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While Some In The World Were Shocked To See The Grammy Awards Performance Of The Song Of The Year WinnerUNHOLY(as
While some in the world were shocked to see the Grammy awards performance of the song of the year winner ’UNHOLY’ (as it was called) blatantly presented complete with demonic dance performed in red costumes with devil horns, those in attendance instead CELEBRATED by wearing lit devil horns on their heads, no doubt joined in glee by millions of TV on-lookers.
This open display of evil is propagating like ’wild fire’ and encouraging people to not only accept but CELEBRATE the devil and mock Christianity and God. However, none of satan’s schemes for fame are shocking to God because He has seen it all since satan’s fall from heaven. Ever since, satan has sought to be worshipped, and today he does so through Hollywood award programs and mega-events like the “Super Bowl.”
While every single person on this planet is precious to God (even those wearing devil’s horns) He is lovingly Long Suffering & Patient with man’s rebellious ways, yet His patience will very soon RUN OUT.
God is a Righteous God and most assuredly every single human being will stand before Him on Judgement Day as He takes an account of each life on earth. This is why every Christian who is reading this needs to make a conscientious intention to carry JESUS everywhere you go, not only in your countenance, but in your words and actions, so that people can see TRUE LIGHT, and not be blinded by the false light being sold to the masses.
Time is running out!! The Lord commands all that are in Him that while living in this world, we are not be a part of this world. Make sure that you live your life that way, and not participating or celebrating the ever increasing evil growing around us.
Friend, if you don’t know Christ, please come to HIM! Don’t follow anything that the devil entices you to see or do, because he is full of lies and deceit. He is destroying so many thousands of souls who are blind to his ways and are weak minded. Direct your life toward Christ who will show you a life full of joy and abundance, because He alone is The Way, The Truth and the Life!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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Satan Loves Religion, is all FOR it, and wants even MORE of it! Does that sound crazy? Actually it isn’t…it’s been his plan from the very beginning.
One of the most effective techniques Satan uses to turn people away from God is getting people to think they have to DO SOMETHING in order to enter eternity, nirvana, become ‘enlightened’ or acceptable to a god or gods. Religion in a nutshell is EXACTLY THAT - Man’s attempt to please god.
Religion requires that there are RULES to follow, and that you must do something in order to be worthy or accepted, either by a divine being or by a group that demands that you adhere to an established creed. In the end, it is an endless treadmill of actions, mantras, and rituals with the ultimate goal of distracting the practitioner of seeing the truth of who God is and what He really wants.
The plain truth is God Does Not Want Your DEEDS, He Wants Your DEVOTION. The ‘Faith’ referred to in today’s scripture verse at heart is about having a Relationship with God, and not repetitive ritual. Just as a child has a loving relationship with it’s father, so our Heavenly Father wants to have that self-same intimate relationship with us. This is what Christianity is all about – Relationship NOT Religion.
If you are living a life based on doing something to gain God’s favor, God instead is waiting for you to simply say, “I LOVE YOU GOD. THANK YOU FOR BEING MY HEAVENLY FATHER.” Have you said that yet? If not, do it today.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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Most people think of doing wrong as a series of more serious sin on a graduated scale. That is a little white lie like 'The check is in the mail' is a lot less serious than murder.
Galatians 5:19 lists seventeen serious sins, from adultery to wild partying — and a lot of other grevious things inbetween — but none of them is greater than the PRESUMPTOUS SIN. So what is this sin and why is it the most damning?
Inwardly, everyone has a conscience, and when any of the so-called “deadly sins” are committed, people deep-down know they shoudn’t be doing them, but because it feels right or it’s justified in their mind...they do them anyway. However this most deadly of all sins circumvents conscience.
You see, whenever we presume, that is – determine in our minds that what we choose to do or believe is “right” and perfectly OK we fly in the face of the truth, and the #1 presumption of this is “I do not need (or) believe in God.” That, for certain is the surest way to eternal destruction because then you will be NOT innocent from the great transgression and final judgement of God.
This is serious! ALL SINS – no matter how heinous you’ve committed in this life — are forgivable, but the presumptuous sin is the great cosmic sucker punch you NEVER saw coming.
