Judgement - Tumblr Posts
"In a world where happiness has become a social duty and sadness a public offense, life opens unrepentantly into a kaleidoscopic masquerade and a muddling carousel of faking."
- Erik Pevernagie

Judgement in a suit
Based on concept art by Łukasz Piskorz (Vanripper)
We All Judge People and Should Accept That (Forgiving Ourselves)
Cuddling headcanons for Judgement, Justice and Lucifer from Helltaker.
I was in the progress of playing Second Circle but my laptop committed fucking seppuku so it's gonna be a while longer before I get back to it. Fuck it, we ball.
-Getting Judgment of all people to cuddle with you is going to quickly prove to be quite the task. She doesn't really know how to drop the high prosecutor mask anymore.
-It's gonna take some time to wear down at it, even after you're already in a relationship with her. She wants to be more intimate, she really does, but her pride and stubbornness just get in the way so much.
-You're gonna have to pick up on the cues that she's really comfortable around you. It'll take a while and they're pretty damn hard to spot but they'll still be there. You'll have to make the first move though as you usually do.
-As soon as you come out and say it the cracks in Judgement's shell will start to really show before she ends up nervously agreeing, though only if you're asking to sleep together with her so she has an excuse to do so.
-Despite the cold gray tone of her skin she's actually quite warm, and soft underneath all the battle equipment when she takes it off. She will have to keep her hair out of your face though with how long it is.
-She's clearly a tad uncomfortable with being vulnerable, however once you wake up the next morning she's unusually still asleep when she's normally the first to wake up and spooning you tightly to her body. You definitely need to do this more often.
-Justice is practically the opposite of her successor. She's cool and confident, and that translates into a relationship pretty well. The Awesome Demon's down for practically anything.
-You probably don't even need to ask her. Once she's close enough to you, which probably won't be very long, she's gonna just start pulling you close to her when you're sitting down together watching TV or something (Well, 'watching' with quotation marks in her case).
-No matter how nervous you might be when she first does it, it soon eventually just becomes a natural, unconscious thing that happens. Justice just has a way of making you feel at ease with her.
-She'll be fine with toning it down with company around if that's not really your thing but when she has her way, your arms are going around each other as you just sit/lie down doing whatever. You're pretty much attached when she's in a cozy mood.
-You should probably take her glasses off though when you two go to bed, she can turn and toss around sometimes and you don't need them getting broken. She's blind so sometimes she can just forget that they're there when she's about to sleep.
-The CEO of Hell herself is surprisingly alright with cuddling, at least once you've earned her affection enough. Depending on how you met that can take a varying amount of time.
-You'll have to appeal to the side of her that wants to be in charge all the time, probably asking her to cuddle you instead of you doing it together. Your word choice here matters a lot. Make it seem like she'd be doing it for you.
-She'll...dote on you in a somewhat derogatory way, that's really the most accurate way to put it, at least at the start before she truly warms up to you. She'll accept, if her S/O is truly that needy for her attention.
-Don't even try to be the big spoon, it's not going to affect her. She probably won't even notice unless you ask, to which you'll get a very tentative no. She's in charge, even in something as inconsequential as snuggling up to her S/O.
-She'll at least give you all the attention you need. She just finds you oddly adorable in her arms like this, for a normal human at least. Don't expect to be getting up anytime soon.
-Huge ara ara vibes from her to be honest. Though she won't go much further down the intimacy rabbit hole, you'll have to earn that. For now though she's perfectly content having her cute little human cuddled up to her like this like a pet. At least that's the impression she seems to be trying to give you.
it's a lie when people say that looks don't matter much because the first thing a person notices is your looks and based on that they decide if they want to approach you or not
Jewels of Truth Reading From: A Soul Odyssey Within, Volume 1
Hello All, Today's entry is on the topic of Judgement. How we accuse each other with this or that dislike or wholehearted error. Whether the judgement is deserved or not in plain truth. Matters little to our spiritual identity as eternal souls. However every false judgement even in a naive lapse of the ego. Weighs on us on a psychic auric level if not individually than collectively in conjunction with the meta soul of our planet earth. As the saying goes "What comes around, goes around". So it is and the only escape from this is stop bearing false witness and the utilization of the sacred gift of forgiveness from God himself. Enjoy today's reflection from my 1st Volume of the "Jewels of Truth" series. -------------------------------------- Judgement: A God of absolute love does not hold an iota of grudges or recriminations against his own creations. However we here in this life as conditional beings of nature do hold onto slights, grudges, and judgements. And all the other sins over own own heads as guilt and of our fellow brethren as shame. This is one point of understanding on the path of eternal enlightenment for all of God's creations. Moment by moment in this blessed eternity to achieve a like grace near the same and equal mentality of our divine Creator, God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within, Volume 1 pg. 40

