Trial - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
(via Trial Of Brain Injury Implant At Stanford Proves So Successful Patients Refuse To Turn It Off)

(via Trial of brain injury implant at Stanford proves so successful patients refuse to turn it off)

A brain implant that allows people with head injuries to function again proved so successful in a trial that participants refused to turn the device off.

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7 years ago

Thursday, April 21, 1692

The magistrates write up warrants for nine more suspected witches: William and Deliverance Hobbs (Abigail’s parents), Mary Esty (sister of Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Cloyce), Sarah Wilds, Mary Black (a black slave in Nathaniel Putnam’s household), Mary English (wife of wealthy merchant Philip English), Edward and Sarah Bishop (often confused with Bridget Bishop), and Nehemiah Abbot (for which no real evidence of witchcraft survives) before continuing to the town jail. Mary Warren has given the magistrates little to work with, but as she is a confessed witch and an important asset into their investigation of the Proctors, they visit her a second time and prompt her to tell her story in more detail. Like before, Warren tells the story in incremental bits, interrupted by fits.

They show Warren a bible, urging her to describe the book she supposedly signed for the Proctors. Warren explains that John Proctor had brought the book and asked her to read it. She had not signed her name, but only touched it with her finger to find her place in the book, which left a black mark on the page. Despite this, she maintains that it is Elizabeth Proctor who is the witch in the household, unwilling to put definite blame on her master, even after confessing that he had threatened to burn her with fire tongs to bring her out of a fit. 

Meanwhile, Ann Putnam and Abigail Williams have been stirring up controversy in the Village by making their visions of George Burroughs known to the public. After the Thursday lecture at the Ingersoll tavern, Williams is heard talking of the specter of “a little black minister” who had lived in Casco Bay and had killed three wives and made nine witches. A man named Benjamin Hutchinson, listening to the conversation, asks Williams where she could see Burroughs, and stabs at the apparition with a fork, which, according to Williams, tears his coat, much as was the case with Bridget Bishop. Several other of the girls likewise fall into fits, inciting the men present to begin waving wildly at the air with their swords to kill the invisible attackers.

Thomas Putnam writes a letter to Hathorne and Corwin, warning them of a greater problem yet to come. As his daughter has suddenly named a minister as a suspected witch, they must tread carefully. In the letter, he thanks the magistrates for their service and attention, and attempts to prepare them for the coming news without naming George Burroughs outright. “We thought it our duty to inform your honors of what we conceive you have not heard,” he writes, “which are high and dreadful, of a wheel within a wheel, at which our ears do tingle.”

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3 years ago
When Engineering Any Structure, Each Element Of Construction Must Be Carefully Validated For Its Strength

When engineering any structure, each element of construction must be carefully validated for its strength and durability. For example in today’s picture, this iron bar is being tested for its tensile strength by bending it the extreme, and if it is found to pass the test for the place in which it will be used, it then can be trusted to perform for its designed purpose. While this is true in the physical world, it is even more true for people that can be used for God’s purposes.

You see, God not only needs people that are clean vessels, but also vessels that don’t have any cracks, clefts, or chips in their character. However in order to know that requires TESTING of that vessel through fire and trial.

Christian, if you desire to serve God, be prepared to place yourself under testing. Working through the ways of the flesh is never easy but the reward is twofold. One you will be more conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 12:2) but more importantly:

“Besides gold and silver vessels there are also vessels made of wood and common things, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will become a vessel for honor that has been sanctified and fit for the Master’s use and prepared for every good work.” 2 Timothy 2:20-21 (Paraphrased)

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
WORRY!Weve All Experienced It, But In Gods Word, It IsNotan Option!

WORRY! We’ve all experienced it, but in God’s Word, it is Not an option!

Worry in the original language here means 'to tear the remembrance of the mind apart,' and this is a classic practice of Satan whose primary goal in our lives is to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) When we follow Satan’s lead by worrying, It Is A Sin.

The positive response to worry instead is CONCERN which means “Having a healthy marked interest in a situation and being involved with a solution by responsibly taking charge for solving the problem by sifting through possible solutions.” Sometimes that is possible by being positively proactive, but other times that may NOT be possible and That’s Where PRAYER & FAITH Comes In!

1 Peter 5:7 says to “Cast ALL your cares upon him, for he careth for you” (!)

“All” doesn’t mean 50% or 70% or 90% of your cares, but ALL of them!

Friend, God cares for us more than we know, and He is fully aware of every crisis we are facing. Worry accomplishes NOTHING, so when you are in a situation that you are powerless to resolve, cast all your cares upon Him and hand the situation over to the Lord! because GOD IS CONCERNED ABOUT YOU.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

Read over 700 other messages like this at

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5 years ago

Monologue: The Time I Became the Worshipped Figure of a Cult

I’ve always been satisfied with the life I live. Sounds like something a boring person would say, right? Exactly! I was happy being a boring person, and I’m not ashamed of that. It was a good life. Did I like doing what I did? Not really but, it was easy, and I always had free time. I had more free time than working hours, so what I did in my working hours didn’t matter. I didn’t have much of a social life. In fact, I don’t have much of a social life. Hang on. Stop interrupting me; I’m getting there. Goodness gracious, you people are all in a rush aren’t you. Anyway, the other day I went to the museum, and made a couple jokes with some dumb kids. There was a mixture of coincidence and my dumb sense of humor that ripped away my ordinary life. I have a sense of humor that only old people seem to like. People always think my jokes sound too serious to be a joke, and they don’t get what I’m trying to say. No, I’m not just not funny. Humor is all subjective anyway. Back to where we were earlier, uhm, everything went wrong that day. I’m still unsure of the full details, but when I woke up the next day, there was a cult that worships me. Things led to things because cult people do weird stuff, and I was framed for murder. I swear I had nothing to do with any of this, so I plead confused. You want to know why I don’t have a lawyer? They murdered the lawyer too! When? Five minutes ago! If you haven’t noticed half of the jury is wearing gray robes and crocs? Wait a second. When did, you all get here. See, I told you! They’re a cult! Why are you all here? Go away! No, I’m not immortal! What kind of question is that, and how in the world did you manage to organize such a massive movement already. I’m literally a nobody. Did you just kill the judge? You people can’t do that! What is going on?

