Patience - Tumblr Posts
I don't mind
it's times like this where the sun wraps me in an almost unbearable embrace
its embrace feels like a nuzzle onto my cheek
its embrace also feels like harsh clasp on my skin
the way it's heat creates perspiration on my temples, as it leisurely travels down my jaw
this, I don't mind
its times like this when the bustling trees and buzzing insects send a pleasant hum all throughout my body
the trees feel rough, nipping at my fragile skin
the insects, despite the claims, I connect with as I stare in wonder
the weight of my feet onto the solid ground
the way my heart pounds in my chest as I peer up into the sky
this, I don't mind.
it's times like this where I'm happy I'm alive
In love's vast puzzle, we each hold a piece,
Yearning for connection, longing for release.
But forcing the fit, a fruitless endeavor,
For love cannot be coerced, no matter how clever.
Like puzzle pieces, unique in design,
Love finds its match in its own due time.
We search and we seek, hoping to find,
The missing piece to ease the heart and mind.
Yet patience is key, as we wait and we learn,
That love's true beauty will eventually discern.
Forcing pieces together only brings strife,
But letting love unfold is the essence of life.
So trust in the process, let fate take its course,
For love cannot be forced, like puzzle pieces, of course.
The Fragile Thread: Can Trust Be Restored After Betrayal?
Can trust be restored once it's broken, or is it forever damaged? This question lingers in the hearts and minds of many who have experienced betrayal. Trust, the fragile thread that binds relationships, can be ripped to pieces in an instant but takes a lifetime to build. When that bond is broken, the pain and disillusionment can feel insurmountable, leading one to wonder if the pieces can ever be put back together.
Rebuilding trust requires immense effort from both parties. It demands honesty, transparency, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. The one who broke the trust must show genuine remorse and a commitment to change, while the one who was betrayed must find the strength to forgive and the patience to rebuild. This process is neither quick nor easy; it is fraught with setbacks and requires continuous effort and reassurance.
However, some believe that once trust is broken, it can never truly be restored. The shadow of doubt lingers, and the fear of being hurt again can overshadow any attempts at reconciliation. The relationship, though it may continue, is forever altered, marked by an invisible scar that serves as a constant reminder of the past. Trust, once lost, might be irreparably damaged, leaving both parties to navigate a new, uncertain dynamic.
Ultimately, whether trust can be fully restored or remains forever fractured depends on the individuals involved and the depth of the betrayal. Some relationships emerge stronger, having faced and overcome their darkest moments. Others, however, may find that the chasm created by broken trust is too wide to bridge, leading them to part ways or redefine their connection. The answer lies not in a universal truth, but in the unique journey of each relationship.
The Virtue of Patience: Embracing the Power of Waiting
Shaina Tranquilino
September 17, 2023

Patience has become a rare virtue. We live in an era where instant gratification is the norm, and waiting seems like a waste of time. However, little do we realize that patience holds immense power and can transform our lives in numerous ways. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of patience and how it can bring about positive changes.
1. Cultivating Emotional Stability:
Patience acts as a catalyst for emotional stability. When faced with challenging situations or setbacks, maintaining composure and keeping emotions in check becomes easier when one practices patience. Rather than reacting impulsively, taking a step back and allowing time to pass offers clarity and helps us make rational decisions.
2. Building Stronger Relationships:
The ability to be patient is crucial when it comes to building healthier relationships with others. Whether it's with family members, friends, or colleagues, conflicts are bound to arise. By exercising patience, we allow ourselves and others room for growth and understanding. It enables us to empathize with different perspectives, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts amicably.
3. Pursuing Personal Growth:
Patience plays an integral role in personal development journeys. Often, we set ambitious goals but grow frustrated when immediate results aren't visible. Patience reminds us that progress takes time and encourages perseverance through setbacks or moments of doubt. It allows us to enjoy the process rather than solely focusing on the end result.
4. Nurturing Creativity:
Patience is closely linked to creativity; some of humanity's greatest artistic achievements have come from years of dedication and practice. Artists understand that true mastery cannot be rushed; it requires countless hours of honing skills and experimenting patiently until inspiration strikes. By embracing this mindset beyond artistry alone, anyone can tap into their creative potential.
5. Enhancing Mental Well-being:
In a world filled with constant distractions, patience offers solace to our restless minds. By practicing patience, we can learn to be present and appreciate the beauty of each moment. It helps us let go of unnecessary worries about the past or future, reducing stress levels and promoting overall mental well-being.
Patience is not an innate trait for most individuals; rather, it's a skill that requires conscious effort and practice. In a society that values immediacy, cultivating patience becomes even more crucial. As we embrace this virtue, we unlock its transformative power in various aspects of our lives – from relationships and personal growth to creativity and mental well-being.
So, let us remember that great accomplishments often stem from patient perseverance. Let us be willing to wait when necessary, knowing that, in due time, the fruits of our labor will emerge beautifully. Embrace the power of patience and watch as life unfolds before your eyes with newfound grace and contentment.

I wish that I could forgive as easily

Appetizers and Snacks - Air Fryer Salt and Vinegar Pumpkin Seeds Use your air fryer to roast pumpkin seeds flavored with salt and vinegar. Three ingredients and a little bit of patience are all you need to whip up this crispy, addictive snack.

Bonsai Fruit Trees Next Hobby Learn More:

The Whirlwinds, Amulets of the Goddess
Nancy Blair
Whirlwinds, whirling images, wavy patterns = motion.
+ trusting the invisible
+ transformation, transition, thwarting stagnation
+ butterfly imagery = human transformation, hexagon in the center creates a protective border
+ every idea and inspiration and change has a gestation period. If the winds of change brought everything you wanted at once, you would be overwhelmed, caught in a hurricane of events; inevitably sabotaging yourself. The gentle hands of the Goddess will bring you what you need when you need it.
+ disconnect yourself from the storms that may be distracting you. Find your center.
+ luck happens only when preparation meets opportunity.
+ make sure that your plan is clear to you so the forces of change can follow your course accordingly
+ keep your outcome in mind, no matter what is going in around you
+ external circumstances have no sway over me.
We come from Whirlwinds
Living in the Whirlwinds
Go back to the Whirlwinds
Turn your world around
When I was ten years old and too young to know, my mother gave me a gift. It was wrapped with honesty, tied with a ribbon, old style. When I took off the cover, I was most surprised to find underneath, a smile. She said, keep it with you always, and when the world seems dull, this will be your saving grace. When I was fifteen and struggling with puberty, my mother gave me a gift. It was wrapped…
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Blue is a beautiful color

on colors and being different and not being enough for yourself
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#bloggeralert #Contemplation: Exercise & limits in recovery from breast cancer treatment. Post treatment/operation there are three things that the trainer & client definitely have to contemplate: #Patience, #Progression & #Practice. Check out the rest of the quick blurb: Like, tag, share. #dbAthinkpinkseries #thinkpink #pinktober #breastcancerawareness #dbAfam #dbAextendedfam #teamdbA #dbAfitness #teamjusbrandit #bgaffiliate #teamagilitysportstt Big up @rebelusian for the photo!
Sometimes you feel so alone that it hurts inside but the thing is you have people around you and yet they won't understand. They only person to go to is God, he will hear you but its just the response sometimes can be a while. So what I need now is prayer, peace, and patience.
“You want nothing but patience—or give it a more fascinating name, call it hope.”

Pulled out the 📸 to show you the baddest women on television via daniel ezra from Instagram

Family ♥️ (via chelsearoycetavares instagram)