The #1 issue that people say that causes them to refuse the Gospel message is:
I can’t Believe in ANY so-called 'Loving god' That would send anyone to Hell!”
…and You’re Right! NEITHER DO I.
Let’s correct one of the biggest lies that has been successfully put out there and that is - (and this is a biggie…)
God doesn’t send ANYONE to Hell. YOU CHOOSE to GO to HELL!
WHAT, You Say?!?
That’s right!! You see, the Bible actually says that God does not desire that any people perish in Hell but that everyone be saved (2 Peter 3:9) and as Jesus said in today’s scripture, Hell was NEVER INTENDED for people, but for evil angels. But here’s the thing - you can choose to be WITH GOD or NOT BE with God. He does not want - nor will he will force anyone - to be with Him for eternity. So if you don’t like the offer of forgiveness and eternal life which is totally free for the asking, NO PROBLEM! It IS YOUR CHOICE.
You can choose to reject salvation and believe what you want to believe about who God is and how you think he really operates, or as today’s scripture says you can be on his LEFT HAND and you can have what you say.
Friend, please listen. This is not some sort of imaginary game. We ALL will leave this earth one day, the question is where, and the answer is simply where you CHOOSE to go, not where God chooses to send you. Will you choose God’s offer of forgiveness and love today?
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

When most people think about Jesus, they imagine a kind loving man who was a master teacher and miracle healer. Pictures depict him as a shepherd gently tending lambs, blessing children, and feeding thousands with a kind loving look in his eyes. While He came peacefully into Jerusalem riding a donkey to the adoration of crowds spreading green palms as a carpet before him, even when suffering in agony at the crucifixion, He doesn’t curse his tormentors, but forgives them. In His whole life He is the personification of Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, however His Second Coming to earth will be quite a different story.
Thou He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as the Prince of Peace, the Bible tells us that at His return He rides in on a white horse as a conquering judge. All those that are still on earth at that time will not meet a loving PRINCE of Peace, but a judging LORD of Glory For those not prepared to meet the Judge, it will be a day of disastrous destiny that will be their first day of an eternity that will be the opposite of “peace.”
If you are one of these people and have read this far then please realize that there is a time when all those that are not friends of God will not be treated not with Peace, Love, and Forgiveness, but with Harshness, Rebuke, and JUDGEMENT.
Jesus IS coming back to reclaim His authority over the earth to establish his kingdom, so if you do not know Christ and have not received the Peace, Love, and Forgiveness that he offers, do so today. There is no better time than the present because we all have no guarantee of tomorrow.
Prepare to meet Jesus as your KING, not your Judge.
God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org

Suppose you committed a serious crime, and were brought into court. The evidence against you is overwhelming, and the judge asks how do you plead and you say GUILTY, and then asks if you have anything to say and you sincerely plead:
“I am SO SORRY!! I promise I will NEVER do this again! Please have MERCY on me!”
Regardless of how earnest you are an EARTHLY JUDGE has no choice but to execute JUSTICE according to the law — but before the HEAVENLY JUDGE it’s a different story!
While we all deserve judgement as due justice for our sins, in God’s courtroom 1 John 2:1 says that “If any man sin, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous” where 'advocate' here not only means attorney or counselor, but additionally that the fine and punishment for your sin WAS fully paid for by this adovocate on your behalf through the blood of Christ:
“In him (Christ) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.” Ephesians 1:7
All of us one day will stand before the heavenly judge, and if in that courtroom you do not have Jesus as your Advocate, your sentence will be the Hammer of JUSTICE instead of the Cross of MERCY.
Friend, sincerely confess your sins today BEFORE before you stand in that court, and you WILL receive God’s MERCY which you do not deserve instead of the JUSTICE that you do deserve.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org