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11 months ago
 , , .

Другой помощник, который как бы он сам, но не совсем.

Sore!. , - Sor/.

Sore!Санс. Хотя он себя Сансом не называет, поэтому просто - Sor/Сор.

Придумала я ему такой дизайн со второй попытки и мне нравится!

Если почитать, что я там написала, можно понять, что он экспериментирует с душами, и не только. Он на самом деле изучает и искусственное изменение формы монстра (через душу, так как монстры состоят в основном из магии), и многое другое. Сор нашёл способ вывести черты характера из человеческих душ, а не только ДТ (DT/De-termination).

Он так же покупает души и экземпляры, но не всегда платит деньгами, он может заплатить услугой или своим экземпляром экспериментов. На самом деле Сор бы мог с лёгкостью пойти ловить всё что ему нужно самостоятельно, но ему нравится "вести бизнес".

Чем лучше экземпляр, тем больше он заплатит. Если это человеческая душа, с одной из 6 черт, плата будет не такой большой. За черту решительности или особенную черту платят больше (варьируется от редкости). А вот особенные экземпляры (например: душа Киллера, душа Кросса, глаз Эпика, душа Найтмера/Дрима, или яблоко с дерева эмоций(?) и тд) могут стоить невероятно дорого, даже если это не принесёт никаких успехов в исследованиях. Он любит коллекционировать диковинки из других миров (у него совсем чуть-чуть синдром Плюшкина).

А если говорить коротко: он злодей-учёный, что ставит аморальные эксперементов на живых существах (так ещё в остальном на разумных).

Спасибо за внимание!

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2 years ago
Amber Strikes Again!! This Time Dropping A Grumpy On What Johnny Loves The Most. .. #grumpy #shitsandgiggles

Amber strikes again!! This time dropping a grumpy on what Johnny loves the most. 💔 .. #grumpy #shitsandgiggles #shits #amberheard #turd #johnnydepp #depp #depphead #poop #Trial #celebrity #gossip #popculture #heard #celebritycouple #abusiverelationship #dump #poo #johnnydeppfans #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #johnnydepplove #johnnydeppforever #johnnydeppisinnocent #amberheardisanabuser #amber #Johnny #millionairelifestyle #millionaireminds #millionairelife #fame (at New York)

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12 years ago
James Bond - Skyfall 007//

James Bond - Skyfall 007/̵͇̿̿/‘̿̿ ̿ ̿̿

“We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are… One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.“ - Dench’s M quoting Lord Tennyson’s "Ulysses”

I’m going to miss Judi Dench as M in the Bond movies, she played the role well.


By tsarputte91

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5 years ago
"I Forgive You, Amber Guyger" Says, Brandt Jean
Would you forgive or not? Botham Jean's brother forgives, hugs convicted murderer Amber Guyger. Today I'm going to give my thoughts on Amber Guyger being sen...

Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link below.

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1 year ago

enga ya

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1 year ago
Main Dishes - Best Turkey MeatloafTurkey Meatloaf Gets Tons Of Flavor And A Tender Texture From Onion,

Main Dishes - Best Turkey Meatloaf Turkey meatloaf gets tons of flavor and a tender texture from onion, garlic, buttery cracker crumbs, and a super-tasty ketchup–brown sugar glaze.

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2 years ago


Jail Update: Dis my charges, they shit-of-the-bulls! This cat is trying to have me go down for its Catnip drug ring. My court date is Jan 9 at 9am.

Story behind the photo:

I got out of my yard one evening, on an adventure. I forgot to tell my hooma, they was worried sick. I just was checking out the neighborhood. I a free bun, do what I want. We got a lot of cats, a cat-gang, in my town. Most bad news. But I no judge. At like 5 am I was seen on the corner of these apartments, known for producing and selling Catnip, talking with this nice cat. Someone drove by and snapped this photo. Posted it to the books of faces. This cat tried to SELL to me. I don't even have Catnip. I eventually hopped off and that was it. I went and was cornered by two of his Cat-gang members, shortly after, ask if i was a snitch or rat. No, i am rabbit. My hoom found me as they had me cornered and were swatting at me when I tried to sniffs them.

Turns out the Catnip dealer on parole and got busted right after this photo was posted. Tried blaming me. Halp!!!

Cops won't listen to me. Think he has a thing against buns. Halp!!!! The Lop Lawyers

#FreeBunJovi #CatsLie


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2 years ago
Mooshu With The Lop Lawyers

Mooshu with The Lop Lawyers

Representing me, Bun Jovi, at my court trial.

Stay tuned!!! Will update!

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2 years ago

We made the news!!

Look at the turn out for my court trial this morning.

Rabbits from all over came out. If you see yourself, or know you showed up, feel free to tag yourself. Thank you, thank you!!

Me so grateful.

Posting the verdict next!

#JusticeForBunJovi #BunJovi #TheLopLawyers

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2 years ago

We won!!!

Frens - I a free bun. Not guilty, all charges dropped.

Judge wasn't easy on us, think he was frens with that cat loving cop. But Mooshu, with The Lop Lawyers, really came through.

Thank you for all the support.

Now to go pawwty with Love Remix for their birthday party. #BunJovi

P.S. We made the news, check my post before this one!

We Won!!!

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