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The Book Of Revelation Is Not A 2,000 Year Old Book. Rather, For Those That Compare It To The Growing

The Book Of Revelation Is Not A 2,000 Year Old Book. Rather, For Those That Compare It To The Growing

The Book of Revelation is not a 2,000 year old book. Rather, for those that compare it to the growing chaos in the world it’s instead a 21st century news ticker that explains exactly what is going on and WHY — but only for those looking at it.

Just as the Bible predicted, in these end times instead of people looking at reality, just as George Orwell said in his infamous book 1984, “They will be too busy looking at their screens” and being programmed to believe every misleading lie that is repeatedy being broadcast. As a result, the masses are being tricking into thinking that what they see is a 'warming' TrutH.

You see, the problem is that most people don’t want TRUTH — they just want constant reassurance that what they Believe IS TRUE. Just as a fireplace burning on a TV screen cannot keep you warm, you likewise can’t get truth from it either.

Friend, the only realiable source of truth and light is found from both the creator of truth and light and that is Jesus Christ and God’s 100% reliable guiding truth, the Bible.

What do you believe is the source of truth?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
WORRY!Weve All Experienced It, But In Gods Word, It IsNotan Option!

WORRY! We’ve all experienced it, but in God’s Word, it is Not an option!

Worry in the original language here means 'to tear the remembrance of the mind apart,' and this is a classic practice of Satan whose primary goal in our lives is to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) When we follow Satan’s lead by worrying, It Is A Sin.

The positive response to worry instead is CONCERN which means “Having a healthy marked interest in a situation and being involved with a solution by responsibly taking charge for solving the problem by sifting through possible solutions.” Sometimes that is possible by being positively proactive, but other times that may NOT be possible and That’s Where PRAYER & FAITH Comes In!

1 Peter 5:7 says to “Cast ALL your cares upon him, for he careth for you” (!)

“All” doesn’t mean 50% or 70% or 90% of your cares, but ALL of them!

Friend, God cares for us more than we know, and He is fully aware of every crisis we are facing. Worry accomplishes NOTHING, so when you are in a situation that you are powerless to resolve, cast all your cares upon Him and hand the situation over to the Lord! because GOD IS CONCERNED ABOUT YOU.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
While Many May Not Totally Believe Or Embrace All Parts Of The Bible, There Are Many Points On Which

While many may not totally believe or embrace all parts of the Bible, there are many points on which many will agree. For example murder certainly is not good and neither is stealing, lying, and generally not following “The Golden Rule.” All these are clear to grasp and easy to understand, but as Mark Twain infamously said, it is parts like today’s Bible verse that are a real stumbling block for a lot of people.

Here’s the thing about “God’s Word” is NOT an easy path through life, but a Difficult One. To follow what God says requires discipline, dedication, and determination to look past the temptations and distractions of this world and aim for the high goal of your calling to live a peaceable, productive, and prudent life.

As Twain points out, some of these injunctions to living — while straightforward to read and comprehend — are seemingly impossible to follow. For example in today’s verse on forgiveness, this is unbearable for many people due to their hurt, anger, or the injustice they received from someone, but here is how this is possible and what Twain did not understand.

As long as you try do this in your human strength it will always be either extremely difficult or nearly impossible, but once you receive the Holy Spirit of God in your life and totally yield to His direction, the Bible promises us that “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

Are you struggling with unforgiveness? As today’s scripture says, if you do not forgive you will not be forgiven. That is easy to understand but impossible to follow unless you let go of your pride, yield to the Holy Spirit and start simply by making a conscious, mental decision to forgive. (Don’t worry about emotionally “feeling” forgiving..that will come in time...)

Friend, if you 'GO WITH GOD', All Things then Are Indeed POSSIBLE. Unlike Twain’s dilemma, it is not a matter of understanding, but of faith, trust and obedience to the one that literally wrote the book. Then and only then will it be possible to have victory over all the difficult parts that you DO UNDERSTAND.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
In U.S. Courts At The Conclusion Of A Trial, The Verdict Is Either Guilty Or Not Guilty. Note That It

In U.S. courts at the conclusion of a trial, the verdict is either ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty.’ Note that it is not GUILTY or INNOCENT, but that does not mean that they are the same! Here’s why.