Friend, DO NOT make this - THE biggest of all mistakes.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
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Jesus is acceptable — as long as people define him the way they want!
For some, Jesus was the original radical - a 'power to the people' socialist that was against an oppressive ruling class where everyone is equal and all are provided for. For others he’s all about doing your own thing/can’t we all just get-along kind of guy where anything goes as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, and lastly he may be one of the great ascended masters showing the way to a higher plane of consciousness and wholeness.
However when Jesus asked Peter, he responded that he was none of these, but was THE CHRIST — the anointed one from God who was the Messiah and Saviour of the World.
You see, Jesus is NOT about politics (the Radical) or personalities (Popular Culture) or pundits (a Guru). As Peter said, the 'who' Jesus is is far beyond these popular 'truths' that seek to please a particular view of the world, social lifestyle, or type of spirituality.
This leaves all of us with the same question — Who Do YOU Say Jesus Is? and why?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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What does it mean to 'Stand' or to 'Take A Stand?'
In life, all of us also chose to 'take a stand' FOR or AGAINST something, be it one team over another, one political party over another, or one ideology over another. Between each of these there is always a line of CONTENTION and CHOICE, and people make a decision to 'take a stand' and be on one side of that line or another.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas crossed the line and changed his stand from the side with Christ to the side against him. Likewise, just as Judas made a decision and stood with those that opposed Jesus, you also (whether you realize it or not) are standing on one side of this same line or another.
Friend, there are two sides of a LINE on which all of us are currently standing regarding Christ.
On Which Side Of This Line Are You Standing?
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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Whenever something is repeated in the Bible, God is asking us to Pay Attention!
Twenty-Five times Jesus used the phrase “Truly, Truly” and when all these verses are aggregated, it reads in the paraphrase that follows:
Verily, Verily I say unto you…
When you were young you thought yourself strong, you went and did whatever you wanted, but as you moved towards the end of your life you realized you needed help and reached out your hands to take you to a place you could not go on your own.
But those that have been deaf will now hear my voice, and those that do and believe in God and believe in me will not be condemned, but will pass beyond that place of death and go unto eternal life.
Before Abraham was, I AM, and in ancient days manna sustained people seeking after God, but your Heavenly Father is now offering you THE TRUE BREAD FROM HEAVEN. Now is the time to eat and drink from me as THE BREAD OF LIFE, but those that do not will not have my life in you.
All those that do not are in sin, and are the servants of sin. Although there are some that seek me, and have been filled with the good food of my sayings many still do not receive my testimony.
Instead, those that do not enter into my sheepfold but try entering into eternity by their own way are trying to steal their way in like a thief and a robber.
But I am the door of the sheep, and UNLESS YOU ARE BORN AGAIN of water and of the Spirit, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. All those that keep my sayings will never see death.
On earth I did nothing of my own but I did what I saw the Father do. Likewise for all that believe in me, the works that I do you will also do - and even greater! Because I have gone unto my Father, you do not have to ask me anything because whatever ye will ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you. The servant is not greater than his lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
All those that receive those that I have sent receive me, and all those that receive me receive God who sent me.
There was once one that betrayed me… And another that denied me three times.
When a seed goes into the ground it has to die, but afterwards springs forth and bears much fruit. (I shall also go into the ground and die) and you will be sorrowful while those against me will rejoice, but your sorrow will be turned into joy, especially when you see the time that heaven opens and the angels of God will be ascending and descending upon me.
'VERILY,' & 'TRULY' in the Greek New Testament is the word we know as 'AMEN' and truly these are the words and teachings that he wants us to have utmost in our minds.
Friend, as Jesus has said all these things to us, let us also respond saying 'AMEN!'
AMEN VERSES (all and only found in the Gospel of John): John 1:51, 3:03, 3:05, 3:11, 5:19, 5:24, 5:25, 6:26, 6:32, 6:47, 6:53, 8:34, 8:51, 8:58, 10:01, 10:07, 12:24, 13:16, 13:20, 13:21, 13:38, 14:12, 16:20, 16:23, 21:18
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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