seeing Victoria in her nightgown “He isn’t in the living room” I wanted to tell her to go to bed but I understand she is already 18 and doesn’t need me to tell her what to do.
“Let me check” I open my laptop and look at the cameras until I find him walking upstairs making his rounds. “He's making his rounds by the library” A smile appears on her face and she takes off. I finish my tea and I get up to leave towards the kitchen and am caught off guard when Six blocks my view.
“Liar” I sigh, holding on to my chest. “And Incognizant” I look up to him. Courtland. Nothing really special in his name. An English word usually used for a girl. I’ve heard of Cortland, but that was not him. It was like puppet work, he took a step forward and I took a step back. He had pretty features. I can’t do this to myself. Thankfully I started thinking clearly when he shut the door causing my cup to fall and break.
“I was just off for a moment” I scoffed and reached for the broom to pick up my mess but he caught my hand.
“Your eyes look at me differently” I scrunch my nose feeling uneasy. He stared at me like I was the stranger here.
“I have never looked at you like I knew you” Something flicker through his eyes. I slipped my wrist away only to have him grab a hold of it again and pull me closer. My head got dizzy and my body wanted to just let him take hold of me. His smell was everywher and it filled my brain and it only allowed me to focus on his face so close to mine.
“After a couple days, you know me better than anyone” My eyes seal close as his nose traces my jaw. He hoovers and moves down my neck
“Its my job to know who am working with” I tried to fight his hold on my wrist but I knew I was just kidding myself. If I wanted I could have him on the floor in a second, in any position I wanted.
“You know that is not want I was talking about” he grabs a hold of my jaw making my eyes open and focus on his. His attitude changed, he was playful and calm just a second ago and now I can’t see any emotion in his eyes. “I am not one to do this.” He moves closer with every word he lets out and I can’t move and inch. “You intrigue me and trust me when I say that no one has before. And I know this isn’t right but goddamn at this point it feels like the only right thing to do is kiss you”
So kiss me. My body and hands were on him but our lips didn’t touch. “You’re right” I whisper. Its like I was burning inside and the only thing that could put me out was water. But I didn’t want to be put out, I wanted to burn even more. In any way I could have him. I reach out to his wrist, jerking him to the wall and opening the door.
“He wasn;t in the library” Victoria says standing with her arms crossed right infront of me. Her eyes checked me out like, she knows I was lying but I know she wouldn’t understand why, and before you think about it no, it wasn’t because I was Six for myself.
“Oh” I look around acting like I was thinking. “ Maybe he moved on to the rest of the house before you got there” I shrug, giving her a smile. I reach back, grabbing the door knob and closing it behind me.
“Right,” she say annoyed. I thought it was the last of the words from her but she stood her ground. There was nothing I was scared of. If I died, so be it. If they killed any innocent person in the world who wasn’t the two girls I could live with that. Hell if I had to kill them I would. But what came out of her mouth wasn’t fear, far worse, it was worry. Fear is upon yourself but worry is upon that one person that you can’t help. “He said you would never lie to your girls”
I turn around and look back with no emotion. “He was right” I was looking for any sign of her giving anything away. I never reveal anything but to one person. She promised.
“Guess I'm not part of those girls.” I think her lips said goodnight. My brain was on fire. I walk back inside grabbing my phone and placing it in my pocket.
My mind was doing laps. Figuring out what Victoria knew. “What's got you twisted” This is the last thing I need. I look up from staring at the table to the door frame where Court stood. I forgot he was still here.
“You do” I get up from my chair walking towards the door to get as far away from him as possible. Every step felt like I would fall onto my knees. The feelings when he gets too close and help me god it didn’t help that he now put his arm inbetween me and freedom.
“Well let me fix that” He stood up straight taken a step towards me and one thing I won’t do is ever take a step back for someone. But no matter what kind of feelings I have towards him that make my mind disappear. My whole body feel tingly and my heart beat faster and faster every time his eyes are on mine, I have to ignore it. Before he had a chance to touch me I moved away walking out the door. I didn’t have time for this. I pull out my phone and dailed the only person who could give me answers.
“Fitzroy” I say stern hoping his smirk or smile will disappear. “I have something to pick with you” I sat down on the kitchen stool making sure no one was around. “And am guessing you know by the silence in your voice” I chuckle, not an amusing one.
“No, I have done enough listening. I took this because it was you. And out of all people I would have thought you would understand. I confined in you, and no reason behind it will be good enough”
“She didn’t trust you!” he cuts me off making my blood boil a little hotter than it already was
“She doesn’t get a choice! Her life's in jeopardy. Does she really think she has a say?”
“Victoria is 18” I shook my head in disbelief. “She's an adult”
“Then I guess she can take care of herself. You had no right, I chose to trust you and that was bad on my end.”
“What are you going to do leave?”
“As a matter of fact yes I am. And after I end this call you won’t have a way to find me.”
“You can’t just leave, you made a promise to my girls”
“YOU MADE A PROMISE TO ME! I don’t take those lightly. Your girls will be safe with Six.”
“You can’t leave, you won’t leave, you care to much for the girls” deep down I know he was right. I cared for them. No matter which way I put it, It wasn’t the girls fault. But I just couldn’t stay.
“You know I cared about my girls more than anything”
“They are Dead!” I always had a short temper. Whenever I was young I would find the closes thing and try to match in with my fist. It hurt like hell but it was distracting from the pain in my heart.
Smashing the phone to the floor I took off to my office. I feel someone staring at me as I walk past the living room. Six was probably looking at the security cameras like always. Thankfully the sound was filtered. I close the door quietly and looked around. This has been my home for almost 4 years. Going back and forth everywhere but when I came back here it was a relief to me. I went to the computer and erased what I needed. My life was always a risk to I only kept what I knew would not come back a bite me. Every writing and note and picture in this room was unimportant and not useful to track me. Like a disposal camera, you take memories but at the end of the day if it get lost or trashed it won’t matter because those memories are engraved in your brain. I grab my backpack and headed out the door. I took a look at my watch and seen it just hit 4. It should be morning soon and I can’t risk anyone seeing me, for the safety of the girls. “Where are you going” Six walks from around the corner stopping as I got to the back door.
“I have a couple errands to run. I will be in a couple hours” You would think it would feel so bad to lie so well. Things will come out of my mouth and I would not evaluate them until I think of what I said later on. Maybe it's because I believed them too.
“Fitzroy didn’t say anything-'' He stopped when I placed my hand on both his cheeks. I felt a little tug in my lips. But of course disappointment made it go away.
“It was a last minute thing. I have news on Lloyd. I will explain it when I come back” With that I move out the door and across the hills until I reach my getaway. I didn’t know where I was going after getting on the train. I knew that the sun was coming back up when I moved out on some random street. I reach a telephone and dial Maggie’s number. “Maggie you know I respect you but you had no right. They only reason I am on the phone right now is because of the respect I still have for you, but this is the last time you will hear from me.” Before she could say anything I hung up. Now to get back on the train, on a plane and to walk a couple miles.