At the end of the famous O.J. Simpson trial, he was found Not Guilty, but was he Innocent? Personally (and this is NOT a political comment!) I agreed with the verdict because there were both no eye-witnesses to the crime, and from my perspective and the evidence presented he was (in my thought, right or wrong) not found to be guilty ‘beyond a shadow of doubt.’ Therefore, it is possible to be found “Not Guilty” but not wholly “Innocent.”

At the end of your life, you will stand before the Supreme Judge in the Heavenly Court, and because God is Holy and cannot have any sin in his presence, his eye-witness evidence of every one of your crimes (“secret sins”, Psalm 19:13) will be presented fully and your verdict will be beyond a shadow of doubt - ‘GUILTY!’ But here is the good news…there IS a way to be found INNOCENT!

“While we were still sinners Christ died for us, and we have been justified by his blood sacrifice and saved by that through him.” Romans 5:8-9 (paraphrased)

This scripture says that because what Christ did on the cross for you, all your sins have been completely exonerated and paid for. His blood wipes your record clean, and you will not just be 'not guilty,' but marked as INNOCENT.

Friend, if you have not accepted this pardon by the Eternal Judge, why would you not want to?? Do not delay – there is no guarantee you will have another chance before the judge puts down his gavel. Ask God to forgive you today and let the saving edict of his merciful judgement pay for the crime of all your sins and declare you INNOCENT.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
I Hate To Break It To You, But One Day We Are All Going To Die, But Heres Something You May Not Of Thought

I hate to break it to you, but one day we are all going to die, but here’s something you may not of thought of before.

When you come into this world, your SOUL is united with your BODY and after living a (hopefully long life) one day your body will die and at that point your soul will then be separated from your body. This physical death is what the Bible calls 'The First Death,' but the question is - what THEN happens to your SOUL?

The Bible teaches at death that your soul will go one of two places. If you are “in Christ” it will go directly to be with God, and you will not die again or face condemnation. However if you are NOT in Christ, your soul will be separated from God and you will wait in hell until the end of time, and at that point will be judged for your sins and faced a self-imposed condemnation where you will go into “..the Lake of Fire.” This is the SECOND DEATH - the death of your soul - but a death that will never end and continue for all eternity.

Wow!! That message is really brutal! … and YES it is, and perhaps the most harsh word I have ever written, but before you get angry at me, THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS, but here is the GOOD NEWS and the Truth!

You have been offered an acquittal - a full pardon for everything you’ve ever done wrong or evil in your life. There is no reason why you or anyone should experience a 'Second Death!' It is entirely up to you to believe or NOT BELIEVE what the Bible says, so if you have read this far, here is the conclusion of the matter.

Either: A) You will believe God’s offer of forgiveness, believe what His Word says in the Bible about avoiding this second death and take His offer of deliverance from this Second Death -or- B)You will come to your own conclusion that this is some stupid, superstitious, imaginary religious fairy tale not worth your consideration.

It is going to be one or another, but either way it is YOUR CHOICE.

Friend, THIS IS SERIOUS. You really do have a soul that will live forever, and YOU have a CHOICE how many DEATHS you believe you’ll have.


God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Most People Think Of Doing Wrong As A Series Of More Serious Sin On A Graduated Scale. That Is A Little

Most people think of doing wrong as a series of more serious sin on a graduated scale. That is a little white lie like 'The check is in the mail' is a lot less serious than murder.

Galatians 5:19 lists seventeen serious sins, from adultery to wild partying — and a lot of other grevious things inbetween — but none of them is greater than the PRESUMPTOUS SIN. So what is this sin and why is it the most damning?

Inwardly, everyone has a conscience, and when any of the so-called “deadly sins” are committed, people deep-down know they shoudn’t be doing them, but because it feels right or it’s justified in their mind...they do them anyway. However this most deadly of all sins circumvents conscience.

You see, whenever we presume, that is – determine in our minds that what we choose to do or believe is “right” and perfectly OK we fly in the face of the truth, and the #1 presumption of this is “I do not need (or) believe in God.” That, for certain is the surest way to eternal destruction because then you will be NOT innocent from the great transgression and final judgement of God.

This is serious! ALL SINS – no matter how heinous you’ve committed in this life — are forgivable, but the presumptuous sin is the great cosmic sucker punch you NEVER saw coming.

Friend, DO NOT make this - THE biggest of all mistakes.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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