A car at a stoplight had a bumper sticker that simply said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As this fellow pulled away, it raised an interesting question and that was 'How exactly can an event be coming that is NOT coming?' But then pondering more about it, depending on your point of view this statement could be entirely correct!
From the perspective of many, a day of judgment is definitely NOT coming. If there is no god, then it makes perfect sense to be free to live life with impunity without any repercussions for your actions. You are free to 'eat, drink, and be merry' because there are no limits or restrictions on life except the ones you set.
On the other hand, the Bible says something diametrically opposed to that - but with a hopeful twist! While Romans 16:20 says that such a day is indeed coming, here’s the thing – Judgment Day is coming for some but not everyone. Here’s why…
While God is a God of Love, He is also a God of Justice. While we will all cross the threshold of mortality into eternity, when we reach that intersection those that have received a pardon for their sins by standing under the doorposts of the blood of Christ, just as the Hebrews did in Egypt, were “passed over” from that Judgment Day. That means that for those not under the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God (Christ), Judgment Day WILL Come.
So YES, there is a Non-Judgment Day coming for some, but not because you put a bumper sticker on your car, but those that have put their faith in Christ to redeem them from (i.e. pay for) their sins and remove the charges against them that would cause them to stand before that final heavenly court.
If you are “In The World” and not in Christ, then Judgment Day IS coming, but you don’t have to face it.
Agreeing with a bumper sticker will not prevent it from coming. The question you have to ask yourself is “Will You Be Ready When It Comes??”
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org

In U.S. courts at the conclusion of a trial, the verdict is either ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty.’ Note that it is not GUILTY or INNOCENT, but that does not mean that they are the same! Here’s why.
At the end of the famous O.J. Simpson trial, he was found Not Guilty, but was he Innocent? Personally (and this is NOT a political comment!) I agreed with the verdict because there were both no eye-witnesses to the crime, and from my perspective and the evidence presented he was (in my thought, right or wrong) not found to be guilty ‘beyond a shadow of doubt.’ Therefore, it is possible to be found “Not Guilty” but not wholly “Innocent.”
At the end of your life, you will stand before the Supreme Judge in the Heavenly Court, and because God is Holy and cannot have any sin in his presence, his eye-witness evidence of every one of your crimes (“secret sins”, Psalm 19:13) will be presented fully and your verdict will be beyond a shadow of doubt - ‘GUILTY!’ But here is the good news…there IS a way to be found INNOCENT!
“While we were still sinners Christ died for us, and we have been justified by his blood sacrifice and saved by that through him.” Romans 5:8-9 (paraphrased)
This scripture says that because what Christ did on the cross for you, all your sins have been completely exonerated and paid for. His blood wipes your record clean, and you will not just be 'not guilty,' but marked as INNOCENT.
Friend, if you have not accepted this pardon by the Eternal Judge, why would you not want to?? Do not delay – there is no guarantee you will have another chance before the judge puts down his gavel. Ask God to forgive you today and let the saving edict of his merciful judgement pay for the crime of all your sins and declare you INNOCENT.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
Read over 700 other messages like this at NotesOnLife.org/archive

While some in the world were shocked to see the Grammy awards performance of the song of the year winner ’UNHOLY’ (as it was called) blatantly presented complete with demonic dance performed in red costumes with devil horns, those in attendance instead CELEBRATED by wearing lit devil horns on their heads, no doubt joined in glee by millions of TV on-lookers.
This open display of evil is propagating like ’wild fire’ and encouraging people to not only accept but CELEBRATE the devil and mock Christianity and God. However, none of satan’s schemes for fame are shocking to God because He has seen it all since satan’s fall from heaven. Ever since, satan has sought to be worshipped, and today he does so through Hollywood award programs and mega-events like the “Super Bowl.”
While every single person on this planet is precious to God (even those wearing devil’s horns) He is lovingly Long Suffering & Patient with man’s rebellious ways, yet His patience will very soon RUN OUT.
God is a Righteous God and most assuredly every single human being will stand before Him on Judgement Day as He takes an account of each life on earth. This is why every Christian who is reading this needs to make a conscientious intention to carry JESUS everywhere you go, not only in your countenance, but in your words and actions, so that people can see TRUE LIGHT, and not be blinded by the false light being sold to the masses.
Time is running out!! The Lord commands all that are in Him that while living in this world, we are not be a part of this world. Make sure that you live your life that way, and not participating or celebrating the ever increasing evil growing around us.
Friend, if you don’t know Christ, please come to HIM! Don’t follow anything that the devil entices you to see or do, because he is full of lies and deceit. He is destroying so many thousands of souls who are blind to his ways and are weak minded. Direct your life toward Christ who will show you a life full of joy and abundance, because He alone is The Way, The Truth and the Life!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
Read over 700 other messages like this at NotesOnLife.org/archive